Contas de Negociação.
Binance é uma troca de moeda criptografada, focada principalmente no mercado chinês. Claro, você ainda pode usá-lo, se você estiver em outro lugar.
A empresa, segurança de fundos.
A Binance é uma empresa chinesa relativamente nova, criada por profissionais experientes no espaço da criptomoeda. O nome mais conhecido por trás deste projeto é o de Changpeng Zhao, ex-CTO da OKCoin.
A Binance foi criada depois de atrair fundos através de uma oferta inicial de moedas (ICO, Initial Coin Offering), criando um novo ativo digital, apoiado pelo projeto. Os tokens do BNB agora podem ser negociados na bolsa, ou usados como um método de pagar suas taxas de negociação, o que irá reduzi-los em 50%. Além disso, uma pequena porção da moeda deve ser paga à empresa para votar na enquete da comunidade, o que determina qual altcoin será adicionada à troca seguinte.
Dito isto, sempre que uma nova moeda é adicionada, a Binance realiza algum tipo de distribuição promocional para os clientes existentes. Geralmente envolve rastrear os maiores detentores do novo ativo e recompensá-los com moedas extras. Embora estes não possam ser tomados como um meio garantido de obter mais altcoins, eles chamam a atenção para o novo produto tradign.
Dada a sua breve história, não é surpreendente que Binance ainda não tenha sido invadido. Dito isto, a questão mais óbvia dessa troca é o fato de operar na China. Dadas as recentes iniciativas das autoridades locais, não seria surpreendente vê-las registradas em um país diferente.
As revisões de usuários em inglês no Binance, enquanto poucas, são bastante positivas. Mais uma vez, devemos reiterar que esta ainda é uma empresa muito nova, no momento em que escrevo esta revisão.
Condições de negociação.
Instrumentos de negociação (criptocorrências)
A Binance oferece um número substancial de moedas, que são negociadas principalmente contra Bitcoin e Ethereum. Por outro lado, as duas moedas principais também estão emparelhadas com o USDT (USD Tether Tether, um ativo digital, respaldado por dólares norte-americanos, que visa manter uma relação de preço de 1: 1). A lista de moedas disponíveis no Bitnancie inclui, mas não se limita a (especialmente porque novas são adicionadas com frequência): BTC, ETH, LTC, Cco, OMG, IOTA, ICN, MCO, SAL, KNC, SNRS CTRm, FUN, BQX , XVG, ZRX e BQX.
Depósito inicial mínimo.
A Binance não fornece informações sobre o valor do depósito mínimo. Como cobrimos principalmente corretores de forex, estamos acostumados a empresas que declaram essa informação abertamente. A necessidade de um nível mínimo de depósito está associada aos custos legais de abrir uma conta, o que pode exceder as possíveis comissões que você fará com um corretor, se você estiver negociando muito pequeno. Dito isto, várias empresas não têm um mínimo exigido, como os líderes da indústria regulados pela FCA no IG.
A negociação de margem não está disponível no Binance. Para aqueles de vocês que não estão familiarizados com o mundo do comércio & ndash; Este é um sistema que permite negociar com mais dinheiro do que você realmente tem em sua conta. Seu saldo é então usado como garantia para manter sua posição aberta. Como exemplo, os corretores de forex exigem muito pouco em garantia, a fim de manter posições maciças. Os chamados índices de alavancagem podem chegar a 1: 500 ou mais. Por exemplo, o XM oferece 1: 888 em alavancagem.
Dito isto, o espaço de criptomoeda é muito mais volátil, daí a necessidade de taxas mais baixas. Trocas e corretores de forex, raramente oferecem mais do que 1:20 em alavancagem.
A estrutura de taxas da Binance é simples de entender, mas, mais importante, muito competitiva no ambiente atual. Há uma taxa fixa de 0,10% em todas as negociações. Outras bolsas frequentemente separam os clientes com base no seu volume de negociação e na maneira como entram / saem de uma transação (os comerciantes que fornecem liquidez à bolsa geralmente obtêm alguns benefícios).
Por outro lado, os corretores de forex incorporam os custos de negociação no spread. Embora compará-los seja um pouco como comparar maçãs com laranjas, fizemos uma análise lado a lado dos dois serviços aqui.
Plataforma de negociação.
A plataforma de negociação da Binance é baseada na web. Além disso, oferece dois layouts de negociação distintos, um mais simples e um & ldquo; Pro & rdquo; versão. Visualmente, isso nos lembra muito da plataforma fornecida pelo Bitstamp. Veja como a plataforma padrão "& rdquo; parece:
A carteira de encomendas é colocada à esquerda e, mais interessante, é organizada verticalmente. Apesar de ser um pouco avant-garde, isso não é de forma alguma exclusivo. A fita está no canto inferior direito, com um feed de notícias colocado diretamente acima dela. No geral, a apresentação parece agradável. O & ldquo; Pro & rdquo; versão, por outro lado se parece com isso:
Isso nos lembra muito da plataforma do Bitstamp. O posicionamento da carteira de pedidos e da fita é um pouco mais conveniente, com eles sendo agrupados. O pacote de gráficos também parece um pouco mais sofisticado, mas não é nem perto do padrão da indústria de forex ao qual nos acostumamos, o MetaTrader4 (MT4).
Métodos de pagamento.
Binance é uma das bolsas que não aceita pagamentos em moeda fiduciária e se concentra apenas no lado digital das coisas. Os clientes podem depositar e retirar as moedas suportadas na troca.
Binance é uma troca de criptomoedas criada por um antigo membro-chave da OKCoin. Enquanto a empresa se concentra principalmente no mercado chinês, todos são bem-vindos. Dito isto, eles não aceitam depósitos em dinheiro fiduciário. A quantidade de moedas disponíveis para negociação é relativamente alta e continua crescendo, mas existem outras bolsas que oferecem as mais exóticas. A principal questão que temos com Binance é que o projeto não existe há tempo suficiente para se provar. Aqui estão os prós e contras desta troca:
Nossa experiência.
Como mencionamos no início da nossa revisão do Bitstamp, depois de testar seus serviços, transferimos algumas moedas para a Bittrex para experimentar moedas mais exóticas. Enquanto o Bitstamp oferece apenas quatro das principais criptomoedas - ndash; Bitcoin, Ethereum e Litecoin, o Bittrex suporta mais de 190 ativos digitais.
O que era altamente incomum na Bittrex era o vasto número de carteiras disponíveis. Havia páginas e páginas, mas, novamente, todos os ativos de negociação devem ser suportados. Tivemos o cuidado de transferir nosso recém-adquirido Litecoin para o endereço apropriado. Nós escolhemos a Litecoin, já que as taxas de rede (não cobrada pela bolsa, mas pelo blockchain real) por uma transferência de Bitcoin eram um pouco altas demais.
Uma vez que recebemos as moedas começamos a negociar, depois de passar por Bitcoin várias vezes, como a maioria das altcoins são negociadas contra ela. Depois de alguns dias, percebemos que tínhamos algumas Bitcoin & ldquo; change & rdquo; sobrando. Isto foi obviamente devido a execuções parciais. Aqui está uma prévia das várias carteiras que temos e da & ldquo; mudança & rdquo; esquerda no terceiro (clique para ampliar):
Embora as 29 páginas possam parecer assustadoras no início, existem vários filtros, incluindo a opção para & ldquo; ocultar os saldos zero & rdquo ;.
Bittrex é uma das mais populares trocas de criptomoedas. Sua principal vantagem contra os principais concorrentes, como o Kraken ou o Bitfinex, é a diversidade de moedas disponíveis para negociação. Basicamente, cada moeda em que você pode pensar é negociada no Bittrex.
A empresa, segurança de fundos.
A Bittrex, INC é baseada nos EUA, mais especificamente em Nova York. É uma das poucas empresas que se candidatou ao controverso "BitLicense". Se você não estiver familiarizado com a história, o Departamento de Serviços Financeiros de Nova York (NYDFS) planejou regulamentar as trocas de bitcoin em 2015, o que pode ser considerado um tiro pela culatra. Muitas empresas optaram por não passar pelo rigoroso processo regulatório e simplesmente saíram de Nova York. Enquanto pelo menos nove solicitaram uma licença, apenas três foram aprovados por dois anos. O fato de empresas conceituadas decidirem desistir, combinado com o processo lento, faz com que toda a lei pareça ineficaz. Embora o regulamento não faça de Nova York um centro de comércio criptográfico, o Bittrex ainda está no processo de requerimento.
Quando se trata da segurança de seus fundos na Bittrex, a empresa oferece e recomenda o uso de autenticação de dois fatores, que é uma medida padrão na indústria. A troca ainda não sofreu uma grande invasão, ao contrário de outras. No entanto, há alguns relatos de pessoas alegando que suas contas foram invadidas. É difícil verificar suas reivindicações ou se elas não são responsáveis por erros como ter uma senha fraca ou não ativar a autenticação de dois fatores.
As críticas de usuários do Bittrex são bastante positivas. Os traders gostam da sensação da plataforma de negociação real (que cobriremos em breve) e da diversidade de altcoins. Dito isto, dado o número de ativos disponíveis para negociação, deve-se ter cuidado ao transferir moedas para Bittrex. Alguns dos problemas do usuário com a troca envolvem a política da empresa sobre a recuperação de moedas transferidas para a carteira errada, à qual chegaremos na seção Métodos de pagamento. A outra queixa frequente tem respostas lentas do suporte ao cliente, mas a quantidade de mensagens negativas não chega nem perto das do Poloniex.
Atualização: Embora a maioria dos comentários sobre Bittrex tenham sido positivos, a empresa aparentemente bloqueou muitas contas nos dias em torno do garfo duro do Bitcoin Cash. Isso impediu que os clientes vendessem seu Bitcoin enquanto o mercado subia. Enquanto não tivemos nenhum problema, com a nossa conta de testes, muitos outros traders tiveram. Confira a seção de comentários abaixo desta revisão para reclamações. Nós reduzimos a pontuação sólida desta troca como resultado.
Condições de negociação.
Instrumentos de negociação (criptocorrências)
Como mencionamos no começo, a maior vantagem do Bittrex vem da infinidade de moedas alternativas que ele oferece. Atualmente, existem mais de 190 ativos digitais disponíveis para negociação. Existem dois tipos de mercados no Bittrex & ndash; USD e Bitcoin. Como os seus nomes sugerem, em um deles você está negociando moedas contra o dólar americano, enquanto no segundo você está negociando contra o Bitcoin. Os ativos mais exóticos estão disponíveis apenas no segundo tipo de mercado.
Depósito inicial mínimo.
Bittrex não fornece qualquer informação sobre o nível mínimo de depósito. Embora esta seja uma prática comum com as trocas de criptomoedas, estamos acostumados a corretores forex fornecerem essas informações livremente. Alguns até apontam os baixos níveis que eles têm como vantagem competitiva. Por exemplo, você pode abrir uma conta de centavos na FXTM com apenas US $ 5.
Não há negociação de margem na Bittrex, no momento em que escrevo esta revisão. Dito isto, a empresa anunciou que está trabalhando em sua implementação. Corretores de Forex, que fornecem negociação de bitcoin (como o IG), sempre fornecem margem de negociação. Além disso, quase todas as suas ofertas envolvem negociação de CFDs, o que é um pouco diferente da negociação baseada em troca. Para uma descrição completa das diferenças entre os dois, leia esta revisão.
A taxa de negociação na Bittrex é de 0,25%. Isso está de acordo com as ofertas atuais fornecidas por outras bolsas, embora esse valor fixo não seja aplicado com frequência. Por exemplo, algumas bolsas oferecem uma taxa diferente para os fabricantes de mercado. e compradores ", incentivando as pessoas a fornecer liquidez ao seu livro de ordens. Um formador de mercado (neste contexto, não deve ser confundido com os criadores de mercado forex) é uma negociação que faz uma oferta ou pergunta sobre a bolsa. A & ldquo; tomador & rdquo; é alguém que compra diretamente da melhor oferta disponível (ou vende na melhor oferta). Além disso, descontos para grandes comerciantes também são fornecidos em algumas bolsas, com base no volume de negociação mensal.
Plataforma de negociação.
Como a maioria das outras trocas de criptografia, a Bitttrex oferece uma plataforma baseada na web. Parece bastante fácil de usar, oferecendo vários recursos. O pacote de gráficos é médio & ndash; Pior do que o fornecido por let & ms dizer MetaTrader4 (MT4), mas muito melhor do que os que oferecem outras trocas. Existem vários indicadores técnicos disponíveis, mas novamente não tanto, como estes disponíveis nas principais plataformas de negociação forex. Aqui está o que parece um gráfico no Bittrex (clique para ampliar):
A carteira de encomendas também parece muito intuitiva e como se tivesse sido desenvolvida por alguém que está familiarizado com a negociação. O & ldquo; star & rdquo; A coluna no lado interno de ambas as tabelas, bid e ask, é preenchida com um & hellip; estrela, depois de ter feito um pedido. Isso facilita reconhecer visualmente os níveis de preços nos quais você está disposto a comprar ou vender. Aqui está uma prévia (clique para ampliar):
No geral, as plataformas de negociação Bittrex são uma das melhores que vimos, sem grandes desvantagens.
Métodos de pagamento.
Os pagamentos de e para o Bittrex só podem ser feitos através de criptomoedas. Dada a pletora de carteiras disponíveis, deve-se ter cuidado para não depositar no errado. Encontramos um comentário de um indivíduo, que erroneamente transferiu seu Bitcoin Cash para sua carteira normal do Bitcoin. A equipe de suporte conseguiu ajudá-lo, mas você deve estar ciente da política oficial da empresa sobre esse assunto. É rever essas transações somente se elas envolverem moedas no valor de mais de US $ 5.000 e cobrar uma taxa de 5% para corrigir o problema.
Embora usuários relativamente inexperientes gostem de depositar via Cartão de Crédito / Débito ou soluções on-line como Skrill ou PayPal, eles terão que passar por outra parte antes de negociar na Bittrex.
O Bittrex é uma das maiores trocas de criptomoedas. Sua principal vantagem sobre a concorrência é a disponibilidade de múltiplas moedas alternativas & ndash; mais de 190 e contando. Dito isto, a empresa não aceita depósitos em dinheiro fiduciário & ndash; em vez disso, eles só operam no cryptoverse. Esta é uma limitação para pessoas inexperientes, mas se elas quiserem se aventurar nos ativos disponíveis no Bittrex, teriam que fazer alguma pesquisa de qualquer maneira. A plataforma de negociação parece sólida. No geral Bittrex é um concorrente de topo para pessoas que estão procurando trocar moedas alternativas mais exóticas. Aqui estão os prós e contras de negociar com o Bittrex:
Notícias da Indústria Forex.
Corretores de forex mais recentes.
Forex trading carrega um alto nível de risco e pode não ser adequado para todos os investidores. Antes de se envolver na negociação de divisas estrangeiras, por favor, familiarize-se com os seus detalhes e todos os riscos associados a ela. Todas as informações no ForexBrokerz são publicadas apenas para fins de informação geral. Não apresentamos garantias quanto à precisão e confiabilidade dessas informações. Qualquer ação que você tome com base nas informações que você encontrar neste site é estritamente a seu próprio risco e não seremos responsáveis por quaisquer perdas e / ou danos relacionados ao uso do nosso site.
Todo o conteúdo textual em ForexBrokerz é protegido por direitos autorais e protegido por lei de propriedade intelectual. Você não pode reproduzir, distribuir, publicar ou transmitir qualquer parte do site sem nos indicar como fonte. A ForexBrokerz não reivindica direitos autorais sobre as imagens usadas no site, incluindo logotipos de corretores, imagens de estoque e ilustrações.
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Avaliação de corretagem online canadense & # 8211; Questrade
5650 Yonge Street.
Horário de Atendimento ao Cliente: de segunda a sexta, das 8h às 20h ET.
Revisão de Questrade.
Atualizado em: 27 de abril de 2017.
Fundada em 1999, a Questrade é uma das várias corretoras on-line canadenses independentes. Como seus pares, a Questrade oferece negociações on-line para ações, ETFs, fundos mútuos, opções e títulos. Além disso, a Questrade também possui negociações on-line para moedas, CFDs e barras de ouro. Eles também suportam planos de reinvestimento de dividendos (DRIPs).
Desde o início, a Questrade tem trabalhado ativamente para se posicionar como uma das principais opções entre investidores e comerciantes conscientes dos preços. Ser novo e independente significa que a Questrade conseguiu aumentar sua marca por meio da inovação. Historicamente, eles foram os primeiros no lançamento de produtos (como os RSPs do dólar dos EUA) ou rápidos para responder às tendências dos investidores autônomos. Para esse fim, a Questrade recentemente colocou muito foco no desenvolvimento de sua plataforma (Questrade IQ), na interface de usuário da conta e no fórum da comunidade (“o Exchange”).
Informação Rápida
US $ 0,01 (min) no plano Advantage.
US $ 4,95 no plano Standard.
US $ 9,95 (no plano padrão)
Este tópico contém 24 respostas, tem 2 vozes e foi atualizado pela última vez por Collin 2 dias, 21 horas atrás.
Na Questrade, as comissões de negociação padrão são calculadas em US $ 0,01 por ação, com um custo mínimo de comissão por negociação de ações de US $ 4,95 e um co máximo [Ver postagem completa em: sparxtrading / canadian-online-brokerage-review-questrade /]
Este tópico foi modificado há 3 anos, 3 meses por Ken Y.
[Editado pelo moderador]
Cuidado com o Questrade !!
Só quero avisar as pessoas sobre esta plataforma horrível. Eu tive várias experiências ruins com eles nos últimos anos, mas deixei passar até agora. Hoje foi a última gota. Atualmente possuo um estoque. Na semana passada recebi uma chamada de margem e a cumpri depositando $ 8.000. Alguns dias depois, recebi outra chamada de margem informando que o valor de $ X era hoje às 13h. Eu estava em uma consulta médica hoje quando eles me ligaram ao meio-dia e enviaram um e-mail dizendo que eu estava em uma chamada de margem em tempo real. Assim que cheguei ao meu carro (menos de 5 minutos), liguei. Falei com alguém e expliquei que estava na estrada e ele me colocou em espera e, em seguida, voltou e confirmou que eles me dariam até 01:00 EST. Corri para casa e fiz uma transferência por US $ 5.230 imediatamente, respondendo ao e-mail de chamada de margem mais recente com uma captura de tela da transferência, conforme necessário. Como sempre faço, chamei-os imediatamente para garantir que tudo fosse recebido e as coisas estavam bem. Eu falei com [nome editado] e ele me assegurou a não se preocupar, que estaria tudo bem. Ele começou a discutir outra coisa, e aí mesmo, quando eu estava ao telefone com ele (depois de conversar com ele por aproximadamente 15 min), vejo que uma grande parte das minhas ações é liquidada. Eu disse a ele isso e ele disse: "Ah, não, isso não pode estar certo." Depois de me dizer que ele iria investigar, eu recebo um e-mail logo após pedir desculpas pelo inconveniente. Eles me custaram quase US $ 5.000 e pedem desculpas pelo meu inconveniente. Liguei e falei com a gerência [nome editado], e fiquei no telefone por uma hora e meia e novamente me disseram “Desculpe” e que o prazo de chamada de margem é simplesmente uma cortesia e não precisa ser respeitado.
Isso é inaceitável. Minha esposa e eu somos clientes há alguns anos e sempre aderimos a todos os procedimentos. Eu quero garantir que o Questrade perca isso, permitindo que todos os possíveis clientes saibam que é assim que a empresa é executada. E qualquer cliente atual - seja extremamente cauteloso, ou eu aconselharia, como eu vou fazer - movimentar seu dinheiro assim que puder.
Obrigado por compartilhar suas experiências e por destacar os desafios de negociar com margem. As chamadas de margem são sempre estressantes, mas é melhor ter a oportunidade de tomar as medidas adequadas, em vez de serem automaticamente liquidadas ou interrompidas. A julgar pela sua experiência, no entanto, isso soa como um cenário horrível para se ver desdobrado ou ter que lidar. Com a ação do whipsaw nos mercados, negociar na margem tem sido, provavelmente, um prego para muitos. Dito isto, outros podem definitivamente ver, a partir de sua experiência, que, em uma "conformidade de risco" & # 8217; cenário (ou seja, chamada de margem), as corretoras reservam-se o direito de cuidar primeiro de si / da exposição ao risco. Espero que haja ganhos em seu futuro para compensar essa perda.
Questrade é muito ruim. Eles têm taxa de ECN oculta. Fui cobrado US $ 90 em uma transação para vender 100 mil ações da moeda de um centavo. Encontre outro corretor que não tenha escondido a taxa. Caso contrário, você se arrependerá.
concordou, eles são terríveis. em um dia de negociação, eles me cobraram US $ 700 por 25 transações realizadas. Eu sou oficialmente lívido e preciso encontrar uma plataforma de negociação diferente sem taxas ocultas.
A decisão não fica mais fácil para novos caras olhando para começar a negociar ações. Todo fórum ou site que eu vou está me empurrando de um corretor para outro.
Sendo jogado sendo IB e Questrade até hoje. Eu sei que realmente depende do tipo de investimento em que você estará envolvido. Uma coisa é certa: não é tão simples quanto ganhar $ 1000 e ir direto a ele & # 8221;
E quanto ao Easy-Forex?
Alguma experiência com eles?
Egh, nunca mente! Você não pode negociar ações com eles, apenas FX. Agora estou pesquisando demais!
Eu gostaria de avisar todos os correntistas da Questrade e qualquer um que pretenda negociar no futuro através desta "recentemente minha conta foi hackeada por alguém e ele fez um grande número de negociações sem o meu conhecimento e dentro de uma hora. A Questrade não possui sistema para informar ou sinalizar o usuário de tal fraude ou violação de segurança. Eles não me alertaram mesmo depois que uma quantidade tão grande de transações aconteceu na minha conta. Afortunadamente eu entrei pela noite e para minha surpresa minha conta estava em uma bagunça enorme. Quando liguei para o suporte ao cliente, tudo o que eles tinham a dizer era que eles não são responsáveis em caso de violação de segurança. Este é um problema enorme ... isso pode acontecer a qualquer um a qualquer hora. Eu sofri uma enorme perda sem culpa minha.
Esteja avisado que o que quer que o Questrade prometa a você por meio de seus agentes ao abrir uma conta NÃO será honrado por vários motivos bu $% $ ^ @ # $. Pena que eu tivesse transferido muito dinheiro antes de saber que eles não honrariam o acordo. Estou vendendo tudo e cancelando minha conta assim que o mercado me permitir. Pode me custar dinheiro extra, mas eu não posso apoiar uma empresa que é totalmente mentirosa para você abrir grandes contas e depois culpar a minha compreensão. Eu entendi direito! Estou fora daqui.
Revisão de Questrade para 2018 & # 8211; Código de oferta promocional de US $ 50.
Parabéns! Se você está pensando em abrir uma conta de corretagem com desconto Questrade, você provavelmente já conseguiu controlar suas finanças pessoais e agora está pronto para colocar seu dinheiro para trabalhar para você. Leia a nossa análise detalhada sobre Questrade abaixo e aproveite nosso exclusivo código promocional Questrade quando abrir uma conta RRSP ou TFSA. Em seguida, sente-se e observe seus investimentos crescerem, enquanto você se concentra em cortar as taxas de investimento para o osso absoluto!
Resumo de Revisão de Quests.
Nossa Avaliação: 4.5 / 5 В.
Não perfeito, mas barato, confiável e grande Promo.
Conclusão: Questrade é o líder de baixo custo do Canadá, com negociações de US $ 4,95 e compras de ETF sem taxas! Recomendamos esta corretagem de desconto para todos os investidores canadenses que fazem menos de 40 negócios por mês.
Ou apenas insira o seguinte código promocional Questrade - a1b9d1d9.
Questrade Promo Offer Code: Exclusivo para YoungAndThrifty.
Quando você combina nossa oferta promocional especial de US $ 50 em negociações gratuitas, com o fato de poder comprar Quftrade ETFs por US $ 0 - basicamente você está garantindo a si mesmo nenhum custo de negociação por vários anos de reequilíbrio de portfólio. - Zero dólares em custos de negociação equivale a mais dinheiro na sua conta de investimento! Simplesmente clique aqui para aproveitar o nosso código promocional de US $ 50 em negociações gratuitas ou digite o código a1b9d1d9 quando chegar ao site da Questrade.
Intro: Nossa experiência com Questrade.
A Questrade está em operação desde 1999 e é a maior corretora on-line canadense independente. Eles são super populares entre os investidores do-it-yourself como eu principalmente por causa de suas taxas ultra-baixas. Desde o primeiro dia, a Questrade se concentrou em oferecer uma plataforma simplificada que competia principalmente com base em suas vantagens de baixo custo. Enquanto eles adicionaram vários sinos e assobios ao longo dos anos (rotineiramente conquistando um dos melhores lugares no ranking da Globe and Mail's & MoneySense Magazine), sua principal atração para investidores como eu é a simplicidade deles e seu compromisso contínuo em manter o custo líder de poupança no mercado canadense.
Todos nós da Young and Thrifty estamos na Questrade há mais de 7 anos - então você está obtendo a sabedoria coletiva de várias experiências do usuário durante um período prolongado de tempo. Enquanto eles oferecem muitas opções diferentes como parte de sua plataforma geral, vamos nos concentrar principalmente em seu pão e manteiga - as contas de corretagem simples que permitem comprar e vender ações e ETFs para as taxas mais baixas no Canadá.
Eu pessoalmente tenho sido um usuário do Questrade há mais de oito anos e estou muito feliz com a plataforma e a empresa. Antes da Questrade, eu estava com uma corretora do Big Bank e estava insatisfeita com as altas comissões que eu pagava em todas as transações que eu fazia. (Naquela época, quando o peixe grande conseguia se safar com a cobrança de US $ 25-30 por troca). Quando encontrei o Questrade, fiquei muito feliz com o valor de US $ 4,95 por transação, e esse preço baixíssimo não aumentou desde oito anos atrás - na verdade, agora você pode comprar ETFs GRÁTIS (eles ganham algum dinheiro quando você os vende, é claro).
Se eu estiver procurando por uma mosca na pomada da minha revisão do Questrade, eu seria capaz de fazer sem as freqüentes mudanças de plataforma (os problemas originais da plataforma agora parecem resolvidos) e que o aplicativo móvel não é exatamente de tirar o fôlego. Dito isto, Questrade realmente evoluiu nos últimos oito anos em uma excelente opção para investidores canadenses DIY.
O Questrade é considerado o líder de baixo custo do Canadá, tem taxas de contas baixas a inexistentes e as comissões mais baixas do Canadá em apenas US $ 4,95 / trade. Eles aumentaram sua presença de investimento on-line canadense nas últimas duas décadas para agora administrar US $ 4,5 bilhões em ativos.
Comparação: Questrade vs RBC, Scotia iTrade e TD Direct.
Aqui está uma visão geral de como a Questrade se compara a três dos principais corretores do Canadá: RBC, Scotia iTrade e TD Direct. Embora o custo tenha caído consideravelmente de US $ 25 a US $ 30 por transação no período, para apenas US $ 10 por negociação, ainda existem algumas áreas, como taxas de contas registradas, nas quais a Questrade simplesmente supera a concorrência.
Como você pode ver, o preço do Questrade é incomparável. Â Se você comparar o Questrade VS. RBC, VS. Scotia iTrade e VS TD Direct, Eles têm preços muito mais baixos. Na verdade, esses são os preços mais baixos do Canadá, sem dúvida. Quando você está apenas começando, essas taxas de conta podem realmente prejudicar o crescimento da sua carteira, porque US $ 100 é uma porcentagem bastante grande dos US $ 3.000 que a maioria de nós começa a investir. Indo com Questrade permite que o investimento composto retorna bola de neve para ficar maior e ganhar impulso em um ritmo mais rápido.
Se você estava pensando em Questrade VS TD Direct, Scotia iTrade ou RBC, definitivamente achamos que Questrade vence a competição a qualquer momento. Escrevemos uma peça inteira sobre as melhores corretoras do Canadá. Também testamos o Questrade contra o Qtrade (disponível em uma nova página) e recentemente analisamos o concorrente mais próximo da Questrade em nosso Virtual Brokers Review, assim como em nosso confronto entre Questrade e Virtual Brokers. custear corretoras de desconto canadenses.
Vantagens do Questrade.
Aqui está o que diferencia a Questrade de algumas das outras opções no mercado canadense.
1. É barato!
Com um mínimo de US $ 4,95 e um máximo de US $ 9,95, o Questrade se recusa a ser derrotado nessa área. O total que você paga se comprar ações gerais de empresas médias está quase sempre abaixo de US $ 6,00. A única vez que se aproxima do valor de US $ 9,95 é se você está comprando centenas de ações ou unidades. Â (A taxa global é de $ 4,95 + $ 0,01 para cada ação ou unidade.) Â Se você está comprando tostão ou dezenas de milhares de dólares em um único estoque, então você pode atingir esse ponto máximo de preço, mas eu nunca chegue perto. Naturalmente, eu pago quase todas as taxas devido ao recurso de compras de ETFs sem taxas que realmente diferencia Questrade para mim.
A outra coisa a ter em mente é que, desde que comecei a investir na Questrade há oito anos, os preços não subiram. Não há muitas empresas que podem dizer isso em qualquer setor!
Se você negociar opções, será $ 9,95 + $ 1 por contrato. (Pessoalmente, eu quase nunca recomendaria a alguém começar em opções, então eu vou deixar por isso mesmo.) Eles também têm menos taxas escondidas do que muitas outras corretoras.
Quanto você pode economizar se for com Questrade versus outras corretoras?
Vamos dar uma olhada se você estiver determinado a comprar e vender ações individuais e não seguir a nossa estratégia preferida de investimentos em ETFs. Vamos ser conservadores, e dizer que você faz um comércio por mês (e isso só conta compras, não vendendo - afinal você não está pronto para a aposentadoria, certo?).
Sessenta dólares podem não parecer muito, mas com o tempo e agravados, isso certamente se soma. Depois de ter um portfólio um pouco maior que requeira mais balanceamento e / ou começar a comprar e vender mais ações ou ETFs, esses US $ 60 podem ser facilmente multiplicados por 3x-5x.
2. Questrade ETF Investing.
Se você decidir adotar o índice de investimento com ETFs baunilha (como os que recomendamos aqui), a diferença nas taxas de investimento se torna ainda maior. Essas taxas de investimento costumavam ser a única vantagem que os fundos mútuos tinham sobre o investimento em ETF e por que muitas pessoas costumavam recomendar a introdução do TD-eSeries de fundos mútuos (ainda não é uma opção ruim). A Questrade negou completamente essa vantagem com suas compras livres de ETF. Para a maioria dos portfólios abaixo de US $ 200.000, o reequilíbrio geralmente pode ser feito simplesmente adicionando-se a qualquer classe de ativo sub-representada no momento - não há necessidade de vender nada para equilibrar sua carteira. Â · (Se tudo isso soa como uma língua estrangeira para você, leve 30 minutos para folhear nosso e-book gratuito, onde explicarei detalhadamente todas essas informações de investimentos ETF / índice). Isso significa que você basicamente não paga dinheiro. investir através do Questrade (se você mantiver uma estratégia de ETF / índice disciplinada) até que você já tenha começado a construir alguma riqueza séria.
Compra de três fundos negociados em bolsa como parte de sua carteira todos os meses = $ 0 (Antes de 2013, isso custaria US $ 4,95 x 3 x 12 = US $ 178,20 por ano).
VXC-В Vanguard FTSE All-World Ex-Índice Canadá ETF.
VCN - Vanguard FTSE Canadá All-Cap Index ETF.
VAB - Vanguard Canadian Aggregate Bond ETF.
Outras Corretoras ETF Investing:
US $ 9,95 x 3 ETFs x 12 = US $ 358,20 por ano.
Se você é um fã de ETF, ir com Questrade é óbvio. Você pode economizar US $ 358.20 por ano e não precisa se preocupar com o tempo do mercado, porque você está comprando "o mercado" a cada mês, se é para cima ou para baixo.
Se você economizar US $ 358,20 por ano a uma taxa anualizada de crescimento de 8,0%, após 40 anos, essa economia quase equivale a US $ 108.000. US $ 108.000! Falar sobre a magia dos juros compostos.
Warren Buffett, meu ídolo, adora juros compostos e sua recomendação para o seu patrimônio depois que ele se foi é investi-lo em fundos de índice de baixo custo, exatamente como os que estamos recomendando. Os gurus de investimento do Índice reiteram a chave real do tempo para O sucesso do investimento não é saltar sobre as ações mais quentes, mas sim concentrar-se em manter os custos tão baixos quanto possível.
3. Sem comissões ao comprar ETFs.
Conforme ilustrado no exemplo acima, o que diferencia a Questrade de algumas das outras excelentes opções de corretagem com desconto no Canadá é que não há comissões cobradas na compra de fundos negociados em bolsa. Isso começou em 2013 e eu tirei proveito disso através da compra de ETFs em uma base mensal, sem qualquer custo adicional. Isso faz com que o seu sofá batata investir muito mais fácil e realmente, um acéfalo. Foi um trocador de jogo na época, e continua a ser um grande privilégio que nós recomendamos aproveitar.
Não há preocupações sobre usar apenas ETFs específicos ou ter valores mínimos de compra ou algo assim. Â Basta transferir o dinheiro para a sua conta Questrade e comprar os mesmos ETFs que você fez no mês ou trimestre anterior. Obter rico geralmente significa definir um plano chato e, em seguida, executar com eficiência - não é emocionante, mas é muito eficaz se você pode ficar longe de taxas desnecessárias.
Enquanto o recurso ETF livre certamente brilha em relação à concorrência de corretagem on-line, onde você realmente vê a diferença é quando você compará-lo com os métodos tradicionais de investimento em fundos mútuos no Canadá. O Canadá tem os fundos mútuos com os maiores preços do mundo - muitas vezes cobrando no território de 2,5%. Isso pode facilmente mastigar 30% -50% dos retornos do investidor médio ao longo das décadas de poupança de aposentadoria responsável. Â Mantenha seus investimentos simples e de baixo custo com a corretora de desconto da Questrade ou uma opção de consultor robo!
4. Nenhuma taxa anual para contas registradas.
As contas registradas sem taxa são outra das mudanças de jogo de Questrade que forçaram o mercado a se ajustar. Lembro-me de quando me inscrevi pela primeira vez para um TFSA em um dos grandes bancos, fui cobrado uma taxa de administração anual de US $ 100. Esta foi outra razão pela qual tirei meu dinheiro do Grande Banco e troquei para Questrade. Questrade não cobra nenhuma taxa anual para contas registradas (como um RRSP ou um TFSA), permitindo que você mantenha mais do seu dinheiro arduamente ganho. Se você pensar em uma taxa de US $ 100 aplicada à sua contribuição de US $ 5.500 TFSA (limite de contribuição máxima anualmente, por escrito) que é de 1,8% ali mesmo no topo - um matador de retornos futuros. Atualmente, as taxas anuais para os grandes bancos estão em torno de US $ 50, o que é melhor, mas obviamente ainda não é tão bom quanto US $ 0.
5. Segurando USD no RRSP ou TFSA da Questrade.
Outra grande coisa sobre Questrade é que eles permitem que você mantenha USD em suas contas registradas. Eu tenho investimentos em USD no meu RRSP e a opção para fazer isso é ótima. É bom saber que eu não tenho que fazer a conversão de moeda temido desnecessariamente quando eu tenho USD para investir. Você também pode converter seu CAD em USD com seu conversor de moeda também ou usar o Gambit de Norbert para economizar dinheiro em taxas de câmbio. Evitar taxas de conversão de moeda desnecessárias são outra maneira de manter seu dinheiro trabalhando para você, em vez de ir para pagar o terceiro iate do Bay Street CEO!
6. Questrade pagará sua taxa de transferência.
A Questrade pagará pela sua Taxa de transferência cobrada de sua outra instituição financeira, desde que você transfira um mínimo de US $ 25.000. Este pagamento da taxa de transferência é um bom negócio, considerando transferência de taxas pode ser pesado (como US $ 150) na maioria dos lugares. Â Quando combinado com o nosso código de oferta promocional Questrade, é obviamente um incentivo bastante forte para as pessoas mudarem da sua outra corretora para a Questrade.
7. Centro de IPO da Questrade.
Se você está interessado em comprar IPOs, então você pode estar interessado em saber que o Questrade permite que você compre IPOs GRATUITAMENTE (sem comissões). Se você estava se perguntando o que é um IPO, ele significa Oferta Pública Inicial, e ocorre quando uma companhia privada abre seu capital (oferece ações em uma bolsa de valores) pela primeira vez, como o Snapchat fez recentemente. Em um IPO Center, onde você pode ver os IPOs mais recentes, inscreva-se no Boletim IPO. Para comprar um IPO basta clicar em "comprar" e preencher o formulário.
Dito tudo isso, devo observar que entrar no jogo IPO é arriscado e não é realmente relevante para a maioria dos investidores de varejo - especialmente aqueles que estão apenas tentando executar estratégias super simples de investimento de índice.
Revendo os Contras
Claro que, com a natureza ultra-low-cost de Questrade, surgem algumas compensações. Aqui estão algumas das áreas que o Questrade poderia usar alguma melhoria.
1. Atendimento ao Cliente.
Embora tenham feito melhorias em seu serviço ao cliente, ainda está atrasada em comparação com alguns de seus concorrentes de serviço completo (mais caros).
O recurso "Chat with Us" permite que você digite e converse instantaneamente com um representante do Questrade (de segunda a sexta das 8:00 às 20:00 EST), mas você não pode fazê-lo nos finais de semana e se você digitar uma mensagem, ser uma resposta automática por e-mail - ainda não é uma opção ruim, mas não tão boa quanto a solução imediata do problema. “Chat With Us” é provavelmente a melhor maneira de entrar em contato com alguém no Questrade, e quando você entra online durante esses horários, alguém responde e digita de volta para você em poucos minutos. Usamos esse recurso várias vezes e sempre recebemos um serviço rápido, no entanto, alguns revisores on-line tiveram mais experiências negativas para relatar.
Você também pode telefonar para eles (eu não telefonei desde que comecei a conversar conosco, mas lembre-se de esperar em espera por pelo menos 20 a 30 minutos) e as horas são de segunda a sexta das 7:30 às 20:00 EST ).
Outras corretoras do Big Bank são maiores e, consequentemente, fornecem mais serviços, como suporte por telefone 24 horas por dia. Se isso é mais importante para você do que a redução de custos absolutos, o Questrade pode não ser o melhor ajuste.
Eles têm muitas informações de auto-ajuda, como o Exchange (contém blogs, instruções, vídeos e informações pré-impressas, como iniciar sua conta). Pessoalmente, prefiro fontes de informação como essa que posso acessar on-line e permitir que eu resolva meus problemas sozinha, em vez de esperar em algum lugar para que um funcionário se familiarize com minha conta.
Em última análise, a maioria dos comentários negativos que eu li online vem de investidores que estão tentando fazer manobras bastante complexas ou são comentários criados há vários anos em artigos de revisão da Questrade como o antigo, quando eles ainda estavam refinando suas plataformas online. Se você se ater a estratégias de investimento básicas, como as que recomendamos neste site, eu duvido que você tenha algum problema. Se você está tentando transformar o seu dia em riqueza, fazendo dezenas de negócios todos os dias em uma conta de margem na qual está fazendo empréstimos, então uma plataforma on-line mais cara pode atender melhor às suas necessidades. Eu só acho que é um segmento tão pequeno da população que não vale a pena entrar em profundidade.
2. A plataforma muda com freqüência.
Como mencionado anteriormente, o Questrade mudou sua plataforma algumas vezes (perdi a conta nos últimos oito anos), mas me acostumei com isso. Leva alguns meses para se acostumar com a nova plataforma visualmente, mas eventualmente tudo se torna uma segunda natureza novamente e, em geral, a plataforma é fácil de usar. As atualizações do Questrade deixaram o site com uma aparência melhor e mais moderna, então a mudança geralmente é para melhor. Dito isto, a plataforma, apesar das atualizações, é fácil de usar e muito intuitiva, você pode pegá-lo em poucos minutos.
Este pode ser o caso de muitas outras corretoras de negociação on-line, (ouvi rumores semelhantes sobre todas as corretoras de descontos em algum momento), mas há algum tempo de inatividade sempre que a plataforma é atualizada ou atualizada em que você não será capaz de acessar suas contas em tudo e você verá apenas uma tela que diz "desculpe pelo inconveniente" ou algo parecido. Eu tive algumas experiências isoladas quando eu entrei enquanto uma mudança de plataforma estava em andamento, apenas para ver os erros aparecerem na minha página de histórico da conta. Esse tempo de inatividade tem sido cada vez menor, uma vez que o Questrade melhorou ao longo dos anos, mas ainda não é algo que eu esperaria de uma plataforma de serviço completo como as que os Big Banks publicaram.
3. O aplicativo móvel do Questrade pode ser melhorado.
Eu não sou um operador ativo e quanto mais difícil eu acessar minhas contas, melhor (ou seja, terei que me sentar em meu computador para revisar minhas contas), porque isso significa menos ajustes na carteira. Dito isto, se estivermos sendo honestos em nossa análise, é preciso mencionar que o aplicativo da Questrade não tem sido o seu empreendimento mais bem-sucedido até hoje.
Eu não sou uma grande pessoa de aplicativos (gosto de ver toda a tela do meu computador quando faço meu investimento), mas em fóruns de leitura relacionados ao Questrade, muitos clientes que usam o aplicativo não estão satisfeitos com isso. Agora, a Questrade está prometendo grandes novidades com o novo aplicativo que será lançado em qualquer dia. No momento, na App store há uma classificação de "uma estrela" no aplicativo e foi atualizada em 2015. Você pode rolar para baixo para ver algumas capturas de tela do aplicativo se comprar ETFs ou ações do seu celular for um acordo para você.
Em um mundo perfeito, o aplicativo Questrade incluiria menos correções de bugs e mais usabilidade. mas ainda é mais do que suficiente para investidores de índice que só querem dar uma espiada em seu portfólio de tempos em tempos e estão ocupados demais para entrar em seu computador.
Atualização de janeiro de 2018: a tão aguardada atualização do Questrade para seu aplicativo móvel foi lançada no verão de 2017 e foi relatada pela maioria como uma grande melhoria. (Novamente, eu não posso realmente dizer se eu gosto ou não pessoalmente, porque minhas necessidades de investimento são tão "baunilha simples" que eu nunca tive muitos problemas.)
O novo Questrade Mobile App funciona perfeitamente em smartphones e tablets e está disponível nas lojas iTunes e Google Play.
Edward Kholodenk, Presidente e CEO da Questrade anunciou o seguinte no lançamento do aplicativo: "A grande maioria dos canadenses espera poder ter acesso a seus investimentos a qualquer momento, de qualquer lugar, em um ambiente muito intuitivo e fácil de usar." Este novo aplicativo está em resposta direta ao feedback de nossos clientes sobre o desejo de gerenciar todo o processo digital de investimento financeiro versus simples negociação on-line. Isso oferece o tipo de experiência holística e perfeita que queremos que nossos clientes tenham. "
Christine Day, CIO da Questrade explicou que, “A Questrade Mobile agora oferece a maioria dos recursos da plataforma online Questrade Trading - mas na palma da sua mão. Transformamos todo o processo de gerenciamento de investimentos em algo muito mais simples, literalmente apenas a um toque ou a um toque de distância.
O novo aplicativo é voltado para o comércio de pessoas com muito mais freqüência do que eu recomendaria, mas, mesmo assim, as melhorias nos alertas de dispositivos móveis personalizados para mostrar os principais movimentos ou oportunidades são bem legais. No geral, quando testei o novo aplicativo Questrade, ele pareceu muito mais responsivo e mais fácil de navegar.
Kholodenko concluiu o evento afirmando: “Desde o início de 1999, Questrade tem uma missão clara - preocupar-se profundamente em ajudar os canadenses a se tornarem financeiramente mais bem-sucedidos e seguros, fornecendo-lhes os melhores produtos de investimento, tecnologia e serviços ao cliente. Este é o próximo passo em nossa evolução tecnológica e ressalta nosso compromisso em ajudar os canadenses a alcançar a liberdade financeira enquanto estão em trânsito.
4. Avaliações on-line negativas datadas.
No espírito de tentar fornecer uma revisão imparcial da Questrade, apontamos algumas das preocupações comumente citadas sobre o investimento com o Questrade. Se você pesquisar online, você encontrará várias opiniões de pessoas que não são grandes fãs de Questrade. Eu acho que isso se deve principalmente a algumas razões:
Questrade inegavelmente teve alguns problemas de serviço ao cliente e plataforma 5 + anos atrás. Embora tenham percorrido um longo caminho e corrigido a maioria desses problemas, suas revisões negativas on-line vão durar para sempre. É natural que alguns clientes insatisfeitos dominem o feedback online em relação aos milhares de fãs (como eu) que tiveram muito poucos problemas com a plataforma. Ao executar manobras de negociação on-line mais elaboradas e complicadas, você pode querer alguns dos sinos e assobios de uma corretora mais cara. Se você é um investidor de índice simples, você provavelmente terá muito poucos problemas. Kyle e Justin relataram ter tido 0 problemas com a plataforma - mas, novamente, eles compraram apenas alguns ETFs repetidas vezes e nunca tentaram abrir uma conta de margem, fazer uma ordem de limite ou usar opções.
Podemos apenas relatar diretamente quais foram as nossas experiências e, para todos nós, a enorme vantagem das baixas taxas valeu bem alguns soluços aqui e ali. Em geral, as pessoas devem estar geralmente satisfeitas com a Questrade porque seus ativos sob números de gerenciamento continuam explodindo a cada ano!
Prêmios do Questrade de 2017 para Melhor Empresa Gerenciada e Corretagem Online Mais Popular.
A Questrade continuou sua corrida como corretora on-line do Canadá de crescimento mais rápido ao longo de 2017, continuando a reduzir as taxas até seu ponto mais baixo absoluto e a melhorar sua plataforma em todos os dispositivos. Ao aumentar seus ativos sob gestão em US $ 5 bilhões e abrir mais de 30.000 contas em 2017, é difícil argumentar com a escolha bruta do consumidor nessa escala. В.
O Questrade Financial Group teve o orgulho de anunciar que ampliou sua série de vitórias como uma das melhores empresas gerenciadas do Canadá - para seis anos consecutivos (distinção Gold Winner). Emma Horgan, Chief People Officer (ok, eu poderia fazer sem o título brega, mas seguir em frente) respondeu à honra dizendo: “Acreditamos que entregar um ótimo serviço começa internamente, trazendo pessoas excepcionalmente talentosas e atenciosas a bordo. Estamos mudando a forma como os canadenses encaram seus serviços financeiros, concentrando-se na acessibilidade, na tecnologia inovadora e fácil de usar e, é claro, nos excelentes membros da equipe da Questrade que realmente se importam com nossos clientes. Nós colocamos as pessoas em primeiro lugar - e é assim que deve ser. "
O prêmio de empresas melhor gerenciadas reconheceu empresas canadenses que demonstraram “liderança incansável, inovação implacável, uma cultura de trabalho em equipe e compromisso com novas tecnologias, globalização, projetando sistemas de informação e contratando os talentos certos para facilitar o crescimento”.
Embora seja bom ver que a Questrade está ganhando prêmios de gestão, para mim, a maior vantagem em seu limite coletivo é o fato de que a revista MoneySense reconheceu o corretor on-line como a conta de corretagem online mais popular para fazer você mesmo (DIY ) investidores. Citando o fato de que a J. D. Power recentemente pesquisou investidores canadenses e descobriu que 88% dos clientes da Questrade usam a empresa para investimentos DIY (em oposição à média de 67% para outras corretoras on-line). Isso é provavelmente devido ao foco incansável da Questrade em manter as taxas o mais baixo possível!
MoneySense também credita Questrade, fazendo o top pick nas categorias de "Getting Started", "User Experience", "Taxas & amp; Comissões e melhor para os ETFs. Isso resume muito bem porque Questrade é a nossa corretora de desconto mais recomendada e porque continuamos a usar a plataforma nós mesmos!
Uma espiada dentro do Questrade.
No Questrade review would be complete without taking a look at the various platforms. В You can always check out Questrade's free trial to pretend to see what the platform looks like and tinker around with it without risking any real money.
Here's what Questrade's platform and watch list looks like and what the order entry to buy shares looks like:
Here's another example of what a watch list might look like with the Questrade trading platform. В I really like the colours in the red and green to help you discern/ visualize how the stocks that you are watching are doing more easily. В If you're wondering what a watchlist is, the basic idea is that if you pick stocks you might want to keep your eye on how your "targets" are doing at any specific time. В This allows you to quickly pull up a screen and see if there have been in any movements in the companies that you are interested in.
Here's what Questrade's investment return page looks like in the chart format, there are other formats such as the graph format too if you prefer that: В As you can see, it's an easy way to visually analyze your portfolio's performance.
Here is what a detailed quote would look like on the Questrade Platform. В It is similar to that of most online brokerages, but if you haven't used it before this might look a little intimidating. В The truth is that once you get beyond the initial scariness, the math involved is not that difficult. В You can see how much each share costs, what the ticker symbol is (AAPL), and how the stock has fared over the last few years. В Personally, I don't use this information all that much because again - I am a couch potato investor - but it's there if the need to pick stocks is an itch that must be scratched.
Questrade IQ Edge.
Another platform that Questrade has, if you trade frequently and want to look like you are a day-trader (complete with two computer screens!), and it is free to use and switch to, and a matter of preference, if you like a darker screen rather than a white one and if you want more trading options than the regular platform.
With the IQ Edge, you can have a custom trading environment (you can adjust the platforms on your screen to accommodate your own preferences better). В It also has pre-installed option trading layout, and IQ Edge gives you the ability to make advanced trading orders, such as conditional orders and multi-leg options strategies. В IQ Edge is highly customizable and created for advanced traders (not my style).
Here's a screen shot of what IQ Edge looks like, as you can see it's much more detailed compared to the regular Questrade Platform, and is complete with advanced trading tools:
IQ Web Platform.
Finally, if you would like yet another Questrade Platform to choose from, there is another free platform you can switch to. В With the IQ Web platform, you can personalize it by adding 'gadgets' so that these are easily accessible only to you when you log on.
Here is a screen shot of a quote on IQ Web (don't worry it's not my margin account number, but a screen shot of a sample Questrade account):
Here's what IQ WebВ looks like and the options for the gadgets that you can add to personalize your platform:
Of all the different platforms, which one is for you? В Well it's very individual. В But personally, I like the regular one just fine and don't have any inkling to try out the other platforms. В The basic one works just fine for my needs. В However, it is nice that it is an option to switch to if needed.
Questrade Mobile App.
Here are a few shots of what the Questrade Mobile App platform looks like.
Image 1 is what a quote would look like on the mobile app. В It is available for both iOS and Android. В It is synced with your online trading account so you can trade and look at your portfolio 'on the go' which is very appealing for busy people who can't get in front of the computer. В The Mobile App platform includes research tools like Intraday Trader and Market Intelligence so you can look up your favourite stocks.
Of course it's not as detailed as the regular platform, but it performs well if you need to just execute a trade quickly or want to look at your portfolio during your commute on the bus.
Image 2 is what an order entry screen would look like on the Questrade Mobile App, as you can see it's pretty straight forward and replicates what the order entry screen would look like on their regular platform.
Finally, Image 3 is what your watch list would look like on the Questrade Mobile App.
Statement and Account Histories.
Statements are online and posted on the 15th of each month.
Here is what the statement screen looks like, the number of statements available is reflected under the month, and all you have to do is download them to look at them. В The actual PDF statements are super detailed with colours and graphs galore! В It breaks it down to your performance to date and even compares your performance to a few years ago. В It also details all the dividend payouts, all the transactions etc and is very very detailed. В My account statement is 14 pages long, that's how detailed it is! В There is no need to worry about all this reporting if you are super simple index investor, but it's comforting to know that it is there nonetheless.
Here is an example of one of the pages in the detailed statement you will receive monthly:
One of the great things that I like about Questrade is that you can quickly toggle and review your account activity, and sort by date (e. g. to look at the previous month), and by activity (such as trade, dividend, or withdrawal). В It's really handy to have when you want to quickly review what your dividend income has been across all your accounts.
Here's a look at the bar where you can toggle your account activity by date and activity, as you can see you can "select all" or "deselect all" or even just select individually. В In this picture I have selected Trades and Dividends. В Once you select that a summary of all the trades and dividends that you have requested for that time period will show up. В You can then export it to Excel if you wish.
Why I'm Sticking With Questrade After Eight Years.
Hopefully you now have a good idea of what Questrade looks like before you decide to take the plunge. В Instead of switching to another brokerage, I have stuck with Questrade. В Why have I been a loyal Questrader for the past eight years?
Well there are a few reasons for this:
I really really like the free Exchange Traded FundsВ ( no commissions charged for purchase of exchange traded funds ) that started in 2013 and that dramatically lowered the cost of my index investing. В To me, this is a huge feature when compared to other brokerages. В I am able to dollar cost average and purchase on a monthly basis to avoid trying to time the market (which we all know doesn't work that well for most people). I really like the overall low fees and how the fees have not increased since I signed up eight years ago. В You really can't beat $4.95 a trade (unless it's the $0 per trade ETFs offer). I like that Questrade is 'grassroots' and Independent and not affiliated with a big bank or oligopoly. В I have always liked rooting for the underdog. I like that they have a refer a friend program. В For every friend you refer, you get $25 deposited into your account, and for every third friend you refer, you get a $50 bonus. В If your friend deposits $1,000 they get $25 into their account, and if they deposit $50,000 into a new Questrade account, they get $100 into their account. The chat function В to access customer service for Questrade is perfect for me (I'm not a phone person). В I'm not familiar with the Big Banks' customer service and whether they have a chat function, but I don't like waiting on the phone for 45 minutes to speak to someone. (In fact, I don't really like speaking to people in general, so the ability to just instant message someone is great.) I also like that there is no annual fee for registered accounts . В When you have a finite amount that you can deposit into registered accounts (e. g. $5,500 annually for the TFSA), the last thing you need is to get gouged by fees.
Funding the account is easy , all I have to do is transfer money as if it were a bill payment - I've been doing it for eight years with 0 problems. According to MoneySense's Canada's Best Online Brokerages of 2016, Questrade ranks as the best for fees and commissions and has honourable mention for overall best independent broker and ease of use. В It stands out as overall best independent broker because of its steady improvement in service.
How to Sign Up with Questrade.
As long as you're properly prepared, signing up for Questrade is super easy. В All you need are a few minutes in front of the computer, some government issued identification, and of course, the determination to tackle the basic steps of DIY investing.
Clique aqui para abrir uma conta. В To open an account, you'll need to the following:
Your email address Your name as it appears on your government issues identification Your Social Identification Number Information about your employer Your phone number Create a user ID and password and set up your security questions Choose an account to open (you can save time by clicking on the Packaged Tab to open a TFSA, RRSP, and margin account all at the same time) Put in Young and Thrifty'sВ OFFER CODE "a1b9d1d9" to save $50 Continue following the prompts and sign the agreements online (they accept esignatures to make signing up for an account even easier) UploadВ your documents (e. g. Photo ID) to Questrade for verification Your account is now open and you can feel free to take a peruse around the platform Then fund your account! В You can use an electronic fund transfer from your bank via direct deposit or check out the chart below for more option to fund your account. В If you В need a bit more help, Questrade has a good 1 minute video on how to fund your account The minimum deposit is $1,000 to purchase stock and options, and if you were thinking of opening up a Portfolio IQ account, you В just need $1 to open an account and $2,000 to start investing. Remember, you must keep at least $250 in your Questrade account to keep it in good standing If you would like a PDF tutorial on how to set up your account, Questrade has a great one through their The Exchange website. В It walks you step by step on what to do after you have successfully opened and funded your account.
Using our referral link, you will be entitled for $50 in free trade. If you have used a link other than ours and have not signed up yet, use our Questrade promo code В a1b9d1d9В upon sign up.
Online Security Guarantee.
Many people are wary of doing anything money-related in an online setting, let alone using a discount online brokerage to buy and sell investments, but Questrade points to their Online Security Guarantee when they wish to ease these fears. В They will guarantee 100% reimbursement of any unauthorized transactions from your account that result in direct loss. В That's a pretty cool safety feature that I hope I never have to use!
Questrade is also a member of the IIROC (Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada) and CIPF (Canadian Investor Protection Fund), which insures your account up to the limit of $1,000,000.  In excess of $1 million, you can contact Questrade at 1.888.783.7866 for additional private insurance of up to $10 million in protection.  If you’re not sure what the CIPF is, here is what their website has to say: “Investment dealer insolvency doesn’t happen very often.  In fact, since CPIF’s inception in 1969 there have been only 20 Member insolvencies.  CIPF has paid claims and/or related expenses of $43 million, net of recoveries, and no eligible customers have suffered a loss of property. "  To my way of thinking, that's a pretty rock solid track record.
What's Questrade Portfolio IQ?
Questrade Portfolio IQ is a new robo advisor function for Questraders who want a little more help with their portfolio and want their investments managed on their behalf. В It would be comparable to some of the other robo advisors who have recently come into the Canadian market. В See our Wealthsimple review and BMO SmartFolio review for more information on IQ's competitors. В The unique thing about Questrade Portfolio IQ compared to other robo advisors our there is that it is somewhat actively managed, though combining index exchange traded funds and active management. В They will still re-balance your portfolio of course, like other robo advisors, but they will also do a little bit more.
With Questrade Portfolio IQ, you won't have to worry about asset allocations and re-balancing on a regular basis. В They will do that for you. В The fees associated with Questrade Portfolio IQ are a bit higher than what you would get with the regular Do It Yourself Route.
To invest with Questrade Portfolio IQ, you will need a minimum of $2,000 to invest. В If you don't quite yet have $2,000, your account will be kept in cash until that minimum threshold is reached. The fee for Questrade Portfolio IQ starts at about 0.7% and the ETF fee is also added on top of that.
The Questrade Portfolio IQ platform looks great. В I have personally not tried using Questrade Portfolio IQ, but do know that people have been very receptive to the concept of robo advisors. В When you can rest assured that your investments are working hard for you, and you don't have to worry about rebalancing your portfolio, people really appreciate that. В To start off with Portfolio IQ, it asks for more detailed information to find out your investment style and personality. В Here's a peek at what Portfolio IQ looks like:
Portfolio IQ has gotten a lot of attention throughout 2017 by running a series of ads (see below) that controversially make the bold claim that Canadians can increase their retirement nest egg by 30% by paying more attention to the investment fees that they are paying.  While a lot of traditional mutual fund-selling financial advisors took exception to this claim, I think it’s actually on the low side if a person starts investing early enough (in order to make the most of compound interest.  I especially like this ad where the “everyday Canadian” realizes that the math doesn’t make sense along with the tagline: “It’s time to ask tough questions about your money. ”.
Overall Questrade Rating and Promo Offer Code.
Questrade Detailed Review.
If your goal is to pay the minimum amount of investing fees possible, there is simply no better option than Questrade. It is the perfect discount brokerage option for the everyday investor who has no wish to execute complicated day-trading strategies, and is perfect for index investing devotees like yours truly! O que você está esperando? If you haven’t already, sign up now with our FREE OFFER CODE to get $50 of free trades just for checking out our Questrade Review!
Using our referral link, you will be entitled for $50 in free trade. If you have used a link other than ours and have not signed up yet, use our Questrade promo code a1b9d1d9 upon sign up.
Great list of pros and cons.
I agree with the harder to use platform.
The fees are among the lowest I have seen but the platform is one of the worst. This depends on how many trades you make per year.
Thanks Steve. You’re a Questrader too? =)
That’s true, if you don’t plan to make that many trades, then there isn’t really a point to go with Questrade - might as well go with something that is easy on the eyes.
If you DO make many trades, then I think Questrade is worth it, despite the budget-looking platform. To avoid the confusion, I used the Bloomberg app for my itouch and it tracks how much I’m up or down, thereby avoiding the need to rely on the unreliable platform.
That said, Questrade DOES have a few platforms where you can pay money for. I guess you get what you pay for. =)
you know, the QuestraderWEB platform is free/ included, and it’s better than the webtrader platform. At least the + and – are in COLOUR! Not sure if you have checked it out yet. I guess I always just default to “webtrader” because it’s the top tab.
Have you tried moving any money out of questrade since they “upgraded” their websites? It’s been a horrible experience for me. Try contacting customer support and you’ll be on hold for a lot longer than before. Perhaps you should update your review on them and warn people to stay away until all their bugs clear up.
@mike - I have checked out their new website and have tried contacting customer support (I was on hold for a ridiculous amount of time - used the online chat thing and then was on hold for 50 minutes, then called in and got through much quicker). I anticipate these are temporary issues because everyone is probably calling in and asking what their new account number is… I have a post coming up on Friday detailing the new changes. Thanks mike for sharing your opinion рџ™‚
I have not found one person to say that they are satisfied with Questrade & their customer service. This company is THE WORST NIGHTMARE you could imagine – to deal with.
Try calling them – they do not answer for hours.
& # 8211; If you email - they do not answer for days or do not answer at all.
& # 8211; try live chat – most of the time does not work.
& # 8211; eventually if you get someone on the phone – person is plain lying to you or can not help or do not know anything.
@chris - Sounds like you have had a bad experience. I would not recommend emailing them, but I do find that livechat and calling them quite effective. I think with the recent changes to the interface, there have been MANY calls, and higher call volume. Before, I didn’t have to wait too long (maybe 10 minutes max) to speak to someone, but I’m sure it’ll resolve once everyone settles with the new changes. Again, I am okay paying $5 per trade and dealing with a smaller company than paying $29 per trade and dealing with a big bank.
Questrade has mishandled their change over. They refuse to admit that and they say that 2 weeks to wait for a request is acceptable considering the changes being in place. I have reached the threashold for 10$ trades at big banks, I think it is time to move there. Do not go for Questrade if customer service is a priority to you.
@Dan - Transferring from another brokerage can be a big hassle - I remember it was when I was transferring over myBMOinvestorline stuff. Once it’s done though and things are within Questrade, it’s much easier to transfer between Questrade accounts.
Avoid them for this and a ton of other reasons – they are unreliable, their platforms are full of bugs, which they expect their clients to vet via poor customer service and long waits for online or phone help. Bugs that are reported are not fixed for months, losing trades and cash for clients. Cheap? Dificilmente. Since when is bad service and losing money cheap? Avoid like the plague, or sign up at your peril.
hey young have you noticed the recent changes to questrade. they changed thier hours and they now have an inactivity fee. but at least that’s for under $5000 account balance.
do you think thier going out of bussiness?
Definitely not going out of business. I recommend using their online help function, always had much better luck with that. The inactivity fee is very minor as far as I am concerned (especially relative to fees you could pay elsewhere).
WARNING : I want to share with all people that are thinking to open a Questrade account and also to the already clients to be very carefull.
I will relate one issue that it’s happening to me right now with them.
I open an account on March 2012. I fill all the papers as canadian citizen as I am.
after I bougth some dividends US stocks. I check the amount received and I notice that they take 30% for tax proposes and sometimes 35%. (as Canadians we have to pay 15% witholding tax on any US share and dividend payement).
I call them to verify why it’s happening that. and the support desk (Laura), tell me that she will check that for me.
After that she sent me an e-mail telling me that she recalculate all the taxes and she doesn’t see any 30, 35% taken.
I sent to her all my stock list , with all the dividend payement and also I sent to her how I was calculating them.
In front of evidence she accept that was an error . they consider me as non canadian . and they will correct that for me.
I have to escalate to a supervisor ( Lulu, they refuse to give as the last name for all the staff), and she tell me this will be corrected very soon ( My demand was made at the begining of july one month and nothing happens).
The relationship with a broker is based on confidence and transparency.
I ask to them WHY ?, why laura have to see my calculation to assume the error.
the answer was : I don’t know.
I ask why they consider me as non canadian if all my papers are from a canadian?
the answer was: We don’t know, the problem is the clearning broker with we work .
very evasive answer.
She tell me something that is very suspicious : You are the administrator of your account ( that’s right) and you are responsable of ALL. WE COULD TELL YOU BAD ANSWER BUT IT’S YOUR RESPONSABILITY TO VERIFY WHAT WE TELL YOU . THAT HAPPENS VERY OFTEN .
then I want to be aware if you are tradding with questrade to verify on all US dividends stock that you have to TRIPLE CHECK the amount they take for US taxes proposes.
If Questrade make with hundreds of client that they trying to do with me. You could be stoled by 15.% and 20% without you realize that .
Astor, do you think a language barrier may have impacted the situation. Also, if those stocks were not held in an RRSP, that could have been part of the error?
Their accounting/reporting is inadequate, and there are constantly missing funds from my account, at least 5 times already I have caught them in miscalculations and so on. Be very, very careful with them, it is very hard to recover your missing funds, they mire you in endless red tape even when you prove that they are incorrect.
Their favourite trick is to continue to charge you interest on money that you have paid back (on margin and after selling shares and settling balance), very hard to calculate as they do not include any specifics in their reporting, no specific trades for which the ‘interest’ applies to. Calculate all your trades and fees/commissions etc. manually in a spreadsheet, and you will likely find missing funds from your account.
I can’t move my account until all my missing funds are back, and only have gotten back about half, still missing about $1700 so far. You cannot trust them, period.
Hmm & # 8230; well good to know Japhro, this is very different from our collective experience dealing with them. I guess I also keep things fairly simple and don’t use margin accounts. I know that my US RRSP holdings have been calculated just fine.
My name is Jaanu and I work at Questrade. What you are referring to is the U. S./Canada tax treaty, which allows Canadians with non-American tax status to claim certain tax exemptions including withholding tax on dividends paid by some U. S. corporations.
We are in contact with our clearing house to correct the dividend tax withheld for your eligible securities. For an update on this issue, please contact client services directly at 1.866.783.7866.
Questrade’s accounting/financial reporting is very rudimentary. I had to have my accountant create a new spreadsheet which inputs all the trades and comms (because QT supplies data separately) and calculate running profit/loss. This has shown dozens of errors on QT’s part (all in their favour btw). Now I am in the process of sorting all of that out. The problem is, that they want me to prove every single item, and make a claim for every single item separately. this is tremendously time consuming.
They do not have a single accountant on staff either. Just csm phone staff that know little to nothing.
They might be ok for a small amount, buy and hold account, but to day trade they are a nightmare.
Well as a person that believes the idea of day trading is ridiculous I am definitely fine with the great service I’ve gotten from the boys and girls in green at Questrade!
in queue for over 2hrs as a client needing assistance and no response! bucket shop.
get on live chat its way faster.
btw has anyone tryed Forex with them?
I agree Andrew, as long as you don’t do live chat at 4 in the afternoon. On weekends I get on right away. I’ve never tried Forex. I just assume the IB would probably be the route most forex traders would go.
I do have questrade account.
The commission is cheapest among the other discount brokerage but the service is horrible.
I transferred some money, it didn’t show up in the account (bc I transferred from a joint account)
Transferring money take time.
Also check the currency tranfer fee (it is about 1.5%) BOTH way from Canadian to US and US to Canada.
This is why you use their USD RRSP Raj!
I have been with Questrade for over 5 years and overall I have had an OK experience. Their pricing is fair (but not the best), their customer service is OK, for the few things I have had to contact them. They do have some fees that you should be aware of, for example if you exchange funds from CAD to USD (to be able to use their RRSP USD features, they will charge a markup fee of 2% in top of the forex spread. So in my case it was over $2000 that Questrade took away for this. I find that kind of fee outrageous!! I wish I knew this before hand, I would of have never made the transaction. But this was not advertised in any of their documents or website. Of course, God forbid consumers should need to know this kind of stuff! I have moved all my non-registered accounts somewhere else with more transparent fee structure. What a disappointment!
This is true Herald, but at the same time Questrade is one of the only brokerages that allows you to keep USD in your RRSP. Many of the major banks don’t even allow this.
Quest Trade customer service really bad. I have never seen such a poor response towards customers request.
I went in their office to open an account I requested the representative to let me know about any offers or promotions. She only informed me about the offer for which i was not eligible. For the one i clearly qualify she didn’t mention that.
After opening the account i got to learn about the offer which should have been given to me by quest trade i. e “1 month free unlimited trading” for new accounts.
So i reached out to the customer service and requested them to provide me that offer. The representative assured me that he will back date the offer as its not my fault. But after 2 days on following up on my request the same agent told me that my request was denied and i cannot get the offer.
I will only get 5 trades free i should take it or leave it.
It’s the worst attitude i have ever seen for any customer service. I would ask you guys to stay away form them. Its better to pay few cents extra than to get poor customer service.
This is vastly different than anything we’ve heard from Questrade clients before QTS. Can you provide the name of the person you dealt with and we’ll check up on it?
I’ve been using their services over a 3 years and called them for several questions as I learned the investment process. Always great service. The pros up there are awesome, compared to other brokers. The cons are bearable and actually all just fine with me. It takes a while and they need lots of info to set up accounts.. Well that makes me feel good about security. The platforms are not that great.. I use other several platforms to figure out trades, I use questrade as a broker to fill my orders… The US dollar thing? I can get Canadian/US money in my account in 2-3 days with my direct deposit setup.
So many hidden charges, and hidden fees, and restrictions, coupled with terrible customer service, and a confusing platform. This is just a bad company.
Do not recommend. I get better service from my regular bank, even if it’s not great.
I disagree Larry, what hidden fees did you receive? What sort of fees do you pay at your regular bank? Care to compare? I basically pay $0 fees in my account (purchased ETFs trade for free).
What is your opinion about Virtual Brokers?
I’m undecided if I should go with VB or QT for ETF investing.
Nothing wrong with VB. Low fee leader over the years. I personally find Questrade’s platform a lot easier to use.
I wish I did my due diligence before signing up for Questrade. ALL of their advertising is extremely misleading.
1.) $4.95 Trades. Sounds cheap. They don’t tell you about the additional ECN fees + fees this and fees that. Some of my trades have cost me $25-$100 per trade!! This is way more than the banks & other brokers charge.
2.) Their promotional bonuses!? They will advertise that if you transfer over, they will give you these promotional bonuses. THEY DON’T. I signed up with two separate trading accounts with Questrade. I have yet to get any of my bonuses despite calling in several times. They say they will even pay for your transfer costs. Extremely bad service!! Took one month to set up both my accounts.
3.) Their website is down for upgrades after trading hours every day! This means you can’t research or put orders through after hours. I’ve been with Questrade for 3 months now. Grrr.
Now I understand why they say Questrade is a discount broker. You pay for what you get. Consumers beware.
I can honestly say I have never experienced any of these problems LL. I’m not saying your account is false, I’m just saying I don’t think they are problems everyone faces. I’ve actually traded almost totally for free with Questrade due to their free ETF purchases policy.
Worst Costumer Service ever. I have spent hundreads of dollars there and when I threatened them that I will close my account, they told me to go right ahead..
I was going to cash out some money and they made it so hard. The guy on the phone said that he needed a void check to verify my bank account which is redicilous because A you had to do that when you first made the account and B) I have been sending Bi-Weekly payinments out of my bank account for the the last year…. Makes nooooo sense.
Rob, do you really think that the majority of people ever need to purchase more than 995 shares? Or need to know what a triggered stop sell is? If you are investing at $20,000 a crack and day trading stuff using options and limits you have way more appetite for risk than I do my friend.
My post was a reply to the article not your post, but it doesnt change simple math.
Would you agree though then that if you’re an average millennial investor and buying blocks of a hundred shares or less, then free ETF purchases are a pretty good deal?
not sure why but calculating capital gains/losses is far harder now than it used to be. on’t know why this is such a futile and manual process in this year of 2016.TFSA is far less hassel. Questrade doen’t even list equity symbol. TD Webroker far easier to calculate taxes.
Has anyone tried to withdraw money from their Questrade account, let’s say to a bank account? Existe uma taxa?
Great summary Kyle, I’ve been a Questeader for more than 10 years. I’ve never had any major problems, I did get locked out of a trade due to a mystery glitch once. I’ve seen the platform change several times and I’ve got to say it’s not all that great but it’s acceptable. Never ever had an issue about price or hidden fees because there aren’t any. All of their fees are listed and very transparent. Low cost trading? Pode apostar. I’ve recently moved away from Questeade because I’ve analyzed my past 10 years of trading and found that I am better off keeping my bloody hands off the keypad. I’ve tinkered and botched up a few investments over the years. For me, Questrade has been an excellent low cost trading platform, my life has changed now, time, energy, research, discipline that type of stuff. I no longer do my own trades (I’m a robo guy now). Have to say, learnt a lot ……. and Questrade is a very viable option for those that want to get into things.
Thanks for the input – Ten years is a great amount of time to give a review based on! I hear on keeping your hands off the keyboard and going robo – we’ve heard from many readers who’ve enjoyed this transition.
One thing you should be aware if you use them for ETF’s. There is no charge to buy, but you are charged “the usual commission” when you sell.
I looked everywhere and couldn’t find what the “usual” commission is. Would want to track that down before you get tied in.
Not sure where you looked Tom, but Questrade is up front about it being $4.95 + ECN fees (about .01 per unit) to a maximum of $9.95.
After a lot of people posted their bad experiences with Questrade, I just checked my account where I only bought ETFs. However, I found a worrying issue (I do not know if it was a real problem). I had shares of VFV in my TFSA. I checked vanguardcanada website and found that VanguardCanada distributed the capital gains as cash for VFV shares. However, I can only find the Dividend cash distribution in my TFSA account. It seems that Questrade did not record the capital gain cash distribution for me. If it was true, it means that I lost a lot of money. I found the same problem with VIU shares as well in my TFSA account. Did anyone have the similar problem with Questrade? I cannot believe this happened. I will check it with Questrade to see what happened.
Recently I posted a comment about the capital gain cash distribution. I just had a chat with Questrade agent, who was very nice and patient. I learned something from this chat that TFSA account does not receive any capital gain cash distribution. However, if RSP or margin account, we will receive a tax slip to claim the tax deduction. So there was not any mistake at all with Questrade. So far so good with Questrade.
Appreciate the feedback Jim – sounds like pretty good customer service experience overall?
Nota do Editor & # 8211; Check out Jim’s follow up comment.
I recently opened an account with Questrade as a Non-Resident Canadian Citizen. Most brokerages in Canada (and USA for that matter) will NOT open a brokerage account if you are a non-resident of the country where the brokerage firm is domiciled. Questrade accepted me after being vetted by their lawyer in the country I currently reside in. Before I opened the account I asked a lot of questions via chat and email. The reps have been nothing but exceptional with responses to my questions regarding account documentation, fees related to opening the account, trading fees, withholding taxes as a non-resident, etc. My account was opened without problem after all the necessary documents were received. I transferred money internationally without problems. I have since made several trades buying ETFs and individual securities without problems. So far, I am very happy with Questrade’s service and hope it continues.
Thanks for the thorough review Derek – appreciate your unique experience!
Hi Kyle and Justin – thank you first for all the great resources and articles you provide. I am a trader on TDwaterhouse. Just personal stuff, USD and CDN cash accounts. I have now setup a Questrade account. I have never set up any kind of TFSA account anywhere. I am 55 female. Do you suggest a TFSA account and individual self directed account , and should i be trading in a tfsa, like I say never opened one for anything.? your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Susan.
Hard to make any individual recommendations based on that info Susan. It all depends on income level, current RRSP/TFSA contribution room etc.
Just a quick question, I am planning on opening an RRSP account at Questrade and wondering about your promo code. In the past, I opened at TFSA with Questrade and used a friends refer-a-friend promo code and and received $75 (invested >$25K) deposited into my Margin account. Is your promo code the same promo? You mentioned $50, but according to Questrade’s website, $50 promo bonus is only offered if investing a minimum of $10K. Is this correct for your promo code?
And lastly, but most importantly, you mentioned that the $50 can be used later for several year’s worth of needing to sell off ETFs for rebalancing purposes. Are you sure you can carry that $50 indefinitely. I seem to remember when I originally opened just the Margin account, Questrade’s promo was that they would give you a 5 free trades if opening any account by a certain deadline. I did so, but the stipulation was that those trades needed to be completed within 90 days of the account being opened, which was never explained to me and had to place a complaint with them. In the end, they did reimburse me the trade costs, but I would like to avoid the same thing here, so I’m curious if the $50 can be carried in future years indefinitely?
Ótimo artigo! Love your site.
Margin accounts are a different deal than RRSPs – so I would imagine the promos are different.
Our promo code is specific to Young and Thrifty, and you only need to invest $1,000 to trigger the $50. I have yet to hear from anyone that has had the $50 run out on them, but truth be told, if you’re using the account for several years and your fees add up to be less than $50 – that’s already a win isn’t it?
I opened an RRSP (started the application) but unfortunately, Questrade informed me that your promo code is not acceptable since I am an existing Questrade client with other products with them. This is a bummer.
I have not funded the account yet with the minimum of $1,000 as I was planning on closing my RRSP account with RBC and moving them over to Questrade, but if that promo code is not accepted, then I have to rethink this or find another code, if possible.
They did offer me their standard 5 free trades using promo code 5FREETRADES but I don’t want that because after reading their T&C those 5 free trades must be placed within 60 days of activating the RRSP account, which completely defeats the purpose of using them with ETFs since buying is free and the portfolio rebalance would be likely be once per year.
Still I appreciate your website and knowledge base, thank you.
Hey Kyle, I wonder if you can transfer your RRSP from like another brokerage like TD to Questtrade for free? does it have to be like min 25k?
Hey KM – if you use our promo code Questrade will pay the fees up to $150!
Kyle, I checked the terms and conditions at my. questrade/my_ac…e=a1b9d1d9 and it does say it’s only for 30 days.
“Once your account has been activated, any trades you execute within the next 30 days will receive trading commission rebates, up to a total.
maximum rebate of $50.”
“Only trades completed within 30 days of account activation will be eligible for the rebate.”
The 5FREETRADES promo is good for 60 days. I suppose the affiliate offer would be more useful to someone doing more than 5 $4.95 trades in the first month; if doing $9.95 trades then 5FREETRADES is equal or better. Unfortunately neither of these seem very useful to ETF index investors.
You seemed to think the $50 does not expire. Is this something that has changed for 2018?
Revisões do corretor de Forex.
Nem mesmo as lendas do calibre de Larry Williams ou Martin Schwartz terão muita sorte na troca de moeda se o corretor não estiver disposto a cooperar - ele tem um papel decisivo na determinação do tipo de experiência que você terá como trader de forex. A falta de regras e precedentes claros cria grandes oportunidades, mas também enormes riscos para os despreparados.
Mas não há sempre dois lados para uma história? Para ajudar nossos visitantes a evitar o lado negro do forex, examinamos cuidadosamente as melhores ofertas no setor de corretagem on-line e preparamos uma seleção de alguns dos corretores mais conceituados e eficientes para seu benefício exclusivo. Se você tem planos para explorar o excitante mundo da troca de moeda, temos a certeza de que você encontrará na nossa lista um guia inestimável no mundo lotado e às vezes obscuro dos corretores de forex. Recomendamos que você leia as páginas de revisão de nossos corretores listados para comentários de usuários, por exemplo Etoro ou Plus500 revisa a página com tópicos de comentários e continua a contar. comentários.
Regulado por CySEC & amp; FSB Mais de 400k Contas Registradas Mais de 250 Instrumentos de Negociação Plataformas MT4, MT5 e Web Trader Modelo completo de Negociação ECN.
CySEC, DFSA, FCA, FSB, SIA MetaTrader4 regulamentado, MetaTrader5, cTrader, FxPro SuperTrader.
Depósito Mínimo $ 200 Plataforma de Negociação Social FCA, NFA, CySEC Regulamentado.
Depósito Mínimo $ 200 FSC, CIMA, ASIC, CySEC, BaFIN Regulado.
A FCA regulamentou a plataforma de negociação de múltiplos ativos sem prazo para contas de demonstração.
Depósito Mínimo $ 100 Alavancagem 400: 1 Gerente de Conta Dedicado.
Autorizado e Regulamentado pelos serviços FCA, ASIC, FSB, CySEC STP / ECN, assegure que não haja derrapagens ou re-cotações - escalpelamento permitido; Spreads ECN Real Raw, 0,2 EUR / USD 1 Milhões de GBP de seguro pela Lloyds of London.
Autorizado e regulado pela FCA e CySEC 43 pares de moedas 0,4 pips EURUSD Spread.
Líder de Mercado Global Confiável Online FX & amp; Negociação com CFDs 180+ Mercados Globais, 84 pares FX, 65 ações, 17 índices populares e mais Forex, Índices, Commodities, Equities & amp; Bitcoin.
Depósito Mínimo $ 5 Até 1: 500 de alavancagem com micro lotes (tamanho 0,01) disponíveis para todos Escalpelamento, cobertura, negociação nas notícias e EAs são permitidos na OctaFX.
CySEC, FCA Regulado MT4, MT5, Plataforma WebTrader $ 30 + Bônus de Depósito até $ 5.000 (aplicar t)
CySEC, FSB Plataforma MetaTrader4 regulamentada Cartão de débito proprietário para aplicações de retirada rápida!
CySEC, Plataforma de Negociação Proprietária de Mercados Regulados do FSB.
Nenhum depósito mínimo FCA & amp; ASIC Autorizado e Regulado Fundada em 1996 com sede em Toronto, CA.
Seu capital está em risco. Perdas podem exceder o investimento. Alavancagem de negociação é de alto risco e não para todos.
$ 200 min. De depósito FCA & amp; ASIC Autorizado e Regulamentado Corretor australiano bem estabelecido.
O FCA Regulated City Index está bem estabelecido e é um corretor forex de confiança.
FCA, ASIC & amp; O CySEC Regulated FXGiants possui uma interface proprietária para tornar seu processo de financiamento de contas mais fácil, rápido e seguro.
CySEC Regulated Cobre mais de 50 pares de moedas.
Bem Estabelecido Mais de 700 Funcionários CySEC Regulados.
Bem estabelecido CySEC Regulado.
Regulado pela CySEC Trading Academy, inclui amplo suporte para todos os níveis de traders, desde vídeos básicos de treinamento até discussões sobre estratégias avançadas de negociação;
FCA, BaFin, CMB & amp; KNF Regulamentado Bem estabelecido.
FSB Regulated MetaTrader4 & amp; Plataformas Sirix.
Depósito Mínimo US $ 100 Alavancagem Até 500: 1 As contas podem ser individuais, conjuntas ou corporativas, com opções de preços tradicionais ou do tipo ECN;
Pares de Forex e negociação de CFD O Tight se espalha a até 1.2 pips Mais de 130 ativos: pares de Forex (83), Índices (23); Commodities (18); e Treasuries (7)
O CySEC regulamentou spreads apertados de apenas 0,2 pips. Bom suporte para iniciantes.
Regulado pelo CySEC O depósito mínimo é de $ 100 mais de 367 opções de ativos.
CySEC & amp; Clientes regulados pelo ASIC podem negociar moedas, metais, energia e commodities agrícolas, Índices e Opções 50% FTD Bonus! (apenas operadores não pertencentes à UE)
A FCA regulamentou a plataforma de negociação social CopyMaster.
Contas PAMM ASIC Reguladas Disponíveis para Suporte a Gráficos de Telefone e Live.
Regulado pela CySEC “Sem execução de mesa de negociação, sem derrapagens, sem atrasos” “Suporte de negociação e gerenciamento de contas para traders com diferentes níveis de experiência”
Regulado por CySEC, BaFin, FCA, ACP e Bônus MiFID: cashback de $ 4 por lote negociado até o final do ano.
Regulado por ASIC & amp; O depósito mínimo da FCA é de US $ 250. As opções de ativos incluem pares de moeda estrangeira (35) e CFDs (10 índices, 2 metais, 2 de petróleo e o índice VIX e USD).
MFSA regulamentado Depósito mínimo $ 100 Sem comissões extras.
O escorregamento de ordem nas perdas de parada é geralmente mínimo, regulado por CySEC.
Nenhum depósito mínimo Fundado em 1996 e sediado em Londres; E-mails diários com comentários e análises do mercado permitem que você inicie cada dia de negociação;
A conformidade regulatória está sob os auspícios da FCA no Reino Unido, da SFC em Hong Kong, da DFSA em Dubai e da MiFID da União Européia. Bônus de Boas-vindas de até US $ 5.000,00 (aplicar T & amp; C)
ASIC regulamentado Depósito mínimo $ 100 Pedidos de levantamento aprovados dentro de 24 horas.
* A corretora oferece spreads variáveis sujeitos a condições de mercado flutuantes. Spreads tendem a ser apertados durante tempos de liquidez profunda, mas também podem aumentar significativamente durante períodos de baixa liquidez.
Encontrando o melhor corretor de Forex - FAQ.
Encontrar o melhor corretor de forex para suas necessidades leva alguma pesquisa. Centenas de corretoras on-line agora competem por sua conta, então existem muitas opções para escolher. Confira nossa lista recomendada acima, ou leia nosso FAQ abaixo com excelentes pontos a serem considerados antes de escolher seu corretor, ou veja este extenso guia de cinco etapas sobre como escolher um corretor forex.
Encontrar o melhor corretor forex que tenha uma capacidade de execução rápida, uma plataforma de negociação confiável e que pode ser confiável com o depósito da sua conta pode ser a primeira coisa que você vai querer se assegurar. Outros adoçantes podem incluir bônus de abertura de conta e outros recursos, como comércio móvel e alertas do mercado de SMS.
Basicamente, você quer um corretor de forex você pode confiar para lidar com seu dinheiro e seus negócios para que você possa continuar com o negócio de negociação forex sem preocupações. De qualquer forma, para tornar o processo de encontrar um corretor mais simples, a lista acima cobre a maioria dos principais pontos de comparação entre os corretores forex para que você possa estar melhor preparado para uma pesquisa bem-sucedida.
No final desta página, você encontrará muitos outros corretores que não fizeram parte da lista principal, você ainda pode ler nossos comentários sobre eles e dar seus comentários sobre eles ou compartilhar sua experiência com eles.
Mas primeiro vamos passar por alguns dos critérios e recursos que você deve procurar ao procurar o melhor corretor de forex para você.
Os corretores de forex on-line mais respeitáveis passam a se submeter à regulamentação por uma das principais agências reguladoras financeiras que operam em seu país de origem. Às vezes, eles serão regulados por mais de uma agência. Esse regulamento oferece a segurança de saber que as operações do corretor estão sendo supervisionadas por uma autoridade independente com o objetivo de manter os negócios honestos.
Existe um benefício para onde um corretor está localizado?
A localização pode fazer uma grande diferença, especialmente se o regime regulatório do país for o topo da linha. O local mais vantajoso tem que ser reservado para os corretores do Reino Unido, uma vez que Londres é o centro do negócio de câmbio.
Forex Trading no Reino Unido.
No início do século passado, quase 50% das divisas do mundo foram conduzidas usando a libra esterlina. Hoje, o volume diário de negócios forex no mercado de Londres representa 41% do mundo, mais que o dobro dos Estados Unidos, com 19%. If you choose a reputable UK broker, then you can be assured that the firm can draw upon a broad pool of experienced and professional staff in the UK.
Do ponto de vista regulamentar, os corretores de forex do Reino Unido também devem cumprir com um dos órgãos reguladores mais rígidos em torno, a Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Mais uma vez, o grupo de funcionários do Reino Unido será muito consciente das melhores práticas de negócios e questões de conformidade relacionadas, outra razão para escolher um corretor do Reino Unido, se possível. É preciso, no entanto, ser diligente ao escolher um corretor que alega ter escritórios em Londres, já que o aspecto de marketing desse local fez com que muitos corretores no exterior configurassem uma presença "shell" no Reino Unido para ganhar sua confiança, mas sem os benefícios listados acima. Se você preferir um corretor do Reino Unido, certifique-se de que eles estejam sediados em Londres e tenham uma presença significativa lá.
Segurança de dados.
Quando você entra ou armazena informações pessoais vitais on-line, pode estar sujeito a cair em mãos hostis que podem usá-las para seu ganho pessoal. Da mesma forma, uma das principais prioridades ao escolher um corretor é que eles criptografam todos os dados inseridos em formulários on-line usando a criptografia SSL padrão do setor ou melhor.
Outra questão fundamental envolve o armazenamento seguro de dados para que não seja perdido em caso de desastre. Muitos corretores de forex on-line usam farms de dados duplicados com alta segurança para garantir a segurança das informações da sua conta.
Lidando com Spreads.
Muitas estratégias de negociação do dia tornam-se mal sucedidas a longo prazo se a sua conta não tiver acesso a spreads de negociação competitivos. O spread é simplesmente a diferença entre o preço de oferta e o preço de oferta para um determinado par de moedas e não deve ser maior do que cinco pips nos principais e principais cruzamentos, com spreads mais amplos frequentemente vistos nos cruzamentos menores e nas moedas exóticas.
Comissões e Honorários.
Às vezes, os corretores não se contentam apenas em ter você lidando com seus spreads. Nesse caso, eles podem cobrar uma comissão ou taxa por cada transação. Às vezes, eles são calculados por transação ou volume. Taxas adicionais podem envolver a realização de saques ou depósitos, portanto, verifique essas informações para minimizar os custos de transação.
Tipos de Pedidos
A maioria dos corretores de forex lidam com o mercado básico, param e limitam os tipos de pedidos. No entanto, alguns corretores também oferecem suporte para OCO (one cancell-the-other) e trailing stops. Se qualquer um desses tipos de pedidos mais especializados for adequado para o seu plano de negociação, certifique-se de que o corretor escolhido os apóie e certifique-se de entender completamente a limitação desses diferentes tipos de pedidos.
Pares De Moeda.
Uma vez que mais pares de moedas geralmente significam mais oportunidades de lucro, você deve certificar-se de que seus corretores de forex ofereçam todos os pares que você possa estar interessado em negociar. Alguns traders também gostam de ter acesso a metais preciosos como ouro e prata, além do petróleo, especialmente se estiverem negociando moedas de commodities como o AUD e o CAD, cujas taxas de câmbio podem depender das flutuações nos preços das commodities.
Deposito requerido.
A menos que você esteja apenas interessado em abrir uma conta de demonstração ou prática com o corretor forex, eles normalmente exigirão um depósito mínimo a ser feito para você começar a negociar forex. Muitas vezes, quanto mais dinheiro você deposita, mais recursos você tem acesso ou mais apertados se tornam seus spreads de negociação. Certifique-se de que você pesquisa o corretor completamente antes de enviar um depósito.
Tipos de conta.
Os tipos de contas variam consideravelmente entre corretores, mas a maioria oferece contas de demonstração para negociação prática, mini contas para novos operadores com um depósito inicial mínimo baixo, contas padrão para operadores mais experientes com um depósito moderado e, finalmente, contas VIP para depósitos iniciais maiores.
Além disso, os recursos oferecidos com cada tipo de conta variam bastante entre os vários corretores de forex, por isso certifique-se de ver qual corretor respeitável oferecerá o melhor negócio para o depósito inicial que você tem disponível para você.
Alavancagem refere-se a quanto de uma posição você pode controlar com uma certa quantidade de fundos alocados a ela. Corretores de Forex atualmente oferecem taxas de alavancagem de até 500 para 1. O que isto significa é que você pode controlar uma posição de negociação de US $ 50.000 com apenas US $ 100 alocados de sua carteira. Nos EUA, a alavancagem máxima é de 50: 1 para maiores e de 20: 1 para menores.
Naturalmente, ampliar seu risco usando alavancagem pode resultar em ganhos maiores, bem como maiores perdas, portanto, certifique-se de usar a alavancagem de forma inteligente e evite negociar além de suas possibilidades.
Requisitos de Margem.
Embora as transações forex sejam trocas e não aquisições de um ativo como uma ação ou commodity, quando a taxa de câmbio se move, ela cria um risco de crédito para a contraparte, mostrando um ganho na transação. Como resultado, a maioria dos corretores de forex exige que seus clientes coloquem uma certa quantia de fundos em depósito para cobrir tais perdas potenciais. Isso é conhecido como o requisito de margem do corretor.
Como os requisitos de margem variam entre os corretores, convém garantir que o corretor escolhido tenha diretrizes com as quais possa conviver. Além disso, alguns corretores fecham automaticamente posições de negociação quando o valor da margem na sua conta é excedido por perdas de negociação, ou de acordo com outros critérios, portanto, certifique-se de compreender as implicações de tais políticas para o seu negócio de negociação.
Plataformas de Negociação.
A maioria dos melhores corretores de forex oferece suas próprias plataformas de negociação proprietárias para você usar para executar transações de forex e acompanhar o mercado. Eles geralmente tomam a forma de plataformas baseadas na web que usam o acesso através do seu navegador da Internet ou plataformas do lado do cliente que você baixa, instala e executa em seu computador pessoal.
Além disso, alguns corretores suportam plataformas de negociação independentes, como a popular plataforma MetaTrader 4, que pode ser obtida gratuitamente e para a qual muitos robôs comerciais de forex são projetados.
Negociação Móvel.
Alguns comerciantes forex exigem a conveniência de negociar e manter contato com o mercado forex através de seu telefone celular ou outro dispositivo móvel. Muitos corretores fornecem tais serviços, portanto, se isso for importante para você, confira o que cada corretor oferece a esse respeito e se o software deles funcionará com o seu dispositivo.
Negociação Algorítmica.
Comerciantes Forex cada vez mais desejam automatizar seus planos de negociação ou algoritmos para liberar seu tempo para outros empreendimentos. Eles costumam fazer isso usando uma linguagem de programação para anotar seu processo de decisão em um formato algorítmico que pode ser executado automaticamente por plataformas de negociação forex que suportam esse recurso.
Se você acha que pode querer automatizar seu plano de negociação, verifique com corretores que você está considerando para ver se eles suportam esse tipo de negociação e como eles fazem isso.
Alertas de mercado.
Muitos corretores oferecem SMS ou outros tipos de alertas de mercado para seus clientes. Se você acha que isso pode ser importante para o seu negócio comercial, procure por esse recurso.
Aqueles que são novos na negociação forex desejarão ter melhor acesso a suporte a transações e suporte técnico. Veja quais serviços cada corretor sob consideração fornece e se será suficiente para seus propósitos.
Recursos de Informação.
Comerciantes mais novos, muitas vezes exigem materiais educativos sobre o mercado forex e negociação em geral para começar a negociação forex com o pé direito. Se isso for importante para você, pesquise o que os corretores que você está considerando têm a oferecer a esse respeito.
Além disso, muitos corretores fornecem feeds de notícias sofisticados, como a Reuters, por exemplo, bem como comentários de mercado proprietários e outras informações oportunas.
Acesso à mesa de negociação.
Alguns comerciantes gostam de falar com um revendedor ou consultor pessoal no corretor, a fim de obter informações e conselhos sobre o mercado interno. Outros gostam de poder fazer transações pelo telefone em um piscar de olhos. Se qualquer uma dessas opções fizer sentido para você, informe-se com seus corretores em potencial se o acesso à mesa estará disponível para alguém com o seu depósito inicial antecipado.
Leia nossas análises de mais corretores de forex que não fizeram nossa lista top acima:
Por favor, dê-nos a sua opinião sobre estes corretores do forex e outros abaixo.
Revisão de Questrade.
A Questrade é a maior e mais popular corretora on-line do Canadá desde fevereiro de 2018. Eles foram fundados em 1999 e oferecem uma gama completa de produtos / serviços de investimento / negociação para o investidor médio e o trader ativo de alto volume.
Sua jornada desde a indústria da avalanche da indústria nos seus primeiros anos até seu atual lugar no topo, consistentemente, como a melhor corretora do Canadá (citada pelo Globe and Mail, pela MoneySense Magazine e pelo ranking anual da Deloitte) tem sido longa e fascinante. .
Dentro desta revisão aprofundada do Questrade, explorarei sua impressionante variedade de ofertas e debates se você quiser participar.
Comissões e amp; Honorários.
Questrade Offer Code.
A tabela acima deve ser olhada novamente! Não é um erro de digitação, nem um exagero! A Questrade oferece as negociações mais baratas em praticamente todas as categorias de investimento em todo o Canadá. Há uma estrutura de preços que não mudou desde o seu início e é tão impressionante que realmente incentiva novos e pequenos investidores a entrar no jogo do investimento, ao mesmo tempo em que atrai investidores insatisfeitos de outras corretoras.
Questrade convenientemente pode cobrir todas as taxas de transferência impostas por outras instituições financeiras se estiver interessado em mover sua conta de negociação existente para eles. Isso faz com que o fascínio se torne ainda mais tentador.
Para negociação de ações, a Questrade oferece uma estrutura única de preços democrática. Investidores de longo prazo, menos ativos, têm a opção popular de 1 centavo; por ação com uma taxa mínima de US $ 4,95 / trade e um teto de comissão máxima de US $ 9,95. Comerciantes ativos & # 8212; aqueles que fazem negócios de ações de alto volume & # 8212; tem a escolha de 1 & cent; por ação (1 & cent; mínimo / $ 6,95 no máximo), ou uma comissão de $ 4,95 de comissão por ações. Todos os titulares de contas podem alternar entre essas opções de preços a qualquer momento. Mas esteja ciente de que uma mudança para o programa de trader ativo envolve a assinatura de um dos vários planos avançados de dados de mercado da Questrade.
Desde 2013, a Questrade continua sem comissão sobre a compra de ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds). Os ETFs são gratuitos para todos. Isso mudou radicalmente a face do investimento em índice para melhor. Ele abriu um novo mundo para aqueles que preferem comprar mensalmente para aproveitar a média do custo do dólar. Também faz com que os juros compostos e os portfólios de reequilíbrio sejam muito mais doces.
Enquanto estivermos no tópico de ETFs, muitas outras corretoras (incluindo bancos) ainda cobram uma taxa por negociações de ETF, por incrível que pareça, assegurando a desaceleração do tempo do mercado & # 8221; estratégia como uma prática comum por muitos investidores amadores nestas outras saídas financeiras na esperança de economizar nos custos de comissão. Obviamente, isso não é mais necessário ao investir na Questrade. Com tantos voltando-se para ETFs estes dias devido ao seu baixo MER e alcance diversificado é uma lufada de ar fresco maravilhoso para poder fazê-lo sem nenhum custo. Todas as indicações parecem ser que Questrade foi o primeiro corretor de descontos no Canadá a fazer isso, e eu os aplaudo.
O Questrade também deixa claro que eles não cobram taxas de instalação, taxas anuais e taxas ocultas em qualquer um de seus serviços, o que é uma mudança bem-vinda em relação à norma da indústria. Uma nota especial deve ser dada, no entanto, à forma como eles lidam com a inatividade da conta.
Embora historicamente Questrade nunca tenha cobrado uma taxa de inatividade, eles recentemente fizeram uma mudança sutil nessa política. Na verdade, não é tão ruim quando você lê os detalhes. Se qualquer coisa é bastante razoável. Esse ajuste de política pode cobrar US $ 24,95 (sem impostos) por trimestre. No entanto, todos os titulares de contas do Questrade, incluindo famílias com o mesmo endereço físico (que também pode ser um grupo de estranhos ao usar o programa myFamily), com ativos combinados de pelo menos US $ 5.000 estão isentos dessa taxa de inatividade. Esta taxa também não se aplica a contas de caridade, contas forex, indivíduos com 25 anos de idade ou menos, e todas as novas contas abertas por apenas 6 meses. Se, no entanto, esta taxa ainda se aplicar a você, então faça pelo menos uma negociação comissível por trimestre (uma vez a cada 3 meses) e você não será cobrado. Além disso, se você estiver inativo por um trimestre e for cobrado, ao fazer pelo menos uma negociação no trimestre seguinte, será acionado um reembolso de até $ 24,95 em negociações sem comissões como compensação. Justo.
Para a maioria dos investidores, essa mudança de política é trivial, já que seus ativos são quase sempre superiores a US $ 5.000. E assim a maioria das pessoas nunca será cobrada essa taxa de inatividade. Como já referi anteriormente, penso que esta alteração é perfeitamente razoável e ainda é melhor do que todas as outras corretoras de desconto que cobram uma taxa de inactividade, sem excepções, fazem-no com maior frequência (mensalmente) e cobram taxas ocultas qual Questrade não faz.
Novas contas.
Existem dois conjuntos de contas oferecidos pela Questrade: Self-Directed e Online Managed Investing.
Investimento Autônomo: Essas contas são para aqueles que querem o controle total de suas decisões de investimento. Eles vão te poupar mais dinheiro, em termos de custos de comissão. A conta de Margem Padrão (Individual) é o tipo de conta mais popular aberto por novos clientes.
Investimento gerenciado: Essas contas são para aqueles que querem que a Questrade gerencie todas as decisões de investimento em seu nome, por uma taxa anual nominal. Eles exigem o menor esforço de sua parte e tendem a obter retornos mais elevados a longo prazo. De minha análise, essas contas são realmente tratadas por uma equipe real (a divisão Questrade Wealth Management) nos bastidores. Sob sua gestão, eles consideram seus objetivos pessoais e tolerância ao risco para combinar, gerenciar, monitorar e ajustar os melhores investimentos sem o seu envolvimento diário. Questrade chama esse portfólio de QI.
Questrade Accounts.
Standard Margin:
Informal, Joint Informal, or Formal Entity:
Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Investment Club, or Corporation Registered:
TFSA, RRSP, LIRA, RIF, LIF, Individual RESP, or Family RESP Forex (FX) & Contract For Difference (CFD) Trading.
Actively Managed by Staff Assigned To Your Account @ Questrade.
Please note, unlike self-directed, managed investing comes with a price — a $14/year minimum management fee charge. In my opinion self-directed is all one will ever need considering how making informed investment decisions is quite simple for even newcomers these days. And to compound on this, self-directed accounts have no fees (outside the usual trade commission) associated with them unlike their managed investing cousins. I’ll be going in-depth on their managed investing side in a later section of this review.
Initial Deposit Requirements.
Although immediate access is gained after joining (don’t forget to use the Questrade offer code : Canada to get $50 free during sign-up), your account isn’t activated. To officially activate your account, so as to begin trading, an initial deposit is required.
For stocks and options, you will need to maintain a minimum equity balance of $250, after meeting the initial deposit requirement, to keep your active account in good standing. If, however, you plan on doing managed investing then it’s required that you maintain $1,500 in account value once you’ve invested. If that value drops below $1,500 then your investments will be liquidated.
Once this initial minimum deposit has cleared, Questrade emails you a confirmation message. For offline applications you will be contacted by one of their representatives confirming trading can begin. It takes roughly 1-3 business days for Questrade to receive and process this deposit.
* Canadian currency deposits into forex & CFD accounts are auto-converted into US currency.
Sign-up Process.
Opening an account with Questrade is a remarkably quick, intuitive, and painless process. It took me no more than two minutes to open a general account, which immediately gave me access to practice within trading platforms, and to post on their vibrant discussion forum. It took me under twenty minutes to open their popular individual margin trading account.
The online application requires your social insurance number (for reporting interest and dividends earned to CRA, but you are given the option, on the page, to not allow them to use your SIN), employment information (or source of income if unemployed), and a form of identification (e. g., driver’s license). And although they have an offline alternative that you can printout and fill in, I highly recommend their secure online process instead because it reduces the amount of write-in errors and legibility issues, and supports DocuSign for the online signature signing process.
One of the first things you are required to do when signing up is to define a user ID and password for your new account. Doing so provides the incredibly convenient ability to return to an incomplete application at a later time.
I found that sessions during sign-up time-out after 30 minutes of inactivity. This is more than enough time to collect required documents and credentials, and to review your inputted details for any mistakes.
Ways To Fund Your Account.
Accounts numbers consist of ten numerical digits (e. g., 12345678-90). This is a step up from their pre-2011 six character alphanumeric size, and as such it’s been reported that some external banks still enforce an eight character limit for payee accounts when you attempt to send money to Questrade. To get around this our readers have indicated that you only need to provide the first eight digits of your Questrade account number. Using this helpful workaround your funds will still be delivered successfully.
When making a deposit using online banking or via Interac you should keep in mind that it’s not possible to send USD to your Questrade account — only CAD. This is due to a limitation of EFT at the issuing bank, not Questrade. All the other funding methods shown above support the ability to fund your account with either CAD or USD. Withdrawals of USD funds from your Questrade account to a USD bank account works perfectly fine.
If you need to deposit USD currency right away and none of the methods above fit your needs, you still have few more options: You can convert your existing CAD balance, held within your Questrade account, to USD using the Exchange Funds tool (found under Requests ). This can take up to 24 hours to process. Or, you can take advantage of Norbert’s Gambit (see the FAQ)! Successful conversions have been confirmed by readers of this Questrade review.
Before withdrawals can be initiated, Questrade requires that you provide a void cheque or a pre-authorized deposit agreement form signed and stamped by your bank. This only needs to be done once per bank account. It takes roughly three business days to process a withdrawal and for the funds to arrive into your bank account.
Member’s Account.
Your account’s primary control portal is known as myQuestrade (alternatively, Questrade Account ) and it is a beautiful experience with well thought out organization and visual appeal. There is a lot of love put into this portal, providing a consistent fully immersive and responsive experience. I found that it worked seamlessly with every smartphone, tablet, laptop, and desktop I could throw at it.
This portal fully integrates trading and account management together effortlessly. It gives immediate access to buying and selling securities, working with research tools, using a bustling library of partner apps (and developer’s API) on any of your devices, viewing your account activity, analyzing balances and positions, managing your personal details, viewing statements, making fund transfers in & out of your accounts, uploading & downloading your documents, exchanging CAD/USD currency between accounts, taking corporate action on shareholder communications, transferring positions, opening additional accounts, retrieving tax slips, exercising options, interacting with mutual funds, and more.
Once your account is activated for trading you are conveniently asked when you log in for the first time to select a default home base. A home base is where you would like Questrade to directly place you each time you log in. You have a choice of either your account management page or the online trading platform. This is definitely a helpful time saver, but, if necessary, you can jump between each via an always-visible top menu bar. And you can change your home base at any time from the Settings page.
They also have several self-help areas, including a robust learning centre of ebooks (e. g., options strategies, and Forex & CFD trading), fact sheets, an in-depth glossary, and a very active online community discussion forum called The Exchange . The Exchange is where you’d want to hangout, ask questions among other engaged investors, share expertise, and browse a growing library of how-to resources and help guides. I found this area to be very enjoyable, especially because so many were sharing incredible investment advice and unique tips that I may not have discovered in other ways. A welcome surprise was seeing Questrade’s representatives so consistently involved in this forum’s discussions.
Located under the Reports menu option are a slew of subcategories providing details about trading and general account activity. Some of these subcategories include: Investment Summary (pictured above), Trade Confirmations , Account Activity , Statements , Investment Return , and Tax Slips . Collectively, these reports allow you to explore all of your investments (stocks, funds, bonds, etc), buying power, total equity, current cash balances and positions (in CAD and USD), and more.
Your trading history is maintained for 36 months while eStatements, generated monthly, are stored for 7 years. Tax slips (e. g., T3, T5, T5008) are also made available electronically for each year.
New statements are published on the 15th of each month and made available for immediate download as PDF files. These reports have improved dramatically over the years and contain a rich tapestry of useful colourful charts and graphs to make it easier to understand your performance to-date and compare it against previous years. Going further, these statements are very detailed, and very carefully constructed not to just be intuitively understood by the layman investor, but goes in-depth to provide breakdowns of the month’s activity details, a summary of all trades settled by the end of that month, conversion rates, allocations, current and historical rates of return, dividend distributions, and special notes from the brokerage.
Because I view myself as an average investor, the styling approach laid out in these statements are an excellent bonus offered by Questrade.
Although Questrade highly endorses the viewing, downloading, and/or printing of monthly statements online as PDF files, and provides them free of charge, they still offer the alternative option of mailing out paper statements. This alternative, however, does cost $20 per statement. If you still prefer these hardcopies, then you can put in a request directly by phone or through their live help chat window.
Dual Currencies.
Questrade’s margin and registered accounts are comprised of two sub-accounts — one that holds Canadian funds, and the other for holding U. S. funds. This is incredibly convenient since it stops unnecessary automatic conversion charges, common at virtually all other brokerage firms, when trading U. S. instruments. Questrade does not do automatic currency conversions. Other brokerages, on the other hand, do this simply because it maximizes their profits. Good for them, bad for you.
For example, with Questrade things like U. S. dividend income from U. S. traded stocks will remain as USD and automatically be deposited into your U. S. sub-account. The same is true when funding your margin (or registered) account by either currency type; the funds will automatically be placed into the associating sub-account of the same type.
Funds can be moved between sub-accounts using Questrade’s Exchange Funds feature, but just take careful note that by using this tool it will involve a conversion based on the spot rate at the close of market in Toronto plus a spread fee. This spread fee is 1.99% for both margin and registered accounts. If total equity exceeds $100K, however, this fee drops to 1.70% for margin and 1.00% for registered accounts. If converting between USD/CAD, a better approach would be to use the Norbert’s Gambit technique because it eliminates almost all currency exchange fees. Please see the FAQ for more details.
An interesting related note is that Questrade continues to be the only brokerage in Canada to allow dual currency (CAD and USD) to be held concurrently inside registered accounts (i. e., TFSA, RRSP, RESP, RIF, LIRA, LIF) at no cost which in and of itself will save a colossal amount of money from unnecessary conversion fees. And whereas other brokerage houses do routinely charge annual fees for just having a registered account, Questrade doesn’t charge an annual fee at all; allowing your yearly contributions to grow with maximum efficiency.
Plataformas de Negociação.
Questrade has four trading platforms: Trading with Questrade , a fully functional web-based trading platform for Windows/Macs/Linux desktop users, as well as for mobile devices; Questrade IQ Edge , a streamlined desktop-based trading platform for Windows 7/8.1/10+ and macOS 10+; Questrade Mobile , their mobile entrant into the field of on-the-go trading, for iOS and Android; and Questrade FX Global , their web-based forex & CFD market trading platform for most desktop and mobile users.
This entire suite is free to use and practice accounts (with virtual money) are available without even having to activate a real trading account. Many of these platforms include snap quote live Canadian/U. S. streaming level 1 data, a charting package, research tools for fundamental and technical analysis, and more. And although it is made available for free, these platforms can be upgraded to include one of three data packages or add à la carte feeds.
Now, let’s probe deeper into each of these unique platforms in turn and see what they have to offer.
Trading with Questrade.
This is Questrade’s most popular free trading platform. It serves as the primary trading gateway for most users entire investing experience. It also serves as Questrade’s answer for those who, for one reason or another, may not have access to (or be compatible with) their Mobile or IQ Edge applications. As such, this trading platform is what Linux users turn to when needing to trade stocks, ETFs, and options.
Trading with Questrade is craftily integrated into the Questrade Account portal and is reachable through the prominently displayed green Trade button located at the top menu bar. For convenience, this platform can be set as your home base when you log in. This platform is a fully compliant HTML5 browser-based responsive experience, it does not require a download, nor any third-party add-on, to be fully functional.
Taking a spin with this platform was an incredibly liberating experience — an excellent amalgamation of power and usability. It’s very featured-packed. It also introduces the concept of Gadgets into the platform lexicon. A gadget is an arrangeable user-customized view into your trading/market details. Some of these gadgets include: activity (a logs viewer), balances, time & sales (current global activity of a stock), level 1 quotes, level 2 quotes (if you’d paid for this extension), news, orders, charts, position summary, and a watch list. Any custom changes you make to your platform layout are automatically saved and restored when you re-log back in.
This platform was surprisingly lightning fast and responsive in every web browser I tested it in. Memory and CPU footprint usage was astonishingly small despite the depth of options, activity, and functionality it had to offer. I also found that sessions don’t appear to have any inactivity time limit.
A nice bonus feature of this platform was being able to start a trading task on one device (e. g., a home PC) and effortlessly shift to another device (e. g., smartphone or tablet) to complete it. This is an invaluable little addition because it can allow one to carefully construct lengthy trading procedures while permitting free movement during busy schedules. Additional bonus points also have to go to their clever use of green and red colouring in real-time to help more easily distinguish stocks and options price variations as they happen.
Impressively, this web-based trading platform has almost all the features found in IQ Edge, its bigger brother in this family. Notable differences include the lack of multiple workspaces, heat maps, and surprisingly, the inability to change color themes — you’re stuck with that white look, unlike IQ Edge which has selectable themes. So, if you feel you may need one or more of these missing features then I’d recommend you use their desktop-based IQ Edge platform instead.
Questrade IQ Edge.
Questrade IQ Edge is the big boy of this suite. It comes as a free install-based native PC (or Mac) desktop application. And although it is commonly used by many investors, regardless of experience, this platform was specifically engineered to cater to active and professional traders.
Interestingly, Trading with Questrade and IQ Edge share many features in common. But I did find the following unique differences.
IQ Edge allows for an unlimited amount of workspaces. A workspace is a screen area allowing one to open and customize a new set of gadgets or windows for a particular targeted purpose that suits a trading environment style. Multiple navigable workspaces is a valuable asset for active traders.
Other key differences I uncovered was that IQ Edge offers significantly more advanced options for order entries, such as conditional orders (e. g., trigger orders at a specific time, price, or volume automatically), creation of bracket orders, more extensive alerts, and multiple order entry windows. This platform also includes more extensive research tools and heat maps.
I also discovered a few subtle differences as well. IQ Edge allows for extensive gadget customizing, which takes them well beyond what is possible in Trading with Questrade. Most of these customizable features, however, are visual (e. g., drag-drop, resize, custom colourizing, blinking text). It depends on the gadget. Curiously, gadgets don’t have a snap-to feature and so they do not auto-arrange when the main application window resizes. It’s a bit annoying but not a deal breaker because most people just position their gadgets at a particular spot and maintain the application window at a set size.
Interestingly, any gadget customization you make in IQ Edge does not transfer over to their other trading platforms (assuming the same gadget exists), and vice versa. Ticker symbols and the related data inside gadgets (e. g., alerts), however, are properly maintained across different trading environments.
Thankfully IQ Edge incorporates different user-selectable colour themes, ranging from dark (default), light, and a sky blue. This is a welcome change from the screen burn-in white theme that their other trading platforms (excluding FX Global) are unfortunately hardwired to only use.
One additional allure of IQ Edge is that it gives a trader the sense of comfort knowing their platform’s trading activity will not be delayed or experience hiccups as might be the case if using a web browser. When speaking with Questrade’s technical staff, I was told that this platform is written from the ground up using optimized C++ code and deployed specifically for Intel processors, ensuring the speediest of responses for the most serious of traders. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing there is no 64-bit version for IQ Edge on PC platforms. For Macs it is natively 64-bit. Don’t get me wrong, this will still run perfectly fine on 64-bit Windows-based PC systems. It just won’t be running as efficiently as it could be. Here’s hoping in the near future an optimized 64-bit Windows version of IQ Edge will be made available.
Questrade Mobile.
Because many of us spend a lot of our time on mobile devices, it only makes sense that we want to be able to swipe, tap, and invest on-the-go as well. Questrade Mobile fills that void.
This free platform is a surprisingly very powerful, very capable mobile trading platform. Operating anywhere at any time, this app is available for iOS and Android devices from their respective app stores. The visual layout and organization of features is very well thought out — I can navigate and use the app with intuitive ease. And although they conveniently provide an interactive help tool I found there was little need to use it.
Questrade had originally planned to release a similar version for Windows Phone and Blackberry but, understandably, due to those aforementioned device’s almost non-existent market share, the idea was scrapped late in the development cycle. As such, users with those devices, including Linux, will need to use the browser-based alternative trading platform: Trading with Questrade.
I found Mobile’s feature set to be nearly identical to their Trading with Questrade platform, but with visual tweaks to better suit portable device operability. You can even perform account management actions directly within the app.
After using this platform for several days it’s clear to me Questrade is continuing to aim Mobile to be as feature-rich as IQ Edge over time so that even active traders can be less dependent of their desktops. I’m sure this will be greeted with overjoyed smiles by those traders who have been yearning to be more fully unshackled from their IQ Edge dungeons. On-the-go is here to stay so it only makes logical sense that Questrade will be continuing their trend of integrating more Edge-like whiz-bang functionality into Mobile, possibly surpassing their web-based sibling over time.
There is no question that Mobile is an integral component to Questrade and quite possibly view it as the most important in this entire platform suite, in terms of long-term growth, since most people will continue to be looking to their phones (and other portable devices) as their primary hub to the markets.
Questrade FX Global.
This is their free specialty web-based platform geared specifically to foreign exchange (FX) and contract-for-difference (CFD) traders. For the curious, FX contracts and CFDs are over-the-counter derivatives. FX Global gives you the ability to speculate on the price movement of currencies, energy, agriculture, metals, and equity indices from one account.
FX Global lives and breathes within the web browser. And my tests found the interaction to be seamless across every device I checked. That includes: PC, Mac, Linux, and mobile devices.
The platform conveniently tracks all trading activity in real time. I could execute trades from live bid/ask quotes just with a simple click or tap at any time. I was also able to keep tabs on open positions, watch for instant profits and losses, view account balances, and analyze historical activity, all on-screen.
Other positive noteworthy features in my evaluation include the ability to switch environment themes (i. e., dark or light), up-to-the-minute embedded news, research tools, technical analysis indicators, watch lists, and push notification alerts to your phone.
I found this platform to be designed very well and I could long and short hundreds of global currency pairs and CFDs with ease. The entire experience was surprisingly much more natural feeling than I was expecting; and this is coming from someone who has very little prior experience in the FX & CFD markets. Trading within the platform can be done 24 hours a day from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon, but, if necessary, existing forex account holders can also place orders for free over the phone.
Ferramentas de pesquisa.
One of the keys to successful investing is through tenacious market research — doing your homework. And so, while compiling this review I felt an honourable nod should be given to Questrade’s stand-out research tools: Market Intelligence and Intraday Trader .
When you login, both tools are found tucked away under the Market Research menu selection.
Market Intelligence is the place to go when you need to get the latest market news in North America, Europe, and Asia as it happens. With research data and ratings provided by MorningStar, I was able to successfully look up a lot of valuable material (e. g., reports, earnings) on whole industries, companies, and specific stocks without having to leave my account. There is also a very useful criteria-based email alerter to keep track of stocks. You can set it up to alert you on price changes, volume fluctuations, bid sizes, and more.
The other research tool, Intraday Trader, is a comprehensive technical analyzer that monitors the NSYE, NASDAQ, AMEX, TSX, TSX Venture, and ARCA. By providing an event triggering watch list (pre-set or custom), it’s able to scan those markets and cross-reference technical patterns of interest throughout the trading day. When a target has been triggered I get notified with charts and a description on what caused it and why. It’s clear that the goal of this tool is to give you a heads-up on potential trading opportunities as they are happening. Interestingly, I began noticing over the following days that I kept returning to use this tool and adding more refined complexity to my event triggers. In short, using this tool can become quite addictive.
Managed Investing (Portfolio IQ)
Self-directed investing (aka DIY trading) is offered essentially by every discount brokerage in Canada and has been a popular choice by the general public due to the cornucopias of easy-to-use tools and support made available to investors desiring complete control over every aspect of their financial interests. With this style of investing, customers have always been able to sculpt their own investment strategy, define their portfolio, buy and sell securities, and more.
However, another option exists. For those with very little time, while continuing to carry big investment ambitions, Questrade introduced Portfolio IQ , the alternative to self-directed investing. Really known as managed investing, Portfolio IQ takes away the stress of investment decision making, such as asset allocation and re-balancing, and puts this work into the hands of experienced portfolio managers of their Questrade Wealth Management division.
Who doesn’t want to take it easy and watch their money grow towards financial independence with little effort? It’s a dream come true! However, the difficulty lies in trying to figure out how exactly to do that. This is where I feel Portfolio IQ comes to the rescue.
I discovered that Portfolio IQ was Canada’s first online wealth management service. Another accomplishment by Questrade. When speaking with one of their managers, he expressed that the advent of Portfolio IQ is to grow and become a definitive market disruptor. To make managed investing accessible to everyone. He went on to say that because managed investing has typically been an exclusive club for the very rich, their goal was to hark back to their motto of unlocking all things restrictive to the masses by doing away with convention. That’s a bold statement. So naturally I signed up for an account and had a look around.
Opening a Portfolio IQ account is straight-forward and only requires an initial deposit of just $1. As an extra bonus, this review’s Questrade offer code — also known as a Questrade referral code — can be used when opening a managed account to receive a free cash bonus. Once open you’re taken through a quick, simple to use point-and-click/tap questionnaire to set up an investor biography that identifies your risk tolerance, existing financial circumstances, market knowledge, and investment ambitions. This is all used to help crystallize the best portfolio that will matter to you. If your goals change, then you can adjust your biography to keep things in balance, which will then automatically update your underlying portfolio model accordingly.
ETF Portfolios.
There are five portfolios and they all deal exclusively in ETFs. Composition is an assortment mix of sectors, markets, and countries.
Further, each of these portfolios have three tiers. Each tier has a different set of sector-specific and country-specific ETFs. It is your account asset value that determines which tier position you’re automatically assigned within the portfolio you’ve selected.
Estrutura de taxas.
Although it only requires $1 to open a Portfolio IQ account, your money sits uninvested until it reaches at least $2,000. Once that threshold has been reached, your money is automatically shifted into your selected portfolio, and your very own assigned team of specialists will begin actively managing and adjusting your portfolio as opportunities arise in the markets. I found they vigilantly kept re-balancing assets to stay within my risk tolerance without any daily involvement on my part, which was nice.
I didn’t find any trading or trailing commission fees. I did uncover a nominal annual management fee, however, which varies based on your existing total account asset value. This fee only gets charged when you have at least $2,000 in savings within your managed account. If it does apply then it’s broken up and charged proportionally on a quarterly basis. Relative to other brokerages and banks, this management fee is by far the lowest I’ve seen.
With the added benefit of taking full advantage of tax-loss harvesting, and providing a last quarter management fee refund guarantee if you’re not fully satisfied for any reason, Portfolio IQ is an extraordinary entrant into the managed investing arena. It has that perfect resonating mix all investors, big and small, crave when they daydream of an unshackled financial tomorrow.
IPO Centre.
Participating in initial public offerings (IPO), secondary issues (additional shares/bonds offered by a public company), and structured products has always been the holy grail for many investors due to the incredible euphoric frenzy of the 1990’s internet IPO boom, and recently with the bitcoin cryptocurrency mania (via Initial Coin Offerings).
Because IPOs usually tick up on first day closings, it makes total sense why so many want in — it’s a quick way to make an easy buck! However, due to the natural laws of supply and demand, interest in these new issues almost always outstrip the quantity made available, and therefore only insiders, well-connected bigwigs, and the very wealthy are usually the only ones who are granted access. Nepotism and cronyism at its undemocratic finest.
For generations the general public has had little access to IPOs. There was a brief moment in time when Wit Capital, an internet startup of the 90s, briefly unlocked this secret world, but it was short-lived.
Questrade became one of the new Canadian trailblazers to usher in a sledgehammer back into this world for the masses by introducing their IPO Centre. This centre is a very welcome sight and seems well positioned to grow into something incredibly special.
Type of Offerings.
The Questrade IPO Centre showcases newly available issues of Canadian equity, fixed income, and structured notes. For historic reasons, they also give access to a detailed back catalog of previous offerings. Each IPO’s respective fact sheet, investor summary, terms, preliminary and final prospectuses are also readily available.
Although the IPO Centre mostly has Canadian offerings, U. S. IPOs do show up from time-to-time as well. Due to Canadian security regulations though, U. S. and other foreign-based companies must file their prospectuses in each province individually in order to be sold to residents of that particular province. Since many companies in the United States may feel that doing an IPO in Canada could be an added expense (e. g., listing fees, legal fees, French language requirements), and that domestic demand in the U. S. is already strong enough to satisfy the capital they’re seeking to raise, it’s only logical that most offerings you see listed in the centre are Canadian by nature.
Fun fact: TSX has a very large mining focus. This is because many international mining/resource companies file a prospectus, raise money, and choose to be listed here in Canada.
Registered accounts (e. g., RRSP, TFSA) are also eligible to hold the vast majority of IPOs and treasury offerings. Some IPOs, however, may not be eligible due to their company/offering structure and how widely held it is.
My only complaint is that the number of IPOs to select from isn’t as bountiful as I would prefer it to be. I am not sure if this is due to the unseen battle that they surely must have with underwriters to be granted access to new filings, or if their staff is just being lethargic in pursuing more pickings.
How To Take Part.
The IPO Centre is reachable on your desktop/laptop , smartphone, and tablet. When you see an IPO or other new issue you like, it’s a simple click/tap of the Buy button found next to that offering. Alternatively, you can call their trade desk to put in a request. All IPO and secondary offering purchases are commission free.
Once your order has been placed, this is referred to as an “expression of interest”. An expression of interest makes Questrade aware you are putting in a commitment to buy a number of shares. This does not guarantee, though, that you will actually get any or all of the shares you’ve requested.
When placing an expression of interest on their website, the trade desk contacts you to confirm the order within an hour. In rare cases I found it took up to 24 hours.
There is a $5,000 minimum requested amount for submitting an IPO order. Some companies going public may even ask for an amount over and above this, but the majority of the time it won’t be above the $5,000 Questrade minimum. Once the order is confirmed, Questrade passes along your interest to the offering’s underwriter.
For instant notification of newly announced IPOs and secondary issues, I recommend subscribing to their mailing list known as the IPO Bulletin . Surprisingly, I found that notifications arrived roughly thirty minutes sooner than the time it took for new issues to appear on the centre’s front page. That revelation can potentially lead to unique first access opportunities. Agradável!
Canceling a request can be made within two business days (this may vary depending on the province) of receiving, or deemed receipt of, a prospectus and any related amendments (found at the online centre).
Processing Time & Distribuição.
Processing time for orders can vary but usually it takes around three weeks from when the underwriters first launch the IPO and when the offering closes. Times can be shorter when dealing with some secondary offerings and preferred treasury shares. Once allocations from the underwriter are received, Questrade informs customers via email or phone.
Allocations, however, may be distributed on a pro-rata basis if an IPO is oversubscribed (the number of shares requested by all interested parties is greater than what Questrade received), and so, as mentioned earlier, your original request amount may not necessarily materialize to what you actually get. For example, if Questrade receives a 50% allocation on their total order amount, they would then allocate only 50% to your original order request.
Serviço ao cliente.
Customer services are the make or break for practically every company, irrespective of the industry they’re in. If customers have an issue, be it executing a hanging order, a problem with account management, or just to get in touch to have someone walk them through a task, it’s critical that customer service be attentive, knowledgeable, and understanding. You can have all the best technology and intuitive user experience in place, but if you lack basic customer service support, you’re company is doomed.
Now let’s delve into Questrade’s customer service experience so I can give you my impression on their online and offline (i. e., telephone) efficacy.
Most people will likely prefer to communicate with Questrade through online means. As such, you have a few options: Email, and Live Help real-time chat.
Email response times were relatively quick. I sent four different emails regarding four distinctly different issues, and their reply times varied between one hour and eighteen hours. That’s pretty good. Their response content was very good as well. Nothing was canned, which is common when dealing with other companies over email.
As for the online chat feature, while putting this review together I noticed that Questrade had repeatedly repositioned their live help’s green Chat button. I figure it’s probably because they are still finalizing on the best placement for it. But nonetheless, their chat button tends to be conveniently a fixed overlay on the right corner of most pages. It’s operational from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) from 8:00am – 8:00pm ET. When clicked it brings up a pop-up window.
After speaking with several online representatives — those who deal with potential new accounts and others who deal with existing accounts — I found them to be very well-informed, professional, and quick in their responses. They also took the extra time to provide external web links (those found outside the Questrade domain) for further reading which was a nice bonus. If the chat feature is unavailable (e. g., weekends, holidays, or outside service hours) you’re still able to leave a detailed message. When I tried this, I did receive a decent response when a representative returned.
For customer support over the phone, they are available Monday to Friday, 7:30am – 8:00pm ET. For forex trading, they are open much longer, including Sundays. When I did phone in, I found that they support English, French, and Mandarin languages. Coincidentally, being trilingual I was able to speak to representatives in all three languages. Hold times varied based on what I was calling about. During midday on a workweek I found the wait time for a new customer to be about one minute. When calling in as an existing customer, the wait time was much shorter. This may be coincidental, but I also found that using their live help was much quicker than calling into their offices. Overall, speaking over the phone with their different departments was a very relaxing and helpful experience. They know their stuff! And not once did I feel they were rushing to get the conversation ended quickly. It felt like I actually mattered.
Questrade has partnered with several financial service providers to help enhance your investment experience through third-party apps. Types of partner apps include trading platforms, stock pickers, performance recorders, statistics analyzers, portfolio monitors, etc. Once you grant permission to an app, it can access your account details (personal information is still kept private), retrieve market data, and assist you with placing trades through your Questrade brokerage account.
Granting permission to a third-party app is as simple as finding an app of interest within the App Hub library, clicking the Add to My Apps button, generating a special (and necessary) authorization token, downloading the associating partner’s app (and/or signing up for an account via their website), and then inputing your generated authorization token within the app.
The only apps authorized by Questrade are the ones listed in their library. If a third-party app is not listed there, then that specific app will not have access to your account. In other words, you cannot arbitrarily generate a generic authorization token for an unauthorized app.
Interestingly, you can create and register your own app and become a partner with Questrade. I will discuss this in more detail under the Developer Platform section of this review.
One strange quirk I did find, when you add a partner app it became difficult, if not impossible, to return to the App Hub library at a later time to add another app. Why Questrade didn’t add a navigable link back to the library on the My Apps page — if you’ve already added at least one app — is beyond me. Either this is an oversight, or a bug. I’ve reported this problem to them. Hopefully they fix it soon because the only way I could figure out how to return to the App Hub library was to remove all my apps. That’s very inconvenient. By the time you read this review it will probably already be fixed.
Beyond that little issue it was really fun and quite advantageous to have access to so many third-party apps.
Questrade’s security measures have improved dramatically over the years. They use an impressive 256-bit SSL class 3 extended validation for both logging in and trading. Extra security during the login process can be provided by enabling two-factor authentication. For those unfamiliar, two-factor authentication is an additional security layer which requires not just a username and password, but you must also use another device that you currently have in your possession — typically a phone — to input a special code shown on that device during the login process.
Questrade has an online security guarantee which insures investors against unauthorized transactions which result in a direct loss. This security guarantee, however, doesn’t extend to intruders breaching accounts on your end (i. e., browser vulnerability, PC/Mac infection). In other words, if there is fraudulent activity and it’s proven to be due to the negligence of Questrade they are in a position to cover your loss at 100%.
They are a CIPF (Canadian Investor Protection Fund) member, and so all Canadian investors are covered up to $1,000,000. They are also members of the IIROC (Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada). For claims that exceed $1,000,000, Questrade offers extended private insurance up to $10 million. You will need to contact them directly by phone for more details in getting this extension set up correctly.
Other noteworthy features: When joining, you must provide at least two security questions and answers — one of which gets asked when you attempt to log into your account from an unrecognized device. Once signed into your account your last login information is prominently displayed at the top-right corner with the date, time, device used, browser user agent, and the operating system of who last accessed your account.
And lastly, a special appreciation goes out to the ability to set up a personal identification number (PIN) from your customer profile page. This PIN is optional, but is used to make it quicker to identify you when phoning in. You still have to provide other information about yourself when speaking to a representative, but the verification process is much quicker. I found this very handy, especially because I had to call in several times to better review their customer service.
Developer Platform.
Developers interested in writing their own applications or using tools from other third-party vendors can rejoice because Questrade has their own application programming interface (API). It’s free to use and can execute, modify, and cancel stock & option orders on Canadian and U. S. exchanges; retrieve balances, and positions as far back as sixteen months; and fetch delayed and real-time market data. Their SDK with sample code is available for download in C++ and C#.
After a quick glance over Questrade’s very clean online API operations documentation, within ten minutes I had created my first, fully functional application in Microsoft Visual Studio C#. It’s very easy to make an app! I also love how they give access to a practice server for testing applications on. And once I had fixed all my bugs, I then was able to switch over to the live server. Very smart!
Questrade implements Representational State Transfer (REST) for reading and writing data, and the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework for their security protocol. Everything communicates through HTTPS only. The great thing about using REST and OAuth is that development time is significantly reduced, as was evident by the time it took for me to make my first app, because they are widely used, simple to understand, standards for a lot of online development.
I noticed there is an option to partner with Questrade so that your application can extend beyond your app’s library, and be made available to every Questrade customer. I did not test this feature because my application was just a simple proof-of-concept for this review, but I did speak with a technician who told me that there is no cost when partnering. Your application goes through a thorough quality assurance review, and if they feel your app will enhance their customers’ experiences, they will happily add it into the App Hub. Please note, though, if you develop a trading platform where your users make trades within your app on the live server, then your users will still get charged the same commission fees that they would have paid if they were using one of Questrade’s standard trading platforms.
My journey through the expansive financial world carved out by Questrade was a very enjoyable one. Although their list of achievements include free ETFs, very mature trading platforms, quality customer service, IPOs, and a comprehensive developer platform, their most impressive feature has to go to being able to execute trades as low as 1¢ per share (1¢ minimum for active traders; $4.95 minimum for non-active traders).
It has been decades now and Questrade continues to carry the honour of being Canada’s lowest cost discount brokerage company. Questrade’s low commission rate is so good it serves as an enticer to make more trades more often and not have to hesitate by attempting to time the market in hopes of lowering commission costs.
In MoneySense’s Canada’s Best Online Brokerages article, Questrade was top ranked as the best in terms of lowest fees and lowest commissions. They also received honourable mentions as the best in ease of use and overall independent broker.
I can’t think of anything negative to point out about this company. It’s very clear they want to be in this industry and stay as the market leader in Canada. When speaking to several of their representatives online and over the phone you could feel a strong sense of pride in their written words and spoken tone. There is clearly a strong and positive ecosystem in their workplace environment. The staff seem exceptionally knowledgeable when assisting, providing a fulfilling experience. This is a far cry from my past dealings with other brokerages and banks.
For most of my stock trading life I had been connected at the hip with my local bank. This was before I became more enlightened with better options that were out there. I’m sure this is the case for most people. Many of us usually get our first investment accounts at big banks (e. g., BMO InvestorLine, Scotia iTrade, RBC Direct Investing, TD Direct Investing) because of the ease to do so — we have our savings and chequing accounts with them already so it’s just logical to open a trading account there as well. Such conveniences, however, bring with it abuses by these banks onto their customers. And so it wasn’t until I became completely disillusioned by my bank’s high fees and endless shenanigans that I felt it was time to explore other financial outlets. And hence, here we are today and why I felt this ultimate Questrade review was a necessary obligation to write.
Should you join? Yes — a resounding YES! For someone like me, as a casual trader, who has experienced headaches with banks and other brokerage firms, it’s nice to finally find a good home at Questrade who doesn’t play games, nor charge exorbitant fees. Questrade fits my needs perfectly and helps unlock my potential as a growing investor.
Now I’d love to hear your opinion on Questrade. Leave a reply below, share this review, and rate them using the ratings gauge found at the very top of this page.
Editor Rating: 90% out of 100.
Readers Rating: 95 % out of 100 ( 2212 votes)
Perguntas frequentes (FAQ)
This review has been updated many times over the years and, during such time, many questions have been asked by my readers in the comments section. For your convenience, I have compiled the most asked questions, with their corresponding answers, below.
Why Questrade?
Lowest commission cost per equity trade in Canada. Commission-free ETF trades. No annual fees. Free $50 when using Questrade offer code: Canada Questrade will cover the transfer-out fee when moving your brokerage account to them. Full-featured tools and trading platforms available on all devices. Very responsive customer service. Even when using live online help. Hold dual-currency (CAD and USD) simultaneously within registered accounts (e. g., RRSP) without automatic conversions, nor fees.
Is Questrade good?
Sim! Questrade offers a remarkably rich tapestry of features well tailored for new investors and seasoned traders. They also have the lowest costs of any other brokerage house in Canada, by far. Over the years, they have routinely demonstrated their hypercompetitiveness in this crowded industry by endlessly releasing new products, updates, and exploring untapped avenues (e. g., IPOs).
Where can I get the Questrade offer code?
To get $50 free from Questrade, simply type the following Offer Code: Canada into the Offer Code input box during the sign-up process.
What is the best way to convert CAD/USD?
To elminate currency exchange fees almost entirely when converting CAD/USD, you will want to use Norbert’s Gambit. To do this, you will use tickers: DLR. TO and DLR. U.TO . The former deals in CAD currency, the latter in USD currency.
To convert from CAD to USD:
Buy shares of DLR. TO (currency will be in CAD) in the amount that you want to convert into USD cash. Get ahold of a Questrade rep via live help chat or on the phone. Tell the rep that you want to journal over all of your newly acquired DLR. TO shares to its USD equivalent side (i. e., DLR. U.TO). Your shares will now shift from DLR. TO to DLR. U.TO and be in USD currency. Sell all of your DLR. U.TO shares. You will now have USD cash.
To convert from USD to CAD:
Buy shares of DLR. U.TO (currency will be in USD) in the amount that you want to convert into CAD cash. Get ahold of a Questrade rep via live help chat or on the phone. Tell the rep that you want to journal over all of your newly acquired DLR. U.TO shares to its CAD equivalent side (i. e., DLR. TO). Your shares will now shift from DLR. U.TO to DLR. TO and be in CAD currency. Sell all of your DLR. TO shares. You will now have CAD cash.
The entire process can take up to 1-2 business days to complete. The full details of your conversion is recorded under myQuestrade’s Account Activity page.
Can I short sell?
Yes, you can short stocks in margin accounts. Registered accounts (e. g., RRSP), however, cannot short because of Canadian government regulations.
Do their platforms support Mac/Linux?
Yes, their trading platforms are available for Mac and Linux users. Questrade’s trading platforms are also available for Windows, iOS, and Android devices. For Linux users, Trading with Questrade, their responsive HTML browser-based web application, is what’s used.
My bank doesn’t accept Questrade account #s.
Most people will fund their Questrade accounts through their bank’s bill payment method. However, some banks still impose an eight character limit. You can get around this problem by using just the first eight digits of your ten digit Questrade account #.
How do I get trading reports before 2011?
If you have been a Questrade member before 2011, then you may have already discovered that their Trade Confirmations database, which claims to carry your trading details dating back to January 1st, 2009, in fact only rolls back to February 4th, 2011. Sadly, you may no longer have access to these older trading reports because Penson, Questrade’s old clearinghouse partner, who stockpiled these much older reports, has now shut its doors for good. When speaking with Questrade’s representatives, I got inconsistent answers on whether they still have these very old reports or not.
How do I stop paper-mailed investor documents?
Initially, shareholder communications (i. e., voting requests, annual meeting summaries, financial reports) are sent as paper mail to your physical address. For those who wish to save the environment by saving a few trees you can alternatively opt to receive these correspondence documents through electronic mail instead. A convenient free service called InvestorDelivery exists where you can set up to receive all of your investor correspondence electronically. InvestorDelivery requires a special ID that is stamped in the header region of each of your paper documents. So you’ll have to wait and receive a paper document of a security you own before you can switch over to its electronic alternative.
How do I avoid paying ECN Fees?
ECN fees are fees enforced onto Questrade by an external network that charges you for making a transaction which removes liquidity from the market (i. e., buying at the ask or selling at the bid). Questrade doesn’t make any money from ECN fees; they simply pass this collected fee to the designated network to execute your order. Although these fees translate to mere pennies, one can avoid paying them altogether by executing transactions as a limit (or stop) order at the bid/ask instead of as a market order request. For U. S. stocks you can also send orders to non-direct access ECN networks (i. e., LAMP, MNGD, or POST) to avoid these fees completely.
How do I avoid mutual fund trailer fees?
Questrade will rebate mutual fund trailer fees. They call this their Mutual Fund Maximizer . Trailer fees are commissions by fund management companies paid to brokerage houses for being the retailer that sold you your fund(s). This commission is an ongoing source of revenue for brokerages as long as you keep holding onto those fund(s). You don’t see this fee because it’s part of the MER of the fund. So, Questrade is willing to rebate this fee back to you every quarter. But there’s a catch. You need a minimum of $36,000 in mutual fund holdings to be eligible for this rebate. The reasoning is simple: There is a processing fee of $29.95/month. So, the rebates will start paying back if your mutual fund holdings is worth more than $36,000 (based on a 1% trailer fee).
What is the interest rate when buying on margin?
Most people will sign up for the standard margin account, which gives you access to borrow funds at an amount more than your current cash balance. This extended buying power ability is very useful and can come in handy when you need to jump on market opportunities. Assuming you’ve bought on margin and haven’t settled your stocks after three days of the purchase, the margin interest rate can be as low as prime + 2.5%, which is in-line with most brokerages.
What is Margin Power?
Margin Power is a free service by Questrade that allows you to link your existing TFSA account (held at Questrade) to your margin account. Doing so increases your buying power within your margin account by leveraging the assets you already own inside your TFSA, making it enormously convenient to enter new positions without requiring a transfer of new cash or selling existing securities.
How do I register for a DRIP?
A dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), which is also known as a direct purchase plan (DPP), allows you to reinvest your stock’s dividend income automatically into the purchase of additional shares of that security without paying any trading commissions. To register for a DRIP, log into your Questrade account, navigate to Account Management > Find Forms , and download & fill out the one page PDF file: Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) Authorization . You’d then use Upload Documents to send your signed form to Questrade. It takes up-to 24 hours to process your request. If you ever sell off your security entirely, your DRIP will be canceled.
Replies to this Review.
Armaan H. says:
The CAD dollar is relatively weak (historically) compared to the USD. Anyone know if it’s worth buying gold right now?
Clayton D says:
Robert you might want to read this questrade review in full. Although Americans aren’t allowed to join via the online process there seems to be a way to do so offline (you’d have to walk into their office). And there are certain restrictions. You seem better off to find a broker in your country.
Robert M. says:
Maybe i am missing something but as an American i cant figure out why we dont get $4.95 trades. Are Americans allowed to join Questrade? I am pretty sure Questrade is a Canadian company.
Eduardo says:
Managed investing looks interesting. Anyone here have that type of account and willing to give more details.
Braiden K. says:
I’m thinking to open a RRSP account with Questrade and want to ask them some questions before I make the move. Tried to use chat and got this message "Please note that we are currently experiencing higher than normal chat volumes. Please continue to hold and not cancel the chat while we try to connect you to an agent." It took 5 minutes to get help which is absolutely unacceptable. I understand it will be less speedy service with discount brokerage but I don’t expect that long. The rep said waiting this long is not normal though. Who knows!!
Chance says:
Helluva whale of a questrade review! Much obliged from a lonely boy in a dark basement.
Tad Jefferyes says:
Based on this questrade review and the screen captures i like the intuitiveness of Questrade’s user interface such as that shown in Account Activity. I am a small time trader and so i dont like to be bogged down by a lot of techno babble. That free $50 questrade promo offer code is very inticing, i am not going to lie.
Jayvon H. says:
The pictures are very helpful. I just wish their was a video of using the My Account panel that would be nice.
Zebadiah says:
I noticed recently their chat feature was very bad. I often waited for more than half hour, still nobody showed up. When I just opened my account, their service was pretty good. Anybody have the same experience?
Nansy says:
Questrade Review to the MAX! Muah! I love you. Was aimlessly looking for a quality written review on Questrade.
And thanks for the Questrade Offer Code. I will be sharing this with a few friends on Facebook.
Isai G. says:
Questrade does a smart thing. They understand that their are many out there that are interested in investing but aren’t very experienced — the new investors. By drawing them in with simple signup and trading at low prices it is too good a thing to pass up for many. If just a few of these small, infrequent investors become active traders they’d be making a killing.
Gilberto H. says:
That questrade promo code is going to get some serious use by me. Obrigado!
Howard says:
What i cant understand is why other online discount brokers dont compete directly with Questrade. Questrade’s prices are way cheaper than anyone i’ve ever been with.
Noah F. says:
This questrade review is insanely thorough! Fantastic work! Questrade must have given you a lot of unprecedented access to be able to cover so much.
Ervin Keck says:
I decided to check out their online chat and they seem well informed. I am a bit surprised about that and not simply cut/paste answers.
Wynter says:
I think Questrade’s image has changed considerably. They were once considered the scorn of the industry but i think over the years they’ve changed their tune and now seem to want to embrace their customers.
Richard W says:
I’m really liking what i am seeing/reading here. I’ve been with TD Direct Investing (formerly called TD Waterhouse) for about 20 years now but as of late they’ve been getting on my nerves and have been slowly looking to potentially shift to a new home for my trades.
Not sure if i will make the move yet or any time soon but i’ve bookmarked this incredible questrade review for later anaylsis. Job well done to you bunch.
Beverly says:
I attended one of Questrade’s learning centres to see what they were about here in Toronto. Eu realmente gostei. I am now more convinced i should join them. Thanks for the incredible effort in this Questrade Review. And the Questrade Offer Code will be of great use when i join soon.
Benny Ackerman says:
Good point about the security thing. I notice a lot of financial instutions are now incorporating the image captcha thing you describe.
Dijon Woldring says:
Wow, i am liking the new Questrade look! I hear CP is going to be creating a separate new review of another aspect of the Questrade experience.
I think i must be the biggest doosh on the planet because prior to reading this questrade review i had never heard of questrade before. How uninformed am i? And yes, for the record, i have been living under a rock.
Arden Speagh says:
Ok so that i have things straight: it’s 1 cent per share but one is charged a minimum of $4.95 to make a trade. However i can buy/sell as many shares that i want which will at the most cost me $9.95 to make such a massive trade. Muito interessante.
NewTrader says:
Just opened my Questrade account and got confirmation that i can begin trading today. Had to stop by and say thank you very much for this wonderful Questrade review and Questrade offer code. It’s been a very big help!
Gerardo N says:
This is my second time reading this review. I didnt realize there were Questrade developer tools too. Good review.
Conner K. says:
Someone put a lot of love into this Questrade review that is for sure. I don’t think i have ever seen a review quite like this before. Fantastic and very comprehensive.
Harley says:
Thanks for the US information (eft) you bring up in this review. I was actually wondering this.
Gage B. says:
Still not sure if i should make the big switch. I’ve been a happy customer with IB for 5 years. This review does make it enticing though.
Anita Pierce says:
Just forwarded this questrade review to a few buddies of mine thinking of getting into stock trading now that we have graduated. I hope you write more reviews on other discount brokers in the future. It would be very handy.
Lukas says:
The questrade offer code in this questrade review works! Thanks for the $50 in free trades.
I’m interested in the tfsa account. But wondering about how the losses and gains apply. I will have to read up.
Mathias B says:
$4.95? That’s gotta be a typo. I ended up having to check their site to verify this. RI MUITO! Never heard of them until today. Thanks for the writeup.
Ariel Vancil says:
LOL is there an abreviated version of this Questrade review? I am a really slow and lazy reader. Good stuff though!
Unknown H says:
I remember when there was just E-trade. Now there are a ton of online brokers that make it possible for such great deals!
Paxton V. says:
Basically i am looking to do low volume trading now that me and my family have some disposable cash to see how things go.
This Questrade lot looks promising and so this along with the questrade offer code in this review might be what i was looking for.
Salvador says:
Questrade is going to be implementing a new security feature for the login process that will include a user-selected image that you must confirm along with one or more security questions. Was reading this the other day. I think it comes out some time this year.
I can confirm that my account was fully open and reading for trading in about 2 business days. Really quick. I was actually expecting it would take longer. This Questrade review has been very helpful.
Ricardo Bjorkman says:
Thanks for pointing out the CIPF mention. I was starting to wonder about that as i went through this review.
Darron M says:
Awesome review! The promo code was handy! So big hey to all y’all!
Yohan says:
Excellent writeup for this questrade review. My wife and I were having troubles trying to decide which discount broker to join with because we were thinking of just making it easy on ourselves and just sticking with the one that is offered at our local bank. Based on what we’re reading we just may go with Questrade after all.
Thanks very much for the excellent effort.
Forrest Dice says:
You’ve got me sitting on top of the clouds now that i’ve finally found a questrade offer code (or is it a promo code) that i can use. Much appreesh!
goodie2shoe! says:
From my experience most of the negative reviews about Questrade in the past were due to problems that Questrade DID have. I have been with them for many years and have experienced most of them but they are gone now. Although i wish they were faster at resolving them they do get to it eventually. Por enquanto, tudo bem.
Robbie says:
What surprises me most is that there is no clear competitor to Questrade. Everyone else is charging an arm and a leg and so it baffles me as to why Questrade is offering their service for so cheap.
Norberto says:
Just learned from this questrade review they’ve been around for 20 years! Time flies! I feel old and still living at home in my mom’s basement 🙁
Jean G. says:
Questrade as a whole is pretty good but their research tool, although acceptable, still needs improvements. I was using it the other day trying to search a symbol and it couldnt find it. I had to call in. It’s possible i had to postfix the. to part but it should have assumed i was referring to a tsx ticker.
Dale F. says:
Nice tip on doing a limit order to avoid the pesky ECN fees entirely. That has to be the first time i have ever heard that advice. I am loving this Questrade Review each time i read it. I will be joining questrade in a few days when i have $1,000 available to make my initial deposit. I’ve saved that questrade promo code too so thanks in advance!
Jamari says:
If you open an account you have up to 6-months to fund and send remaining documents before Questrade considers it abandoned and deletes the account. They will email and try to contact you via phone and mail to remind you throughout. I found this out from a buddy who signed up but left to Japan and his partner kept being contacted by Questrade about the unfinished opening.
BarbaraSweet says:
Eek, i didnt know they changed their account # format. I’ve been a Questrade member for years now. Didnt get an email about all this. Yikes! Glad i dropped by. I was actually looking for a Questrade Review for my neice.
Brice Vergenson says:
How long does it take to offically open an account from start to finish?
Irwin says:
Beck says buy gold! Maybe i’m gullable but its good to know Questrade offers this.
Stefano says:
Hey this Questrade Review has been updated again! That’s pretty cool! And i see Questrade has really revamped their entire look based on your screen captures. Their new look is much better.
Kamari C says:
The cost for International Stocks @ 1% is a really good bargain. Now you’ve got my full attention with Quesrade. Incredible work on this questrade review. That $50 questrade offer code might be what pulls me in.
Macey Soya says:
Oh so they also offer TFSA accounts too. That’s very interesting! I’ve been neglecting to use my tfsa contribution limit since its inception back in 2009. I am strongly considering opening a Questrade tfsa. Will have to read more though.
Equitizer says:
Yup, been with Questrade back in 1999. They’ve had their hiccups but they’ve been moving in the right direction over the past 10 years.
Chant Penrod says:
Finally stumbled onto a REAL Questrade review! Now i can finally decide who i should go with. I’ve been leaning towards my bank’s investor service simply because that is where my personal accounts are but after reading this i am really giving it second thoughts.
Julien says:
Credential Direct? Nunca ouvi falar deles. Just checked their site. You made a good choice!
Dusty says:
Geezus at $4.95/$9.95 one can’t help but wonder how low can this whole thing go? If Questrade is still able to make a sizeable profit and be such a disruptive force in trading then why hasn’t anyone else done this? Thanks for the questrade promo code!
Dyllan says:
@Felix – you raise a very good point. I too was ALWAYS thinking about commission costs before doing an actual trade. I lost a plenty of opportunities because of that. Now i never do that.
Mandy says:
Nice touch with the mention of the Investor Delivery option in this Questrade Review. Personally, i have been complaining about constantly getting this material in the mail all the time wishing there was a bloody way to get it electronically. Now i have my solution. Big moi, to you folks!
Felix says:
I switched from Credential Direct to Questrade in Dec 2010. At first I found the Questrade interface to be confusing compared to CD, but once I got used to it it was easy to navigate and make trades. The Questrade interface is good and their prices are even better. Before, I would strongly consider the commission costs before making a trade. Now, the trading costs are almost negligible! I highly recommend if you want a no hassle trading platform with low fees.
Donnell says:
Thank god for Questrade! I had been getting robbed with itrade for years. My significant other and i are planning on joining Questrade soon.
Conor says:
Great Questrade Review. I added the link to my site. Easily the de facto review for this discount broker. Obrigado por compartilhar.
Marquise Risser says:
Just wanted to say big thank you for the $50 questrade promo offer code!
Fynn S says:
If you have proof of a Canadian residency (you will likely need to go into their offices to provide this proof — i could be wrong and you may just can register online) then you may be able to open an account.
Rocco Daniels says:
I’m a US resident..i guess i wont be allowed to open an account?
Darell says:
@allen i hear ya. I honestly think this will teach you more about Questrade than what Questrade even knows about. lol.
allen says:
Seriously, how in the heck were you able to put such a really detailed questrade review like this? I’m actually still reading through it 24 hours later. This is not knocking you guys on it just more in awe at the depth to it.
Advice to anyone new to stock equity investing: Do your homework. If you are just following the herd you will invariably always lose your money in the end. The more you know, the better you perform.
Elias Osburn says:
Thank you for the quality work in this questrade review. And thank you for the questrade offer code.
Taurean McCabe says:
Just went through pretty much every discount broker in Canada. Gotta say, Questrade is looking very promising!
Fredrick Landau says:
This Questrade Review has been a big time life saver. I was getting lost in a deluge of information and wasnt quite sure what to do. I’ve bookmarked and emailed this link to a few friends of mine in the same boat.
Cody Byram says:
When are we going to be able to trade social predictions like what is done on sites like the now defunct intrade? I am terrible at stock trades but pretty awesome at predicting the future in social events.
Nikola Pierpoint says:
1 share. Doesnt seem worth it. I guess if the stock is Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK. A and BRK. B) it would make sense. Yes the comission charge will be a $4.95. That is the minimum fee Questrade charges.
Brendon Cowen says:
So far so good with Questrade. I joined last week and everything seems to be running smoothly. I am still wrapping my head around the Trade platform because i am such a n00b in trading. lol. I know i can go to IQ but i prefer the other one since its more my tea.
Anyway, thanks for the fantastic questrade review. I had to return to let everyone know i’m having a good time with the experience.
trigger_happy says:
Hey man thanks for the Questrade offer code! Was creating a new account now and figured I should find it and get a great deal just for opening.
Romeo S. says:
I am totally new to this stock trading thing. Is it possible to just buy 1 share of a company? Will this cost me $4.95 for just the one share?
Malaya Holt says:
Questrade with live quote streaming seems like an interesting path. I might join in a few weeks. obrigado.
Camden Gerkin says:
I’ve never done stock trading before but am interested in starting. This might seem to be a perfect fit after reading this questrade review and going over the details with one of their reps.
Thank you for writing this. It’s been a really big help for me.
Giovanny Dela Beals says:
Was thinking of wiring the money into my account since my bank doesnt charge me a fee for wire transfers. As far as i can tell Questrade doesnt charge a wire transfer fee on deposits. It’s only when you withdrawal that they will charge a standard wire transfer fee. That’s pretty good.
RedRum says:
Woohoo! I was looking for a Questrade Offer Code and this Questrade Review hit the spot! Thanks and Questrade’s just got itself a new member!
Karl Van Deusen says:
Thanks for the pointer on the chat link. Didn’t realize they are open from 7:30a to 10:30p each day (East Coast).
Eoin P. says:
My husband was talking about joining and was hunting around for the perfect questrade review for him. Just wanted to say thank you for saving me a lot of research time.
Deven Butterfield says:
@Cobra, yes you can do online banking and put the money directly into your account. Once finished signing up they give you an account # (emailed too). Just set up to Pay a Bill while logged into your bank and choose Questrade. Paying a bill to Questrade is like depositing money into your account.
Cobra Commander says:
Can i fund my account through online banking or must i send them a cheque and wait for who knows how long before it arrives then clears?
Evelyn says:
This has got to be the most detailed Questrade review out there! You guys deserve an Oscar or something. I am still going thru it and i think it will take me all week. lol.
Warren T. says:
So cheap price ($4.95-$9.95), quick joining, user-friendly layout. It seems like a perfect fit for me.
I am only 19 but am starting to become interested in all this. Questrade seems like a good springboard for me.
Much appreciated with this Questrade review and the questrade offer code. The free $50 will encourage me to make more trades and not just sit around double thinking things through. lol.
Alfredo O. says:
giggles, i doubt it. I think you would have to close the entire account and create a new one. At least that is what i had to do with my broker prior to joining questrade. All banks are the same way so i figure discount brokers will be the same.
Mr. Giggles says:
Anyone know if i created a joint account could i have the other person removed if need be in the future?
Landen Leeka says:
I’ve just linked to this Questrade review on my site. Way too useful.
Mandy says:
Wow how Questrade has changed. I remember when they first started out some 15 years ago. Even there Questrade Account page has changed dramatically from the pictures you show above. I haven’t done trading in years. I just might jump in again and test things out.
FunTimes says:
Just joined Questrade. Had to say Thank You for a great Questrade Review and thank you again for the Questrade Offer Code. I’ve also passed this along to my sister and my brother who are starting to get interested in trading too.
Larry Chastain says:
Awesome inclusion of their Forex platform images. Shame not too many people are into forex trading tho.
MissPiggy says:
Hey this review has been updated!! Decided to check back on this questrade review after signing up way back. Great to see its keeping up with all of whats happening.
Jerry H. says:
Thanks for the info on IQ Edge. I didnt realize i could download a live demo and have a look around. It’s very handy!
Durrell says:
xe doesnt offer the lowest spread any more. And besides the fee to make the transfer will eat into your original savings. But then maybe you make gigantic conversions at a time.
Deron says:
Nice touch to add the FAQ at the bottom of this questrade review. Makes it much easier.
There’s the Questrade Offer Code i was looking for! Thanks bud! I am signing up right now and was hoping to find a code to enter.
Dejon H. says:
to the dude about exchanging funds. Why not use XE and then wire the money into your Questrade account? I’ve been using XE for years.
Brogan A says:
I became annoyed with Scotia iTrade (formerly eTrade). Totally bloated and became frustrating. Ok, so when i try to move cash between accounts why must i fill in a request form and wait instead of just point and clicking..ugh!! And blah, blah..sorry for the rant. I might give Questrade a try. This review seems genuine and its really appreciated.
Looks like Questrade has changed their Sign up process and the above pictures need updating. Great questrade review nonetheless. Excelente artigo!
Update: Wow you guys are quick. Thanks for updating the snapshots 🙂
Isaias says:
Interestingly Questrade’s rrsp and tfsa accounts charge a low conversion. So if you’re into going with an RRSP or TFSA account you are set.
Btw, to the person mentioning Interactive Brokers lets not forget that IB also charges an arm and a leg with all kind of fees. Unless you are an active trader you are not advised to go with them.
Louie W says:
Great screen grabs for this questrade review. I tend to be the type that needs an extension analysis with pictures before i can make up my mind. I’ve bookmarked this review so when i do join i also know where to come for the questrade offer code referral ;P.
Yorick says:
@teddy: IB is still the best for currency exchange. Big bank rates are horrible. Quest trade seems to be the best for everything else.
Dakota L. says:
$4.95 is rediculously cheap and too good an offer to pass. Thanks for the great questrade review.
Damian Bjorkman says:
ted: you should be able to save some but be careful if you’ve never had prior experience with Forex trading.
teddy says:
Was wondering if subscribing to Questrade Forex in order to exchange currency is possible (CAD to USD) and saves money comparing to other fees?
Erin Reece says:
My girlfriend and I are thinking about starting a joint account. Just found this questrade review and sending it to her now to read. It’s amazing! Thanks for the writing!
Winter L says:
LOL i was going to ask the same thing about the questrade offer code. Thanks for reading my mind! And incredible work on this questrade review!
Danilo C says:
For penny stocks this no-conditions flat rate is something I really important to me.
Cason J. says:
So what’s the catch? They sound too good to be true.
Vaile Solomon says:
Huge thank you for this great questrade review! You answered some of my questions i couldnt find anywhere else.
Johnathon says:
Not sure if people are aware but Questrade has this thing called Market Research Tools for members.
Its a pretty cool stock research tool for charting, analysis, webinars, and real-time news. Been begging Questrade to get something like this for years so its nice to see their talks with Global Investor paid off.
Brendan P says:
The questrade offer code applies only to actual stocks. It says under its details page. I too was originally thinking i could probably use it to buy some bonds.
Leland Woodworth says:
Interactive Brokers have been pissing me off as of late and i think i might go this route. Good review. Your pictures helped give me some confidence in who i should go with.
Greggory Vanderhoof says:
This questrade review is really detailed. I ended up having to come back a 3rd time to finish it. A lot of invaluable information.
Greyson Lembert says:
@todd where is this g&m writeup at (link)?
Jamin D says:
Wow laura you must be a rollin’ in it. I dont even make enough in the year to even qualify for the questrade maximizer mutual funds 🙁 Ah well, i can always dream.
00invest says:
Been with them for 4 years. Just had to stop in to read another’s pov. I think this questrade review nails it.
Hello from Ontario.
Garett F says:
Does this questrade offer code shown above work for forex accounts or just standard margin stock accounts?
Shemar says:
Hey dana thanks for the link.
This review brought up that questrade doesnt charge any kinds of hidden fees and one of things i like to do with businesses like banks is to see how they handle closing of accounts. I just checked questrade and interestingly enough they dont charge a fee to close accounts. That is pretty good. I hate it when banks and brokers charge these types of hidden fees.
Trusted Brokers and Services for Forex and CFD Day Traders (and How to Make the Best Use of Them)
Welcome to our Forex white-list, where we provide information on a range of issues regarding profitable Forex trading. We discuss verified investment services, we review brokerages, and we show you how to find regulated brokers. We pick out the best signal services, the top regulated brokers and we deliver tips on how you can make the most of your time/investment when trading Forex.
Forex education is extremely important. The more time traders dedicate to studying and practicing various analysis methods and trading strategies, the more likely they are to become profitable. The sheer volume of information one is required to essentially master, can be quite intimidating. Learning to properly read graphs, doing market research and analysis, and locating regulated brokers who offer good trading conditions and are generally liked by the public, should all be covered, and we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface.
Long story short: Forex trading can grow rather overwhelming for beginners very quickly. Hopefully, our guide will help you overcome that, while setting you on the right track to profitability.
The Best Forex and CFDs Brokers Selected by Our Experts.
If you’re interested in becoming a Forex/CFD day trader, you need to set up shop with a legitimate, regulated and legally operating brokerage. By doing that, you will gain certain protections regarding your funds and the withdrawals you will hopefully make someday.
24opção & # 8211; Regulated in Europe, the UK and Belize.
24option is also available as one of the supported regulated brokers with FXMasterBot!
eToro & # 8211; Regulated in Europe and the UK.
eToro provides a social trading platform! Learn more in our eToro review.
Pepperstone & # 8211; Regulated in Australia and the UK.
Do not hesitate to leave a comment below, letting us know exactly what you’re looking for, and we will give you a personalized recommendation.
Only Trade with the Best Regulated Forex Brokers.
Having learned of Forex/CFD trading through ads – which often paint an unrealistic picture of the industry – many beginners start out expecting to make it big in an unreasonably short time and with not much more effort invested than an afternoon walk in the park. For such traders, a rude awakening is always in the books, and it inevitably comes, sooner rather than later. Disillusioned, the “victims” terminate their trading activities, leaving a trail of negative feedback and bitterness behind. This recoiling creates another false image about the industry, one, according to which profits are all but impossible to attain for commoners. The truth – as it’s always the case – is somewhere in the middle.
For profitable traders, the activity is a lot like a second job. While the mental toughness and dedication required for success should not be underestimated, the good news is that the profit potential in Forex/CFDs (Contracts for Difference) is indeed immense. The industry is fraught with pitfalls every step of the way, as – because of its potential profitability – it appeals to human greed, which inevitably draws in scammers. Therefore, your very first step towards Forex success entails the finding of a regulated and reliable service provider/ brokerage.
Analysis, chart patterns, indicators and fundamentals only come afterwards, as do trading systems and advanced solutions such as EAs (Expert Advisors) and VPS-based auto-trading.
Money Management is Key.
Even if you do everything right, you will encounter periods where your losses will pile up, seemingly in spite of your best efforts. To survive such periods and to allow your skills to yield results over the long run, you need proper money management.
Beware of Scam Brokers and Signal Services!
For a beginner trader, scam brokers and fake/fraudulent signal services represent two of the biggest dangers.
Most scam Forex brokers are indeed unregulated, but this is not a rule: there are scores of brokerages out there waving some kind of nominal certification in your face, that will deny your withdrawal requests and manipulate the asset prices so you’ll end up losing normally winning trades. Such operators will often trade in your name through their “account managers” e adivinha? They’ll end up “losing” o teu dinheiro.
Crooked signal services will lose the funds you invest: that’s how they’re supposed to work. If you register an account and make a deposit with a scammer, you will most likely be relieved of your money within the first 48 hours.
Heed our recommendations, and you will steer well clear of such scammers. We only consider regulated Forex trading brokers when we make these recommendations, as well as proven trading signal services.
Unfortunately, statistically, most traders only come across our site and read through this page after the damage has been done and they got burnt dealing with a swindler. If you’re only now starting off with a clean slate, consider yourself lucky. Do not despair though, even if you belong in that former category. One of our main goals here is to turn victims of online trading theft around, by helping them understand the nature of the business, and by helping them make money in a regulated and legal manner. Remember: you only need legal investment brokers and the best possible services for online trading. Nothing less will suffice.
Find the Broker that’s right for you now (and start off on the right foot)
Though – having read the above – finding the best Forex broker might seem like a no-brainer, it can in fact be rather tricky. Out of the hundreds of online trading brokerages available in 2018, only about a good dozen are regulated and licensed to operate in your particular jurisdiction. Never settle for a Forex broker you learned about from a pop-up ad. Be proactive and do not let the broker come to you. Get out there and find the right one. Here’s a short check-list for you to use to this end.
Regulamento. Various state authorities and regulatory agencies have long strived to bring trading operators under a legal umbrella, which ensures the enforcement of ethical trading practices, and the elimination of fraud, while providing clients with certain guarantees and protections. This is just one of many reasons why we only ever suggest regulated and licensed online trading brokers and investment services to our readers.
Fees and Profit Potential. You obviously do not want to leave too much value on the table when it comes to fees. With investment firms such as TD Ameritrade and E-Trade, your fees are in the $4.95-$7.95 range. With Forex brokers, these fees are lower, and your profit potential is much higher.
Confiabilidade. Look for user (trader) feedback on your Forex broker. You need to know for sure that trader withdrawals are indeed honored in a timely manner.
Plataforma de negociação. A proper trading platform like MT4 (MetaTrader 4), hands you tools for technical and fundamental analysis and even auto-trading, that you will only learn to truly appreciate as you become more knowledgeable and experienced. Platform features include Advanced Charting, Technical Indicators, One-click Trading, Automated Account Management and more. Refer to our list of approved brokers for the brokerages with the best trading platforms.
Trade with the Best Forex Signals Only.
One of the easier – and therefore more popular – ways to make money through Forex investing, is to use trading signals generated by experts. Given the nature of the signals ecosystem though, it is not at all surprising that it is rife with scams and fraudulent operations.
We have taken the time and put our own resources onto the line to identify and recommend only the best performing signal services and trading systems. You will NOT find better alternatives out there.
We are constantly on the lookout for new services and trading systems, and we have hot contacts who fill us in on everything that stirs in this regard – even secret launches. We only test systems or services that seem legit. We do not bother with obvious scams.
The Best Performing Signal Services.
If you’re trading on your own, you will need a trustworthy signal service or an educational program to get you started. Michael Freeman’s Secret Manual Signals Group on Facebook is one of the most successful and popular trading communities for Forex traders. Operating around the clock, 5 days per week, this signals group has grown into the perfect starting point for newbie online day traders. Opening a Facebook account is free and your privacy is always secured. Signals are available for Forex, CFDs, cryptocurrencies, stocks and more.
Forex Brokers, Signals and Software – Perguntas e amp; Respostas
Provided to you below is a list of some of the most commonly asked questions and answers related to Forex day-trading. The information covers some of the most overlooked areas of online investing: everything from the relationship between the brokers and investors to Forex signal services and brokers, to how to get free demo accounts and how to make money online from home.
What are Forex brokers?
Forex brokers are financial operators which act as intermediaries between the retail trader and the markets. They provide access for the said traders to a trading platform, through which foreign currencies can be bought and sold, according to a predetermined set of rules.
How Do Forex (FX) Brokers Make Their Money?
Contrary to binary option brokers, who generate their revenues through the losing trades of their clients, Forex brokers make their money in a more systematic and ethical way. They charge a transparent commission per trade, or a spread. (A spread is the difference between the bid price and the ask price for a particular trade). Through a Forex broker, the trader is paying a fee to access the markets. Through binary options, he/she effectively trades against the broker.
What are Forex Service Providers?
They are the providers of Forex-oriented investment opportunities, that take the form of trading software (can be semi-automated, fully auto - or trade-copier), a signal service or a downloadable charting solution with customized technical indicators and algorithms. The main function of these service providers would be to provide newbie and veteran online traders with the ability to accurately execute signals based upon the mechanics and method of signal generation. Due to the vulnerability of the online investment industry, this vertical has become a cesspool for online scammers.
Can You Really Profit With Forex Service Providers?
Provided you stick with one of the services recommended here, you can indeed theoretically generate profits of up to a few thousand dollars per month.
Quais são os sinais de Forex?
Forex signals are precise trade recommendations. They can be generated by investment software, service providers, charting solutions with custom alerts or online day-traders. Oftentimes these signals arrive in the form of email, SMS feeds or through live investment rooms. The information provided in the signals covers the type of investment you should execute, the recommended stop-loss and a recommended expiration period, along with the asset to be traded.
What are the differences between indicators and signals?
As detailed above, signals deliver all the information one needs to execute a recommended trade, thus taking advantage of a trading opportunity identified by a different entity.
Indicators on the other hand, are technical analysis-rooted tools, which work with charting solutions such as FreeStockCharts or MetaTrader4 (MT4), and which only alert their users to the potential presence of an investment opportunity, an opportunity which eventually needs to be identified by the user.
Where can I find Free Indicators for Forex trading?
The most common place to find free indicators would be with charting solutions, such as: FreeStockCharts, MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. These platforms offer a vast variety of technical indicators to use with their charting solutions, as well as the ability to customize indicators and signal alerts, and even to build new ones from scratch.
How can I receive Free Forex Signals?
Many of the websites that you come across claim that you can receive free Forex signals if you sign up with their system. However, more often than not, these systems will require you to complete a deposit with a specific Forex broker. Finding truly free Forex signals that are legitimate, is even less likely, so make sure you do your homework and contact us if you need any help!
What is the difference between a Forex broker’s signals and independent signal providers?
Forex broker signals are signals that are offered by Forex brokers typically after a large deposit has been made. Although this practice is more common in binary options than it is with Forex, due to a variety of reasons, you should still refuse the offers. Your money is always safest in your control. Never give up your control in the hopes of generating a quick buck, because more often than not, it won’t work out in your favor! Independent signals typically come from service providers that are operated by seasoned and successful traders, or a team of traders that combined, have years of online trading experience. It falls to you to decide which such independent signal sources are legitimate, though we can and will help you in this regard too.
What is the difference between Forex and Binary Options trading?
Binary options (and CFDs) are financial derivatives. When trading them, traders never gain actual possession of the traded asset. Binary option brokers typically trade against their own clients, in a fundamental clash of interests, frowned upon by regulators. There are some exceptions to this business model though (like NADEX in the US).
With Forex, you are trading the financial markets and not some derivative price value. The binary options industry has less liquidity than Forex but a more simplistic style of trading. Learn why we recommend to avoid binary options trading.
Can I really lose more money than I have in my account when using leverage with CFDs?
Margin and leverage go hand-in-hand. Margin is a loan given to you by the broker, provided you have an account approved for margin. This loan uses the cash and securities in your account as collateral and it has to be paid back with interest.
The reason to make use of this loan is leverage: leverage allows you to increase you profits radically in case of success, far above and beyond what your actual balance would allow. It will however also increase your losses.
A margin call is issued by the broker, when the securities purchased by the investor with borrowed money lose value past a certain point (this point is calculated by the broker, through its own formula). In such cases, the investor needs to deposit additional funds, or he has to liquidate some of his assets.
Can I make money online using Forex signals and generate a monthly income this way?
Absolutamente! If you come into the Forex industry with an open mind and put in some hard work, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to generate a monthly income through Forex day-trading. Investors of all experience levels have been taking advantage of Forex trading for the past decade and due to regulatory enforcement, trading online with Forex is safer than ever before!
We’ve received hundreds of thank you emails from our subscribers and fans for helping them make money through online trading. The profit potential is unlimited with Forex.
If you have any questions or feedback to leave concerning the Forex brokers and services discussed above, by all means, post a comment below. The more feedback we have, the more value we are able to dispense.
All of our Forex Broker Reviews.
What are your favorite Forex and CFDs brokers and services? Came Across a Great Service or Software? Leave Us a Comment Below and We’ll Investigate!
I am being asked to invest in Xcoinbroker. Do you have any information on them?
Thanks for providing such valuable info.
I was surprised to see that TD bank was missing from your recommendations.
I am interested to learn options trading, for Beginners, do you have any recommendations.
I am interested in exploring more, the signal provider, Mike signal group.
in Canada, we are not permitted to open acct with brokers outside Canada.
can you chat with me please??
Is ecoingroup a scam?
Market miner. Do you have any notes on them.
I can send you an attachment if you have the address.
Oi. I recently got scammed by. Markets trading. Asking $250. To start.
Then tried to get me to deposit. £ 2,500. Saying that I would have. £ 9,000.
In my Acc by the end of the week. I declined. But foolishly deposited £ 500.
It was only when they lost my money that I found out that they are a Scam.
I have reported them to. Action Fraud. And my Bank. I cancelled my card.
as they had some of my details.
I have literally nothing bad to say about Kaya. They have being nothing but honest with me from day one. Profits are not the same as advertised on the robot video, but still 10 times better than the interest on my savings account. I have been with them for 7 months – customer support - 6/10 ; retiradas & # 8211; 7/10 (sometimes there is delay of 2-4 days); platform pricing and accuracy 8/10.
Hello I would like to know about IronFx Broker, I have signed up with them. I see they are regulated but need more.
I want to Learn how to trade and also need a broker that will be trading for me.
I invested US$250.00 in R-Binary in December 2017. First I had an email from a Michelle Miller in Edinburgh, who said I would deposit the money then an account manager/broker would contact me to help me get started. No one contacted me, so I rang the telephone number on their site and to my surprise it was answered in Australia, by someone with an Asian accent, who said they didn’t know what I was talking about. Then when I checked my bank account I see the money went to an account in Shanghai not to Scotland. I have sent several messages through the web site but none of them have been answered and my account balance is nil, even though I have never had the chance to trade. I have been scammed I’m sure. Does anyone else know anything about this so called company??
I have been scammed several times by Account Managers. I am referring to Binary Options and Bitcoin trading that is offered by an Account Manager. This was chosen only after trading the stock market for 3 years, I finally being very unsuccessful. Basically, I have lost everything. I am now retired and looking to not only recover my trading losses but to supplement my Social Security as well. I can’t understand this trading business, so I would like someone else to do the trading for me. Is this method of trading always a scam or are there legitimate account managers out there who will trade for you for a profit? Please advise…
There are legitimate brokers offering managed trading accounts (known as PAMM accounts), however, this is not available in the US, unfortunately. Feel free to contact me via email for a personalized suggestion.
Can you recommend any managed trading accounts offered in the U. S.? It would be greatly appreciated.
Further to my earlier email Regency Fiduciary also claim to be holding my funds in escrow but when I reply to them their email address reverts to [email protected] although Regency assures me thet are not the same company. How do these people obtain all my personal info and trading records. ARE THEY ALL OFFSHOOTS of CVCOptions?
Either that or CVCOptions sold their leads to various companies. Here’s our Global Trader Insurance review.
I was scammed by CVCoptions who have various aliases in Oct 2015. Since then many companies have called telling me they can get my money back for me including Secured Trade Investments which you have written up already as a scam and also SafePath Insurance which seems to be an offshoot of them as well.
Now I am being contacted by Michael Cunnington at WING Insurance (Worldwide Insurance Network 623 5th Ave NY NY10022 who says there is a class action taking place in the UK in Feb and I am to pay SEC 15% of my recovered funds once I receive them. Can I trust this?
Don’t trust this. It’s probably an advance fee scam. We will investigate WING Insurance.
Here’s our Wing Insurance review. Regarding SafePathInsurance, I’m not sure if you’re referring to SafePathFinancial?
Is TheCryptobot (gunbot) a scam or does it work?
please don try HIGHLOW,
try another broker.
the broker that will give your money back if the position are close in same price,
if you dont agree try it.
so you will see you lose your 20% positions only for this reason.
i lost about 3000$ only for this reason, same price,
other broker will give your money back if the price doesnt change,
i high low you will lose if price not change.
in short time like 60 sec, you will have 20% positions that close in same time, so you will lose 20% more,
Hallo, I am Hans and I am living in Norway. First at all, your side is very informative for me as a complete.
newcomer to FX trading, thanks for that. I am very interested to joint Michaels Facebook signal group.
I have check out your recommend broker and i think there are all ok. But I have one question>I did read by all brokers the Risk conclusion about the margin by CDF s, that it can be possible i can more money lost as i have in my depot, that makes me a bit worried. First I have to explain that I intended only to trade small amounts and not more then 3 trades a day or so. Of curse after i learn a bit in a demo for same weeks. I will open an account with only 500 euro and hope for a bit profit. I know very well that i can lose the 500 euro but this is the risk involved. But can you maby explain me more about the risk for an margin call . I now only of the broker AYONDO who have since 2017 no margin call anymore. I do not mind to donate 100 dollar to the group or since up with one of your broker if I now more about margin call and to avoid this additional risk. My question is probably a bit stupid but I would be very thankful for a short explanation. I look forward for you advice and for a good time in your in your signal group. Thank you, Hans.
We just uploaded an Ayondo review. Thanks for pointing them out. By the way, we updated this page with an answer to your question regarding margin call. Let us know if you have any other questions.
I received a call from Royal Capital Pro and asked me to join them, for an amount of SAR 1,000/- I’m afraid to be scammed, please help.
No need to be afraid. Say “no, thanx” courteously and move on.
I don’t get it the only thing recommended is Michael Freeman’s group but that’s using binary options and you said not to use binary options. I’ve been a member of that for quite a while and didn’t see any Forex signals.
Some of our admins provide Forex signals exclusively. Binary options signals will no longer be provided in the group starting on January 1st, 2018.
need info on this company Trades option.
Website is address is tradesoptionon.
Need information on24 tradeoption.
The problem is I need a vechile where I can invest e. g $100 and withdraw the profit when needed I’m specifically interested in Ethereum.
Here’ll you find information on Ethereum.
Do you have a list of CDFs platform? I am from the phillippines and i never heard about CDFs until i got to your page.
Pls disregard. checking avatrade.
where can i get signals in canada and where should i trade with. i want to make about 25 to 100 dollars a day. i have about 400 to use.
I keep hearing about PAMM accounts and that they can pay very high yield profits, more than 40% a month. Is this real or is another scam? Where can one invest and get returns of at least 30% a month on managed accounts?
Where did you hear that? You are welcome to read about PAMM accounts on our blog. Keep in mind that PAMM accounts are not available in the US.
Hi, i have been doing binary options trading at present. lost at first but starting to realise. this is not the way to go long term.
I would love to know more about fourex and CFD;s and signal provider. There is a lot of info. out there but knowing what is correcr is what i struggle with.
maybe you can help put me in the right direction.
How do I open a HOTFOREX PAMM Investor account in ZAR…?
Unfortunately, HotForex does not allow PAMM accounts for people from South Africa.
I have experience from trade with Optionstrade24, and I get from them request to pay for CySEC authorization tax $1480.00. Now my funds are not useful, and profit is dormant for me because I don’t have money to pay that tax. What to do now, is this tax really legal and do I can get my money ?
A signal provider has said I need to use THE BINARY ICO as my trading platform, have you done an analysis of this site and if so what were your recommendations.
I would recommend staying away from anything which relates to online trading that has the word “binary” in it.
I require Reliable Signal providers.
Or even signal software.
Is Vladimir Ribakov Trustworthy as he has srs software and a signal service.
I made too much loss on my own trading and need something reliable and trustworthy where I can make steady profits.
Is S2Trade legitimate? pleased advise… I have made a deposit of $250 USD…
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