Shirley hudson london fechar estratégia de negociação
Shirley hudson london estreita estratégia de negociação
O CC é um serviço de orientação interativo projetado para fornecer suporte de acompanhamento altamente personalizado para traders de todos os níveis. Desde 2006, milhares de aspirantes a traders de Forex se beneficiaram da experiência e apoio do experiente trader de Forex e do treinador Vic Noble para se tornarem traders consistentemente lucrativos. Mais "
Simples 1-2-3 Forex Trader.
O Simple 1-2-3 é um sistema de negociação Forex simples e baseado em regras para negociar o Forex em todos os prazos. Neste programa de treinamento completo, Lennox e Peter ensinarão como usar esse poderoso sistema de negociação para encontrar, entrar e sair de negociações com confiança. Ver é crer! Confira nossos negócios reais. Mais "
6 poderosos padrões diários de Forex!
Saber como procurar e aproveitar os padrões recorrentes de preços de Forex é uma das principais armas disponíveis para o profissional Forex. Shirley Hudson e Vic Noble mostrarão como identificar e lucrar com eles durante o dia de negociação. Mais "
Desde 2003, a equipe de Forexmentor orgulha-se em oferecer os mais honestos e relevantes recursos de treinamento e orientação para a comunidade de negociação Forex. A nossa gama completa de cursos de vídeo e serviços de treinamento em Forex são organizados e ensinados por traders profissionais que são apaixonados pelo desenvolvimento das habilidades necessárias que os aspirantes a Forex precisam lucrar consistentemente com esse mercado dinâmico. Veja nossa linha completa de cursos de treinamento em vídeo Forex »Curta-nos em:
Trendline Mastery novo.
Frank e Peter mostram a importância da análise Trendline e Trend Channel e por que os investidores Forex devem dominá-los para negociar com sucesso. Mais "
A Victrade
No curso de estratégia "VicTrade", Vic Noble mostra a você a única configuração que você precisa para alcançar um sucesso consistente nos mercados Forex! Mais »
Canto do Treinador
O Coach's Corner é um serviço de mentoria semi-semanal oferecido pela Vic Noble. Ele é projetado para fornecer suporte de acompanhamento altamente personalizado para traders de todos os níveis. Mais "
Curso de Divergência.
The Ultimate Divergence Trading Course Agora você pode aprender os poderosos métodos de negociação que impulsionaram Chris do mundo do comércio varejista à gestão de fundos para clientes de alta renda! Mais "
Em 2003, Peter Bain fundou a Forexmentor para oferecer treinamento de qualidade e acessível em Forex a traders de todos os níveis. Ele e sua equipe já treinaram milhares de aspirantes a traders internacionalmente por meio de seminários, conferências, livros e cursos de vídeo on-line ao vivo. Mais "
Um ex-corretor, Vic Noble sabe em primeira mão o que é preciso para se tornar um operador consistentemente lucrativo. A abordagem simples de Vic à negociação Forex e sua ênfase na gestão de risco ajudaram a reverter a carreira comercial de milhares de traders. Mais "
Frank Paul é bem conhecido por sua excepcional capacidade de fornecer explicações claras e concisas sobre tópicos comerciais complexos. Ele é a força por trás de uma série de cursos de Forex e programas de treinamento abrangentes e práticos e publicou "Forex Master Blueprint" em 2010. mais »
Shirley Hudson aplicou as técnicas que aprendeu na Forexmentor para negociar os padrões de fechamento londrinos e periódicos de Londres com uma precisão incrível. Shirley agora compartilha seus métodos e insights via webinars, cursos, serviço diário e workshops. Mais "
A London Close Trading Strategy é um dos melhores vendedores do Forexmentor. Usando estratégias de daytrading Forex muito específicas, descritas por Vic e Shirley, os traders são capazes de lucrar com a flutuação diária do preço de mercado em várias horas. Mais "
Em "Trendline Mastery", Frank e Peter mostram a importância da análise Trendline e Trend Channel e por que cada comerciante Forex deve dominar esses conceitos para negociar com sucesso o Forex. Mais "
Padrões de Forex Recorrentes Aprenda a lucrar com os padrões de preços da moeda que se repetem de forma consistente ao longo do dia de negociação. Esses negócios fornecem as melhores e mais seguras oportunidades para o operador de Forex ativo. Mais "
No curso de estratégia da VicTrade, Vic Noble mostra a você a única configuração que você precisa para alcançar um sucesso consistente nos mercados de Forex! Mais "
Forex Money Makers Deixe Peter Bain mostrar-lhe como voltar a um caminho para os lucros usando suas estratégias de negociação Forex testadas e flexíveis. Este é um curso atemporal que pertence à prateleira de todo comerciante de Forex aspirante. Mais "
No curso de estratégia "VicTrade", Vic Noble mostra a única configuração que você precisa para alcançar um sucesso consistente nos mercados de Forex! Mais "
The Ultimate Divergence Course Agora você pode aprender os poderosos métodos de negociação que impulsionaram Chris do mundo do comércio varejista à gestão de fundos para clientes de alta renda! Mais "
Em "Trendline Mastery", Frank e Peter mostram a importância da análise Trendline e Trend Channel e por que cada comerciante Forex deve dominar esses conceitos para negociar com sucesso o Forex. Mais "
Últimos Vídeos de Treinamento Forex GRÁTIS - Assista agora.
A internet está cheia de sites de treinamento e personalidades questionáveis. Forexmentor está empenhada em ser fiel ao nosso objetivo original - Para capacitar a comunidade de negociação Forex com a mais alta qualidade de treinamento a preços mais acessíveis. Nos últimos 8 anos, nossa equipe de mentores auxiliou mais de 29.000 traders, assim como você, a aprender com sucesso o mercado Forex. Se você é um novato completo para negociação de Forex ou alguém olhando para melhorar seus resultados de negociação, nossos cursos de negociação de Forex em ritmo acelerado, auto-passeado permitiram milhares de indivíduos para construir um fluxo de renda consistente de corretamente negociação no mercado Forex. Começa aqui "
Traders iniciantes.
Aprenda Forex agora! é uma visão abrangente, prática e acima de tudo - completamente realista - do que é a indústria Forex e o que é preciso para se tornar um profissional competente. Mais "
Fast Track para Forex é um curso de base concebido para oferecer aos novos operadores uma introdução abrangente a todas as nuances da negociação no mercado Forex. pré-visualização »
Comércio Forex Como os Grandes Cães Aprenda a negociar o mercado spot Forex adequadamente com o Programa de Mentoramento em Casa de Estudo original de Peter Bain. pré-visualização »
Suporte Forex e Resistência Aprenda a negociar o Forex com total conhecimento dos níveis “chave” muito importantes no mercado. Grandes casas comerciais sabem sobre eles. Você deveria também! pré-visualização »
Guia do Coach para Negociação de FX Beneficie-se de centenas de horas de coaching pessoal da Vic Noble aprendendo essas técnicas no seu próprio ritmo. pré-visualização »
Top 20 Killer Trader Mistakes Aprenda a pensar da maneira que os vencedores pensam, e como evitar os erros que os traders mal sucedidos fazem continuamente. pré-visualização »
Master MetaTrader em 90 minutos Explore todos os recursos do MetaTrader 4. Alan Benefield irá desmistificar a confusão e mostrar como aproveitar o poder da visualização do MetaTrader 4. »
Desenvolvendo Traders.
Canto do Treinador Aulas virtuais de duas vezes por semana são projetadas para fornecer suporte altamente eficaz até o minuto de nosso treinador pessoal - Vic Noble. pré-visualização »
No "VicTrade" stategy coures, Vic Noble mostra-lhe a única configuração que você precisa para alcançar um sucesso consistente nos mercados de Forex! pré-visualização »
Padrões de Forex Recorrentes Aprenda a lucrar com 6 padrões de preços de moeda muito seguros que se repetem de forma consistente ao longo do dia de negociação. pré-visualização »
Em "Trendline Mastery", Frank e Peter mostram a importância da análise Trendline e Trend Channel e por que os investidores estrangeiros precisam dominar esses conceitos para negociar com sucesso. pré-visualização »
O curso de vídeo Ultimate Divergence ensina métodos de negociação poderosos que impulsionam Chris do mundo do comércio varejista a gerenciar fundos para clientes de alta renda! pré-visualização »
Forex Profits com MACD Master uma das ferramentas mais poderosas e amplamente utilizadas de análise técnica! Este é um guia prático para entender e aplicar o indicador MACD para negociação em Forex. pré-visualização »
Desbloquear estratégias de negociação FOREX úteis e avançadas com a ajuda de Peter Bain e Ken Calhoun, unindo-se juntas para mostrar a você nossas melhores técnicas de troca de moedas preview »
Traders Especialistas.
A Estratégia de Comércio da London Close, Shirley Hudson e Vic Noble, mostram como aplicar essas técnicas de negociação Forex altamente específicas do tempo e altamente lucrativas. Não há necessidade de passar o dia todo negociando. pré-visualização »
Forex Master Blueprint Um programa de treinamento abrangente que é projetado para ensinar a você como os mercados Forex se movem e como negociá-los de maneira lucrativa. pré-visualização »
O sistema de negociação de posição de um homem de trabalho Neste curso de vídeo, descubra as estratégias simples para negociar com sucesso o Forex, mantendo o seu trabalho diário! pré-visualização »
O FX SystemsLab é uma série de 12 cursos abrangentes de sistemas de negociação Forex com vídeos de ilustração semanais e material de apoio. pré-visualização »
O curso Breakout Trade da FX News mostra como identificar, filtrar eventos de notícias potencialmente comoventes no mercado. Aprenda como gerenciar negociações até uma alta recompensa / conclusão de risco. pré-visualização »
Sua estratégia de negociação pode ser boa (mesmo ótima) - mas não significa que você será rentável.
Você acabou de comprar o que parece ser um ótimo sistema, mas seus resultados estão longe do que você esperava que eles fossem. Isso soa familiar?
A maioria dos traders de Forex tende a aprender e negociar os mercados em completo isolamento, com pouca interação ou ajuda de mentores experientes e / ou outros traders bem-sucedidos. Eles confiam apenas em suas próprias pesquisas e, muitas vezes, são vítimas do marketing exagerado que promete riquezas rápidas e dinheiro fácil. Em suma, as expectativas estão fora de sintonia com a realidade.
As consequências podem ser devastadoras tanto financeiramente quanto tão importante, psicologicamente. Toda perda ou oportunidade perdida só aumenta a frustração, e sem um ambiente favorável, torna-se muito fácil abandonar qualquer plano de jogo que possa ter existido e cair fora dos trilhos, reduzindo a negociação a pouco mais do que girar a roleta.
Continuar esse caminho destrutivo não faz sentido e acabará levando à destruição total da conta. Existem duas opções restantes: obter ajuda ou sair.
O CC foi concebido por um corretor de commodities e corretor de commodities, VIC NOBLE, no início de 2006. Depois de trabalhar com clientes de alta renda e fornecer serviços de coaching pessoal para os traders, Vic viu uma enorme necessidade de educação de traders. Apoiando-se em seus anos de experiência e visualizando os hábitos e atributos de ambos os traders vencedores e vencedores, ele iniciou o serviço de orientação Coach's Corner para ajudar os operadores a evitar as armadilhas comuns e fornecer uma abordagem de negociação sólida que não seja apenas técnica baseado, mas um que engloba muitos outros fatores, notavelmente os desafios psicológicos muito difíceis que o comércio apresenta.
Em 1º de novembro de 2017, DARKO ALI se juntou a Vic Noble como treinador e mentor de negociação. Darko foi um operador perdedor por muitos anos até que ele fez uma mudança fundamental em sua atitude em relação às negociações. Isso foi há cerca de 2 anos, e ele tem sido lucrativo desde então. A abordagem de ensino simplista e altamente eficaz de Darko atraiu elogios de nossos membros do CC, mas os vídeos de Análise Pré-Mercado (PMA) que ele fornece antecipadamente para os membros do CC todos os dias - todos incluídos no CC preço de assinatura. Este serviço por si só é um recurso inigualável na Internet. Mas não acredite em nossa palavra. Veja os depoimentos abaixo (e nós temos muitos, muitos mais).
“Primeiramente, quero agradecer por seus esforços em nos tornar melhores traders. Eu sou um daqueles que tentou tudo nos últimos 12 anos e o CC oferece mais valor do que todo o resto. Eu vejo que você não precisa dar tudo o que faz, mas você faz isso de qualquer maneira. Obrigado novamente. Felicidades ”- Alex S.
Olá comerciantes de Forex,
Negociações consistentemente lucrativas não implicam simplesmente comprar um sistema de negociação e negociá-lo. Um trader precisa desenvolver uma compreensão mais profunda do gerenciamento de risco, ação de preço, níveis chave, ambiente de negociação e, o mais importante, mentalidade de negociação e psicologia.
Somos apaixonados por ajudar os traders a se tornarem bem-sucedidos e adoramos o desafio de transformar traders em dificuldades em traders bem-sucedidos. Não há maior satisfação do que ver os alunos alcançarem um sucesso duradouro em sua nova carreira. Os depoimentos que recebemos e as entrevistas que temos com os operadores falam constantemente do nosso compromisso de ajudar os investidores Forex a serem bem-sucedidos.
Análise Diária de Pré-Mercado de Darko (PMA) Videos: novas pessoas, isso é ENORME. Darko Ali é um veterano de 10 anos no mercado Forex. Ele agora é um mentor de parceiros na Coach's Corner e especialista em negociação de padrões. Ele fez lucros consistentes nos últimos dois anos. O Darko só negocia padrões em níveis-chave sob condições específicas e objetivas. Ele hospedou sessões tutoriais interativas exclusivamente para o público-membro do CC para demonstrar como ele negocia os padrões. A Darko agora publica vídeos diários de Premarket Analysis (PMA) para membros. É um recurso incrível para os comerciantes com muitos elogios. O principal foco técnico está na negociação em níveis-chave de suporte / resistência, usando padrões testados no tempo. Uma abordagem integrada para negociação, algo que a maioria dos serviços não oferece. Negociação não é apenas sobre "onde eu compro e onde eu vendo"? Noções básicas sobre psicologia de negociação, ambiente de mercado e, o mais importante, compreender a si mesmo, todos desempenharão papéis críticos em seu desenvolvimento. Os participantes se beneficiam ouvindo outros membros fazendo perguntas comerciais que ajudarão no entendimento de vários conceitos e estratégias de negociação. Alguns dos membros são altamente bem sucedidos e os participantes aprendem muito com esses comerciantes! Há uma sessão do LIVE CC a cada semana, às segundas-feiras, às 15h, horário do leste dos EUA (horário de NY). Essas sessões são geralmente uma sessão de perguntas e respostas para nossos membros ou para fornecer novas informações. As sessões são gravadas e arquivadas. Se você não pode comparecer ao vivo por qualquer motivo, não há problema, você pode ouvir toda a sessão mais tarde, a sua conveniência! Você pode facilmente voltar e ouvir tópicos específicos ou ouvir uma pessoa em particular que apareceu como convidada. Obtenha acesso (sem custo) ao VicTrade Video Course - Este é um curso de estratégia de negociação prática popular e de alto nível, onde Vic mostra a você a única configuração que você precisa para alcançar um sucesso consistente nos mercados Forex!
A taxa de inscrição para o primeiro mês $ 149. Após o primeiro mês, a taxa de assinatura cai para apenas US $ 97 por mês - isso equivale a cerca de US $ 12 por sessão.
O objetivo final do Coach's Corner é ajudá-lo a alcançar um sucesso comercial consistente através da aplicação repetida de abordagens holísticas à negociação. Se a sua negociação ainda não estiver onde você gostaria, junte-se a nós no canto do Coach. Você ficará feliz em participar.
-Vic Noble e Darko Ali.
Torne-se membro do CC agora e leve sua negociação para o próximo nível!
Se você está negociando sem sucesso agora, você realmente só tem 3 opções: manter o mesmo caminho, sair ou… MUDE SUA ABORDAGEM! O fato de você estar olhando para isso provavelmente significa que você gostaria de ter uma faixa lucrativa e gostaríamos mais de ajudá-lo. Tivemos grande sucesso em ajudar muitos comerciantes.
Assumindo que você está comprometido em alcançar resultados comerciais positivos, então considere o custo de continuar seguindo o mesmo caminho de perda, se é onde você está agora. Não apenas o custo financeiro, mas o mais importante. o custo psicológico.
Por muitos, muitos anos, Vic tem sido muito apaixonado por ajudar nossos membros, e agora, com a adição de Darko para a equipe, você tem mentores que são 100% dedicados a fornecer o melhor valor na internet. Os vídeos de análise pré-mercado que a Darko grava todos os dias são inigualáveis, e quando você ouve a confiança e a convicção em sua voz, não pode deixar de se inspirar.
Vic e Darko são extremamente apaixonados por ajudar nossos membros e você pode contar com eles para fazer o melhor para trazer o lucrativo operador em você! Hora de parar o salto do sistema e tentar reinventar a roda. Estamos muito confiantes de que o Coach's Corner é o último recurso de que você precisará.
Para sua conveniência, aceitamos:
Plano de Assinatura Mensal.
Plano especial de pré-pagamento de 6 meses.
US $ 499 por 6 meses (economize 20%)
Membros Passados Reunidos.
$ 97 para o primeiro mês, $ 97 / mês depois.
Para se inscrever por telefone ou obter mais assistência:
Clientes da América do Norte: Por favor, ligue gratuitamente: 1-800-516-0234.
Clientes Internacionais: Por favor ligue: + 1-604-953-0234.
"Hi Vic, Obrigado pela sua resposta rápida. Estou realmente começando a ver os padrões saltar para mim depois de alguns soluços iniciais haha. Eu assisti a sessão CC sobre o preço de ação esta manhã. Uau, foi fantástico eu senti o" ping "Acontece o momento e a lâmpada acende. Eu estarei imprimindo os padrões uma vez que eu esteja em casa de manhã depois que eu tiver um kip. Está tudo começando a cair no lugar. Eu não posso começar a explicar como é a sensação Tudo faz todo o sentido para mim agora. ”Tanto você quanto o Darko fizeram uma diferença significativa no meu aprendizado e eu sou membro desde dezembro, e se você puder fazer isso em tão pouco tempo, eu só posso imaginar o que o resto "Por favor, passe meus agradecimentos a Darko quando você falar com ele. Aproveite o seu fim de semana" - James.
"Darko, eu realmente gosto dos vídeos da PMA Eles estão me ajudando a ver o que você está vendo. Espero ver você no Coach's Corner segunda-feira. Obrigado por ótimos vídeos. Espero que você esteja ganhando tempo com a esposa, filhos e cachorro." Jody.
"Oi Darko, Woohoo. Obrigado, estou muito feliz por ter acertado. Foi outro momento de luz após rever a sessão do CC de 9 de outubro de 2017. Uma das mais importantes sessões sobre suporte / resistência e o AMF na minha Tudo está lentamente se encaixando e está em baixo para você, Vic e as sessões fantásticas no CC. Atenciosamente "- James.
"Oi, Darko, eu estou muito tempo" de vez em quando "membro do CC. Eu apenas me juntei novamente um par de dias atrás depois de ouvir uma de suas sessões de PMA que foi anexada a um e-mail de Vic. Eu sabia instantaneamente depois de ouvir a sua apresentação, que eu poderia ganhar uma série de maneiras valiosas para ver o mercado, procurando os vários padrões que você usa em sua negociação. Na verdade, eu fiz minha primeira negociação no último AUD / USD noite com um bom take profit. Obrigado. Obrigado mais uma vez ", - David B., Redlands, CA.
"Oi Darko, só gostaria de dizer que eu acabei de ouvir a PMA de hoje e mais uma vez, é como o ouro para mim. Eu definitivamente sinto que minha negociação está se desenvolvendo aos trancos e barrancos (apesar de estar nos dois negócios AUD / USD , USD / CAD!).Eu estou vendo esses padrões mais claramente agora, e desenvolvendo um processo repetitivo. Também testei três pares por um ano inteiro duas vezes, e isso instilou a confiança no sistema! Como você deve Sabe, isso foi extremamente demorado, mas valeu cada minuto. Desejando-lhe um ótimo dia. Tudo de bom, "- Leo.
"Bom Dia Darko, Desde que você foi Coaching, eu senti seu entusiasmo, seu desejo de melhorar a si mesmo e ajudar os outros, e sua percepção ligeiramente diferente sobre o padrão de negociação. Seu estilo de negociação é cristalino para mim. O estilo Objetivo é perfeito e eu sinto a esperança novamente. Estou me vendo curtindo a negociação pela primeira vez em muito tempo. Eu tenho um propósito quando abro meus gráficos e não tenho confusão. Eu ainda preciso continuar o backtesting e praticar, e estou ansioso para a próxima segunda-feira. Não há palavras para dizer a você o quanto eu aprecio sua disposição em compartilhar seu sucesso e seu estilo de negociação comigo, com o CC. Espero que você se torne o Melhor Trader de Padrões do Mundo! Eu conheço você está ocupado, ocupado, com tudo o que você está contribuindo. Por favor, não sinta que precisa responder a este e-mail. Obrigado Darko. Muito apreço, "- Kathy K.
"Oi Darko, seu treinamento é inestimável e eu estou absolutamente amando seus vídeos PMA. Atenciosamente," - Matt Grassa.
"Olá Darko, eu quero que você saiba o quanto eu aprecio o seu método de ilustrar possíveis configurações de comércio, onde você se concentra nas configurações antecipadamente, especialmente com os padrões Cypher, Gartley e Bat. Desde que me juntei ao CC, Dois comércios esta semana, ambos os vencedores atingiram o meu ponto TP, sendo o mais recente o Cypher on the EJ que concluiu de forma rentável esta manhã. Embora se diga que não há santo graal na negociação, acredito que o seu método de treino só pode ser o santo graal da mentoria. Atenciosamente, "- David Block.
"Oi Darko, Depois de tantos anos de luta, como você, estou finalmente começando a ver a luz do dia com a ajuda do seu treinamento. Sua abordagem para ensinar configurações de padrões à medida que eles se desenvolvem e não" negociações à vista "é Uma ferramenta útil para um trader de aprendizado em dificuldades Você respondeu a muitas perguntas que eu nunca soube que tive e que está fazendo uma diferença tão grande na compreensão do mercado de forex Obrigado pelo que você está fazendo por todos nós no Coaches Corner. Eu só quero agradecê-lo pessoalmente por todo o seu trabalho duro e dedicação que você está colocando no Canto dos Treinadores. Eu estava quase pronto para fazer as malas depois de muitos anos de luta e com sua história de experiências pessoais e dedicação para ajudar os comerciantes em dificuldades Eu acredito que com o seu treinamento e muito trabalho duro de minha parte, eu posso finalmente me tornar um trader bem-sucedido e mais confortável, manter o bom trabalho e não fazê-lo. Manter a saúde pessoal e saúde mental faz parte de ser um bom trader, coach , marido, pai e executor da lei. Esse é o meu pequeno conselho da galeria do amendoim, lol. Muito obrigado "- Art K.
"Oi Vic, Espero que tudo esteja bem e bem-vindo de volta. O CC precisa que você esteja por perto para nos manter na linha e nos dar suas muitas palavras de sabedoria, lol. Eu ficaria mais do que feliz em contribuir com meus comentários para depoimentos ao CC como Darko realmente ganhou reconhecimento por sua dedicação e trabalho maciço que ele está fazendo para todos os membros. As suas explicações sobre o desenvolvimento de configurações comerciais no limite certo à medida que se desdobram me ajudaram muito a entender a linguagem do mercado. Um processo para encontrar e descobrir essas configurações à medida que elas se desdobram é como acender uma luz no túnel Agora eu posso me mover sem bater tanto na cabeça, é como ter GPS nos mercados, lol De qualquer forma, é tudo muito bom e parece avançar para aprender mais sobre isso. Muito obrigado e manter o bom trabalho ", - Art K.
"Querido Darko, agradeço e parabenizo você pelas excelentes apresentações do curso. Depois de anos quase conseguindo pegar o jeito, eu sou capaz de ver uma imagem muito mais clara de onde eu preciso melhorar e do que eu continuo perdendo. Steyn.
Darko Ali - Senior Mentor.
Lista completa de produtos Vic Noble.
Um ex-corretor, Vic Noble sabe em primeira mão o que é preciso para se tornar um operador consistentemente lucrativo. A abordagem simples de Vic à negociação Forex e sua ênfase na gestão de risco ajudaram a reverter a carreira comercial de milhares de traders.
Depois de se formar na Universidade Simon Fraser com um diploma de bacharel em Comércio, Vic tornou-se vice-presidente de uma serraria familiar em Vancouver que empregava 200 pessoas.
Depois que seu negócio foi vendido, Vic trabalhou para uma grande corretora de futuros em Vancouver, Canadá, até 2005, quando voltou seu foco exclusivamente para negociar divisas estrangeiras por conta própria e, o mais importante, para ajudar outras pessoas a obter sucesso na negociação.
Vic sempre manteve uma paixão pela negociação e, como resultado de seus anos no negócio de corretagem, conseguiu obter insights únicos sobre os hábitos dos negociantes bem-sucedidos e mal-sucedidos. Foram os comerciantes vencidos que realmente desafiaram Vic a querer fazer a diferença, e assim, para esse fim, ele agora embarcou em um relacionamento estratégico com o Forexmentor com o único propósito de ajudar as pessoas a desenvolverem hábitos comerciais de sucesso. & raquo; Mais.
Canto do Treinador As aulas virtuais de duas vezes por semana são projetadas para fornecer suporte altamente eficaz e atualizado de nosso treinador pessoal mais »
Live Workshop Gravação nova. No workshop "Um dia na vida de um comerciante de Forex", os participantes descobriram como o dia de Shirley Hudson negocia o Forex a uma incrível taxa de sucesso de 92% desde 2010. Um evento imperdível! Mais "
Padrões de Forex Recorrentes Aprenda a identificar e lucrar com padrões de preços de moedas que se repetem consistentemente ao longo de qualquer sessão de negociação. Essas oportunidades de negociação oferecem as melhores e mais seguras oportunidades para o operador de Forex ativo. Mais "
Estratégia de Trade Close de Londres Descubra como Shirley Hudson negocia consistentemente com + 93% de precisão enquanto deposita 19.371 pips desde de janeiro de 2010 - negociando apenas o Forex várias horas por dia! Mais "
Suporte Forex e Resistência Aprenda a negociar o Forex com total conhecimento dos níveis “chave” muito importantes no mercado. Grandes casas comerciais sabem sobre eles. Você deveria também! Mais "
Top 20 Killer Mistakes Aprenda a pensar da maneira que os vencedores pensam, e como evitar os erros que os traders mal sucedidos fazem continuamente. Mais "
Guia do Coach para Negociação de FX Beneficie-se de centenas de horas de coaching pessoal da Vic Noble aprendendo essas técnicas no seu próprio ritmo. Mais "
"Oi Vic, Deixe-me dizer que fazer parte do CC é maravilhoso e fazer parte de algo que é especial para mim foi e é por causa das pessoas no CC como você e todos os outros no Forexmentor! Obrigado por isso! A bênção de Deus para PS e sua família. Obrigado e a família CC por ser tão amigável e um recurso tão rico! "- Kyle Rickman.
"Hi Vic, apenas uma nota, amo os vídeos de análise pré-mercado. Tão bom para mim. Realmente. Obrigado" - Andrew.
"Olá Darko. Seus vídeos de PMA são ótimos desde que você demonstre pacientemente todas as análises que você realiza em seus ensinamentos de fundação, em uma sessão concisa. Se precisar de mais detalhes sobre essas etapas de análise, pode sempre ir para a seção CC Arquivo ou Recursos. site. Obrigado. " - Sayeed
"Caro Vic e Darko, A PMA é louca !! É como ter a oportunidade de se sentar ao lado de um profissional e rentável e ver o que ele faz todos os dias e como ele analisa o mercado. Por favor, continue a ser um" recorde quebrado É música para os meus ouvidos Eu estou absolutamente amando esta forma de treinamento Muito obrigado caras, palavras não podem expressar a minha gratidão pela sua alta qualidade, profissional e dedicada educação fx e coaching que você fornece Eu sou eternamente grato. Atenciosamente, "- G. McGregor, Wellington, Nova Zelândia.
"Vic: Vocês estão fornecendo um valor incrível não apenas pelo tempo e dedicação que você dedica a cada semana, mas também provendo um senso de confiança, já que como cliente eu sinto que você está comprometido a longo prazo e sempre pode ser contatado para suporte. Obrigado, Sayeed "- Sayeed.
"Oi Darko, Dwight aqui de Corfu. Eu só quero agradecer por seu incrível entusiasmo e por seus vídeos hoje. É muito melhor assim quando vemos tudo de antemão e não de vista. Tenha um dia sensacional e esperança você comeu as sementes.) Felicidades "- Dwight.
"Hi Vic & Darko, Espero que vocês dois estejam bem. Gostaria apenas de agradecer a vocês por todo o trabalho que vem nessas incalculáveis sessões de CC e a Darko PMA é absolutamente brilhante e totalmente apreciada. Isso reforça o que está sendo ensinado. Vic obrigado pelo e-mail sobre as sessões do CC que serão às segundas-feiras somente após janeiro Acho que esta é uma boa idéia agora que temos os vídeos do PMA Muito obrigado a vocês dois e esperamos estar de volta nas sessões ao vivo o mais rápido possível. "- Tony Standering.
"Darko e Vic, o PMA é brilhante! Darko sua consistência na mentalidade é tão valioso para mim! Estou me encontrando pegar a atitude de negociação como o foco principal. Como exemplo, na gravação desta manhã, você verificou minha suspeita que não havia negociação no EURUSD (agora o par que eu assisto) Até ouvi dizer que era Darko, eu estava bastante inseguro com a minha análise Sua prova de não forçar ou tentar fazer uma troca, só porque o preço atingiu um nível de S / R, reforça a minha mentalidade. A lembrança consistente de Trading apenas quando vejo um padrão criado é um grande passo em frente para mim e acalma meus nervos! Além disso, sentado em minhas mãos, bem, a linha de fundo é que vai Salve minha conta! Eu realmente aprecio você e sua dedicação ao CC! Vejo você em breve! " Jody.
"Oi Vic, estou amando a nova direção, desde 9 de outubro do CC! Uau, que ótima idéia em parceria com o Darkinator, meu apelido para esse incrível e exagerado comerciante inspirado. Seu entusiasmo e objetividade e clareza acoplados com sua abordagem padrão contínuo e firme é ... bem, eu não tenho palavras para descrever minha felicidade geral com este desdobramento. Brilhante, brilhante, brilhante. Muito obrigada, muito mesmo. "- Kathy.
"Vic, eu queria enviar-lhe um e-mail elogiando você e Darko sobre a qualidade e relevância do CC no presente momento. Minha jornada não é muito diferente para muitos comerciantes novatos. Eu pensei que eu ia fazer um milhão Em poucos meses depois de participar de um curso de educação FX em fins de semana em 2008. Três contas perdidas depois e depois de negociar todas as configurações disponíveis (por duas semanas de cada vez) eu decidi levar a sério alguns anos atrás. construí e construí meu entendimento e depois de 10.000 horas em frente aos Gráficos eu estou em um bom lugar e agora estou negociando em tempo integral como uma vida. E ainda apesar disso eu ainda dedico algumas horas todos os dias para educação e desenvolvimento mental Esse processo nunca termina, a estrutura de mercado que a Darko está fornecendo, juntamente com um S & R de prazo mais alto e, em seguida, o padrão de negociação alinhado com essas duas facetas é simplesmente excelente. O melhor do mercado em minha humilde visão. Darko é um treinador do CC para muitas luas que virão e eu sou ganhando uma visão maravilhosa dele e eu ficaria feliz se você passasse este e-mail para ele. Por US $ 100,00 por mês para este serviço, é de longe o melhor recurso educacional no mercado FX! Atenciosamente "- Rob Moffitt.
"Oi Vic! Eu só quero elogiar o seu novo serviço PMA. Qualquer um que queira aprender a arte da negociação vai se beneficiar muito da PMA de Darko. Se você está cansado de ouvir propaganda de estratégia baseada apenas no desempenho passado, esta é a Ser capaz de ver Darko manchar, planejar e executar negociações em uma situação ao vivo é inestimável. E ver Darko ver seus níveis de entrada com precisão cirúrgica é nada menos que incrível. Continue com o bom trabalho Dr. Darko! " John Westberg.
& raquo; Veja Outros Cursos e Serviços Forex Populares da Vic Noble.
No "VicTrade" stategy coures, Vic Noble mostra-lhe a única configuração que você precisa para alcançar um sucesso consistente nos mercados de Forex! Mais "
Padrões de Forex recorrentes populares Aprenda a lucrar com estes padrões de preços de moeda muito seguros que se repetem de forma consistente ao longo do dia de negociação. Mais "
As estratégias Shirley Hudson e Vic Noble, da London Close Trade Strategy, mostram como aplicar essas técnicas de negociação Forex altamente específicas do tempo e altamente lucrativas. Não há necessidade de passar o dia todo negociando. Mais "
Top 20 Killer Trader Mistakes Aprenda a pensar da maneira que os vencedores pensam, e como evitar os erros que os traders mal sucedidos fazem continuamente. Mais "
Canto do Treinador Aulas virtuais de duas vezes por semana são projetadas para fornecer suporte altamente eficaz até o minuto de nosso treinador pessoal - Vic Noble. Mais "
Alta Recompensa - Negociação Forex de Baixo Risco Este pacote triplo ensina a importante habilidade de negociação de saber como maximizar sua recompensa e, ao mesmo tempo, minimizar sua exposição ao risco. Mais "
Suporte Forex e Resistência Aprenda a negociar o Forex com total conhecimento dos níveis “chave” muito importantes no mercado. Grandes casas comerciais sabem sobre eles. Você deveria também! Mais "
Gravação ao vivo da oficina. No workshop "Um dia na vida de um comerciante de Forex", os participantes descobriram como o dia de Shirley Hudson negocia o Forex a uma incrível taxa de sucesso de 92% desde 2010. Um evento imperdível! Mais "
Um guia do Coach para FX Trading - Beneficie-se de centenas de horas de coaching pessoal da Vic Noble aprendendo essas técnicas no seu próprio ritmo. Mais "
Tactical FX Trend Strategies O curso de vídeo passo-a-passo mostra como um trader de sucesso em tempo integral usa a tendência seguindo estratégias para vencer o Forex consistentemente. Mais "
Livros de não-ficção.
THRM 338.4 C888r 2008 Cruz, Zenaida Lansangan. Princípios e Ética do Guiding Tour. Ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2008. [3 exemplares] THRM 338.479 C888p 2005 Cruz, Princípios do Turismo de Zenaida L. Parte II. Ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2005. [5 exemplares] THRM 338.479 C888r 2008 Cruz, Princípios do Turismo de Zenaida L. Parte I Rev. ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2008. [3 exemplares] THRM 338.4791 L625i 2007 Leuterio, Flórida C. Introdução ao Turismo. 1ª ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2007. [4 cópias] THRM 338.4791 Op1t 1997 Opperman, Martin e Kye-Sung Chon. Turismo Em Países Em Desenvolvimento, Turismo E Hospitalidade Management Series. Londres: International Thomson Business Press, 1997. [1 cópia] THRM 343.59908 C112p 2008 Cabulay, Danny Araneta, Christine Palafox Carpio. Leis de turismo filipino: um guia abrangente para estudar leis relevantes para a indústria do turismo filipino. 1ª ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2008. [3 cópias] THRM 363.7296 M248e 2003 McSwane, David, Nancy R. Rue, Richard Linton. Essenciais da segurança alimentar e saneamento. 3 ed. Cingapura: Pearson Education South Asia, 2003. [2 cópias]
THRM 576.163 F7 1988 Frazier, William C., Dennis C. Westhoff. Microbiologia de Alimentos. 4ª ed. Nova York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. [1 cópia]
THRM 613.7 C571b 2004 Claudio, Virgínia Serraon, Ofélia V. Dirige, Adela Jamorabo-Ruiz. Nutrição Básica Para Filipinos. 5ª ed. Manila: Merriam & amp; Webster Book Store, 2004. [1 cópia] THRM 613.2 M258n 2007 McWilliams, Margaret. Nutrição e Dietética. 8ª ed. Upper Saddle River, N. J .: Pearson / Prentice-Hall, 2007. [3 cópias] THRM 640 M889n 2005 Mortola, Roseni G. e Juanita J. Janita. Nutrição E Tecnologia Doméstica. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2005. [6 cópias] THRM 641.1 D134a 1989 Dagoon, Jesse D. Nutrição Aplicada e Tecnologia de Alimentos. Manila: Rex Book Store, 1989. [8 exemplares] THRM 641.2202 F195 2006 Fallis, Catherine, Robert M. Cohen. Vinhos que você pode comprar online. S. l. : Silverback Books, 2006. [1 cópia] THRM 641.3 D59f 2001 Dizon, Maria Salud, Lourdes M. Labrador. Fundamentos Em Gestão De Refeições. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2001. [5 exemplares] THRM 641.5 B232 2005 Brooker, Margaret. A Bíblia dos Ingredientes do Cozinheiro. London: New Holland Publishers, 2005. [1 cópia] TRHM 641.5 G643 2004 Gonzalez, Gene. Fundamentos De Cozinha Profissional E De Cozimento. Rev. ed. Manila: Anvil Publishing, 2004. [1 cópia] THRM 647 W85w 1997 Wood, Roy C. Trabalhando em Hotéis e Catering. 2ª ed. Londres: International Thomson Business Press, 1997. [1 cópia] THRM 647.023 Ac169 1999 Verginis, Constantinos, Roy C. Wood, editores. Gestão de Alojamento: Perspectivas para a Indústria Hoteleira Internacional. Londres: International Thomson Business Press, 1999. [1 cópia] THRM 647.901 B35 1996 Baker, Sue, Pam Bradley & amp; Jeremy Huyton. Princípios do Hotel Front Office Operations. Australian ed. Melbourne: Hospitality Press, 1996. [3 cópias] TRHM 647.9401 R745 2008 Roldan, Amelia S. Introdução ao Hotel & amp; Operação de front office. Manila: Serviços de Desenvolvimento e Gestão de Habilidades AR, 2008. [1 cópia] THRM 647.94068 D79 1997 Dittmer, Paul R., Gerald G. Griffin. Dimensões da indústria da hospitalidade: uma introdução. 2ª ed. Nova Iorque: John Wiley & amp; Sons, 1997. [3 cópias] THRM 647.94068 G783 1982 Gray, William S., Salvatore C. Liguori. Administração e Operações de Hotel e Motel. Englewood Cliffs, N. J .: Prentice-Hall, 1982. [1 cópia] THRM 647.95068 W181 2006 Walker, John R. Hospitality. 4ª ed. Upper Saddle River, N. J .: Pearson / Prentice-Hall, 2006. [5 cópias] THRM 647.95068 M61r 2002 Mill, Robert Christie. Gestão de Restaurantes: Clientes, Operações e Colaboradores. 2ª ed. Cingapura: Pearson Education Asia, 2002. [3 cópias] THRM 664 So648g 2004 Soriano, Nora Narvaez. Um Guia Para Gestão De Refeições E Serviços De Tabela. Rev. ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2004. [10 exemplares] THRM 664 So648g 2007 Soriano, Nora Narvaez. Um Guia Para Seleção De Alimentos, Preparação E Preservação. Rev. ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2007. [11 cópias]
THRM 739.2377471 C295 1978 Carpinteiro, Charles H. Tiffany Silver. Nova Iorque: Dodd, Mead & amp; Co., c1978. [1 cópia]
THRM 912.599 Ez99 2003 E-Z Map Travel Atlas Brasil. 2ª ed. Angeles City: Promoções Turísticas Unidas, 2003. [1 cópia]
CSD 004 C358 1990 Capron, H. L. Computadores: ferramentas para uma era da informação. 2ª ed. Redwood City, Calif .: Benjamin Cummings Publishing, 1990. [1 cópia] CSD 004 C46 2005 Caballero, Jonathan M. Missão de computador. Rizal: Vicente Publishing, 2005. [1 cópia] CSD 004 P254n 2000 Parsons, junho Jamrich, Dan Oja. Novas perspectivas em conceitos de computador. 4ª ed. Austrália: Thomson Learning, 2000. [2 cópias] CSD 004 L85 1998 Long, Larry & amp; Nancy Long. Introdução aos computadores e amp; Sistemas de informação . 5ª ed. Cingapura: Prentice-Hall, 1998. [2 cópias] CSD 004 N826 1997 Norton, Peter. Introdução aos computadores. 2ª ed. Nova York: Glencoe / McGraw-Hill, 1997. [3 cópias] CSD 004 P261 1994 Prichard, Glen. Estudos de Computação: Curso Preliminar. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1994. [1 cópia] CSD 004 R33i 2005 Reyes, Faustino D. Introdução à Tecnologia da Informação. 1ª ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2005. [4 exemplares] CSD 004.07 C37 2007 Casiano, Michael N. Ensino de Informática para Níveis Secundários e Terciários: Estratégias de Ensino de Informática II. 2ª ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2007. [3 cópias] CSD 004.076 W747 1996 Wilson, C. N. Exercícios de Estudos de Computação. Rydalmer, N. S.W .: Hodder Education, 1996. [1 cópia] CSD 004.165 R67 1997 Rosch, Winn L. Winn L. Rosch Bíblia de Hardware. Indianapolis, Ind .: Sams Publishing, 1997. [1 cópia] CSD 004.22 H36 2002 Hamacher, Carl, Zvonko Vranesse e Safwat Zaky. Organização de computadores. 5ª ed. Boston, Massachusetts: McGraw-Hill, 2002. [3 cópias] CSD 004.7 L579i 2004 Leon, Alexis, Leon Mathews. Introdução aos computadores. Índia: Vikas Publishing House, 2004. [6 cópias] CSD 005.13 Se48 1996 Sethi, Ravi. Linguagens de Programação: Conceitos e Construções. Reading, Mass .: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1996. [5 cópias] CSD 005.265 R464 1993 Maljugin, Vitaly, et al. O Guia Revolucionário da Linguagem de Montagem. Chicago, Illinois .: Wrox Press, 1993. [1 cópia] CSD 005.262 Ex96 2004 Vivenciando TIC: Programação de Aplicações I: Manual do Aluno. Manila: CAL Holdings Philippines, 2004. [1 cópia] CSD 005.365 R33a 2006 Reyes, Faustino D. Software de Aplicação. 1ª ed. Manila; Rex Book Store, 2006. [1 cópia] CSD 005.369 An21i 2002 Andes, Antônio M. Simples Excel XP: Totalmente Ilustrado. Cidade de Valenzuela: Andes Mountain Press, 2002. [2 exemplares] CSD 005.369 An21m 2004 Andes, Antonio M. Sênior, Antonio Andes Jr. Simples Windows Word E Excel XP: Totalmente Ilustrado. Cidade de Valenzuela: Andes Mountain Printers, 2004. [1 cópia] CSD 005.369 An21s 2000 Andes, Antonio M. Simples Excel 2000: Totalmente Ilustrado. Cidade de Valenzuela: Andes Mountain Printers, 2000. [1 cópia] CSD 005.369 B83 1997 Bucki, Lisa A., Jim Kinlan, Scott Tucker. Microsoft Excel 97 Power Toolkit para Windows 95 & amp; Windows NT. Research Triangle Park, N. C .: Ventana Communications Group, 1997. [1 cópia] CSD 005.4 D269 1994 Danforth, Scott, Paul Koenen e Bruce Tate. Objetos para OS / 2. Nova York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994. [1 cópia] CSD 006.3322 M84 1988 Mullins, Elaine. Processamento de informações do livro do aluno. 2ª ed. Londres: Pitman Publishing, 1988. [2 cópias]
DSC 621.3515 M25e 2002 Malvino, Albert Paul. Princípios Eletrônicos. 6a ed. Nova Iorque: Glencoe / McGraw-Hill, 2002. [3 cópias] CSD 652,5 M959 1988 Mullins, Elaine. Processamento de informações do livro do aluno. 2ª ed. Londres: Pitman Publishing, 1988. [2 cópias] CSD 658.4038 G39 2008 Garcia, Anthony Kirby D. Gerenciando o Sistema de Informação através da Tecnologia da Informação. 1ª ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2008. [1 cópia] CSD 658.4038 Oz492 1998 Oz, Effy. Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Informação. Cambridge, Mass .: Curso Tecnologia, 1998. [2 cópias] CSD 658.4038 P666 2000 Post, Gerald V., David L. Anderson. Sistemas de Informação Gerencial: Resolvendo Problemas de Negócios com Tecnologia da Informação. 2ª ed. Boston, Mass .: Irwin / McGraw-Hill, 2000. [1 cópia]
ED 025.502 So689 1985 Solomon, Keith e Lyn Solomon. Usando sua biblioteca e centro de recursos: Um livro para crianças Aprendendo como usar sua biblioteca e o centro de recursos de maneira mais eficaz. Austrália: Martin Educational, 1985. [2 cópias]
ED 153.15 L962 2007 Lucas, Maria Rita D., Brenda B. Corpuz. Facilitando a Aprendizagem: Um Processo Metacognitivo. Manila: Lorimar Publishing, 2007. [2 exemplares] ED 153.9 An15p 2002 Anastasi, Anne, Susana Urbina. Testes Psicológicos. 7a ed. Cingapura: Pearson Education, 2002. [3 cópias] ED 153.9 D34h 2004 De Jesus, Evangeline M. Manual de testes psicológicos: teorias, administração, pontuação e aplicações. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2004. [3 cópias] ED 155 Ac35h 2008 Acero, Victorina O., Evelyn S. Javier, Herminia O. Castro. Crescimento Humano, Desenvolvimento E Aprendizagem. 1ª ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2008. [3 cópias] ED 155 G492d 2007 Gines, Adelaida C. Psicologia do Desenvolvimento: Um livro didático para estudantes universitários em Psicologia e Formação de Professores. Nova ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2007. [3 cópias] ED 155 H94 1982 Hurlock, Elizabeth B. Psicologia do Desenvolvimento: Uma Abordagem de Vida Útil. 5ª ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982. [1 cópia] ED 155 P65 1999 Papalia, Diane E., Sally Wendkos Olds, Dushkin Feldman. Desenvolvimento Humano. 7a ed. Boston, Massachusetts: McGraw-Hill, 1999. [3 cópias] ED 155 P65 2002 Papalia, Diane E., Sally Wendkos Olds, Ruth Dushkin Feldman. Desenvolvimento Humano . 8ª ed. Boston, Mass .: McGraw-Hill, 2002. [2 cópias] ED 155 Sa25 1992 Santrock, John W. Desenvolvimento de Span Life. 4ª ed. Dubuque, Ia .: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1992. [1 cópia] ED 155.4 Si76 2005 Siruno, Rufino S. e Edgar V. Siruno. Crescimento Infantil e Desenvolvimento. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2005. [1 cópia] ED 158.3 P136c 2004 Padolina, Miriam A. e Custodiosa A. Sanchez. Aconselhamento e psicoterapia: teorias, técnicas e aplicações. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2004. [2 cópias] ED 174.2 T481b 2007 Timbreza, Florentino T. Tatlong Pandaigdiga Pananaw Sa Pilosopiya. 1ª ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2007. [4 cópias]
ED 248.845 H967 2004 Reeves, Rhonda R., compilador. A mágoa que sentem: ajudar os pré-escolares a lidar com questões difíceis. Alabama: New Hope Publishers, 2004. [1 cópia]
ED 301.31 So678 1998 Sociedade & amp; Amostras de trabalho de ambiente: estrutura de resultados e normas. Austrália Ocidental: Departamento de Educação, 1998. [1 cópia] ED 302.3 T819 2002 Tria, Geraldine E., Loreto V. Jao. Curso Introdutório Em Dinâmica De Grupo. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2002. [4 cópias] ED 303.372 Al64s 2005 Almeida, Adelaida B. Filosofia Social 2 Incluindo Ética Geral e Profissional Para Professores. 1ª ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2005. [2 exemplares] ED 303.372 T443s 2006 Tiempo, Alex. Filosofia Social: Fundamentos da Educação em Valores. 1ª ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2006. [4 exemplares] ED 305.231 Ac35c 2008 Acero, Victorina O., Evelyn S. Javier, Herminia O. Castro. Desenvolvimento Infantil e Adolescente. 1ª ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2008. [1 cópia] ED 370.1 C127 2004 Calderon, Jose F. Fundamentos da Educação. 1ª ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2004. [1 cópia] ED 370.1 D885p 2006 Duka, Cecilio D. Filosofia da Educação. Rev. ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, 2006. 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REF 309.1965 B877 1975 Brower, Kenneth. Micronesia: Island Wilderness. San Francisco, Calif.: The Seabury Press, 1975. [1 copy] REF 338.27282 In59 1989 The Petroleum Publishing Co. International Petroleum Encyclopedia. Oklahoma: The Petroleum Publishing Co. International Petroleum Encyclopedia. Oklahoma: The Petroleum Publishing Co., 1989. [1 copy] REF 363.7 En89e 1990 Jones, Gareth. Environmental Science. London: Collins, 1990. [1 copy]
REF 423 H758 1966 Walters, Morgan L., editor. The Holt Intermediate Dictionary of American English. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1966. [2 copies] REF 423 R195 1997 Random House Webster’s College Dictionary . 2ª ed. New York: Random House, 1997. [1 copy] REF 423 T393 1964 Thorndike, E. L. Beginning Dictionary. 5th ed. Chicago, Ill.: Scott, Foresman, 1964. [2 copies] REF 423 W395 19–? Webster’s Students Dictionary . S. l.: American Book Co., 19–? [1 copy] REF 423 W395b 1965 Webster’s New Elementary Dictionary . New York: American Book Co., 1965. [1 copy] REF 423 W395e 1967 Webster’s New Practical School Dictionary. Teacher’s Annotated ed. Sacramento, Calif.: California State Department Of Education, 1967. [1 copy] REF 495.9223 V678 1975 Vietnamese-English Dictionary . New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1975. [1 copy]
REF 500.9 C311 1965 Carr, Archie and The Editors Of Life. The Land And Wild-Life Of Arica . Nederland: Time-Life International, 1965. [1 copy] REF 503 M147 1971 McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971. [4 vols.] REF 503 N715 1969 1970 Nature / Science Annual. New York: Time-Life Books, 1969. [1 copy] REF 508.9 B452l 1965 Bergamini, David and The Editors Of Life. The Land And Wildlife Of Australasia, Life Nature Library. Nederland: Time-Life International, 1965. [2 copies] REF 509 B667 1965 Bourliere, Francois and The Editors Of Life. The Land And Wilde Life Of Eurasia, Life Nature Library. Nederland: Time-Life International, 1965. [1 copy] REF 523.1 B494 1964 Bergamini, David And The Editors Of Life. The Universe, Life Nature Library . Nederland: Time-Life International, 1964. [1 copy] REF 551.432 M54 1962 Milne, Lorus J. and The Editors Of Life. The Mountains, Life Nature Library. New York: Time, Inc., 1962. [1 copy] REF 551 B39e 1964 Beiser, Arthur and The Editors of Life. The Earth, Life Nature Library . Nederland: Time-Life International, 1964. [1 copy] REF 574.52652 L587 1963 Leopold, A. Starker and The Editors Of Life. The Desert, Life Nature Library. Nederland: Time-Life International, 1963. [1 copy] REF 575.7 M824 1971 Moore, Ruth And The Editors Of Time-Life Books. Evolution, Life Nature Library. Nederland: Time-Life International, 1971. [1 copy] REF 581 W81 1971 Went, Frits W. and The Editors Of Time-Life Books. The Plants. Rev. ed. Nederland: Time-Life International, 1971. [1 copy] REF 595.7 F219i 1964 Farb, Peter and The Editors Of Life. The Insects, Life Nature Library. Nederland: Time-Life Nature Library, 1964. [1 copy] REF 598.2 P442b 1964 Peterson, Roger Tory and The Editors Of Life. The Birds, Life Nature Library. Nederland: Time-Life Nature Library, 1964. [1 copy]
REF 609 H45 1975 How It Works: The A To Z Of Invention, Science And Technology With Thousands Of Fascinating Diagrams And Photographs. London: Marshall Cavendish, 1975. [7 volumes] REF 610.3 M569 2005 Merriam-Webster’s Medical Desk Dictionary. Rev. ed. Springfield, Mass.: Merriam-Webster, 2005. [1 copy] REF 615.122 N714 1987 1987 Physician’s Desk Reference For Non Prescription Drugs. 8th ed. Oradell, N. J.: Medical Economics Co., c1987. [1 copy] REF 615.122 P578 1993 Physician’s Desk Reference 1993. 47th ed. Montvale, N. J.: Medical Economics Data, 1993. [1 copy] REF 617.91 Z86 1983 Zollinger, Robert M. Atlas Of Surgical Operations. 5th ed. New York: Macmillan, 1983. [1 copy] REF 620.00922 Ed23 1970 The Editors Of The News Front / Year. The Great Innovators. New York: Year, Inc., 1970. [1 copy]
REF 759.46 Sch331 1974 Schickel, Richard. The World of Goya 1746-1828. New York: Time-Life Books, c1968. [1 copy] REF 770.3 Il29 1972 Backhouse, Duncan, et al. Illustrated Dictionary Of Photography. London: Fountain Press, 1972. [1 copy] REF 780.3 D263 1956 Davis, Marilyn Kornreich. Music Dictionary. New York: Doubleday & Co., 1956. [1 copy] REF 791.43028092 P498 1983 Petrucelli, Alan W. Liza! Liza!: An Unauthorized Biography Of Liza Minnelli. New York: Karz-Cohl, 1983. [1 copy] REF 796.03 W384 1967 Webster’s Sports Dictionary. Springfield, Mass.: G & C Merriam Co., 1976. [1 copy]
“When the debate is lost, slander is the tool of the loser.” – Socrates.
The Council of Foreign Relations.
Partial Membership List and Bios of Council on Foreign Relations.
Roger Ailes (Chairman and CEO of Fox News – Reagan & Bush presidential campaign – media adviser – Rudy Giuliani mayoral campaign, media consultant) Madeleine Albright Lamar Alexander Eliot Abrams (international lawyer, former state depart. official under Reagan & George W. Bush – Plead guilty to withholding information from Congress – US vs Eliot Abrams ) Morton I. Abramowitz John Abizaid Michael F. Adams John B. Anderson (former Rep./Independent congressman from Illinois – Fairvote, director) Anthony Clark Arend (international lawyer, and academic) Fouad Ajami Harriett C Babbitt – Hunt Alternative Fund, SVP – U. S. Agency for International Development, Deputy Administrator – World Resources Institute, Director – Spouse of Bruce Babbitt (Former Sec of Interior, former Arizona Gov., former Chairman of World Wildlife Fund) Howard Baker (13th Senate Majority Leader of U. S. Senate, White House Chief of Staff under Reagan – Former co-founder-advisory board member of Bipartisan Policy Center – Secret Service codename snapshot) – husband of Nancy Kassebaum Baker (Vital Vocies Glbal Partnership, board member – Former Atlantic Council of U. S, member – International Crisis Group, member) James A Baker III (Atlantic Council of U. S., Director – Baker Botts, Senior Partner – Sec. of State under Bush-41, & Sec. of Treasury under Reagan, White House chief of staff to Reagan and George H. W. Bush – Former U. N. Personal envoy to the Sec. General – Former Council on Economic Policy, Chairman – Former Dept. of Commerce, Under Secratary> At the Fourth World WildernessConference, held in Denver, Colorado, 1987, which was attended by David Rockefeller and Edmund de Rothschild – James Baker made his keynote speech in 1987, he stated that, “No longer will the World Bank carry this debt unsecured. The only assets we have to collateralize are federal lands and national parks.” Baker’s definition of federal lands includes Heritage sites, of which there are about 2 0 in the United States. Thurbert Baker (former Dem. attorney-general of the state of Georgia) Michael D. Barnes (Center for National Policy, Senior Fellow – National Democratic Institute, Senior Advisory Committee member – WGL Holdings Inc, director – former U. S. Dem. congressman – Maryland, and pres. of Brady Campaign) Reginald Bartholomew Evan Bayh (Apollo Global MGt. LLC, Senior Adviser – Fox News , Contributor – Berry Plastics Corp, Director – Concord Coalition, Director – McGuire Woods, Partner – Former Democratic Leadership Peter Bergen Josh Bolton (22nd White House chief-of-staff under George W. Bush) Rudy Boschwitz (former Rep. U. S. Sen. – Minnesota) Sandy Berger (19th U. S. National Security Advisor under Clinton) Warren Beatty (actor,) Jeffrey Bewkes Stephen Biddle (theorist setting U. S. counter-insurgency policy) Michael R. Bloomberg (Mayor of NYC, founder of Bloomberg L. P. – Clinton Global Initiative, member – Former Salomon Br others, General Partner – Sonia Sotomayor confirmation hearing, witness for Democrats – White House State dinner, invited guest 11-24-2009 – Forbes billionaire list, #30 – 2011 ) Bill Bradley (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Trustee – National Democratic Institute, senior advisory comm. member – Starbucks Corp, director – Why Tuesday?, honorary co-chair – Allen & Co LLC, managing director – Story Corps, director – former Dem. sen. – New Jersey – 2008 Obama Presidential campaign, supporter – Former outside adviser to Mckensey & Co.- Oxford Univ, Rhodes Scholar) Ian Bremmer (Eurasia Group founder and president) Bill Brock (50th chairman of Rep. Party, U. S. trade ambassador & U. S. Sec. of Labor under Ronald Reagan, former Rep. U. S. Sen. – Tennessee) Dan Burton Erin Burnett (journalist, CNN anchor) George H. W. Bush (Bohemian Club, member – 41st Pres. of U. S. – Clinton Global Initiative, member – Former Carlyle Group, Adviser – Former CIA, Director – Former partner of Zapata Oil – Former Pres. of Zapata Offshore – Pardoned Armand Hammer, former chairman of Occidental Oil & Mutual Broadcasting System, who was convicted in 1976 of making $54,000 in illegal campaign contributions to Nixon’s re-election campaign – Father of Neil Bush who was sued by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and was Director of the Silverado Banking & Savings & Loan Assoc. scandal – Son of Prescott S. Bush, who was involved with the American Birth Control League and served as treasurer of the 1st national campaign council of Planned Parenthood 1947. Prescott Bush was also a Nazi funder) George H W Bush quotes – “If the American people knew the damage we had done to their country, they would hang us from the nearest lamp posts”. (From an interview with White House correspondent Sarah McClendon – 1992 and “We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations A NEW WORLD ORDER – 1990) Tom Brokaw (NBC journalist) – Howard Berman (Dem. U. S. Congressman – California) Peter Beinart (academic, columnist) Richard Branson (founder of Virgin Group – Clinton Global Initiative. member – Carbon War Room, Co-Founder – The Elders, Co-founder – White House State dinner 3/14/2012) L. Paul Bremer (diplomat) Esther Brimmer - Asst. Sec of State Obama Adm. – Center for Transatlantic Relations, Research Director Edgar Bronfman, Sr. (member of the Bronfman dynasty, president of the World Jewish Congress – Accretive Health, director – Accretive Tech. LLC, Partner – Endeavor Global Inc., Chairman – IAC/Interactive Corp, director – Former President & CEO Seagrams – Former Vivendi Universal S. A. EXec. Vice-Chairman – Former Warner Music Group Corp. Chairman) Ethan Bronner (deputy foreign editor of The New York Times ) Zbigniew Brzezinski (Trilateral Commission, member – Rand Corp. Center for Middle East Public Policy, Advisory Baord member – International Crisis) Stephen Gerald Breyer (U. S. Supreme Court justice) Jerry Bruckheimer (film and television producer) Jonathan S. Bush (healthcare CEO, son of Jonathan Bush, brother of NBC entertainment reporter Billy Bush) Sanford Bishop (Dem. Party U. S. congressman from Georgia) David Boren (former Dem. U. S. senator from Oklahoma and pres. of Ok lahoma Univ.) Jimmy Carter (Clinton Global Initiative, member – Millennium Promise, member – United Nations Assoc., national council chair – 39th President of U. S. – The Elders, member – Commuted prison sentence of G. Gordon Liddy – ) Frank Carlucci (Atlantic Council of the U. S., director – Rand Corp., Trustee Emeritus – Inst. for Foreign Policy Analysis – Director – Former Chairman of the Carlyle Group – 16th Sec. of Defense & national security adviser under Ronald Reagan, deputy director of the CIA under Jimmy Carter - Former Chairman & CEO of Sears World Trade Inc – Former roommate of Donald Rumsfeld at Princeton) Dick Cheney (46th Vice-President of the U. S. – Former CEO of Halliburton – Former U. S. Dept. of Defense Sec. – American Enterprise Institute, Trustee – GMO LLC, Client) Juju Chang (journalist, reporter for ABC News) Bill Clinton (42nd President of the U. S. – Clinton Global Initiative, Founding Chairman – Global Fairness Initiative, Founding Chairman – Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, Co-founder – Political sex scandal, Monica Lewinsky, – Haiti, U. N. Envoy – Gave 140 Presidential pardons in the last few hours of his Presidency on January 2001, including former CIA Director John Deutch, pardoned for charges relating to mishandling national secrets on a home computer, David Herdlinger, a former Arkansas prosecutor pardoned on mail fraud charges, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros was pardoned for making false statements to FBI agents conducting a background investigation of him in 1993, when he was nominated to the cabinet post Edward Reynolds Downe Jr., pardoned on charges of conspiring to commit wire fraud and subscribing to false income tax returns, Former Arizona Gov. John Fife Symington III, a Republican convicted of bank fraud, Marc Rich, who fled the country in 1983 to avoid charges of tax evasion. The pardon followed Denise Richs contribution of $450,000 to the Clinton Library. & # 8211; Former Democratic Leadership Council, Chairman – Rahm Emanuel was Clintons former senior adviser – Rhodes Scholar – Read the Clinton Body Count here) Hillary Rodham Clinton (former first lady of U. S., 67th U. S. Sec. of State under Obama – Lynn Forester De Rothschild, friend, de Rothschild and other Clinton backers created the website Together4us Clinton supporters – Clinton Global Initiative, member – Broadcasting Board of Governors, Governor – Voted for Financial Markets Bail out Bill 10/1/08 – Former member of Senate Committee on Armed Services – Former member of Senate Special Committee on Aging – Former law partner of Vince Foster and was involved in the Whitewater scandal. “Foster was also the keeper of the files of theClinton’s Arkansas dealings and had indicated in awritten memothat “Whitewater is a canof worms that you should NOT open!” His death was ruled a suicide by multiple official investigations, but their are many sources that point to a coverup – Former Wal-mart Inc., director – Mother of Chelsea Clinton, w ho is an NBC news correspondent, director of IAC/Interactive Corp, former employee of Avenue Capital Group and McKinsey & CO, married to Marc Mezvinsky a Goldman Sachs, Investment banker) George Clooney – Henry Cisneros (10th U. S. of Housing and Urban Development under Bill Clinton) Mario Cuomo (Dem. politician, 52nd Governor of New York – National Democratic Inst., senior advisory committee member – Medallion Financial Corp, director, American Constitution Society, board of advisers member – ) Michael Crow (president of Arizona State University – CIA’s In-Q-Tel, Chairman – Aquila Inc, director – Columbia Univ., Exec. Vice Provost ) Katie Couric (former CBS and NBC journalist, talk show host – Clinton Global Initiative, member – White House State Dinner 11/24/2009 invited guest – New York City Commission on Womens Issues, Commissioner) Stephen F. Cohen (Professor of Russian studies at NYU, husband of Katrina vanden Heuvel) Edward F. Cox (international attorney, chairman of the New York Rep. party, son-in-law of Richard Nixon – American Ditchely Foundation, member – Noble Energy Inc, director – American Council of Trustees & Alumnis, director – Committee for Economic Development, Trustee – Levin Institute, director – Foreign Policy Assoc, director – Economic Club of New York, Trustee – 2008 John McCain Pres, Campaign, fundraiser & New York state chairman) William M. Daley Lynn Forester de Rothschild – Kenneth Duberstein (13th chief of staff under Ronald Reagan) Peggy Dulany (fourth child of David Rockefeller – For five years she served as Senior Vice President of the New York City Partnership , founded by her father in 1979. Like her father, she has had a long involvement with the United Nations. She has been involved with consulting with the UN and the Ford Foundation on health care and family planning in Brazil, the US and Portugal. In June, 2003, Dulany joined the UN Secretary-General’s Panel on Civil Society and UN Relationships as the only US representative. Her most prominent public position is as founder and chair of the Synergos Institute, which she established in New York in 1986. The mission of the organisation is to work together with its partners to “mobilize resources and bridge social and economic divides to reduce poverty and increase equity around the world”. Its most prominent public event, the “ University for a Night “, brings t ogether senior leaders from government, business and civil society in a positive dialogue on inter-sector collaboration and problem solving.- Synergos has throughout its history been actively involved with the United Nations; in 1998 it gave a dinner at UN headquarters in New York, billed as a University for a Night event, where world problems were discussed. In attendance was the Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and James Wolfensohn, then President of the World Bank, who is a close associate of the family. The Institute has received contributions from Fortune 500 companies, foundations, Unicef, and a variety of private donors. Synergos has also developed the “Global Philanthropists Circle” (GPC) (co-founded with her father), a dynamic network of leading international philanthropists dedicated to eliminating poverty and increasing equity worldwide. The GPC currently has more than 60 member families from 22 countries, including South Africa, Brazil, Pakistan and the Philippines. In addition, in the 1980s and ’90s, with support from the United Nations Development Programme and the Rockefeller Foundation, Synergos conducted research on partnership approaches to large-scale social problems in Africa and Asia.) Source Joseph Duffey (academic, educator) Chris Dodd (Former U. S. Senator from Connecticut – World Wildlife, Director – National Democratic Institute, senior advisory committee member – Voted for Financial Markets Bailout Bill 10/01/08 – Former chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs – Country Wide Financial Corp, mortgage recipient, read about the Country Wide scandal, Fannie Mae/Freddiei Mac controversies, AIG bailout & bonuses, Irish Cottege controversy, here – Motion Picture Assoc. of America, Chairman – American Film Institute, trustee ) William H. Donaldson Michael Dukakis (65th and 67th governor of Mass. – 1988 Dem nominee for the Presidency – National De mocratic Institute, Senior advisory committee member) Mervyn M. Dymally (former Democratic congressman from California) James S. Doyle John Edwards Karl Eikenberry (U. S. Army General, ambassador to Afghanistan) Ari Emanuel (head of Endeavor Agency) Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. (former vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve) Noah Feldman (academic and author) Dianne Feinstein (U. S Dem. Senator from California) Donald M. Fraser (former Democratic U. S. congressman from Minnesota) Bill Frist Mikhail Fridman (Russian oligarch, International Advisory Board member) Thomas Friedman (columnist for the The New York Times ) Martin Feldstein (economist, Harvard professor) Tom Foley (57th speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives) Francis Fukuyama Orit Gadiesh – Chairman of the Board at Bain Capital, Member of Foundation Board of World Economic Forum , Member of the Atlantic Council – Dual Citizenship – EUA & amp; Israel More on Gadiesh Here Pamela Gann . Robert M. Gates (22nd U. S.Sec. of Defense under Bush & Obama, 15th Director of Central Intelligence under George H. W. Bush) Robert P. George David Geffen (president of Universal Music Group) Leslie Gelb (former journalist for the New York Times ) Dick Gephardt (22nd Majority Leader of the U. S. House of Representatives) Timothy F. Geithner – U. S. Secretary of the Treasury – Inter American Development Bank, Governor – Group of 20 Co-Founder – Former Federal Reserve Bank of New York, President – Former International Monetary Fund, Director of Policy Development & Revise & # 8211; Former Rand Corp., Trustee – Former Partnership of New York, Director – Former Henry M Paulson, Adviser – Former Economic Club of New York, Trustee – 2008 World Economic Forum, Attendee – White House State Dinner 2009/2012, Invited Guest – Former Kissinger Assoc, Researcher – Former Alan Greenspan, Unoffical Adviser Sam Gejdenson (former Democratic Party U. S. Congressman from Connecticut) Alan Greenspan (13th Chairman of the Federal Reserve) Maurice R. Greenberg (former chairman and CEO of AIG) Bob Graham (Democratic Party 38th governor of Florida and U. S. Senator> Janet G. Mullins Grissom (Republican lobbyist, former state department official) David Gergen (advisor to Richard Nixon, GeraldFord, Bill Clinton and commentator for CNN) Mikhail Gorbachev (former President of the USSR - The Earth Charter Initiative was launched in 1994 by Maurice Strong, his newly formed Earth Council and Mikhail Gorbachev, acting in his capacity as president of Green Cross International. – Green Cross International, founder – Quotes “Do not do unto the environment of others what you do not want done to your own environment…. My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a ‘Sermon on the Mount’, that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century.” — Mikhail Gorbachev, The Los Angeles Times, May 8, 1997 , “Cosmos is my God. Nature is my God.” — Mikhail Gorbachev, on the PBS Charlie Rose Show, Oct. 23, 1996 — ) Jeffrey A Goldstein – U. S. Dept of the Treasury, Under Secretary – International Center for Research on Women, Director – Former World Bank managing Director and CFO – Former James D Wolfensohn Inc., Partner Jamie S Gorelick – Former U. S. Dept. of Justice, Deputy Attorney General – Former U. S. Dept. of Energy, Asst. to the Secretary – Former U. S. Dept of Defense, General Counsel – Former Fannie Mae, Vice Chair – BP plc., Attorney – Schlumberger, Director – National Parks Foundation, Director – Amazon Inc, Director – John D. & Catherine MacArthur Foundation, Director – Urban Institute, Trustee – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace – Trustee – Advisory Committee on the Presidents Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, Co-Chair Roy M. Goodman (former Rep. member of the New York State Senate) Newt Gingrich (58th Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives – American Foreign Policy Council, Advisory Board member – Former Hoover Institution, Visiting Fellow – Freddie Mac, Consultant – Political Sex Scandals, had extramarital affair while criticizing president for same ) Ruth Bader Ginsburg (United States Supreme Court justice) Brian Grazer (producer and co-founder of Imagine Entertainment) Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama) Richard N. Haass (former State Department official) David A. Harris (director of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Lee H. Hamilton (former U. S. Dem. congressman from Indiana) Michael Hayden (U. S. Air Force general, 15th director of the National Security Agency under Bill Clinton, and 20th director of the CIA under George W. Bush – Business Executives for National Secur ity, advisory council member – Chertoff Group, principal – 2012 Mitt Romney presidential campaign, adviser – Alion Science & Technology, director – Motorola Solutions, director – ) Gary Hart (former Dem. Senator from Colorado, Council for a Livable World chairman, advisory board member for the Partnership for a Secure America – Global Green USA, Council of Advisers member – Truman National Security Project, advisory board member – Political sex scandal, Harts affair with Donna Rice that derailed his 1988 presidential run. Hart arrogantly dared the press to investigate him with the quote “Follow me around, I don’t care, I’m serious. If anybody wants to put a tail on me go ahead. They’ll be very bored”. And they did… ) From Wikipedia “Former National Security Council member Roger Morris suggests in his book Partners in Power, the Clintons and Their America that the alleged Hart-Rice sex scandal was really an intelligence operation to deny Hart the presidency. CIA agent Chip Tatum claims to have been tasked with “neutralizing” Hart. Hart’s biggest offense, according to Morris, was his advocacy of “further investigation and exposure of the alliance between the mob and the US intelligence community.” The Miami Herald’s account of how it researched and produced the Gary Hart-Donna Rice story was said to be closely examined by investigative reporters from the national media after allegations were made that the story may have been initiated by conspirators to eliminate Hart as a viable candidate. Since then, no story has ever been published by the national media challenging The Herald’s account of how one of Ms Rice’s own girl friends called the paper with the original tip that Rice was planning to meet with Hart at his home in Washington. According to The Herald, after the original tip, no one outside The Herald’s reporting team influenced the surveillance and reporting that produced the story”.) Heather Higgins Chris Heinz (heir to the H. J. Heinz Company ketchup fortune – Heinz Endowment, director – Rosemont Seneca Partners, co-chair – Rosemont Solebury Capital Management, founding partner – Son of Teresa Heinz Kerry, who is married to John Kerry, another member of CFR. Teresa Heinz Kerry is honorary trustee of the Brookings Institute – Term trustee of the Carnegie Mellon Univ. – Vice-chair of the H J. Heinz the III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment – Chairman of the Heinz Family Philanthropies – White House State Dinner 3/14/2012, invited guest) Carla Anderson Hills (5th U. S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under Gerald Ford, 10th U. s. Trade Representative to George H. W. Bush) Kim Holmes (foreign policy and defense expert) Douglas Holtz-Eakin (economist) Auren Hoffman (investor/entrepreneur) Warren Hoge (American journalist, formerly of the New York Times ) Malcolm Hoenlein (vice-chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations) Katrina vanden Heuvel (editor of The Nation , wife of Stephen F. Cohen, daughter of William vanden Heuvell> William vanden Heuvel (diplomat and international lawyer, father of Katrina vanden Heuvell) Jimmy Iovine (chairman of Interscope-Geffen-A&M) Frederick Iseman (businessman, inventor) Angelina Jolie (actress, UN Goodwill Ambassador) Vernon Jordan (advisor to President Bill Clinton) Nancy Johnson (former Republican U. S. congresswoman from Connecticut) Woody Johnson (investor, owner of the New York Jets, heir to Johnson & Johnson) Sheila Johnson (businesswoman, president of the Washington Mystics) Jeffrey Katzenberg (film producer and CEO of Dreamworks Studios) Walter H. Kansteiner, III (American diplomat) Peter J. Katzenstein (political scientist, academic) Robert Kagan (cofounded Project for the New American Century) Nancy Kassebaum (former Rep. Senator from Kansas, daughter of Alf Landon, & wife of Howard Baker) Thomas Kean, Sr. (Rep. politician, 48th Governor of New Jersey) John Kerry (U. S. Senator of Massachusetts, 2004 Dem nominee for Presidency) Vanessa Kerry (doctor of medicine, liberal activist, daughter of John Kerry) Henry Kissinger (8th National Security Advisor under Nixon & Sec. of State under Nixon and Ford) Disturbing Quotes by Kissinger – “The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.” “There’s nothing more we can do about )the accidental bombing)”. “Today Americans would be outraged if U. N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” & # 8211; Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberger meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992.(in an address to the Bilderberger organization meeting at Evian, France, on May 21, 1991″. “Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy”. “To be an enemy of America’s can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal”. “ Joe Klein Time Magazine columnist> Paul R. Krugman (economist, columnist for the New York Times ) Larry Kudlow (economist, radio talk-show host, CNBC anchor) Anil Kumar (businessman, former senior partner at McKinsey) Charles Krauthammer (columnist for the Washington Post and political commentator at Fox News) Zalmay Khalilzad (26th ambassador to the U. N. under George W. Bush) Philip Lader Richard W. Lariviere (Scholar, President of the University of Oregon) Jim Leach (former Rep. congressman from Iowa, chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities under Obam a) John Robert Lewis (Dem. congressman from the state of Georgia, famed civil-rights leader) Jim Lehrer (journalist, former anchor for PBS) Joe Lieberman (U. S. Independent Senator from Connecticut) Rush Limbaugh (radio talk show host and author) Lewis Libby (attorney, former chief-of-staff to Vice-President Dick Cheney) Nigel Lythgoe (television producer) Fred Malek David Malpass (economist, Rep. politician) John McCain (U. S. Rep. Senator from Arizona, 2008 Rep. nominee for Presidency ) Jami Miscik – Bud McFarlane (13th national security advisor to Ronald Reagan) George McGovern (former Dem. senator – S. Dakota, 1972 Dem. nominee for President) William Green Miller (U. S. Ambassador to Ukraine under Clinton) George J. Mitchell (17th Senate Majority Leader of the U. S. Senate> Walter Mondale (42nd Vice-President of the U. S.) Robert Mosbacher, Jr. Les Moonves (President and CEO of CBS) Bill Moyers (former press-secretary to Lyndon Johnson, public commentator for PBS) Rupert Murdoch Heather Nauert (journalist and anchor for Fox News) Janet Napolitano John D. Negroponte (former U. S. Deputy Sec. of State and former Director of National Intelligence under George W. Bush) Joseph Nye (academic) Sandra Day O’Connor (former U. S. Supreme Court justice) Stan O’Neal (former Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Merrill Lynch) George Pataki Henry Paulson (74th U. S. Treasury Secretary under George W. Bush, Former Head of Nature Conservancy – former Chairman an d CEO of Goldman Sachs, former director of New York Stock Exchange, attended the 2008 Bilderberg Conference, former Governor of the Inter-American Development Bank – Spouse of Wendi Paulson, former vice-chair of Nature Conservancy, mother of Merritt Paulson, trustee of The Wildlife Conservations Society (WCS), who manage 20 million acres globally. WCS was co-founded by Henry Fairfield Osborne Sr. who was a founding member of the American Eugenics Society.) Robert Pastor David Petraeus (U. S. Army General, former head of CENTCOM, 22nd director of the CIA – Former International Security Asst. Force in Afghanistan, Commanding Officer – Multi-National Force-Iraq – Commanding General – ) Peter G. Peterson (20th U. S. Secretary of Commerce under Nixon – Former Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Chairman – Peter G Peterson Foundation, Founder – National Bureau of Economic Research, Director Emeritus – Former Lehman Brothers Holding, – Chairman – Blackstone Group, Former chairman & Co-Founder – Bell & Howell, Former Chairman & CEO – Former Timothy Geithner, Unofficial Adviser – Nuclear Threat Initiative, Former Chairman – 2008 John McCain Presidential Campaign, Fundraiser – 2010 Andrew Cuomo NY Gubernatorial Campaign, Business Advisory Boa rd Member ) Steve Pieczenik Kitty Pilgrim (journalist and anchor on CNN) Richard Pipes (academic, father of founder/director of Middle East Forum Daniel Pipes) Daniel Pipes (academic, writer, historian, son of Richard Pipes) Norman Podhoretz (former editor-in-chief of “Commentary”, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, Project for the New American Century (PNAC) signatory) Steve Poizner (California businessman and Republican politician) Roman Popadiuk (former U. S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Executive Director of the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation) Colin Powell (Sec. of State under Bush-43, 16th National Security Advisor under Reagan, 12th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Bush-41) Tom Petri (Rep. congressman from Wisconsin) Priscilla Presley (actress and former chairwoman of the board of Elvis Presley Enterprises) Charles Prince (former chief executive officer of Citigroup) Janet Reno (U. S. Attorney General under Clinton) Condoleezza Rice Dan Rather (journalist, formerly anchor at CBS) Charles Rangel (Dem. Congressman from NYC) Alice Rivlin (economist, former U. S. cabinet member) David Rockefeller, Jr. (Rockefeller Foundation, trustee – Sailors for the Sea, President – National Park Foundation, former chair – Rockefellers Brothers Fund, former chair – Rockefeller Center Club – member – Rockefeller Financial Services, former chair) John D. Rockefeller, IV also known as Jay Rockefeller (Dem. Senator of West Virginia, 29th Gov. of West Virginia – Alliance for Health Reform, honorary chairman – Asia Society, trustee – Blanchette Rockefeller Neurosciences Inst. founder - Discover the Real West Virginia Foundation, founder – Japan-US Friendship Commission, member – Joint commission on Taxation, member – Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, chairman – Senate Committee on Finance, member – Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, member – Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, member – Sub Committee on International Trade, Customs and Global Competitiveness, member – Voted for Financial Markets Bailouts bill 10-1-08 -) Charlie Rose (PBS journalist) Liz Rosenberg (publicist) Chuck Robb ( 64th Governor of Virginia, former Dem. Party U. S. Senator from Virginia , son-in-law of Lyndon B. Johnson) Edward Regan (former state comptroller of New York) Robert Rubin (70th Secretary of the Treasury under Bill Clinton) Haim Saban (founder of Saban Capital Group) Jeffrey D. Sachs (American economist) Diane Sawyer (ABC News journalist) Stephen M. Schwebel (jurist, former judge on the International Court of Justice) Michael Shifter Dan Senor (former foreign policy advisor to George W. Bush, Fox News foreign policy analyst) Amity Shlaes (Bloomberg News columnist, and author) Timothy Shriver (chairman & CEO of the Special Olympics) David Stern (commissioner of the NBA) John Spratt Karenna Gore Schiff (daughter of Al Gore) Olympia J. Snowe (Rep. U. S. Senator from Maine) Brent Scowcroft (National Security Advisor under Presidents Gerald Ford & George H. W. Bus h) George Shultz (60th U. S. Sec. of State under Reagan, 62nd U. S. Sec. of the Treasury and 11th U. S. Sec. of Labor under Nixon> Frederick W. Smith (CEO and founder of FedEx) Andrew Ross Sorkin Walter B. Slocombe (former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy) George Soros – (One of the most hated men in America – Clinton Global Initiative, Member – Earth Institute, Advisory Board Member – Ultra Leftist Open Society Foundation, Founder & Chairman – Quantum Fund, Founder – Ultra Left Move On, Contributor – Ultra Left Media Matters, Contributor – World Economic Forum 2008/2009, Attendee – White House Visits, 2009 – (currency speculator, investor – NPR, Benefactor – Leftist Democracy Alliance, Member,, Leftist Center for American Progress, Supporter – 2008 Obama Presidential Campaign, Contributor – Obama Inaugural Committee, Major Contributor – Leftist Foundation to Promote Open Society, Chairman – According to Forbes, Soros is worth $20 billion, March 2012) Steven Spielberg (film and television director, producer, screenwriter, co-founder of Dreamworks Studios – Bill Clinton Foundation, major donor – White House State Dinner 11/24/2009. invited guest 211; Priorities USA Action, contributor – 2011 Rahm Emanual Mayoral Campaign, major contributor – 2008 Hilary Clinton Pres. campaign, fundraiser/supporter) Lesley Stahl (CBS News journalist) Donna Shalala (18th U. S. Secretary of Health and Human Services under Bill Clinton, President of the University of Miami) Eduard Shevardnadze (2nd President of Georgia) Eric Shinseki Adlai Stevenson III (former Democratic U. S. Senator from Illinois, son of Adlai Stevenson II) George Stephanopoulos (former White House press-secretary under Bill Clinton, ABC News journalist) Laurence H. Silberman (United States federal judge) Robert Silvers (editor of New York Review of Books ) Paul Tagliabue (American Ditcheley Foundation, director – Georgetown Univ. director – Former director of Levin Inst. – Local Initiatives Support Corp. director – Former commissioner of the National Football League) Ann M Tatlock (Andrew W Mellon Foundation, trustee – Fortune Brands Inc, director – Franklin Resources Inc, director – Howard Hughes Medical Inst, trustee – Mayo Clinic, trustee – Mer ck, director – Natl Sept. 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center, director – Conference Board, former trustee – Fiduciary Trust Co International, chair & ceo – Vassar College, trustee) Mark Tercek President and CEO of Nature Conservancy. Before joining The Nature Conservancy, Tercek was a managing director at Goldman Sachs, where he played a key role in developing the firm’s environmental strategy. He headed the firm’s Environmental Strategy Group and Center for Environmental Markets, which worked to develop and promote market-based solutions to environmental challenges. He also headed various business units at the firm, including Corporate Finance, Equity Capital Markets, Consumer/Healthcare and Leadership Development. On May 9, 2008, Mark Tercek was named president and CEO of The Nature Conservancy. Tercek has served on the CFR Climate Change Task Force. In August 2008, Tercek was a participant at an event entitled “Development in the Balance: How will the World’s Poor Cope with Climate Change?” which was an event run by the Brookings Institution. Also participating at the event was George Soros. On April 28, 2009, Tercek spoke at the Opening of the Thematic Stream “A new Climate for Change”, hosted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Tercek spoke on “Redefining Conservation” at the Aspen Environment Forum 2009, run by the Aspen Institute. On Oct. 4, 2008, Tercek was a key plenary speaker at the 2010 National Land Conservation Conference, hosted by the Land Trust Alliance. Click here to read Tercek’s remarks at the conference. Obama Administration Appointee – In 2010, Mark Tercek was appointed by U. S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu to serve on the National Petroleum Council, through which he will provide advice, information and recommendations to Secretary Chu on environmental issues related to oil and natural gas. United Nations Development Programme On September 20, 2010, Tercek attended and addressed an invitation-only “high-level event in support of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Summit.”. The event was entitled “Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Climate Change: Scaling up Local Solutions to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals” . The event was held by the United Nations Development Programme and was a part of Climate Week NYC. Other Affiliations Tercek has served as a member of the Commission on Climate and Tropical Forests. He was a contributing author to the book Carbon Finance: Investing in Forests and Land for Climate Protection, published in 2009 by the Yale Center for Business and the Environment. He is a member of the board of Resources for the Future. Tercek is currently collaborating with the World Resources Institute and the Woods Hole Research Center on projects concerning climate change. He serves on the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Chilean Advisory Council. He is a member of the Steering Group on the Prince of Wales’ Princes’ Rainforest Project. Source Stansfield Turner (U. S. Navy Admiral, 12th director of the CIA under Jimmy Carter) Doug Turner Richard Thornburgh (76th Attorney-General of the U. S. under Reagan & Bush, 76th Governor of Pennsylvania) John L. Thornton (chairman of Brookings Institution, academic, former president of Goldman Sachs> Fred Thompson (actor, radio talk-show host, former Republican U. S. Senator from Tennessee,) Shirley Temple (actress, diplomat) Kathleen Kennedy Townsend Melanne Verveer (Obama Adm., Ambassador at large-women’s issues – Vital Voices Global Partnership, co-founder – Former Hillary Clinton, chief of staff – Former Common Cause, field manager – People for the American Way – EVP – Bill Clinton Admin., chief of staff to first lady) Richard M Verma (Obama Adm., asst. sec of state – U. S. Dept of State, Asst Sec. – Comm. on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation & Terrorism, former member – Former Harry Rei d, senior national security adviser – Former Steptoe & Johnson LLP, partner) Tom Vilsack Paul Volcker (American Assembly, trustee – Comm. for a Responsible Federal Budget, director – Concord Coalition, director – Group of Thirty, chairman of the board – International House, chair – Japan Society, life director – Peterson Institute on International Economics, director – Trilateral Commission, exec. comm. member – 12th Chairman of Federal Reserve – 2008 Obama Pres. Campaign, supporter – Aspen Institute, lifetime trustee – Former Rederal Reserve System, chairman – Obama-Biden Economic Advisory Team, member – Wolfensohn & CO, chairman) Peter J. Wallison (20th White House Counsel to Ronald Reagan, former lawyer to Nelson Rockefeller) Barbara Walters (The View, co-host – Paley Center for Media, trustee – Former 20/20, host – Former ABC Evening News, co-anchor – Former CBS News, writer – Former Today, co-anchor – Merv Adelson, spo use – Lee Guber, spouse – Robert Henry Katz, spouse – dated Alan Greenspan – Henry Kissinger, John W Warner, Edward W Brooks III, Bridesmaid at Arianna Huffingon’s 1987 wedding) Margaret G Warner (PBC News, Correspondent – Yale Corp., fellow – Former Newsweek, reporter – Former Wall Street Journal, reporter) Rick Warren (American Christian leader, Sr. Pastor of Saddleback Church) Vin Weber (former U. S. Republican Congressman from Minnesota William F Weld – (McDermott Will & Emery, Partner – Former Mass, Governor – US DOJ, asst. attorney general – 2004 G W Bush pres. campaign, major donor – 2008 Mitt Romney Pres. Campaign, supporter – Unity08, advisory board member) Steven Weinberg (American physicist) John P White (Center for New American Security, director – Committee for Economic Development, trustee – Concord Coalition, director – Global Technology Partners, managing partner – L-3 Comm. Holdings, Inc, director – 2008 Obama-Biden Transition Team, member – Insti tute for Defense Anaylses, former director – Former U. S. Dep. of Defense, deputy secretary – U. S. Office of Management & Budget, deputy director) Mary Jo White (News Corp, advising independ. directors on hacking scandals – NASDAQ Stock Market Inc, former director – U. S. Attorneys Office for the Southern Dist. of NY, attorney) John C. Whitehead (chairman of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation, former U. S. Deputy Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan, former Goldman Sachs chairman, – Goldman Sachs Group Inc., co-chair & senior partner – Former Head of Nature Conservancy – Atlantic Council of U. S., director – Brookings Institution, honorary trustee – United Nations Assoc. director – Foreign Policy Assoc, director – Bridgespan Group, trustee – International House, trustee – Committee on the Present Danger, member – Former Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Chairman – Business Executives for National Security, director – Harvard University, chairman – Rockefeller Univ., director – Former chairman of Andr ew W Mellon – J. Paul Getty Trust, director) Christine Todd Whitman (50th Gov. of New Jersey, 9th adm. of the E. P.A. under George W. Bush – Americans Elect, director – Eisenhower Fellowships, Trustee – Its My Party Too PAC, Founder – Republican Leadership Council, co-founder & co-chair – SC Johnson & Son Inc, director – Texas Instruments, director – United Technology Corp, director – Whitman Strategy Group, President) Anita Von Wien (Observatory Group LLC, vice-chair – Former G7 Group, vice-chair – 2008 Obama Pres. campaign, fundraiser – Oxford Analytica, SVP – Smith College, trustee) Brian Williams (NBC Nightly News, anchor – Robin Hood Foundation, director – Committee To Protect Journalists, director – White House State Dinner 11-24-09, invited guest – Former KOAM – TV, correspondent – Former National Assoc. of Broadcasters, lobbyist – WBCS-TV, former anchor – Former WTTG – TV, correspondent) Shirley Williams, Baroness Williams of Crosby (British member of parliament, International Advisory Board member) Richard S. Williamson (diplomat, lawyer, former chairman of the Rep. Party of Illinois) Oprah Winfrey (media mogul, actress, founder of Harpo Inc. – 2008 Obama Pres. campaign, supporter – Muckety List of Most Networked in Chicago 2008, in top 100 – Former Trinity United Church of Christ, member Jeremiah Wright is senior pastor of this church and Obama was a member – White House visitor 2009, visitor – March 3, 2008 started promoting new age religion on The Oprah Winfrey Show, with an attendance of over 300,000 people. They conducted the first ever mass trance on March 17, 2008. This blasphemous religion denies Christ and states there is no sin. Oprah has been called the most dangerous woman in the world.) James D. Wolfensohn (former pres. of the World Bank – American Friends of Bilderberg, director – Bretton Woods Comm, co-chair – Institute for Advanced Study, chairman emeritus – National Democratic Inst., director – Wolfensohn & Co. LLC, chairman – 2008 Bilderberg Conference, participant – Brookings Inst, honorary trustee – Carnegie Hall, chairman emeritus – former Conservation International, director – former Kennedy Ctr, chairman emeritus ) Paul Wolfowitz (10th Pres. of the World Bank, former U. S. Deputy Sec. of Defense under Bush-43 – American Corp. Partners, advisory council member – American Enterprise Inst., scholar in residence – 2008 Bilderberg Conference, participant – Former Sec. of State International Security Advisory Board, chairman – Former U. S. Ambassador to Indonesia – 2007 Libby Perjury Trial, wrote letter of support) James Woolsey (16th Director of Central Intelligence Agency under Bill Clinton – 2012 New Gingrich Pres. campaign, foreign policy team member – American Clean Skies Foundation, advocate – American Foreign Policy Council, advisory board member – Atlantic Council of the U. S., director – Committee on the present danger, member – Energy Future Coalition, advisory council member – Foundation for the defense of democracies, leadership council member – Freedom Prize Foundation, a dvisory council member – Institute for the Analysis for Global Security, adviser – Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, advisory board member – National Commission on Energy Policy, commissioner – Paladin Capital Group, chairman – strategic advisory group – Smith Richardson Foundation, governor – United against Nuclear Iran, advisory board member – Washington Institute for Near East Policy, advisor – Woolsey Partners, chairman – World Affairs Council of Washington DC, member – Former Booz Allen Hamilton, VP – Former Freedom House, chairman – Former Libby legal defense trust, advisory committee member – Oxford Univ., Rhodes Scholar – Former Sec of States International Security Advisory Board, member – Shea & Garnder – Partner – U. S Navy, under secretary – Vantage Point Capital Partners. Partner) Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve Board, Vice-chair – Univ. of Calif. Berkley, professor emeritus – Council on Economic Advisers, former chair – Federal Open Market Comm, member – Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, former Pres. & CEO – Pacific Council on International Policy, director – William Clinton Admin., Council of Economic Advisers, chairman) Alice Young (American Assembly, director – Asia Foundation, trustee – former Aspen Institute, trustee – Committee of 100, former vice-chair) Kneeland C Youngblood (Energy Future Holdings Corp, director – Gap Inc, director – Starwood Resorts & Worldwide Inc, director – former Burger King Holdings, Inc, director) Fareed Zakaria (Clinton Global Initiative, member – Aspen Strategy Group, director – Time Magazine, editor at large – New York Times, contributor – Acumen Fund, advisory council member – International Freedom Center, director – International House, trustee – White House State Dinner 11-24-2009, invited guest – Scroll & Key, member – Former Newsweek International, editor – Former Foreign Affairs, managing editor) Dov S. Zakheim Paula Zahn (journalist, former anchor at Fox News and CNN) James Zogby (academic, political commentator and pollster) Robert Zoellick (11th President of the World Bank) Mort Zuckerman (U. S. News & World Report, chairman & editor-in-chief – Partnership for New York City, director – Boston Properties Inc, founder & chairman – Center for Communications, board member – International Peace Inst., director – Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr, Overseer – Natl Assoc of Real Estate Investment Trusts, governor – New York Daily News, publisher – New York Fund for Pubic Schools, vice-chair – The McLaughlin Group, frequent panelist – Urban Institute, life trust – Washington Institute for Near East Policy, adviser – WNET, life trustee – former Aspen Institute, trustee)
GH Bush by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin from George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography.
The grandfather of President George Walker Bush (Skull & Bones, 1968) was Prescott Bush (Skull & Bones, 1917), and his great grand father was George Herbert Walker. Prescott Bush and George Herbert (Bert) Walker were directors of the London-affiliated New York banking house of Brown Brothers-Harriman and its various fronts, which funded and directed the military-industrial complex behind Hitler and the Nazi revolution.
In 1919, George Herbert Walker had organized W. A. Harriman & Co which merged with the British Brown Brothers in 1931. In 1924, Averell Harriman (Skull & Bones, 1913) and Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist who began funding Hitler in 1923, set up the Union Banking Corp in New York to handle funds supplied to it through Thyssen’s Dutch bank for American investment. Prescott Bush, who had been an officer of the W. A. Harriman bank since 1926, was a director of the Union Banking Corp from 1934 through 1943. According to government documents, “all of the shares of the Union Banking Corp., were held for the benefit of members of the Thyssen family.”
The federal government did not crack down on the Bush-Harriman/Nazi operation until 1942. After the war, Congressional investigation revealed that Fritz Thyssen’s German Steel Trust, Germany’s largest industrial corporation [which interlocked with Union Banking Corporation] produced a high percentage of Germany’s national output of metal products and explosives. Vesting Orders signed by the Office of Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, which were “published in obscure government record books and kept out of the news, explained nothing about the Nazis involved; only that the Union Banking Corporation was run for the ‘Thyssen family’ of ‘Germany and/or Hungary’– ‘nationals…of a designated enemy country.'”
“In October 1942, ten months after entering World War II, America was preparing its first assault against Nazi military forces. Prescott Bush was managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman. His 18-year-old son George, the future U. S. President, had just begun training to become a naval pilot. On Oct. 20, 1942, the U. S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being conducted by Prescott Bush.
“Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over the Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U. S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.’s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland ‘Bunny’ Harriman, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Bush. 1
‘E. Roland Harriman–3991 shares’ [chairman and director of Union Banking Corp. (UBC); this is ‘Bunny’ Harriman, described by Prescott Bush as a place holder who didn’t get much into banking affairs; Prescott managed his personal investments]
‘Cornelis Lievense–4 shares’ [president and director of UBC; New York resident banking functionary for the Nazis]
‘Harold D. Pennington–1 share’ [treasurer and director of UBC; an office manager employed by Bush at Brown Brothers Harriman]
‘Ray Morris–1 share’ [director of UBC; partner of Bush and the Harrimans]
‘Prescott S. Bush–1 share’ [director of UBC, which was co-founded and sponsored by his father-in-law George Walker; senior managing partner for E. Roland Harriman and Averell Harriman]
‘H. J. Kouwenhoven–1 share’ [director of UBC; organized UBC as the emissary of Fritz Thyssen in negotiations with George Walker and Averell Harriman; managing director of UBC’s Netherlands affiliate under Nazi occupation; industrial executive in Nazi Germany; director and chief foreign financial executive of the German Steel Trust]
‘Johann G. Groeninger–1 share’ [director of UBC and of its Netherlands affiliate; industrial executive in Nazi Germany]
“all of which shares are held for the benefit of … members of the Thyssen family, [and] is property of nationals … of a designated enemy country….”
“By Oct. 26, 1942, U. S. troops were under way for North Africa. On Oct. 28, the government issued orders seizing two Nazi front organizations run by the Bush-Harriman bank: the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. 2
“U. S. forces landed under fire near Algiers on Nov. 8, 1942; heavy combat raged throughout November. Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act on Nov. 17, 1942. In this action, the government announced that it was seizing only the Nazi interests, leaving the Nazis’ U. S. partners to carry on the business. 3
“These and other actions taken by the U. S. government in wartime were, tragically, too little and too late. President Bush’s family had already played a central role in financing and arming Adolf Hitler for his takeover of Germany; in financing and managing the buildup of Nazi war industries for the conquest of Europe and war against the U. S.A.; and in the development of Nazi genocide theories and racial propaganda, with their well-known results.
“The facts presented here must be known, and their implications reflected upon, for a proper understanding of President George Herbert Walker Bush and of the danger to mankind that he represents. The President’s family fortune was largely a result of the Hitler project. The powerful Anglo-American family associations, which later boosted him into the Central Intelligence Agency and up to the White House, were his father’s partners in the Hitler project.” 4
How and to what extent did the Bush family direct the Hitler Project from the 1920s until it was partially broken up in 1942? “In what way were Hitler’s Nazis themselves hired, armed and instructed by the New York and London clique of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager?”
Equally germane is the question why? “How important was the Nazi enterprise for which President Bush’s father was the New York banker?” What possible interest would George Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush have had in overseeing the Nazi operation?
3. Quoting Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States; The Phase III Report Of The U. S. Commission On National Security/21st Century rense/general10/roadmap. htm.
4. Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: An Unauthorized Biography, Chapter II – The Hitler Project: tarpley/bush2.htm.
Source: George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin tarpley/bushb. htm.
Bush Family Funded Adolf Hitler.
IraqWar. ru, August 26, 2003.
Have you ever wondered how Adolph Hitler – a mediocre painter of Austrian origin – transformed himself into Germany’s Fuhrer during the 1930s and 1940s?
The Nazi phenomenon was no historical coincidence, and far less a philosophical whim made real by just one man. Nazism had its followers, many of them exceptionally wealthy, veritable alchemists of the financial world back then.
According to research carried out over the last few years, Wall Street bankers (amongst others) financed Hitler’s rise to power whilst making large profits at the same time. What is yet still more deplorable is the fact that relatives of the current U. S. president were amongst this group of individuals.
U. S. authors Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Cheitkin reveal in the recently published George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography that Prescott Bush (George W. Bush’s grandfather) and other directors of the Union Banking Company (UBC) were Nazi collaborators.
The book relates how in 1922 – when national socialism was emerging – railroad impresario W. Averell Harriman traveled to Berlin and interviewed the Thyssen family with a view to founding a German-U. S. banco. The Thyssens were already behind-the-scenes owners of several financial institutions that allowed them to transfer their money from Germany to the Netherlands and from there onto the United States.
The banks in question were the August Thyssen Bank whose headquarters were located in Berlin; the Bank voor Handel (Netherlands) and the Union Banking Corporation (New York). At the beginning of the 1920s, one of the members of this family, Fritz Thyssen – author of I Paid Hitler – contributed some $25,000 USD to the recently formed German National Socialist Workers’ Party, becoming the prime and most important financier of the Fuhrer in his ascent to power.
According to the book’s authors, Thyssen was fascinated by Hitler, citing his talent as a public speaker and his ability to lead the masses. However, what impressed him most was the order that prevailed at his rallies and the almost military discipline of his followers.
And so, in 1931 Thyssen joined the Nazi party, becoming one of the most powerful members of the Nazi war machine.
At that time, the magnate presided over the German Steel Trust, a steel industry consortium founded by Clarence Dillon, one of Wall Street’s most influential men. One of Dillon’s most trustworthy collaborators was Samuel Bush: Prescott’s father, George Senior’s grandfather and great-grandfather of the current U. S. president George W. Bush.
In 1923, Harriman and the Thyssens decided to set up a bank and appointed George Herbert Walker – Prescott’s father-in-law – as president. Later, in 1926, they established the Union Banking Corporation (UBC) with Prescott Bush at the helm. That same year, he was also named vice president and partner at Brown Brothers Harriman. Both firms allowed the Thyssens to send money to the United States from Germany via the Netherlands.
U. S. economist Victor Thorn has noted that although a large number of other corporations aided the Nazis (such as Standard Oil and Rockefeller’s Chase Bank, as well as U. S. automobile manufacturers) Prescott Bush’s interests were much more profound and sinister.
Thorn adds that UBC became a secret channel to protect Nazi capital leaving Germany for the United States via the Netherlands. When the Nazis needed to retrieve their funds, Brown Brothers Harriman sent them directly to Germany.
In this way, UBC received money from the Netherlands and Brown Brothers Harriman sent it back. And who was on the executive of both of these companies? Prescott Bush himself, the Nazis’ first money launderer.
In their book, Tarpley and Chaitkin explain that in this way a significant part of the Bush family’s financial base is related to supporting and aiding Adolph Hitler. Therefore, the current U. S. president, just like his father (former CIA director, vice president and president) reached the peak of the U. S. political hierarchy thanks to his great-grandfather and grandfather and generally his entire family, who financially aided and encouraged the Nazis.
Some time later, in October 1942, the U. S. authorities confiscated Nazi bank funds from the New York UBC, whose then president was Prescott. The firm was condemned as a financial and commercial collaborator with the enemy and all its assets were seized.
Later, the U. S. government also ordered the seizure of the assets of a further two leading financial agencies directed by Prescott through the accounts of the Harriman banking institution: the Holland-America Trading Corporation (a U. S.-Dutch commercial firm) and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation.
Then on November 11, 1942, an embargo was imposed on the Silesian-American Corporation – another firm headed by Bush and Walker – under the same Trading with the Enemy Act.
However, in 1951, the embargo was lifted and the enterprising businessman recovered some $1.5 million USD, earmarked for new investments largely to swell the Bush family’s patrimony.
To this should be added a resumé of files belonging to Dutch and U. S. information services confirming the direct links between Prescott Bush, the German Thyssen family and the blood money of a group of rich U. S. families from the Second World War.
Tarpley and Chaitkin affirm that the great financial crash of 1929-1931 affected the United States, Germany and Britain, weakening their respective governments. At the same time, Prescott Bush became even more diligent, still more desirous of doing everything that was necessary to safeguard his place in the world. It was during this crisis that some members of the Anglo-U. S wealthy class supported the installation of Hitler’s regime in Germany.
To sum up, the authors categorically state that the Bush family’s fortune arose as a result of its unconditional support for Adolph Hitler’s political project.
The UBC, under Prescott Bush’s direction and with the long-term cooperation of Fritz Thyssen’s German Steel Trust participated in the emergence, preparation and financing of the Nazi war machine through the manufacture of armored vehicles, fighter planes, guns and explosives.
The Bush family’s habit of dominating territories and wealth is nothing new. Their fascist genes were generated during the 1930s. Therefore defining the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq and the threats to other countries as a continuance of blitzkreig offensives as fascist is no blunder. Neither is convening an anti-fascist front is a rhetorical exercise.
New Year Honours 2012: full list of recipients.
Here is a full list of recipients of the New Year Honours 2012.
12:01AM GMT 31 Dec 2011.
Gerald Acher, CBE, LVO. For charitable services. (Cobham, Surrey)
Rodney Malcolm Aldridge, OBE. Chair, The Aldridge Foundation. For services to Young People. (London, WC2)
Charles Lamb Allen, CBE. For services to the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. (London, W14)
John Alexander Armitt, CBE. Chair, Olympic Delivery Authority. For services to Engineering and Construction. (London, SW1P)
Artigos relacionados.
Peter Lytton Bazalgette. TV Producer. For services to Broadcasting. (London, W11)
Michael David Bear. Formerly Lord Mayor, City of London. For services to Regeneration, Charity and the City of London. (London, N3)
Professor Stephen Robert Bloom. Head of Division of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Imperial College London. For services to Medical Science. (London, W12)
Dr John Gordon St Clair Buchanan. Chairman, Smith & Nephew plc. For services to Industry. (Oxted, Surrey)
Professor Simon Kirwan Donaldson. Royal Society Professor of Mathematics, Imperial College London. For services to Mathematics. (Middlesex)
Herbert Douglas Ellis, OBE. For charitable services. (Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands)
Roger James Gale, MP. For public and political services. (Canterbury, Kent)
Professor Andre Konstantin Geim. Professor of Physics, University of Manchester. For services to Science. (Sale, Greater Manchester)
Geoffrey Hall. Formerly Principal and chief executive, New College Nottingham. For services to Further Education. (Beeston, Nottinghamshire)
Professor Geoffrey William Hill. Poet and Critic. For services to Literature. (Cambridge, Cambridgeshire)
George Iacobescu, CBE. For services to Charity, Community and the Financial Services Industry. (London, W1K)
Professor Diarmaid Ninian John MacCulloch. Professor of the History of the Church, University of Oxford. For services to Scholarship. (Oxfordshire)
Professor Konstantin Novoselov. Professor of Physics, University of Manchester. For services to Science. (Greater Manchester)
Antonio Pappano. Music director, Royal Opera House. For services to Music. (London, WC2E)
Professor Mark Brian Pepys. Formerly Professor of Medicine and head of the Division of Medicine, University College London Medical School, Royal Free Hospital. For services to Biomedicine. (London, NW11)
Dr Venkatraman Ramakrishnan. Scientist, Medical Research Council, Laboratory of Molecular Biology. For services to Molecular Biology. (Granchester, Cambridgeshire)
David Edward Reid. Formerly chairman, Tesco plc and chairman, Kwik-Fit Group. For services to Business and to Charity. (Great Dunmow, Essex)
Paul Ruddock. Filantropo. For services to the Arts. (London, W11)
Robert Russell. For public service. (Colchester, Essex)
Professor John Gerald Patrick Sissons. Regius Professor of Physic, University of Cambridge. For services to Research and Education in Clinical Medicine.
Professor Christopher Maxwell Snowden. Vice-Chancellor, University of Surrey. For services to Engineering and to Higher Education. (Guildford, Surrey)
Professor Robert Tony Watson, CMG. Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. (London, SW1P)
Andrew Witty. Chief executive Officer, GlaxoSmithKline. For services to the Economy and to the UK Pharmaceutical Industry. (Buckinghamshire)
Alexander Claud Stuart Allan. Formerly chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee and head of Intelligence Assessment. (East Midlands)
Jeremy John Heywood, CB, CVO. Permanent secretary, No.10 Downing Street. (London, SW12)
James Bowler. Principal private secretary, No. 10 Downing Street. (London, SW6)
Andrew Peter Hudson. Director general, Public Services, HM Treasury. (London, N5)
Ms Catriona Wendy Campbell Laing. International director, Justice Policy Group, Ministry of Justice. (London, SW12)
Mrs Carol Patricia Moore. Formerly director, Justice Policy, Northern Ireland Executive. (Newtownards, Down)
Richard Dixon Murray. Director, Financial Planning and Allocations, Department of Health. (London, SW17)
Mrs Rachel Sandby-Thomas. Solicitor and director general, Legal People and Communications, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. (Nr Lodsworth, West Sussex)
Mrs Sarah Jane Frances Goad. Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey.
Henry George Victor John Crichton Erne. The Earl of, Lord-Lieutenant of County Fermanagh.
Walter Robert Alexander Ross, CVO. Secretary and Keeper of the Records, Duchy of Cornwall.
Denis Brennan. Formerly head of Honours and Appointments Secretariat, Cabinet Office.
The Honourable Mark Thomas Bridges. Personal Solicitor to The Queen.
Michael Ashley Cecil Brinton. Lord-Lieutenant of Worcestershire.
Nigel James Cubitt Buchanan. Formerly Trustee, Outward Bound Trust.
John Barnard Bush, OBE. Lord-Lieutenant of Wiltshire.
William Nicholas Hood, CBE. Council Member, Duchy of Cornwall.
Mrs Sally Seabourne McCorquodale, LVO. Lady in Waiting to The Duchess of Gloucester.
Terence John Regan, LVO. Lead Trustee, International Special Projects Adviser, The Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
Mrs Gillian Shirazi, LVO. Formerly secretary General, The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Scheme.
The Honourable Virginia Carington. Assistant Master of the Household to The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall.
Mrs Margaret Eleanor Hammond, MVO. Lady in Waiting to The Princess Royal.
Jonathan David Jagger. Surgeon Oculist to The Queen.
Dr James Roy Robertson, MBE. Apothecary to the Royal Household, Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Lt Col Anthony John Charles Woodrow, OBE, MC, QGM. Chief of Staff and private secretary to the Lieutenant-Governor of Jersey.
Mrs Margaret Ashby. Head of Learning and Development, Personnel Office, Royal Household.
Miss Claire Jocelyn Bostock. Travel Officer, Royal Household.
Mrs Julia Ann Brown. Formerly Deputy Clerk to the Lieutenancy of Warwickshire.
Miss Shelley Anne Chambers. Deputy head of Audit Services, Royal Household.
Steven Brian Davidson. Horological Conservator, Windsor Castle.
Acting Chief Inspector Paul Ephgrave. Metropolitan Police Service. For services to Royalty Protection.
Miss Janice Claire Galvin. Specialist Sales Supervisor, Ticket Sales and Information Office, Royal Household.
Timothy Michael Grenville Gray. Estate Surveyor, Duchy of Cornwall.
Lee Hunt. Electrician, Royal Household.
Carl Anthony Jackson. Director of Music, Her Majesty's Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace.
Jeffrey Kevin Johnson. Deputy Records manager, Household of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall.
Sgt Ieuan Dyfrig Jones. Metropolitan Police Service. For services to Royalty Protection.
Geoffrey Ian MacKrell. Superintendent and Visitor manager, Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Matthew Norman Hawkshaw Moss. Private secretary to the vice-Chancellor, University of Cambridge.
David James Benefer, RVM. Glasshouses manager, Sandringham Estate.
Phillip David Chancellor. Formerly Verger, The Queen's Chapel of the Savoy.
Miss Teresa Lesley Connors. Admissions manager, Her Majesty's Tower of London.
Mrs Marion Rose Cox. Part-time Gardener, Highgrove House.
Arthur George Fernie. Stalker and Gamekeeper, Balmoral Estate.
Div Sgt Maj Albert Douglas Lewis Field. The Queen's Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard.
Mrs Victoria Frances Hartles. Assistant Chef, Household of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall.
Joseph MacLugash. Woods Foreman, Balmoral Estate.
Stephen Mark Niedojadlo. The Duke of Edinburgh's Page.
Graham Passmore Stone. Horticulturalist, Crown Estate, Windsor.
Mrs Ursula Helga Pratt, MBE. (to be dated 12 August 2011).
Miss Sylvia Ann Morris. Headteacher, The Cathedral School of St. Saviour and St. Mary Overy, Southwark, London. For services to Education. (London, CR4)
The Rt Hon Joan Mary Ruddock. For public and political services. (London, SE3)
Dr Dannie Abse. Poet and Playwright. For services to Poetry and Literature. (London, NW11)
Professor Mel Ainscow. Professor of Education, University of Manchester. For services to Education. (Greater Manchester)
Robert Assirati. Formerly director, Major Projects Authority, Cabinet Office. (Tonbridge, Kent)
Professor Madeleine Julia Atkins. Vice-Chancellor, Coventry University. For services to Higher Education. (Kenilworth, Warwickshire)
Professor Karin Barber. Professor of African Cultural Anthropology, University of Birmingham. For services to African Studies. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Mrs Catherine Elizabeth Bell. Deputy secretary, Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland Executive. (Bangor, Down)
Professor Dinesh Kumar Makhan Lai Bhugra. Formerly president, Royal College of Psychiatrists, London. For services to Psychiatry. (London, SW2)
Robert William Black. Formerly Auditor General for Scotland. (Callander, Stirling and Falkirk)
Andrew William Brown. Formerly director-General of the Advertising Association. For services to the Advertising Industry. (Launceston, Cornwall)
Keith Graham Budgen. Formerly Regional director, South East Region, HM Courts and Tribunals Service, Ministry of Justice. (Oxfordshire)
Professor Alan Bundy. Professor of Automated Reasoning, University of Edinburgh. For services to Computing Science. (Edinburgh)
Dr Andrew Burnett. Deputy director, British Museum. For services to the British Museum and Numismatics. (London, W2)
Anthony Charles Burton. Chair of the Board of the Royal Court Theatre. For services to Theatre. (London, TW10)
Kenneth Caley, TD. Chief Crown Prosecutor, Eastern Region, Crown Prosecution Service. (Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire)
The Rt Hon Alexander Charles Lord Carlile Of Berriew, QC. Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, United Kingdom. For services to National Security. (London, N1)
Ms Helena Bonham Carter. Actor. For services to Drama. (London, NW3)
Professor Hilary Anne Chapman. Chief Nurse and chief Operating Officer, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, South Yorkshire. For services to Nursing. (Barnsley, South Yorkshire)
Charles Giles Clarke. Chair of the England and Wales Cricket Board. For services to Cricket. (Wrington, Somerset)
Ms Denise Coates. Founder and chief executive bet365. For services to the community and Business. (Betchon, Cheshire)
Ronald Balfour Corbett, OBE. Entertainer. For services to Entertainment and to Charity. (London, CR0)
Professor Jack Crane. State Pathologist, Northern Ireland State Pathologist's Department. For services to Forensic Pathology. (Belfast)
Professor Naim Eliahou Dangoor, OBE. Filantropo. For charitable services. (London, SW7)
Edwin Davies, OBE. Filantropo. For charitable services. (Isle of Man)
Ms Marion Clare Davis. Director, Children, Young People and Families Directorate, Warwickshire County Council. For services to Children and Young People. (Southam, Warwickshire)
Mrs Fiona Dawe, OBE. Formerly chief executive Officer, YouthNet. For services to Volunteering. (London, BR1)
Dr Neslyn Eugenie Watson-Druee, MBE. Chair, NHS Kingston. For services to Healthcare. (London, KT1)
Mrs Rona Fairhead. Chairman and chief executive Officer, Financial Times Group. For services to UK Industry. (London, W11)
Professor Peter Michael Fidler, MBE. Vice-Chancellor, University of Sunderland. For services to Higher Education. (Stanhope, Durham)
David Jonathan Flint. Chief executive, Oxford Instruments. For services to Business and Science. (Abingdon, Oxfordshire)
Professor Clare Juliet Fowler. Consultant Uro-Neurologist, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Uro-Neurology. (London, SW1P)
Dr Gillian Greer. O. N.Z. M., director general, International Planned Parenthood Federation. For services to International Health and Women's Rights. (New Zealand)
Ms Jean Elizabeth Ogilvie Gross. England's Communication Champion for Children. For services to Education. (London, SE13)
David John Hall. Chairman, Financial Services Compensation Scheme. For services to the Financial Services Industry. (London, W11)
Dr Ronald Shade Hamilton. Chair, Daysoft Ltd. For services to the Contact Lens Industry. (Uddingston, Lanarkshire)
Stephen John Hammersley. Chief executive, Community Foundation Network. For services to Philanthropy. (Harpenden, Hertfordshire)
Lady Fiona Hodgson Of Astley Abbotts. For services to Gender Equality. (Londres)
James Essex Holloway. Director, The Scottish National Portrait Gallery. For services to the Arts. (Edinburgh)
Charles William Holroyd, DL. Filantropo. For services to Young People and to the community in the North West. (Northwich, Cheshire)
Meredydd John Hughes, QPM. Formerly chief Constable, South Yorkshire Police. For services to the Police. (Nottingham, Nottinghamshire)
Ms Jennifer Hutton. Deputy director, Cabinet Office. (Basingstoke, Hampshire)
Dr Bryan Samuel Jackson, OBE. For services to Manufacturing, the East Midlands Region and the East Midlands Regional Development Agency. (Findern, Derbyshire)
Clive Vivian Leopold James. Author, Poet and Broadcaster. For services to Literature and the Media. (London, SE1)
Mark Vincent James. Chief executive, Carmarthenshire County Council. For services to Local Government in Wales. (Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire)
Jonathan Jones. Director, Tourism and Marketing, Welsh Government. (Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan)
Richard Jones. Director, Adult Social Care, Lancashire County Council. For services to Adult Social Care. (Wilmslow, Cheshire)
Stephen Lillywhite. Produtor musical. For services to Music. (London, W2)
James Lupton. Formerly chairman of Board of Trustees, Dulwich Picture Gallery. For services to the Arts and Philanthropy. (Alresford, Hampshire)
James Gordon MacKinnon. Director and chief Planner, Directorate for the Built Environment, Scottish Executive. (Haddington, East Lothian)
Dr Tahir Ahmed Mahmood. For services to Women's Health. (Kirkcaldy, Fife)
Trevor Mann. Senior vice president for Manufacturing, Nissan Europe. For services to Business in North East England. (Washington, Tyne and Wear)
Professor James Mansell. Emeritus Professor of Learning Disability. For services to People with Intellectual Disabilities. (Canterbury, Kent)
Nigel Ernest James Mansell, OBE. President, UK Youth. For services to Children and Young People. (Jersey, Channel Islands)
Andrew Marles, QFSM. Formerly chief Fire Officer, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service. (Caldicot, Monmouthshire)
Professor Ursula Hilda Mary Martin. Professor of Computer Science and lately vice-Principal (Science and Engineering), Queen Mary, University of London. For services to Computer Science. (Fife)
John Renwick McAslan. Executive Chair and Founder, John McAslan & Parceiros For services to Architecture. (London, NW1)
Professor Seamus McDaid. Principal and vice-Chancellor, University of the West of Scotland. For services to Higher Education. (Paisley, Renfrewshire)
Mrs Martina Milburn. Chief executive, The Prince's Trust. For services to Charity. (Fleet, Hampshire)
Mrs Helena Louise Morrissey. Chief executive Officer, Newton Investment Management Ltd and Founder of 30% Club. For services to UK Business. (London, W2)
Dr Robert Frederick Mulder. For services to Philanthropy. (London, NW3)
Professor Eileen Munro. Professor of Social Policy, London School of Economics. For services to Children and Families. (London, TW1)
The Venerable William Noblett. Chaplain General of Prisons, HM Prison Service, Ministry of Justice. (York, North Yorkshire)
Professor Judith Irene Petts. Formerly Member of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. For services to Scientific Research. (Stockbridge, Hampshire)
Professor David Phillips, OBE. President, Royal Society of Chemistry and Professor of Chemistry, Imperial College London. For services to Chemistry. (Surrey)
Dr Paul Zollinger-Read. Formerly chief executive, NHS Cambridgeshire. For services to the NHS. (Essex)
Professor Keith Ridgway, OBE. Research director, Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre. For services to Manufacturing Research. (Sheffield, South Yorkshire)
Professor Trevor William Robbins, FRS. Director, Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, Cambridge. For services to Medical Research. (Cambridge, Cambridgeshire)
Gerald Maurice Ronson. Filantropo. For charitable services. (London, N2)
Mrs Elizabeth Rushton. Formerly Principal and chief executive, West Herts College. For services to Further Education. (East Grinstead, West Sussex)
Dr Andrew Sentance. Economist. For services to the Economy. (Essex)
Howard John Shiplee. Director of Construction, Olympic Delivery Authority. For services to Construction. (Echingham, East Sussex)
Gordon Smith. Acting director, Debt Management and Banking, London, HM Revenue and Customs. (Guildford, Surrey)
Paul Adrian Smith. Founder and Chair, Celador Entertainment. For services to the Media Industry. (Guildford, Surrey)
Mrs Ruby McGregor-Smith. Chief executive Officer, MITIE Group plc. For services to Business and Diversity in Business. (Berkshire)
Professor Sarah Marcella Springman, OBE. For services to Triathlon. (Loughborough, Leicestershire)
Professor James George Steele. Dean, Newcastle Dental School. For services to Dentistry and Oral Health. (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
Ian Stoutzker, OBE. Filantropo. For services to Music. (London, SW1X)
Professor Philip Sutton. Formerly director, Science and Technology Strategy, Ministry of Defence. (Fareham, Hampshire)
John Raymond Syvret. Chief executive Officer, Cammell Laird Shiprepairers and Shipbuilders Ltd. For services to the UK Maritime Sector. (South Wirral, Cheshire)
Professor Lionel Tarassenko. Chair of Electrical Engineering, University of Oxford. For services to Engineering. (Oxfordshire)
Peter Thomas. For services to Entrepreneurship, Sport and Charity in Wales. (Cardiff)
Miss Eileen Thornton. Chair, Education and Training Committee, Health Professions Council. For services to Healthcare Education and Training. (Liverpool, Merseyside)
Vanni Emanuele Treves. Chair, National College for School Leadership. For services to Education. (London, N1)
Dr Andrew Oliver Tyler. Formerly chief Operating Officer, Defence Equipment and Support, Ministry of Defence. (Wiltshire)
Dr Eileen Vizard. Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. For services to Children and Young People. (London, N19)
Professor John Wallwork, DL. Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery and director of Transplantation, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge. For services to Healthcare. (Cambridgeshire)
James Garwood Michael Wates. Deputy chairman, Wates and chairman, CITB Construction Skills. For services to Construction and the Charitable Sector. (Godalming, Surrey)
Michael Charles Wells. Director, Risk and Intelligence Service, London, HM Revenue and Customs. (London, BR4)
Malcolm Wharton. Principal, Hartpury College, Gloucestershire. For services to Further Education. (Axminster, Devon)
Professor Joan White. Formerly director of the Academy and Dean of the Faculty of Education, Royal Academy of Dance. For services to Dance. (Ripley, Surrey)
Malcolm Whitehouse. Formerly Deputy chief Information Officer and Group Applications director, Department for Work and Pensions. (Chester, Cheshire)
The Reverend Canon Guy Alexander Wilkinson. Formerly Archbishop's secretary for Inter-Religious Affairs and National Inter-Religious Affairs Adviser. For services to Inter-Faith Relations. (London, SW6)
Peter Anthony Winslow. Chief executive Officer, BGL Group Limited. For services to Financial Services. (Northamptonshire)
Mrs Julia Doris Wood. Formerly Deputy director of Pensions, Cabinet Office. (Alton, Hampshire)
Thomas Worsley. Formerly Senior Economic Adviser, Department for Transport. (London, N1)
Remi Adefarasin. BSC, Cinematographer. For services to Television and Film. (London, W13)
Zahoor Ahmed. Chairman, Gifts International. For services to International Trade. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Ms Pamela Elizabeth Alexander. Formerly chief executive, South East England Development Agency. For services to Regeneration. (Godalming, Surrey)
David James Allen. Registrar and Deputy chief executive, University of Exeter. For services to Higher Education. (Newton Abbot, Devon)
Mrs Durdana Ansari. For services to Muslim Women in the UK. (South Ruislip, Middlesex)
David James Ashman. For voluntary service to SSAFA Forces Help. (Sandwich, Kent)
Mrs Janet Ann Digby-Baker. Chief executive, Time for Children Fostering Agency. For services to Children and Families. (London, E14)
Dr Richard William Barker. Former director general, Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry. For services to the Pharmaceutical Industry. (London, SW20)
William Bauer. Hotelier. For services to the Hospitality Industry. (Londres)
Dr Andrew Baxter. Grade B2, Ministry of Defence. (Salisbury, Wiltshire)
Dr Thomas James Beattie. For services to Children's Healthcare in Scotland. (Glasgow)
Stephen Bell. Chief executive, Cyrenians. For services to Homeless People. (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
Professor Dianne Claire Berry. Professor of Psychology, University of Reading. For services to Scientific Research. (Reading, Berkshire)
David William Best. Director of Finance and Support Services, Police Service of Northern Ireland. For services to Policing. (Belfast)
Paul Bidwell. Archaeologist. For services to Heritage. (North Shields, Tyne and Wear)
Lady Rachel Mary Billington. Author and vice-president, English PEN. For services to Literature. (Sherborne, Dorset)
Harold Dennis Bird, MBE. For services to Cricket and to Charity. (Barnsley, South Yorkshire)
Dr Ian Birnbaum. Formerly Strategic director, Children, Young People and Learning Services, London Borough of Sutton. For services to Local Government. (Skelmersdale, Lancashire)
Charles Blundell. Strategic Government and International Affairs Adviser, Rolls-Royce plc. For services to Industry. (Dorset)
Andrew Patrick Keith Boyle. Chairman, Road Haulage Association. For services to the Transport Industry. (Ledbury, Herefordshire)
Professor Celia Brackenridge. For services to Equality and Child Protection in Sport. (Tring, Hertfordshire)
Vincent Brady. Formerly Deputy director, Department for Communities and Local Government. (Haywards Heath, West Sussex)
Jonathan Browning. Stabilisation Adviser, Helmand Province. For public service. (Ledbury, Herefordshire)
Neil Alexander Bruce. Executive director and chief Operating Officer, AMEC plc. For services to Engineering. (Oxfordshire)
Richard Brunwin. Formerly chief executive Officer, Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation. For services to ex-Service Men and Women. (London, SW6)
Mrs Melanie Bryan. Founder, WhyNotChange. For services to Social Enterprise and Women's Enterprise in North West England. (Wigan, Greater Manchester)
Professor Peter Jennings Buckley. Professor of International Business, University of Leeds. For services to Higher Education, International Business and Research. (Halifax, West Yorkshire)
Peter Bucks. Non-Executive director and Chair of Audit Committee, Ofwat. For services to Regulation. (Near Ilminster, Somerset)
Dr Arthur Terrence David Butland. Deputy vice-Chancellor, Middlesex University. For services to Higher Education. (Poole, Dorset)
Mrs Sheena Catherine Byrom. Consultant Midwife, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust. For services to Midwifery. (Clitheroe, Lancashire)
Mrs Mary Antoinette Campbell. Formerly Principal, Michaelston Community College. For services to Education. (Newport)
Dr Rachel Carr. Chief executive Officer and Co-Founder, IntoUniversity. For services to Education. (London, W10)
Alan Caton. Detective Superintendent, Suffolk Constabulary. For services to the Police. (Ipswich, Suffolk)
Neil Caves. Prison Capacity Programme manager, Ministry of Justice. (Bedfordshire)
Mrs Barbara Evelyn Challinger. Headteacher, Haslingden High School, Lancashire. For services to Education. (Preston, Lancashire)
Richard Wedlake Chambers. Formerly Principal, Lambeth College. For services to Further Education. (London, CR0)
Professor Ruth Margaret Chambers. General Practitioner, Tunstall, Stoke on Trent. For services to Primary Care. (Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffordshire)
Councillor Michael Chater. Formerly chairman, National Association of Local Councils. For services to Local Government. (Chichester, West Sussex)
Clive Christian. Designer. For services to the Luxury Goods Industry. (Nantwich, Cheshire)
Darren Christopher Clarke. For services to Golf. (Rostherne, Cheshire)
Mrs Margaret Alexandra Clarke. Chair, September 11 UK Families Support Group. For services to Bereaved Families. (London, SW14)
Dr Carl Iwan Clowes. For services to the community in Anglesey. (Anglesey)
Peter Gerald Collinge. Chairman, Andrew Collinge Hairdressing. For services to the Hairdressing Industry. (Neston, Cheshire)
Andrew Edward Colver. Head of Democractic Services, Rushmoor Borough Council. For services to Local Government. (Fleet, Hampshire)
Mrs Josephine Lilian Connell, DL. Vice president, Age UK. For services to Older People. (Hertfordshire)
Ms Joyce Cook. Chair, Level Playing Field (National Association of Disabled Supporters). For services to Disability Sports. (Carmel, Flintshire)
Dr Alan John Cooper. Higher Technologist, Audio Visual Evidential Analysis, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to the Police. (Aylesford, Kent)
Professor Rachel Cooper. Director, Lancaster Institute of Contemporary Arts and Professor of Design Management, University of Lancaster. For services to Education. (Poynton, Cheshire)
The Reverend Ronald Geoffrey Corp. Founder and Artistic director of the New London Orchestra. For services to Music. (Braintree, Essex)
David Cotterill. Grade B2, Ministry of Defence. (Sevenoaks, Kent)
Mrs Trudy Anne Couchman. Grade B1, Ministry of Defence. (Chatteris, Cambridgeshire)
Ms Alex Christine Crawford. Special Correspondent, Sky News. For services to Broadcast Journalism. (Windsor, Berkshire)
Martyn Cribb. City Challenge Adviser for the Black Country. For services to Education. (Pontesbury, Shropshire)
David Robert Croll. Principal and chief executive, Derby College. For services to Further Education. (Ashbourne, Derbyshire)
Roy Crouch. Formerly Whitehall Streetscape Project manager, Cabinet Office. (Kent)
Mrs Nina Curley. Team Leader, Private Office Correspondence Team, Department for Education. (Fleet, Hampshire)
Mrs Samantha Louise Darby. Policy Adviser, Domestic Violence, Home Office. (Eynsford, Kent)
Marcus Davey. Chief executive and Artistic director, The Roundhouse. For services to Drama. (London, N22)
Lt Col Anthony James Davies, MBE. Formerly chief executive, Union Jack Club and Chair, South Atlantic Medal Association. For services to the Armed Forces. (Tonbridge, Kent)
Hugh Davies. Legal Adviser, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre. For services to Children and Young People. (London, WC1R)
Gavin Davis. Formerly Political Officer, Helmand Provincial Reconstruction Team, Department for International Development. (Chigwell, Essex)
Geoffrey Mackenzie Davison. President, BREAK. For services to Children. (Bishop Auckland, Durham)
William Wilson Dennison. Chief executive Officer, Dennison Commercials Ltd. For services to Economic Development and to the, community in Northern Ireland. (Antrim)
George Derbyshire. Formerly chief executive, National Federation of Enterprise Agencies. For services to Enterprise. (Bedfordshire)
Mrs Amanda Jane Derrick. Programme director, Connect Digitally Programme, Department for Education. For services to Children and Families. (St Albans, Hertfordshire)
Dr Alan Diamond. Filantropo. For voluntary and public service. (London, NW1)
James Dobson. Managing director, Dunbia. For services to Business in Northern Ireland. (Dungannon, Tyrone)
Dr Paul Charles Dominic Doherty. Headteacher, Trinity Catholic High School, Redbridge, London. For services to Education. (London, E11)
Martin Richard Douglas. General manager, Cargill UK. For services to Industry in the North West. (Salford Quays, Greater Manchester)
Nigel Antony Eastaway. Tax Partner, BDO. For services to Taxation Law. (Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire)
Professor Mohamed El-Gomati. Professor of Electronics, University of York. For services to Science. (York, North Yorkshire)
Helen Elizabeth Ellis. Publicist. For services to Publishing. (Witney, Oxfordshire)
Councillor Hugh Hesketh Evans. Leader, Denbighshire County Council. For services to Local Government. (Ruthin, Denbighshire)
Miss Julia Farron. Ballet Dancer and Teacher. For services to Ballet. (Gloucestershire)
Lester Firkins. Chairman, James Lind Alliance, Strategy and Development. For services to Medical Research. (Nr Ipswich, Suffolk)
Ms Bridget Mary Fisher. President, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. For services to Libraries. (Huddersfield, West Yorkshire)
Mrs Tamara Flanagan. Director of European and Statutory Funding, Community Service Volunteers. For services to the Voluntary and Community Sector. (London, SW11)
Gordon Ford. Formerly Depute chief executive, West Lothian Council. For services to Education. (Torphichen, West Lothian)
James Stephen Foster. Head of Corporate Real Estate and Sourcing, EMEA, JP Morgan Chase. For services to the Financial Services Industry in Northern Ireland. (Loughton, Essex)
Ms June Elizabeth Foster. Headteacher, Moorside Community Primary School and the Arthur's Hill Federation, Newcastle Upon Tyne. For services to Education. (Consett, Durham)
Professor Thomas Howard Exton Foulkes. Formerly director general, Institution of Civil Engineers. For services to Engineering. (Fleet, Hampshire)
Dr Martin John Francis Fowler. Grade B2, Ministry of Defence. (Winchester, Hampshire)
Dr Eleanor Anne Freeman. Consultant in Geriatric Medicine, Royal Gwent Hospital. For services to Stroke Medicine and Medical Education in Wales. (Cardiff)
Ms Lynn Garvie. Formerly head of Procurement, the Scottish Parliament. (Edinburgh)
Dr Maggie Mary Gee. Author. For services to Literature. (London, NW10)
David Alexander Gibson. Senior Lecturer, Enterprise Education, Queen's University Belfast. For services to Higher Education in Northern Ireland. (Lisburn, Antrim)
Jon Gifford. President, National Coastwatch Institute. For services to Maritime Safety. (Totnes, Devon)
Mrs Christine Mary Gillie. Head of the Social Policy Section, House of Commons. (London, N7)
Peter Murray Charles Gimber. Road Safety manager, Devon County Council. For services to Local Government. (Cullompton, Devon)
Ms Deborah Glass. Deputy Chair, Independent Police Complaints Commission. For services to Law and Order. (London, W11)
Professor Jean Golding. Emeritus Professor of Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, University of Bristol. For services to Medical Science. (Clevedon, Bristol)
Paul Gould. Executive head Chef, NEC Group, Birmingham. For services to Hospitality. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Peter Russell Grace. Founder of Ascot Park Polo Club. For services to Polo. (Ascot, Berkshire)
Dr Richard John Graham. Grade J2, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. (Cullompton, Devon)
James Grazebrook. Entrepreneur. For services to the UK Marine Industry. (Cranborne, Dorset)
Mrs Anita Mary Eileen Green. Vice Chair, Board of Trustees, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. For services to Children. (Scotland)
Martyn Greenaway. For public service. (Somerset)
Winston James Griffiths. Chair, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board. For services to the NHS in Wales. (Bridgend)
William Alexander Murray Grigor. Film-Maker. For services to Architecture and to the Film Industry. (Inverkeithing, Fife)
Mrs June Guiness. Head of Policy, Forensic Science Regulation Unit, Home Office. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Mohammad Habeebullah. For services to the community in Greater Manchester. (Greater Manchester)
Mrs Christine Haddock. Headteacher, Larkspur Community Primary School, Gateshead. For services to Education. (Durham)
Christopher Sandford Hall, TD, DL. Chairman, World Horse Welfare. For services to Equine Welfare. (Tunbridge Wells, Kent)
James Stuart Hall. Sports Broadcaster. For services to Broadcasting and Charity. (Wilmslow, Cheshire)
Jonathan Lewis Hall. Formerly Senior Representative, Helmand Province, Department for International Development. (London, E3)
Mrs Susan Harding. Formerly Programme manager, Change Programme, Department for Work and Pensions. (West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire)
Ms Anne Shirley Harrison. Head of Specialist Operational Support, National Policing Improvement Agency. For services to Public Protection. (Amersham, Buckinghamshire)
Professor Stuart Haszeldine, FRSE. Professor of Geology, University of Edinburgh. For services to Climate Change Technologies. (Edinburgh)
Raymond Lazare Hazan. President, St. Dunstan's. For services to Blind Ex-Service Men and Women. (East Sussex)
Mrs Leanne Hedden. Formerly Executive director for Supporting Delivery, Training and Development Agency for Schools, Department for Education. (Shenfield, Essex)
Dr Lesley Hewson. Formerly vice-Chair, National Advisory Council for Children's Mental Health and Psychological Wellbeing. For services to Children. (Ilkley, West Yorkshire)
Ms Irma Verslyn Heyliger. Chair, Leeds Black Achievers Wings Award. For services to Black and Minority Ethnic people in Leeds, West Yorkshire. (Leeds, West Yorkshire)
Mrs Felicity Mary Hilder. Founder, Lymphoma Association. For charitable services. (Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire)
Robin Mackenzie Hodge. Publisher, The List. For services to Arts and Culture. (Edinburgh)
Dr Christopher John Howard. Headteacher, Lewis School, Pengam, Caerphilly. For services to Education. (Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan)
Mrs Elizabeth Howell. Chief executive, Compaid Trust. For services to the Voluntary Sector in South East England. (Brighton, East Sussex)
Dr Deirdre Hughes. Lead consultant, Quality Assurance and Evidence Base at European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network. For services to Career Guidance. (Smalley, Derbyshire)
Ms Barbara Hulanicki. Founder, Biba. For services to the Fashion Industry. (London, W10)
Mrs Catherine Diana Hurst. Principal, Wigan and Leigh College. For services to Further Education. (Bury, Lancashire)
Christopher Inman. Honorary Treasurer, British Fashion Council. For services to the Fashion Industry. (Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire)
Grenville Jackson. Formerly Deputy director, Skills, Higher Education and Lifelong Learning, Welsh Assembly Government. (Shropshire)
Mrs Fiona Jeffery. Chair, World Travel Market. For services to the Tourism Industry. (London, SW20)
Gareth Jones. For public service. (Merseyside)
Professor Robert Owen Jones. Monitor, Welsh Language Project in Patagonia. For services to safeguarding the Welsh language in Argentina. (Pontarddulais, Swansea)
David Kay. Chairman, International Fire and Rescue Association. For services to Fire Prevention and Rescue. (Dunfermline, Fife)
Ms Lorraine Kelly. For services to Charity and the Armed Forces. (Broughty Ferry, Dundee)
Dr Stephen Robert Kennett. Formerly Regional director, Government Office for the West Midlands, Department for Communities and Local Government. (Lichfield, Staffordshire)
Dr Alan Kerbey. For services to Medical Research, Education and to Young People. (Radstock, Somerset)
Mrs Sandra Kerr. National director, Race for Opportunity, Business in the Community. For services to Black and Minority Ethnic People. (London, CR7)
Dr Andrew Kidd. Deputy head, Kabul Office, Department for International Development. (Maidstone, Kent)
Dr James Patrick Kingsland. General Practitioner and president, National Association of Primary Care, Wirral, Merseyside. For services to General Practice. (Wirral, Merseyside)
Professor Peter Charles Russell Latchford. For services to Business and to the community in the West Midlands. (Church Stretton, Shropshire)
Peter Latham. Chairman, James Latham plc. For services to the Wood Industry. (Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire)
John Albert Thomas Lee. For services to the Rural Economy. (Crediton, Devon)
Orin Cadogan-Lewis. Co-Founder and chief executive, African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust. For services to Healthcare. (London, CR0)
Mrs Margaret Liddy. Director of Events and Charities, British Phonographic Industry. For services to the Music Industry and Charity. (London, CR5)
Mrs Diana Linskey. Formerly Deputy director, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. (London, SW9)
Charles Richard Lister. Greyhound Trainer. For services to Greyhound Racing. (Newark, Nottinghamshire)
Jack Livingstone. Filantropo. For charitable servicesin Greater Manchester. (Altrincham, Cheshire)
Charles Brooke Longbottom. For public and charitable services. (London, SW7)
Professor Niall Lothian. Adjunct Professor, INSEAD. For services to Corporate and Civic Governance in Scotland. (Edinburgh)
Ms Julie Anne Luther. Clinical director, HMPrison Frankland, Ministry of Justice. (Durham, Tyne and Wear)
Ms Catrin Myfanwy Maby. Chief executive Officer, Severn Wye Energy Agency. For services to the Environment and to Social Equity. (Highnam, Gloucestershire)
Fiona Jane MacGregor. Head of Affordable Housing, Homes and Communities Agency. For services to Housing. (London, SW4)
Gordon Alexander MacKinlay. President of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons. For services to Paediatric Surgery. (Balerno, Edinburgh)
Mrs Sylvia Maharaj. Chair of Licensing Committee, Waltham Forest Magistrates' Court. For services to the Administration of Justice. (London, E18)
Mrs Christine Margaret Manby. Senior Instructor and Deputy Organiser for South Yorkshire, Women's Royal Voluntary Service. For services to the Voluntary Sector. (Sheffield, South Yorkshire)
Graham Manly. Business Development director, Gratte Brothers Ltd. For services to the Building Services Sector. (Ashtead, Surrey)
William Edward Mann. Formerly Headteacher, St. Hilary School, St. Hilary, Penzance, Cornwall. For services to Education. (Penzance, Cornwall)
Patrick Marsh. Head of Employee Relations, Diversity and Equality, UK Border Agency, Home Office. (Stoneleigh, Surrey)
David Dunbar Mawhinney. Managing director, Equiniti-ICS. For services to the Information and Communications Technology Industry in Northern Ireland. (Ballyclare, Antrim)
Amin Mohamed Mawji. For public and voluntary service. (London, SM2)
Mrs Fionnuala McAndrew. Director of Children and Executive director for Social Work, Health and Social Care Board. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland. (Craigavon, Armagh)
Ms Fiona McCoy. Ministerial private secretary, Northern Ireland Office. (Newry, Down)
John McCrory. Member, Capital for Enterprise Advisory Board. For services to the Venture Capital Market. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Mrs Anne McFadden. Headteacher, St. Mirin's Primary School, Glasgow. For services to Education. (Cathcart, Glasgow)
Donald McGougan. Formerly director of Finance, City of Edinburgh Council. For services to Local Government. (Edinburgh)
Professor James Andrew McLaughlin. Professor, Advanced Functional Materials, University of Ulster. For services to Research and Economic Development in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
Dr Ian Gordon McPherson. Clinical Psychologist and director, National Institute for Mental Health. For services to Mental Health. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Mrs Kathleen McQuillan. Formerly vice Chair, Parole Board for Scotland. For services to Justice. (Milngavie, Glasgow)
Mrs Mary Veronica Mead. Owner, Holt Farms Ltd and Co-Founder, Yeo Valley Organics. For services to Sustainable Dairy Farming. (Nr Bristol, Somerset)
Keith Milburn. Head of Court Business Delivery, Crown Prosecution Service. (Fleet, Hampshire)
Charles Miller. Proprietor, Charlie Miller Hairdressing Limited. For services to the Hairdressing Industry. (Edinburgh)
Miss Susan Brenda Mills. International Relief and Development Worker, Tearfund. For services to International Development and Disaster Response. (Chertsey, Surrey)
Ms Jacqueline Kathleen Mina. Goldsmith and Jeweller. For services to Art. (Teddington, Middlesex)
Mrs Eileen Monks. Director, Isle of Wight Youth Trust. For services to Young People. (Sandown, Isle of Wight)
Mrs Linda Moore. Group director and vice-Principal, Newcastle College. For services to Further Education. (Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
Professor Frank Morgan. Vice-Chancellor, Bath Spa University. For services to Higher Education. (Wiltshire)
Mrs (Mary Patricia) Maureen Morgan. Community Nurse, Nottingham. For services to Primary and Community Nursing. (Beeston)
Mrs Shelagh Morris. Allied Health Professions Officer and Occupational Therapist, Department of Health. (Harrogate, North Yorkshire)
Dr Anne Patricia Murdoch. Principal, Newbury College, Berkshire. For services to Further Education. (Reading, Berkshire)
Adrian Newey. Chief Technical Officer, Red Bull. For services to Motorsport. (Sunninghill, Berkshire)
Dr Frank Antony Newton. For services to Sailing. (Northamptonshire)
Reverend Wilfred John Orr. Minister, Newtownbreda (St. John's) Presbyterian Church. For services to the community in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
Mrs Margaret Ann Paren. Chair, South Downs National Park Authority. For services to the Environment. (Liss, Hampshire)
Ms Hayley Parsons. Founder and chief executive, GoCompare. For services to the Economy. (Newport)
Robert Parsons. Founder and lately Executive chairman of Care for the Family. For services to Family Support. (Cardiff)
Andrew Geoffrey Payne. For services to the UK Computer Game Industry. (Wiltshire)
Nicholas Milne Payne. For services to the Arts and Heritage in the North West. (Macclesfield, Cheshire)
Christopher Mark Pemberton. Director of National Collections, English Heritage. For services to Heritage. (London, NW2)
Dr David Charles Pencheon. Director, National NHS Sustainability Unit, East of England SHA, Cambridgeshire. For services to Public Health and the NHS. (Near Cambridge, Cambridgeshire)
Mrs Susan Joyce Pentecost. Head of Resources Division, UK Export Finance, Export Credits Guarantee Department. (London, RM2)
Dr Laura Gay Pollard. Campaign manager, Risk and Intelligence Directorate, Shipley, HM Revenue and Customs. (Shipley, West Yorkshire)
David Wilson Posnett. Chairman of the Trustees, Holburne Museum, Bath. For services to Museums. (Wincanton, Somerset)
Christopher Preddie. For services to Young People in London. (London, N7)
Desmond George Michael Prichard, QFSM. Chief Fire Officer, East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service. For services to Local Government. (Seaford, East Sussex)
Roger Ernest Pugh. Team Leader, Stakeholder Team, Communications, Department for Work and Pensions. (Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire)
Ms Alice Jane Kelly Purnell. For services to Transgender People. (Hove, East Sussex)
Colin Clifford Pyrah. Special Projects director, Paragon Creative. For services to the UK Heritage Industry. (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
Miss Shelagh Rosemary Rainey. Chair, Belfast Education and Library Board. For services to Education in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
Ms Susan Ratchford. Chair, Northwards Housing. For services to Local Government in North Manchester. (Greater Manchester)
William Rathbone. Filantropo. For charitable services. (London, SW11)
Ian Reid. Chief executive, Scottish Sports Futures. For services to Young People in Scotland. (Glasgow)
John Richardson. For public service. (Londres)
Augustus Beverley Walter Risman. For services to Rugby League. (Cumbria)
Professor Ella Ritchie. Deputy vice-Chancellor, Newcastle University. For services to Higher Education. (Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
Mark Rodaway. Rescue Coordination Centre manager, HM Coastguard Portland, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Department for Transport. (Bournemouth, Dorset)
Arthur John Row. Deputy Pension Centre manager, International Pension Centre, Pension, Disability and Carers Service, Department for Work and Pensions. (Blyth, Northumberland)
Dr Susan Sanderson. Chair, Executive Board of the British Dental Association, London. For services to Dentistry. (Oakham, Rutland)
Jehangir Sarosh. President Emeritus, European Chapter, World Council on Religions for Peace. For Services to Inter-Faith Relations. (Watford, Hertfordshire)
William Sadler Scott. Head of Unit, Blood and Transplant Division, Health and Social Care Directorate, Scottish Executive. (Edinburgh)
Miss Amanda Sharp. Co-Founder, Frieze Art Fair. For services to the Visual Arts. (London, E2)
Christopher Thomas Sharratt. Formerly chief executive, Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Child Health. (Sheffield, South Yorkshire)
Reverend William Alexander Shaw. Director, 174 Trust. For services to the community in North Belfast. (Newtownabbey, Antrim)
Dr Shirley Angela Sherwood. Botanical Art Collector. For services to Botanical Art. (London, SW10)
Mrs Lydia Emelda Simmons. For services to the community in Slough, Berkshire. (Slough, Berkshire)
Professor Stephen James Singleton. Medical director and Regional director of Public Health, NHS North East, Newcastle Upon Tyne. For services to Public Health. (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
Mrs Lynn Slinger. Headteacher of Forest Way Special School, Coalville, Leicestershire. For services to Education. (Glen Parva, Leicestershire)
Matthew Slotover. Co-Founder, Frieze Art Fair. For services to the Visual Arts. (London, E2)
Mrs Ronwen Smith. Formerly Headteacher, Linden Bridge School, Surrey. For services to Special Needs Education. (Surrey)
John Whitham Stafford. Chief executive, Merseyside Probation Trust. For services to Ex-Offenders. (Hollingworth, Cheshire)
Dr John Frederick Stageman. Vice president, UK Science Affairs, Astra Zeneca. For services to the UK Biotechnology Industry. (Altrincham, Cheshire)
Janette Steel. Headteacher of Chelsea Children's Hospital School. For services to Education. (London, W11)
Dr Miranda Stevenson. Director, British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums. For services to Wildlife Conservation. (Hampshire)
Dr Moira Connell Stewart. Consultant Paediatrician. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland. (Bangor, Down)
Thomas Jonathan Stoddart, QPM. Chief Constable, Durham Constabulary. For services to the Police. (Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear)
Roderick Guy Stone. Deputy Co-ordinator, Specialist Investigations, Missing Trader Intra-Community, London, HM Revenue and Customs. (Reigate, Surrey)
Ms Joanne Stuart. Director, Attrus Ltd and former chairman, Institute of Directors, Northern Ireland Division. For services to Business in the community. (Newtownards, Down)
Ian Richard Sumnall. Chief executive, Arun District Council. For services to Local Government. (Chichester, West Sussex)
Miss June Taylor. Chairman, Independent Schools Inspectorate. For services to Education. (London, W14)
Mrs Amanda Thompson. Managing director, Blackpool Pleasure Beach. For services to the Leisure Park Industry. (Preston, Lancashire)
Ms Victoria Thornton. Founder Open-City. For services to Architecture. (London, N6)
Ms Anne Lesley Tipple. National Skills Development Executive, British Chambers of Commerce. For services to Business Skills Development. (Chesterfield, Derbyshire)
Gideon Samuel Ben-Tovim. Chair, Liverpool NHS Primary Care Trust. For services to Health. (Liverpool, Merseyside)
Steven Gregory Tuft. Formerly Headteacher, The Pines School, Birmingham. For services to Education. (Barton Under Needwood, Staffordshire)
Ms Linda Hamilton Urquhart. Chairman, Morton Fraser LLP. For services to Business in Scotland. (Edinburgh)
Kefin Lloyd Wakefield. Head of Economic Development, Pembrokeshire County Council. For services to Local Government. (Pembrokeshire)
Timothy Roy Wakeman. Chair and chief executive, Perfomance Timber Products Group. For services to the Joinery Manufacturing Industry. (Lincolnshire)
Gregory Alec Walker. Chief executive, CREATE. For services to Unemployed People. (Prenton, Merseyside)
Douglas Norman Walters. Head, Government Legal Service Secretariat, Treasury Solicitor's Department. (London, DA15)
Raymond William Warburton. Head of Programme Management, NHS Change Programmes, Department of Health. (London, SE13)
Grant Stephen Watson. Formerly Chair of Newport Unlimited. For services to Regeneration in Newport, South Wales. (Abbots Leigh, Bristol)
Dr Michael Leonard Watson. Director of Medicine, NHS Education Scotland. For services to Postgraduate Medical Education. (Edinburgh)
Philip Arthur George Watts. Head of Corporate Office, Ordnance Survey, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. (Eastleigh, Hampshire)
Ms Sarah Jane St Weir. Clair. For services to the Arts. (London, N1)
Paul Anthony Whitbourn. Head of ALB Transition Programme, EU/International Cross Border Health and Competition Policy, Department of Health. (Guildford, Surrey)
Gerald Barry Macintosh Williams. Chairman, Friends of Bedgebury Pinetum. For services to the Environment. (Tonbridge, Kent)
Andrew Godfrey Williamson. Chief Operating Officer, The Football League. For services to Football. (St Anne's, Lancashire)
Councillor Mark Burns-Williamson. Member, Wakefield Metropolitan District Council and West Yorkshire Police Authority. For services to the community. (Castleford, West Yorkshire)
Professor Diana Woodhouse. Formerly Pro vice-Chancellor Research, Oxford Brookes University. For services to Legal Scholarship and Higher Education. (Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire)
James Ian Elder-Woodward. Convener, Independent Living in Scotland Steering Group. For services to Equality and Human Rights for Disabled People. (Alexandria, Dunbartonshire)
Dr Syed Nayyer Abbas Abidi. For services to the Black and Minority Ethnic community. (Greater Manchester)
Dr Anthony Acland. Director, AimHigher Hampshire and Isle of Wight Partnership. For services to Higher Education. (Southampton, Hampshire)
Ms Kate Adams. Co-Founder Project Art Works. For services to Art and Disability. (Hastings, East Sussex)
Mrs Maureen Adams. Founder, Regional HIV/AIDS service. For services to people affected by HIV/AIDS. (Peterborough, Cambridgeshire)
Clarence Sarkodee-Adoo. For services to Music. (Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
Mohammed Akram, JP. For services to the British Pakistani community in Scotland. (Edinburgh)
Mrs Brenda Gillian Alexander. For services to the community in Dulwich, London Borough of Southwark. (Londres)
Mrs Janet Allan. For services to Heritage in the North West. (High Peak, Derbyshire)
Derek John Alldritt. Formerly Senior Executive Officer, Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission, Department for Work and Pensions. (Kingswinford, West Midlands)
Mrs Diana Holl-Allen. Vice-chairman, Association of Police Authorities and Chair, West Midlands Police Authority. For services to the Police. (Balsall Common, West Midlands)
Robert James Allen. For services to Ex-Service Men and Women in Leicestershire and Rutland and to the community in Belton-in-Rutland. (Oakham, Rutland)
Ralph Allwood. Formerly Precentor and director of Music at Eton College. For services to Choral Music. (London, SW1V)
Mrs (Esther Robina) Yvette Anderson. Musical director, Police Service of Northern Ireland Ladies Choir. For services to Music and to the community. (Bangor, Down)
Mrs Isobel Anderson. Chair, Carers Scotland Advisory Committee. For services to the community in Dundee. (Dundee)
Ms Judith Mary Apiafi. Education manager of Positive Action through Learning Support. For services to Offender Education. (Nottinghamshire)
Ms Margaret Mary Appleton. For services to Museums and Heritage. (St Albans, Hertfordshire)
Paul Charles Arnold. Senior Project manager, Highways Agency, Department for Transport. (Hampshire)
Geoffrey Thomas Leslie Ashe. Historian. For services to Heritage. (Glastonbury, Somerset)
Miss Kirsty Ann Ashton. Fundraiser, When You Wish Upon a Star Charity. For services to Children and Families. (Greater Manchester)
Ms Annoushka Ayton. Jeweller. For services to the Jewellery Industry. (Chichester, West Sussex)
John Ayton. Jeweller. For services to the Jewellery Industry. (Chichester, West Sussex)
Carl Bailey. Governor F, HM Prison Styal, Ministry of Justice. (Altrincham, Cheshire)
Donald Ramsay Bailey. For charitable service. (Petersfield, Hampshire)
Mrs Margaret Baker. For services to GirlGuiding and to the community in Littlehampton, West Sussex. (Littlehampton, West Sussex)
Michael George Baker. For services to the community in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. (Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire)
Thomas Francis Baker. Founder of The Hopton Castle Preservation Trust. For services to Heritage. (Shropshire)
Nicholas Roger Balmforth. For services to Children's Play Provision. (Staffordshire)
Vernon Bamber. Immigration Liaison manager, British Embassy, Cairo, UKBA, Home Office. (Cairo, Egypt)
Miss Wendy Barber. Administrator, Institute of Education, University of London. For services to Higher Education. (London, NW3)
Dr Gerry Barnes. Head of Environment, Norfolk County Council. For services to Forestry and the community. (Norwich, Norfolk)
Anant Barodekar. Founder of Club 25 for Young People. For services to Young People. (Formby, Merseyside)
Edward William Barry, QPM. For services to charity and the community. (Kidderminster, Worcestershire)
Kulvinder Bassi. Community Rail Team Leader, Department for Transport. (London, TW3)
Mrs Margaret Bates. Formerly Senior Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions. (Atherstone, Warwickshire)
Mrs Audrey Beall. For voluntary service to the East Dorset and New Forest branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association. (Wimborne, Dorset)
Miss Ida Daphine Bell. Chairman, TALK, Surrey. For services to Stroke Survivors. (Guildford, Surrey)
Mrs Elizabeth Bennett. For charitable services in Scotland. (Kilmarnock, Ayrshire and Arran)
Mrs Linda Mary Irene Bennett. Operational Line manager, Reading Valuation Office, HM Revenue and Customs. (Wokingham, Berkshire)
Miss Dorothy Margaret Best. Physical Education Teacher and School Sports Volunteer, County Durham. For services to Physical Education. (Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
Mark Bew. Board director, URS Scott Wilson (Worldwide). For services to the Construction Sector. (South Godstone, Surrey)
Councillor Mohammad Bhatti. For services to Local Government and to the community. (Chesham, Buckinghamshire)
David Christopher Bill. For services to Local Government. (Leicestershire)
Miss Mary Bingham. For public service. (Somerset)
Mrs Prudence Mariabella Bollam. For services to the communities in Upwey and Weymouth, Dorset. (Weymouth, Dorset)
Philip Moore Bolton. Director of Music, Royal Belfast Academical Institution. For services to Music in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
James Bond. Foster Carer, Essex County Council and lately Chair, the Fostering Network. For services to Children and Young People. (Colchester, Essex)
Mrs Susan Pippa Bonner. For voluntary service to the North Wales Wildlife Trust. (Benllech, Anglesey)
Michael Bonsier. Chairman of the Board of Governors, Coulsdon Sixth Form College. For services to Education. (Caterham, Surrey)
John Bonthron. Foster Carer. For services to Children in Caerphilly, South Wales. (Ynysddu, Caerphilly)
Mrs Patricia Bonthron. Foster Carer. For services to Children in Caerphilly, South Wales. (Ynysddu, Caerphilly)
Kenneth Bowden. For services to the community in Camborne-Redruth and Cornwall. (Redruth, Cornwall)
Mrs Sue Brace. President, Care of Police Survivors. For services to the Police. (Felixstowe, Suffolk)
Charles Edward Bracken. Chairman, SANE. For voluntary service to Mental Healthcare. (Poole, Dorset)
Mrs Rowena Thomas-Breese. For services to Disabled Swimming and Charitable Fundraising. (Colwyn Bay, Conwy)
Mrs Cherry Buchanan Briggs. College manager, Reid Kerr College, Paisley. For services to Scottish Further Education and Young People in Renfrewshire. (Renfrew, Renfrewshire)
Mrs Helen Anne Brown. Formerly Board Member, Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care. For services to Vulnerable People. (Dalgety Bay, Fife)
Keith Brown. Shift Supervisor, FB Heliservices Ltd. For services to the Defence Industry. (Andover, Hampshire)
Laurence Brown. Police Constable, Ministry of Defence. (Wooton Bassett, Wiltshire)
Ms Lorna Frances Brown. For services to the Arts. (Chichester, West Sussex)
Alex Brychta. Illustrator. For services to Children's Literature. (Surrey)
Miss Catherine Mary Elizabeth Burke. Project manager, Cabrini Children's Society. For services to Children and Families. (Reading, Berkshire)
Mrs Beverley Eleanor Ann Burns. Staff Officer, Consumer Affairs, Trading Standards Service, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Northern Ireland Civil Service. (Banbridge, Down)
Philip Burns. Engineering manager, BAE Systems Submarine Solutions. For services to the Defence Industry. (Barrow in Furness, Cumbria)
Dr Samuel John Burnside. For services to the Arts in Northern Ireland. (Londonderry)
Philip Frederick Jocelyn Burton. For services to the community in Leigh, Dorset. (Sherborne, Dorset)
Miss Mary Irene Butler. For services to the community in Launceston, Cornwall. (Launceston, Cornwall)
Ms Hilary Cadman. Formerly chief executive, Ipswich Women's Aid. For services to Victims of Domestic Abuse. (Ipswich, Suffolk)
Brian Cameron. Senior Technical Officer. For services to Science Engagement in Scotland. (Dalkeith, Midlothian)
Timothy Campbell. Founder and chief executive Officer, Bright Ideas Trust. For services to Enterprise Culture. (London, E4)
Kevin Derek Capon. Grade C2, Ministry of Defence. (Wilton, Wiltshire)
Mrs Joan Amelia Capp. For charitable services through the Bootle Refugee Aid UK and to the community in Bootle, Cumbria. (Millom, Cumbria)
Mrs Edna Carleton. For services to the communities in Lutton and Cornwood, Devon. (Ivybridge, Devon)
Mrs Audrey Clare Carmichael. Volunteer, Thaxted Centre for the Disabled, Essex. For services to People with Disabilities and their Families. (Dunmow, Essex)
Peter Carpenter. Honorary Executive secretary, University of Cambridge Kurt Hahn Trust. For services to Anglo-German relations and to Higher Education. (Cambridgeshire)
Roger George Castle. For services to Gymnastics. (Poole, Dorset)
Ms Lynette Catchpole. Formerly Executive Officer, Case Resolution Directorate, UK Border Agency, Home Office. (London, CR4)
Dr Linda Margaret Caughley. Consultant Histopathologist. For voluntary service to the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry. (Belfast)
Garry Chambers. Head of Business Management, Commercial Directorate, Department for Work and Pensions. (Sheffield, South Yorkshire)
Philip Chappell. Incidents and Emergencies Planning manager, Environment Agency. For charitable services. (Ilkley, West Yorkshire)
Mrs Jacqueline Cheetham. For voluntary service to the Women's Institute in Lincolnshire. (Brigg, Lincolnshire)
Paul Anthony Chick. Chairman, Carers' and Parents' Support Group and Dorset Police Carers' Support Group. For services to the community in Dorset. (Dorchester, Dorset)
Wing Cdr David John Chivers. For voluntary service to the Air Training Corps and the community in Devon and Somerset. (Tiverton, Devon)
Mrs Sayeeda Chowdhury. Outreach Worker, Longsight Sure Start Children's Centre, Manchester. For services to Children and Families. (Greater Manchester)
Mrs Janet Clayton. Trainer manager, Compliance Trainer Unit, Reading, HM Revenue and Customs. (Reading, Berkshire)
Mrs Phyllis Close. Executive Officer, Department for Work and Pensions. (Thornton-Cleveleys, Lancashire)
John Coatman. Leader, Urban Saints Youth Group, Croydon. For services to Young People. (London, CR0)
Malcolm Ralph Cochrane. For services to the community in Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire. (Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire)
Len Cockcroft. Chair of Governors, Cockermouth School, Cumbria. For services to Education. (Cockermouth, Cumbria)
Mrs Jane Codona. For services to the Gypsy and Traveller community. (Kings Lynn, Norfolk)
David Collington. Formerly General Dental Practitioner, North Road Dental Practice, Glasgow. For services to Dentistry. (Strathaven, Lanarkshire)
Brian Patrick Collins. Higher Officer, Risk and Intelligence Services, Hull, HM Revenue and Customs. (Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire)
Derek George Charles Connelly. Chair of Governors at Baildon Church of England Primary School. (Shipley, West Yorkshire)
Anthony Clive Conniford. Formerly assistant director, UK Football Policing Unit, Home Office. (Essex)
Mrs Barbara Cooper. For services to the community in Mobberley, Cheshire. (Knutsford, Cheshire)
Rodney Hunter Gordon Corner. For services to the Coroners' System. (Northamptonshire)
Sister Catherine Brigid Corrigan. For services to International Health. (Co Dublin, Republic of Ireland)
John Peter Coulson. Prison Officer, HM Young Offenders' Institution Wetherby, Ministry of Justice. (Ripon, North Yorkshire)
Mrs June Coulson. Departmental secretary, Department of Psychology, Lancaster University. For services to Higher Education. (Lancaster, Lancashire)
Trevor Alan Cowlett. For services to Music in Oxford. (Oxfordshire)
Ian Crampton. For services to national and local charities. (Carrville, Durham)
Lee Craven. For services to the community in Salford, Greater Manchester. (Salford, Greater Manchester)
William Edward Crispin. Volunteer, West Alvington Primary School, Kingsbridge, Devon, and School Crossing Patrol Officer. For services to Education. (Kingsbridge, Devon)
Andrew Raymond Crook. Senior Anatomy Technician, Royal Veterinary College. For services to Veterinary Science. (Waltham Abbey, Essex)
Mrs Julia Crookall. Volunteer, Samaritans, Crewe. For voluntary service to Mental Healthcare in Cheshire. (Cheshire)
Clive Cumming. Foster Carer. For services to Children and Families. (Kingswood, Gloucestershire)
Mrs Sharon Mary Cumming. Foster Carer. For services to Children and Families. (Kingswood, Gloucestershire)
Garry Stephen Cunningham. Grade C2, Ministry of Defence. (Chippenham, Wiltshire)
Dr William Francis Cunningham. General Practitioner, Corbridge Health Centre, Northumberland. For services to Primary Care. (Corbridge, Northumberland)
Ms Ann Cuthbert. Formerly Personal assistant, Health and Social Care Directorate, Scottish Executive. (Rosyth, Fife)
Roger James Dainty. Chief Technician, Biochemistry Department, University of Nottingham. For services to Scientific Research and Training. (Nottinghamshire)
Mrs Hilary Dandy. For services to Cumbria Constabulary. (Cockermouth, Cumbria)
Dr Glenis Carole Basiro Davey. The Open University Science Faculty, and Health Education and Training Programme, Africa. For services to Higher and Health Education. (Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire)
George Davies. Chair of Governors, Egglescliffe School, Cleveland. For services to Education. (Stockton on Tees, Durham)
John Geraint Parcell Davies, JP. For services to the community in Swansea. (Swansea)
James Davis. Good Childhood Adviser, The Children's Society. For services to Children and Young People. (Bath, Somerset)
John Davis. Volunteer and campaigner for diabetic pump use, Hampshire. For services to People Suffering from Diabetes. (Lymington, Hampshire)
Trevor Diesch. Formerly Policy Adviser, Department for Communities and Local Government. (East Sussex)
Mrs Pamela Anne Dixon. Conselheiro. For services to the community in Altrincham, Greater Manchester. (Altrincham, Cheshire)
Mrs Colleen Doherty. Higher Officer, Small and Medium Enterprises Team, London, HM Revenue and Customs. (Luton, Bedfordshire)
Mrs Carol Anne Donnelly. Guided Tour Operator. For services to the Tourist Industry in Carlisle and the Borders. (Brampton, Cumbria)
Professor Grace Dorey. Physiotherapist. For services to Healthcare. (Barnstable, Devon)
Brian Dorman. For voluntary service to Children Overseas. (Antrim)
Miss Mary Doyle. Foster Carer and Adoptive Parent, Isle of Wight. For services to Children and Families. (Totland Bay, Isle of Wight)
Jeffrey Edward Anthony Dudgeon. For services to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
Michael John Dyer. For services to Young People in Essex. (London, RM11)
Dr Patricia Ann Ealey. For services to The Holly Lodge Centre and to People with Special Needs in Richmond and Ealing, London. (London, W5)
Mrs Elizabeth Edmunds. Immigration Officer, Gatwick Airport, UK Border Agency, Home Office. (Lindfield, West Sussex)
Daren Morgan Edwards. Clinical Nurse Specialist in Plastic Surgery, Barts and the London NHS Trust. For services to Nursing. (Spalding, Lincolnshire)
Miss Jennifer Anne Edwards. For services to People with Disabilities in Surrey. (Thames Ditton, Surrey)
Stephen Edwards. Prison Officer, HM Prison Stafford, Ministry of Justice. (Rugeley, Staffordshire)
Frank Messiah Ellis. For services to the community in the London Borough of Haringey.
David George Emery. For voluntary service to the Royal Naval Association in Uttoxeter. (Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire)
Paul Eskriett. Formerly Principal Security and Contingency Planning Adviser, City of London Corporation. For services to Local Government. (Brentwood, Essex)
Miss Alison Evans. For services to Visually Impaired Young People in Sussex. (Peacehaven, East Sussex)
Ms Ruth Elizabeth Evans. Chief executive, Brewing, Food and Beverage Industry Suppliers Association. For services to Exports. (Shropshire, West Midlands)
Trevor George Evans. For services to Conservation and to Wildlife in Monmouthshire. (Chepstow, Monmouthshire)
Mrs Vivienne Evans. For services to the community in Dunstable, Bedfordshire. (Dunstable, Bedfordshire)
Maj Martin James Everett, TD. For services to The Royal Welsh Regimental Museum. (Chepstow, Monmouthshire)
Christopher Farnaby. Head of Operations (Aerodromes), CAA. For services to Aviation Safety. (Horsham, West Sussex)
Ms Jean Fawcett. Director, Academic Development and Review, London Metropolitan University. For services to Higher and Further Education. (London, N8)
Ms Marika Fawcett. Executive Officer, Private Office, Department for Work and Pensions. (Berkshire)
Mrs Magdalen Margaret Christian Fergusson. Secretary of the Royal Society of Literature. For services to Literature. (London, W6)
Michael Andrew Fieldhouse. For services to the community in Grange-Over-Sands, Cumbria. (Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria)
Mrs Janet Finch. Formerly Foster Carer, Coventry, West Midlands. For services to Children and Families. (Coventry, West Midlands)
Mrs Jeannette Fish. Founder, Doncaster Cancer Detection Trust and St. John's Hospice, Doncaster. For services to terminally ill patients. (Doncaster, South Yorkshire)
Alfred Robin Fisher. Past Master, Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass. For services to Architectural Stained Glass. (Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire)
Mrs Denise Fitzpatrick. For services to Disabled Children in Plymouth. (Plymouth, Devon)
David John Fletcher. Tank Warfare Historian. For services to Military Heritage. (Dorset)
Donald Fletcher. For services to the voluntary sector in Lancashire. (Preston, Lancashire)
Mrs Janet Margaret Flint. For services to the community in Appleton Roebuck. (York, North Yorkshire)
Ms Pam Flora. Grade E1, Ministry of Defence.
Terrance Michael Flynn. For services to the community in Cardiff and Crime Prevention in Wales. (Cardiff)
Mrs Brenda Mary Forty. For services to Elderly People in Chesham, Buckinghamshire. (Chesham, Buckinghamshire)
Mrs Betty Clara Jessie Foxwell. Founder Member, Dulwich Kidney Patients' Association. For services to People with Kidney Disease. (London, SE22)
Ms Vanessa Frake. Head of Security and Operations, HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs, Ministry of Justice. (London, N7)
David George Brian Francis. For services to Disabled People in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. (Wakefield, West Yorkshire)
Mrs Margaret Anne Fraser. For political service. (Stourbridge, West Midlands)
Mrs Joanne Lonsdale-Frith. Partnership manager for Tesco. For services to Disadvantaged People in Greater Manchester. (Leigh, Greater Manchester)
Ms Karen Gallagher. Artistic director, Merseyside Dance Initiative. For services to Dance. (Wirral, Merseyside)
Mrs Jacqueline Ann Gant. For services to the community in Bishop Thornton and Warsill, North Yorkshire. (Harrogate, North Yorkshire)
Miss Christine Ann Gaskell. Chair, North West Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network. For services to Training and Apprenticeships. (Altrincham, Cheshire)
Robert Hughes Gaskin. For services to the voluntary sector in Cornwall. (Torpoint, Cornwall)
Surjit Singh Ghuman. Founder of Panjab Radio. For services to Broadcasting. (Hayes, Middlesex)
Hubert George Gibbs. Volunteer, Sussex Police. For services to the Police and the community. (Polegate, East Sussex)
Cyril Gittins. Estate Yard Foreman to the National Trust at Attingham Park, Shropshire. For services to Heritage. (Shrewsbury, Shropshire)
Mrs Margaret Goodacre. For services to Caring for Elderly People in Malvern, Worcestershire. (Malvern, Worcestershire)
Dr Peter John Gordon. Formerly General Practitioner and Police Medical Adviser, Northamptonshire. For services to Emergency Care. (Wellingborough, Northamptonshire)
Dr Andrew Gotts. Photographer. For services to Photography and Charity. (East Midlands)
Dr Charles Herbert Gerard Gould. Chairman, Board of Governors, Carrickfergus Grammar School. For services to Education in Northern Ireland. (Newtownabbey, Antrim)
Alan Goulding. Chair of Governors, St. Francis Special School, Lincoln. For services to Education. (Lincolnshire)
Brian Grant. Base manager, Babcock Marine. For services to the Defence Industry. (Helensburgh, Argyll and Bute)
Anthony John Gray. For services to the voluntary sector in Northumberland. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
Mrs Mary Elizabeth Gray. Formerly director, Kerith Counselling Service Ltd. For services to Counselling in the West of Scotland. (East Kilbride, Lanarkshire)
David Robert Green. For charitable services, particularly to Boxing in Cambridgeshire. (Chatteris, Cambridgeshire)
Mrs Diana Green. Environment Adviser, Sustainability and Diversity, London, HM Revenue and Customs. (London, E6)
George Malcolm Green. For services to the community in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire. (Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire)
Mrs Carol Greenstock. For services to Economic Development in Wales. (Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire)
Mrs Coral Marianne Greenwood. Formerly Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader and Drama Teacher, Birkenhead High School Academy, Prenton, Merseyside. For services to Education. (Wirral, Merseyside)
Miss Pam Griffin (Mrs Pamela Margaret Warry). Formerly Higher Executive Officer, Inland Waterways Team, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. (Londres)
Mrs Elizabeth Griffiths. Volunteer, St. Mary's Opportunity Group for Children with Special Needs. For services to Education. (Felixstowe, Suffolk)
Peter Benjamin Griffiths. For services to Heritage. (Attleborough, Norfolk)
Mrs Sheila Gurnett. Girlguide Leader and Community Worker, Buckinghamshire. For services to Children and Young People. (Winslow, Buckinghamshire)
Mrs Margaret Hackney. For services to Healthcare and Families in Hertfordshire. (Hitchin)
Dr Avice Margaret Hall. Principal Lecturer, University of Hertfordshire. For services to Higher Education and to the community in St. Albans. (St Albans, Hertfordshire)
Mrs Jacqueline Hall. For services to the community in Merseyside. (Wirral, Merseyside)
Ms Wendy Hall. For services to the voluntary sector in Wiltshire. (Wanborough, Wiltshire)
Mrs Daphne Vernede Hamblin. For services to Children with Disabilities through the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre, West London. (Pinner, Middlesex)
Ms Sally Hancox. For services to Reducing Carbon Emissions and Fuel Poverty in Social Housing. (Durham)
Ms Anna Lise Hansen. Chef/Proprietor, Modern Pantry. For services to the Restaurant Industry. (London, N7)
Mrs Dorothy Hardy. National Park Voluntary Ranger. For services to Conservation. (Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
David Harewood. Actor. For services to Drama. (London, SW16)
David John Harris. Divisional managing director, Cowlin Construction. For services to Education and Training in the Construction Industry. (Chepstow, Monmouthshire)
Michael Leonard Arthur Harrison. Formerly chief Superintendent, Staffordshire Police. For services to the Police. (Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire)
James Harvey. For public service. (Merseyside)
Thomas Daniel Harvey. Chief executive of Northern Film and Media. For services to the Creative Industries. (London, NW1)
Stephen Peter Hatcher. Deputy head, St. Aidan's Church of England High School, Harrogate, Yorkshire. For services to Education. (Ripon, North Yorkshire)
Robert James Haughey. For services to the Fishing Industry in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
Ms Andrea Haynes. Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions. (London, SE1)
David Lambon Heard. For services to the community in Birmingham. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Christopher Michael Heaton. Head of Planning, Policy and Culture, Libraries Learning and Culture, Cambridgeshire County Council. For services to Libraries. (Cambridgeshire)
Mrs Moira Laird Mctaggart Heeps. For services to the community in Brightons, Stirlingshire. (Falkirk, Stirling and Falkirk)
Mrs Marion Olwin Hemmerdinger. Co-ordinator, Burton MIND. For voluntary service to Mental Healthcare in Staffordshire. (Swadlincote, Derbyshire)
Mrs Irene Henderson. Grade 3 Casework Specialist, Human Resources, Scottish Parliament. (Edinburgh)
Colin Henry. Chair of Governors, Christ's College, Guildford, Surrey. For services to Education. (Guildford, Surrey)
Mrs Deborah Jane Hepplewhite. Independent Phonics consultant (Adviser to the Reading Reform Foundation Committee). For services to Education. (Newbury, Berkshire)
Dr Caroline Mary Heaven Herbert. Chief executive of Red Balloon Learner Centre Group. For services to Education. (Cambridgeshire)
James Hewitt. For services to Financial Inclusion in Oxfordshire and to the local community. (Oxfordshire)
John David Hibberd. Deputy Headteacher, Thomas Mills High School, Framlingham, Suffolk. For services to Education. (Woodbridge, Suffolk)
Peter Hickson. Chairman, Petty Pool Trust, Cheshire. For services to Young People. (Middlewich, Cheshire)
George William Higgs. Chair, Scottish Borders Equality Forum. For services to Community Relations. (Melrose, Roxburgh Ettrick and Lauderdale)
Professor Leonard Wareing Hill. For services to Fencing. (Dukinfield, Cheshire)
Mrs Lynne Hill. For services to Independent Monitoring Board, HM Prison and Young Offenders Institution Doncaster. (Barnsley, South Yorkshire)
Nicholas John Hillsdon. State Registered Prosthetist, Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton. For services to Prosthetics and to the community. (Bracknell, Berkshire)
Mrs Sheila Hinds. Formerly Executive Officer, Pension, Disability And Carers Service, Department for Work and Pensions. (Nuneaton, Warwickshire)
Trevor Joseph Hing. For services to the community in Fairford, Gloucestershire. (Fairford, Gloucestershire)
Vidar Paul Hjardeng. For services to Visually Impaired People and to Broadcasting. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Mrs Doreen Mary Hobbs. For services to the community in Watlington, Oxfordshire. (Watlington, Oxfordshire)
Mrs Beryl Lynn Hodgson. Chief Officer, Special Constabulary, Hampshire Constabulary. For services to the Police and the community. (Romsey, Hampshire)
Dr Kathleen Rose Hodgson. Director of Learning and Teaching Support, University of Leeds. For services to Higher Education. (Leeds, West Yorkshire)
Mrs Bernadette Holgate. Higher Executive Officer, Debt Management, Department for Work and Pensions. (Stockport, Greater Manchester)
Peter Hollins. For voluntary service to the Royal Naval Museum. (Gosport, Hampshire)
Ms Patricia Holmes. Police Community Support Officer, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to community policing. (Enfield, Middlesex)
Phillip Harry Holmes, JP. For services to the community in the West Midlands. (Walsall, West Midlands)
Simon David Henry Holt. Chairman, South West Wales Breast Cancer Network. For services to Healthcare in Carmarthenshire and South West Wales. (Llanelli, Carmarthenshire)
Derek Holvey. Conductor, Four Counties Youth Orchestra. For services to Music in South East Wales. (Rhondda Cynon Taff)
David Richard Honeywill. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service and the local community. (Exeter, Devon)
Wing Cdr Martin Richard Hooker. Grade C2, Ministry of Defence. (Suffolk)
Miss Emma Mary Constance Hope. Shoe Designer. For services to the Fashion Industry. (London, W11)
Ms Jane Hopkins. Founder, MumsClub. For services to Entrepreneurship. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Alan Peter Horsfield. Stone Mason. For services to St. Paul's Cathedral in London. (London, DA15)
Lawrence Houghton. Senior Officer, Compliance and Technical Liaison, Bootle, HM Revenue and Customs. (Shropshire)
Richard Howe. Formerly Executive director, Estates and Facilities, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For services to the NHS. (Cambridge, Cambridgeshire)
Mrs Jacqueline Howell. Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions. (Lincolnshire)
John Huddleston. Formerly Knowledge Leader and Project director, AEA Technology. For services to the Environment. (Abingdon, Oxfordshire)
Mrs Lynne Hughes. For services to the community in North Wales. (Flintshire)
Rodney Hughes. Businessman. For services to Business in Newark, Nottinghamshire. (Newark, Nottinghamshire)
Professor Stephen Lambert-Humble. Head of Dentistry, University of Kent, South East. For services to Dental Care and Education. (Gloucestershire)
Mrs Hilary Humphreys. For services to Education and Sport in North Wales. (Llanrwst, Conwy)
Colin Hunt. Activity Mentor, Wirral Positive Futures. For services to Vulnerable Young People and the local community. (Birkenhead, Wirral)
Mrs Jennifer Lesley Hursell. For services to the community in Southwold, Suffolk. (Southwold, Suffolk)
Walford John Hutchings. Musical director, Pontnewydd Male Voice Choir. For services to Music and to the Community in Torfaen. (Pontypool, Torfaen)
Mrs Hifsa Haroon Iqbal, DL. For services to Community Cohesion in Staffordshire. (Staffordshire)
Anthony Hyman Isaacs. Past president, Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal. For services to the Legal Profession. (Godalming, Surrey)
Dr Gabriel Obukohwo Ivbijaro. General Practitioner and Clinical director, Walthamstow, London. For services to the NHS. (London, N5)
Mrs Denise Jackson. For services to Scottish Gymnastics. (Auchterarder, Perth and Kinross)
Christian Jacobs. Senior Mechanic, Antarctic Logistics and Expeditions. For services to Scientific Research in the Antarctic. (Dorchester, Dorset)
Meredydd Davies James. Formerly Headteacher, Rhymney Comprehensive School, Caerphilly. For services to Education. (Cathays, Cardiff)
Norman Jarvis, JP. For services to Road Safety. (Ellesmere Port, Cheshire)
Miss Helen Jenny. For services to Dartmoor National Park and to Young People in Devon and Cornwall. (Gunnislake, Cornwall)
Ian David Johns. Coxswain, Newhaven Lifeboat, Royal National Lifeboat Institution. For services to Maritime Safety. (Newhaven, East Sussex)
Mrs Joanne Elizabeth Johnson. Bereavement Counsellor. For services to Bereavement Counselling and Training in Lancashire. (Lancashire)
Professor Rhona Susan Johnston. Professor of Psychology. For services to Education. (Yorkshire)
John Jones. Master Framer. For services to the Arts. (Ware, Hertfordshire)
John Jones. For charitable service. (Macclesfield, Cheshire)
Mrs Marilyn Gordon-Jones. Chair, Sutton Old People's Welfare Committee, London. For voluntary service to Older People. (London, SM2)
Miss Norma Jones. Higher Executive Officer, School Standards Group, Department for Education. (London, SE25)
Roy Lindsey Jones. Community Liaison manager, ScottishPower. For services to Young People in Wales. (Llay, Wrexham)
Mrs Cecilia Mary Jordan. Volunteer, Special Olympics. For services to Disability Sport. (Newport, Isle of Wight)
Dr Hasmukh Joshi. Formerly General Practitioner. For services to Medical Education and to the Royal College of General Practitioners. (Pontypool, Torfaen)
Mrs Mini Joti. Health Visitor, Bridgeton Health Centre. For services to the NHS and the community in the East End of Glasgow. (Bearsden, Dunbartonshire)
Dr Raman Kapur. Chief executive, Threshold. For services to People with Mental Illness in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
Mrs Morella Kayman. Vice president, Alzheimer's Society. For services to Healthcare. (Stanmore, Middlesex)
Professor James Keaton. For services to Heritage in the North West. (Wirral, Merseyside)
Ms Robyn Keeble. For services to Community Activism and Youth Empowerment. (London, RM13)
Peter William Kellett. Special Inspector, Lancashire Constabulary. For services to the Police. (Preston, Lancashire)
Paul Kelly. Volunteer Coastguard Rescue Officer. For services to Maritime Safety. (Liverpool, Merseyside)
Mrs Anne Patricia Kemp. For voluntary service to Children with Hearing Disabilities. (London, SW13)
Mrs Mary Kendall. For services to the community in Ingleton, Lancashire. (Carnforth, Lancashire)
Mrs Helen Marion Kennedy. Chair, Rocktalk. For services to Blind and Visually Impaired People in Stirling. (Stirling)
Ms Lulu Kennedy. Founder, Fashion East. For services to the Fashion Industry. (London, E1)
Mrs Eileen May Kenny. Head of Quality, South West College. For services to Further Education in Northern Ireland. (Tyrone)
Mrs Lily Kerr. Head of Bargaining and Representation for UNISON. For services to Industrial Relations in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
Councillor Jeremy Alan Kite. For services to Local Government in Dartford. (Dartford, Kent)
George Gordon Archibald Knowles. Welfare Officer, Disabled Police Officers' Association. For services to the community in Northern Ireland. (Hillsborough, Down)
Mrs Margaret Laidlaw. For voluntary service to UNICEF. (Dunbar, East Lothian)
John Lambert. For services to People with Disabilities in Weymouth and Portland, Dorset. (Weymouth, Dorset)
Keith Clarke Lambourne. Director of Export, ACO Group. For services to Construction Exports. (Weston Favell, Northamptonshire)
Mrs Geraldine Susan Lane. Author, Parent's Guide to Plymouth. For services to Families. (Plymouth, Devon)
Miss Hilary Frances Jane Lane. Formerly Cultural Strategy manager, East Sussex County Council. For services to the Arts in East Sussex. (Lewes, East Sussex)
Miss Irene Grace Langton. For voluntary service to Animal Welfare and to the local community. (Bracknell)
Brian Stewart Larkman. Adviser, Debt Management Office. For services to the Financial Services Industry and the Debt Management Office. (Essex)
Mrs Jayne Law. UK and Ireland Sales manager, DOW Building Solutions. For services to the Insulation Industry. (Ascot, Surrey)
Mrs Barbara Lawrence. For voluntary service to the community in Rhayader. (Rhayader, Powys)
Maurice Victor Laws. Catering consultant. For services to the UK Hospitality Sector. (Woking, Surrey)
Mrs Helen Theresa Ledger. Administrative Officer, Personal Tax Operations, Manchester, HM Revenue and Customs. (Blackley, Greater Manchester)
Ping Nam Lee. For services to the Chinese Community in Cambridge. (London and Cambridge)
Mrs Elizabeth Anne Leigh. For services to the British Red Cross and to the community in Newbury, Berkshire. (Newbury, Berkshire)
Miss Anne Leonard. For services to Unemployed Young People through Operation New World. (London, SW1V)
Jeffrey Norman Levick. For services to Disability Cricket in Hampshire. (Winchester, Hampshire)
Mrs Alison Lewis. Grade C2, Ministry of Defence. (Andover, Hampshire)
David Lewis, JP. For services to the community in South East London. (London, SE28)
Mrs Margaret Elizabeth Lewis, BEM. For services to the community in St. Albans, Hertfordshire. (St Albans, Hertfordshire)
Ms Ursula Frances Rosamond Lidbetter, DL. Chief executive, Lincolnshire Co-operative Limited. For services to Business in Lincolnshire. (Lincolnshire)
Ms Julie Lightfoot. Managing director, Solar Solve Marine. For services to International Trade. (South Shields, Tyne and Wear)
Mrs Rosanna Lightfoot. For services to the community in Glenridding and Patterdale, Cumbria. (Penrith, Cumbria)
Mrs Joan Little. Executive Officer, Complaints and Appeals Directorate, Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission, Department for Work and Pensions. (Houghton le Spring, Tyne and Wear)
Mrs Renee Alice Logan. Volunteer, North West Ulster Group, Institute of Advanced Motorists. For services to Road Safety in Northern Ireland. (Portstewart, Londonderry)
John Rae Lonsdale. For voluntary service in North Yorkshire. (Settle, North Yorkshire)
Mrs Alison Lowe. Senior Officer, Customer Operations, Manchester, HM Revenue and Customs. (Bolton, Greater Manchester)
Mrs Pamela Elizabeth Lycett. For services to Hockey in Staffordshire. (Rugeley, Staffordshire)
James Edward Lyons. Helicopter Safety Expert. For services to Aviation Safety. (Horsham, West Sussex)
Mrs Edith Joan Christabel MacAuley, JP. For services to the community in the London Borough of Merton. (London, SM4)
Donald John MacKay. For services to the Harris Tweed Industry. (Isle of Harris, Western Isles)
Gustav MacLeod. Chair of Governors, Thomas Bewick Special School, Newcastle Upon Tyne. For services to Education. (Chathill, Northumberland)
Graham Livingstone MacQueen. For charitable services in Oban and Lorn, Argyll. (Oban, Argyll and Bute)
Mrs Flora Magee. For services to the community in Northern Ireland. (Omagh, Tyrone)
Mrs Ann Maggs. For services to the community in Grimsby and Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire. (Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire)
Mrs Rosemary Magill. For services to Women's Aid Antrim, Ballymena, Carrickfergus, Larne and Newtownabbey in Northern Ireland. (Antrim)
Al'adin Maherali. For services to the Voluntary Sector and to Business. (London, W13)
Mrs Therese Mahindrakar, JP. For services to the community in Bolton, Greater Manchester. (Bolton, Greater Manchester)
Mrs Anne Marie Marley. Respiratory Nurse consultant, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland. (Newtownabbey, Antrim)
Mrs Yvonne Marr. For voluntary service to the Royal British Legion Scotland. (Kincardineshire)
Andrew Martin. Formerly Superintendent, Bedfordshire Police. For services to the Police. (Luton, Bedfordshire)
Councillor Peter James Martin, DL. Leader, Essex County Council. For services to Local Government. (Chelmsford, Essex)
Ms Stephanie Martin. Formerly Family Court Adviser, Cafcass Leeds, and Foster Carer. For services to Children and Families. (Auckland 0626, New Zealand)
Mrs Dorothy Martland. Founder of Diversity in Barrier-Breaking Communications. For services to Young People. (Bolton, Greater Manchester)
Mrs Mary Maunder. Coach, St. Joseph's Swimming Club. For voluntary service to the community in Cardiff. (Cardiff)
John Francis May. For services to the community in Lichfield, Staffordshire. (Lichfield, Staffordshire)
Harold James Mayes. Deputy Principal, Northern Ireland Prison Service, Northern Ireland Executive. (Bangor, Down)
Henry Irwin Mayne. Social Worker, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. For services to Visually Impaired People in Northern Ireland. (Newtownards, Down)
Ms Angela McBain. Past president, British Association of Dental Nurses. For services to Dental Nursing. (Bedfordshire)
William McCallum. For services to Sport in Argyll and Bute. (Argyll and Bute)
Mrs Ann McCrea. Breastfeeding Co-ordinator. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland. (Kesh, Fermanagh)
Mrs Patricia McDermott. For services to People with Disabilities in Northern Ireland. (Coleraine, Londonderry)
Mrs Glenys McDonald. Senior Judges' Clerks' manager, Royal Courts of Justice, Ministry of Justice. (Kent)
Mrs Sally-Rose Alice McFerran. For services to SSAFA Forces Help. (Colchester, Essex)
Duncan McGarry. National Family Liaison Adviser, National Policing Improvement Agency. For services to the Police. (Argyll and Bute)
Mrs Winifred McGeorge. For services to Social Housing in Burnley, Lancashire. (Burnley, Lancashire)
Ian McGibbon. Formerly Serious Youth Violence Adviser, Home Office. For services to Tackling Gang-Related Violence. (Burton Upon Trent, Staffordshire)
Patrick McGonagle. Managing director of Pakflatt Ltd. For services to Economic Development in Northern Ireland. (Londonderry)
Rory McIlroy. Golfer. For services to Sport. (Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland)
Ms Avril McIntyre. Chief executive Officer, Lifeline Community Projects. For services to the community in Barking and Dagenham. (London, IG3)
Mrs Sarah McKiernan. Finance director's Office manager, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions. (London, E15)
William James McKittrick. For services to the community in Craigavon, Northern Ireland. (Craigavon, Armagh)
Mrs Susan McTaggart. Policy and Reform manager, Police Staff, Merseyside Police. For services to the Police. (Wirral, Cheshire)
Dudley Sharratt Mead. For services to Civic Society in Croydon. (London, CR2)
Mrs Valerie Mellor. For services to swimming in the North West. (Macclesfield, Cheshire)
John Metcalf. Compositor. For services to Music. (Lampeter, Ceredigion)
Mrs Barbara Micklethwaite. For services to the community in Oldham, Greater Manchester. (Oldham, Greater Manchester)
Anthony Miller. Director, Whitechapel Mission. For services to Homeless People. (London, E1)
Ian Eric Miller. For services to Ultralow Temperature Physics at Lancaster University. (Lancaster, Lancashire)
Mrs Christine Angela Mills. Founder, Hope for Tomorrow Charity. For charitable services to Healthcare in Gloucestershire. (Tetbury, Gloucestershire)
Ms Margaret Mills. Project Worker, Children 1st. For services to Children and Young People in Scotland. (Kelso, Roxburgh Ettrick and Lauderdale)
Peter Alastair Mills. For services to the Conservation of Ecclesiastical Buildings and to the community in Dorking, Surrey. (Betchworth, Surrey)
Mrs Frieda Patricia Minns. For services to the community in Sutton Bridge, Lincolnshire. (Spalding, Lincolnshire)
Mrs Olive Muriel Anderson Minors. For services to the community in Chester. (Chester, Cheshire)
Brian Mister. Formerly Trustee, Essex Coalition of Disabled People. For voluntary service to People with Disabilities. (Chelmsford, Essex)
Terence Monaghan. For services to the community in Stock, Essex. (Billericay, Essex)
Mrs Jean Margaret Moore. For services to the voluntary sector in Cheshire. (Altrincham, Cheshire)
Mrs Monica Anne Moreton. For services to Adults with Learning Difficulties through the Oak Tree Farm Rural Project in Staffordshire. (Staffordshire)
Mrs Alice Ellen Morgan. For services to the Girlguides in Pembrokeshire. (Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire)
Mrs Rosemary Ann Somers Morrison. For services to Disabled Sailing. (Ringwood, Hampshire)
Leslie Mosley. For services to Disabled People in Birmingham. (Solihull, West Midlands)
Mrs Lesley Moss. HR Services manager for Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust. For services to the community in Salford. (Ashton Under Lyne, Greater Manchester)
Leslie Norman Moss. Fundraiser, Cancer Research UK. For charitable services. (Pinner, Middlesex)
Sqn Ldr Herbert Nevil Mottershead, DFC. For voluntary service to the 158 Squadron Association. (Ashbourne, Derbyshire)
Mohammed Saeed Moughal. For services to the community in Birmingham. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Mrs Valerie Moyes. Teacher, St. Ambrose High School, North Lanarkshire. For services to Education and Music. (Muirhead, Glasgow)
Ms Maura Muldoon. For public service. (Belfast)
Mrs Jane Findlay Murray. For services to Tayside Fire and Rescue and Local Government in Scotland. (Broughty Ferry, Dundee)
John Black Murray. For services to Arts and Culture and to the community in Dumfriesshire. (Moffat, Dumfries)
Michael James Muskett. For services to Social Enterprise Aid and to the community in Norfolk. (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)
Peter Rice Muxworthy. For services to the community in Swansea. (Gower, Swansea)
Alexander Nairn. Executive Officer, Pension, Disability and Carers Service, Department for Work and Pensions. (Dundee)
Miss Pauline Nandoo. Co-ordinator, Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers. (London, SE6)
Dr Adam Naylor, DL. Formerly Chair, Lakeland Arts Trust. For services to the Arts in Cumbria. (Cumbria)
Mrs Hilary Needham. Founder and manager, Special Needs and Parents charity (SNAP). For services to Children and Young People with Special Needs and their Families. (Shenfield, Essex)
Ms Anesta Eileen Newson. For services to Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Sudbury, Suffolk. (Sudbury, Suffolk)
Dr Lui Nam Ng. For services to the Chinese Community in London. (Londres)
William Eric Nicholls. For voluntary service to the Sainsbury's Veterans' Association. (London, SM6)
Derek Edward Thomas Nicholson. Formerly Chair of Governors, Cramlington Learning Village; Governor, The King's School, Tynemouth and Registrar Emeritus, Newcastle University. (Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
Stephen John Nicholson. For services to St. John Ambulance in Bedfordshire. (Bedfordshire)
Mrs Valerie Nixon. For services to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. (Harrogate, North Yorkshire)
Geoffrey Michael Norris. For voluntary service to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution in Arran, North Ayrshire. (Brodick, Ayrshire and Arran)
Winston Stephen Nurse. For services to the community in Leicester. (Leicestershire)
Mrs Eilish O'Doherty. Manager, Age Concern Derry. For services to Older People in Northern Ireland. (Londonderry)
Sean Francis O'Donovan. Formerly assistant head Teacher, Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School, Coventry. For services to Education. (Rugby, Warwickshire)
Michael James O'Reilly. Foster Carer, Staffordshire. For services to Children and Families. (Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire)
Mrs Phyllis O'Reilly. Foster Carer, Staffordshire. For services to Children and Families. (Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire)
Cornelius Francis O'Sullivan. Founder and Coach, Birmingham City Amateur Boxing Club. For services to Amateur Boxing. (Halesowen, West Midlands)
Geoffrey Malcolm Oakes. Formerly Clerk to the Board of Governors, Reaseheath College. For services to Further Education. (Crewe, Cheshire)
David Orrell. Senior Executive Officer, Pension, Disability and Carers Service, Department for Work and Pensions. (Preston, Lancashire)
Mrs Jeannette Orrey. School Meals Policy Adviser, Food For Life Partnership. For services to Food in Schools. (Nottinghamshire)
Eric Llewellyn Osmond. For services to the community in Wareham. (Dorset)
Mrs Barbara Joyce Owen. Chair, The Three Rivers Museum of Local History. For services to the Heritage of Rickmansworth and the Three Rivers District. (Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire)
Dr Richard Nicholas York Owen. Director, Aspire Trust Ltd. For services to Arts Based Business. (Liverpool, Merseyside)
Robert James Owen. Caretaker, Llanfawr Primary School. For services to the community in Holyhead, Anglesey. (Holyhead, Anglesey)
Malcolm John Ozin. For services to the Jewish Community in London. (London, NW4)
Mrs Susan Diane Pamphlett. Inward Visits manager, Overseas Office, Department of Chamber and Committee Services, House of Commons. (Maidstone, Kent)
Mrs Robina Parkes. For services to the community in Northern Ireland. (Newtownabbey, Antrim)
Rudolph Parkes. For services to National and International Fundraising and Voluntary Work. (Stourbridge, West Midlands)
Maj Sylvia Ann Parkin, TD, DL. Regional Campaign director, SaBRE, Ministry of Defence. (Wolverhampton, West Midlands)
Malcolm Ross Parkinson. Chair, Capel Manor College, Enfield, Middlesex. For services to Further Education. (Sway, Hampshire)
Alexander Glynn Francis Parry. Community Liaison Officer, Serious Organised Crime Agency. For services to Law Enforcement. (Ammanford, Dyfed)
Christopher John Parry. Grade C2, Ministry of Defence. (Martock, Somerset)
Mrs Doreen Cynthia Parsonage. For services to the community in Wormley, Hertfordshire. (Broxbourne, Hertfordshire)
Anwer Ibrahim Issa Ismail Patel. Managing director, Cohens Chemist Group. For services to community pharmacy. (Bolton, Greater Manchester)
Mrs Madhurika Patel. For services to the Indian community in Greater Manchester. (Stockport, Greater Manchester)
Christopher Douglas Paterson. For services to Scottish Rugby. (Edinburgh)
Ms Rowena Dorothy Patrick. For voluntary service to the Burma Star Association. (Ash Vale, Surrey)
James Darryl Peacock. England Rugby League Captain and Leeds Rhinos Prop Forward. For services to Rugby League. (Leeds, West Yorkshire)
Mrs Patricia Laura Peake. Founder, Healing Hearts Bereavement Group. For charitable services. (London, IG6)
Miss Ingrid Pears. Founder, Ingrid Pears hot glass. For services to the Export Business. (Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire)
Mrs Doris May Peat. Mid-Day assistant, Coopers' Company and Coborn School, London Borough of Havering. For services to Education. (London, RM14)
James Peel, JP. Formerly assistant Senior Education Officer, South Eastern Education and Library Board. For services to Young People in Northern Ireland. (Newcastle, Down)
Roger Frederick Penfold. For services to the Amateur Swimming Association South East Region and to Local Government in Berkshire. (Reading, Berkshire)
Mrs Rosemary Pennington. For services to the community in Cambridge.
Ms Corinna Penrose. Formerly commissioner, Mental Welfare Commission. For services to Mental Health in Scotland. (Wanlockhead, Lanarkshire)
Vernon Courtney Petherick. Chair of Governors, Crookhorn Technology College, Waterlooville, Hampshire. For services to Education. (Waterlooville, Hampshire)
Dr Margaret Joy Philippou. For voluntary service to Young People. (London, BR1)
Ms Caroline Phillips. Head of Corporate Services, Uganda, Department for International Development. (East Riding of Yorkshire)
Ms Linda May Phillips. Founder and director, Roots and Shoots Charity, Lambeth, London. For services to Young People. (London, SE20)
The Reverend Prebendary Sam Philpott. For services to the community in Plymouth, Devon. (Plymouth, Devon)
David Pickering. For services to Cleveland Constabulary. (Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire)
Mrs Ann Picton. Formerly Headteacher, Clytha Primary School, Newport. For services to Education. (St Brides, Newport)
Michael Alan Pigott. Technical and Development manager-Ballistic Protection, Ministry of Defence. (Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire)
Mrs Jane Elizabeth Plumb. Chief executive, Group B Strep Support. For services to Child Healthcare. (Haywards Heath, West Sussex)
Miss Karen Pollock. Chief executive, Holocaust Educational Trust. For services to Education. (London, NW6)
Mrs Denise Poore. Leader, Marsh Farm Sure Start Children's Centre, Luton, Bedfordshire. For services to Children and Families. (Maulden, Bedfordshire)
Roger John Pope. Formerly head of Student Services, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance and Music Examiner, Trinity College London. For services to Higher Education. (Louth, Lincolnshire)
Mrs Marion Price. For voluntary service to Surrey Learning Disability Partnership Board. (Surrey)
Mrs Dorothy Pritchard. For services to People with Intellectual Disabilities in Warrington, Cheshire. (Warrington, Cheshire)
John Railton. For services to Music. (Totnes, Devon)
Professor Derek Jeffrey Raine. Director, Physics Innovations Centre for Excellence in Teaching, University of Leicester. For services to Science Education. (Bushby, Leicestershire)
Hanif Mohammad Raja. For services to Inter-Faith Relations in Scotland. (Glasgow)
Bajloor Rashid. Restaurateur and president, Bangladesh Caterers Association. For services to Bangladeshi Catering. (Ashford, Kent)
Charles Frederick Melville Rawlinson. For charitable services to Young People and to Music. (Saffron Walden, Essex)
Alderman John Mervyn Rea. Antrim Borough Council. For services to Local Government and the community. (Antrim)
Mrs Elizabeth Anne Read. For services to Heritage in North Yorkshire. (Austwick, North Yorkshire)
Jason Moore-Read. Business manager, Border Force Central Region, Home Office. (Leicestershire)
Michael Peter Read. President of the Channel Swimming Association. For services to Swimming. (Ipswich, Suffolk)
Christopher John Reed. For services to the Scouts and to the community in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire. (Llanelli, Carmarthenshire)
Mrs Beatrice June Rees. For charitable services in Pembrokeshire. (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire)
Martin Lewis Rees. Formerly Higher Officer, Customer Operations, Cardiff, HM Revenue and Customs. (Treharris, Caerphilly)
Mrs Irene Grace Reid. School Crossing Patrol Officer, Longridge Primary School. For services to Road Safety. (Preston, Lancashire)
Mrs (Agnes Mary) Una Reilly. Chairman, Belfast Titanic Society. For services to Maritime and Industrial Heritage in Northern Ireland.
John Howard Rigby. Sergeant, Lancashire Constabulary. For services to the Police. (Preston, Lancashire)
Miss Deborah Laraine Roberts. Leader, 8th Llandudno (Gogarth) Rangers. For services to Young People in Conwy, North Wales. (Abergele, Conwy)
Mrs Eirwen Griffiths Roberts. For services to the community in Ynysddu, Newport. (Newport)
Professor Richard Roberts. SME Market Analysis director, Barclays Business. For services to UK Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. (Poole, Dorset)
Ian Robertson. Formerly chief executive, National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship. For services to Enterprise. (Blackburn, Lancashire)
Mrs Antonina Robinson. Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
David Robinson. Founder, Northern Ireland Transplant Association. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
Mrs Mary Robinson. For voluntary service to the British Red Cross Society in Hexham, Northumberland. (Hexham, Northumberland)
Neil Robinson. National Coach, Paralympics GB Table Tennis Team. For services to Disabled Sport. (Bridgend)
Robert Moore Robinson. Principal, Rainey Endowed School, Magherafelt. For services to Education in Northern Ireland. (Down)
Mrs Karen Mary Robson. Executive Officer, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions. (Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire)
William Francis Rochford. Counsellor, Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland. For voluntary service to Vulnerable People. (Longniddry, East Lothian)
David Michael Rodigan. Radio Presenter. For services to Broadcasting. (London, W3)
Mrs Josephine Mary Rogers. For services to the community in Macclesfield, Cheshire. (Macclesfield, Cheshire)
Mrs Patricia Ann Ross. For services to Carers through Crossroads Care in Harrogate, Craven and York, North Yorkshire. (Harrogate, North Yorkshire)
Mrs Susan Ross. Grade C1, Ministry of Defence. (Devizes, Wiltshire)
Philip James Rowe. For voluntary service to the British Red Cross Society in Somerset. (Castle Cary, Somerset)
Mrs Denise Rowland. Formerly head, School of Early Years, Health and Social Care, New College Durham. For services to Further Education. (Peterlee, Durham)
Mrs Rhona Roy. For services to Capability Scotland. (Scone, Perth and Kinross)
Mrs Ann Salih. For services to the community in Norton-le-Moors, Staffordshire. (Staffordshire)
Mrs Michelle Salter. For voluntary service to the SSAFA Forces Help in Norfolk. (Yaxham, Norfolk)
Mrs Eva Minni Schloss. For services to Education through the Anne Frank Trust. (London, NW8)
Mrs Elizabeth Ann Schofield. For services to the community in Langham, Essex. (Colchester, Essex)
Graham Schuhmacher. Head of Development Services, Rolls-Royce plc. For services to Apprenticeships and Skills Training. (Derby, Derbyshire)
Mrs Rosemary Jane Buchan Segrove. Founderand Chair, Beaconsfield Talking Newspaper, Buckinghamshire. For services to People with Visual Impairment. (Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire)
Mrs Hazel Norah Margaret Sewell. Counsellor, Cedar House, Lancashire. For voluntary service to Mental Healthcare. (Preston, Lancashire)
Mrs Janette Sharples. Higher Officer, Charities, Assets and Residence International, Manchester, HM Revenue and Customs. (Stockport, Greater Manchester)
The Reverend Andrew James Shaw. For services to the community in Fleetwood. (Lancashire)
Mrs Constance Gwendoline Shepherd. For services to the community in Thurcroft, South Yorkshire. (South Yorkshire)
Mrs Maureen Helen Milne Shepherd. Formerly Chair, Board of Management, Inverness College, University of the Highlands and Islands. For services to Education. (Ross shire, Inverness-shire)
Richard Michael Sherry. For services to the Publishing Industry and to the community in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
Mrs Susan Ann Sheward. Founder and Chair, Orang-utan Appeal UK. For services to the Endangered Primates of Asia. (Leatherhead, Surrey)
Alexander David Richard Simpson. For services to the community in Polmont, Stirlingshire. (Falkirk, Stirling and Falkirk)
Ms Joanne Simpson. Head, Humanitarian Team, Pakistan, Department for International Development. (Surrey)
Ms Debora Singer. Policy and Research manager, Asylum Aid. For services to Women. (London, N19)
Ms Harbans Kaur Singh. For services to the community in Hounslow. (Isleworth, Middlesex)
Dennis Slaughter. For services to Motocross. (Norwich, Norfolk)
Mrs Barbara Benson-Smith. For services to Dance and to Charity in Whitby, North Yorkshire. (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
David Smith. Director, Customer Support, South Eastern Regional College. For services to Further Education in Northern Ireland. (Down)
Douglas Smith. Advance Skills Teacher, Swanshurst School, Billesley, Birmingham. For services to Education. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Mrs Gillian Smith. For voluntary service to Oxfam. (London, N21)
Dr Ian Geoffrey Smith. Founder and Global Medical director, Synexus, Lancashire. For services to Health Research. (Preston, Lancashire)
John Smith Manager, Seven Day Centre. For services to Vulnerable Children and Young People in Lanarkshire. (Shotts, Lanarkshire)
Mrs Marilyn Joy Smith. Conductor and Musical director, Glasgow Phoenix Choir. For services to Music. (Bearsden, Dunbartonshire)
Councillor Marion Smith. North Down Council. For services to Local Government in Northern Ireland. (Bangor, Down)
Michael Smith, JP. For services to the community in Netherfield, Nottingham. (Congleton, Cheshire)
Mrs Monique Avril Bateman-Smith. Director, Royal Navy and Royal Marines Childrens' Fund. For services to Naval Families. (Haselmere, Surrey)
Ms Sarah Jayne Smithurst. Police Officer, Nottinghamshire Police. For services to the Police, Crimestoppers, and the British High Commission in Ghana. (Nottinghamshire)
Bakhshish Singh Sodhi. For services to Race Relations in Gravesend. (Kent)
Leo Solomon. For services to Music in Grimsby. (Grimsby, Lincolnshire)
Sister Helen Mary Spragg. For services to International Health. (Co Dublin, Republic of Ireland)
Ms Madeleine Starr. Head of Innovation, Carers UK. For services to Employment. (Isleworth, Middlesex)
Geoffrey Eric Michael Stevens. For services to the community in Matlock, Derbyshire. (Matlock, Derbyshire)
Ms Sarah Diana Stevenson. Taekwondo World Champion. For services to Martial Arts. (Doncaster, South Yorkshire)
Timothy Philip Stimpson. Facilities manager. For services to Oxfordshire County Council. (Abingdon, Oxfordshire)
Mrs Dawn Stoddard. Learndirect Outstanding Learner of the Year 2010. For services to Further Education. (Chorley, Lancashire)
Mrs Carol Stone. Personal assistant, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to the Police. (Hillingdon, Middlesex)
Royston Kenneth Stone. For services to the community in Kingswood, Gloucestershire. (Kingswood, Gloucestershire)
Lady Anne Stoneham Of Droxford. Trustee of UK Youth and Member of the Avon Tyrrell Trust. For services to Young People. (Droxford, Hampshire)
Ms Carole Mary Stott. Chair of Governors, City Literary Institute. For services to Adult Education. (Bath, Somerset)
Mrs Margaret Straughan. Formerly Genetics Team Member, Department of Health. (London, BR7)
Mrs Anne Stuart. Chair, Cassiltoun Housing Association. For services to Housing and Regeneration in Castlemilk, Glasgow. (Castlemilk, Glasgow)
Inderpal Singh Sumal. For public service. (West Midlands)
Mrs Ethel Swann. Co-founder, Play in Schools, Nottingham. For services to Children and Families. (Nottinghamshire)
Mrs Pamela Swanwick. Positive Play consultant, Derbyshire County Council. For services to Education. (Chesterfield, Derbyshire)
Peter Alfred Sweet. For services to the community in Shrewton, Wiltshire. (Salisbury, Wiltshire)
Paul Taylor. Front Line Service manager, Corporate IT, Department for Work and Pensions. (Lytham St Annes, Lancashire)
Stewart Taylor. For services to Nature Conservation in the North of Scotland. (Nethybridge, Inverness-shire)
Mrs Lila Thakerar. Pharmacist. For services to the community in the London Borough of Harrow. (Harrow, Middlesex)
Philip John Thickett. Formerly Area Operations manager East, Northern Rail. For services to the Rail Industry. (Darlington, Durham)
Dr Timothy James Thirst. For services to the Stalham Brass Band, Youth Music, and to the community in Stalham, Norfolk. (Norwich, Norfolk)
John Malcolm Thomas. Formerly director, National Farmers' Union Cymru. For services to Agriculture in Wales. (Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire)
Julian John Wilding Thomas. Formerly National Library of Wales Conservation Treatment Unit manager. For services to Conservation Science and Bookbinding. (Borth, Ceredigion)
Mrs Margaret Thomas. For charitable services in Holyhead, North Wales. (Holyhead, Gwynedd)
Ernest Victor Thompson. For services to Literature and to the community in Cornwall. (Launceston, Cornwall)
Mrs Helen Thomson. For services to the Brownies in Scotland. (Laurencekirk, Kincardineshire)
Mrs Hilary Thomson. For voluntary service to Fairtrade. (Warrington, Cheshire)
Peter Thorp. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service and to the community. (Stroud, Gloucestershire)
Councillor Robert Tidy. Farmer. For services to Local Government and to the community. (Uckfield, East Sussex)
Mrs Margaret Proudfoot Timpson. For services to Older People in Knutsford, Cheshire. (Knutsford, Cheshire)
Trevor Tindle. For services to the community in Great Houghton, South Yorkshire. (Barnsley, South Yorkshire)
Mrs Susan Marian Tither. Constable, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to the Police. (Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire)
Brian Leslie Toney. For services to the community in Gweek and Culdrose, Cornwall. (Helston, Cornwall)
Nigel Patrick Truscott. For voluntary service to St. John Ambulance in Jersey. (Jersey, Channel Islands)
Mrs Heather Christine Turner. For political and voluntary service. (Cheltenham, Gloucestershire)
Mrs Kathleen Mary Tyson, BEM. Guide Leader, 36th Nottingham Guide Group. For services to Young People. (Woodthorpe, Nottinghamshire)
Mohamed Foiz Uddin. For services to Community Cohesion. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Ezekiel Ukairo. For services to promoting Racial Harmony and Integration in Longsight, Greater Manchester. (Greater Manchester)
Graham Douglas Underdown. Charity Fundraiser. For services to Charitable Fundraising. (Barry, South Glamorgan)
Christopher Bernard Upham, BEM. Volunteer, National Association of Retired Police Officers, Cheshire Constabulary. For services to the Police. (Warrington, Cheshire)
Allen Robert Urch. For services to swimming in Nottinghamshire. (Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire)
Ms Sue Urwin. Probation Officer, Hertfordshire Probation Trust. For services to Offenders in Hertfordshire. (Enfield, Middlesex)
Umesh Valjee. Cricketer. For services to Deaf Cricket. (Wembley, Middlesex)
Dr Pieter Thomas Van Der Merwe. General Editor, National Maritime Museum. For services to Heritage and the local community of Greenwich. (London, SE10)
Miss Keti Vatcha. Administrative assistant, Distribution Team, Benefits and Credits, Preston, HM Revenue and Customs. (Preston, Lancashire)
Geoffrey Arthur Vernon. For services to Market Drayton Festival Centre, Shropshire. (Market Drayton, Shropshire)
Miss Margaret Rose Vinten. For voluntary service to Derian House, Chorley, Lancashire. (Preston, Lancashire)
Mrs Eileen Mary Viviani. Grade C1, Ministry of Defence. (Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire)
Ms Sarah Dummer-Wade. Founder and chief executive, Rerun, Dorset Runaways' Service. For services to Young People. (Shaftesbury, Dorset)
Ms Faith Wainwright. Director, Arup. For services to the Built Environment and Engineering Professions. (Northwood, Middlesex)
Dr Brian Walker. Formerly director, University of Winchester Centre of Religions for Reconcilation and Peace. For services to Higher Education. (Bideford, Devon)
Professor Marion Fraser Walker. Professor of Stroke Rehabilitation, University of Nottingham. For services to Stroke Rehabilitation and Stroke Survivors. (Ripley, Derbyshire)
Mrs Morcea Antoinette Walker. For services to the community in Northamptonshire. (Northamptonshire)
Professor Robert Lloyd Walker, FRS. A., Member, Social Security Advisory Committee. For services to Social Policy Research. (Oxfordshire)
Mrs Barbara Walton. For services to the community in Greater Manchester. (Greater Manchester)
Peter Tyndall Walwyn. For services to Horseracing. (Hungerford, Berkshire)
Clive Warcup. For services to the Road Haulage Industry and Charitable Work. (Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire)
Mrs Glynis Elizabeth Ward. For voluntary service to the community in Cannock Chase. (Staffordshire)
Robert Ward. Volunteer Driver, North West Ambulance Service. For services to the community in Merseyside and Cheshire. (Wirral, Merseyside)
Vincent Wedlock-Ward. Projects Officer, Southern Housing Group. For services to Disadvantaged Households and the Environment. (Isle of Wight)
Mrs Sandra Irene Warzynska. For services to Business and to the community in the East Midlands. (Nottinghamshire)
Mrs Gillian Moyra Waters. Formerly Organiser, Edith Cavell Day Centre, Norfolk. For services to Older People. (Norwich, Norfolk)
Mrs Maureen Watkin. For voluntary service to St. John Ambulance in the West Midlands. (Wolverhampton, West Midlands)
David Anthony Watson. Founder, Heart Research UK. For services to Research and Cardiothoracic Surgery. (Gloucestershire)
Mrs Eileen Watson. Formerly Teacher, Ashfield Girls High School, Belfast. For services to Education in Northern Ireland. (Lisburn, Antrim)
Mrs Mary Rose Watt. For services to Highland Dance Teaching in Ross-shire. (Dingwall, Ross and Cromarty)
John Damian Waugh. Chair of Governors, Our Lady Queen of Peace School, Tyne and Wear. For services to Education. (Chester-le-Street, Durham)
Malcolm John Webb. For services to the community in Brewood, Staffordshire. (Staffordshire)
Mrs Marion Aileen Webb. For services to the community in Dorset. (Weymouth, Dorset)
William Edward Webber. For voluntary service to the Royal British Legion in South Molton. (South Molton, Devon)
Mrs Mary Webster. For services to Music and Education in Kirkby Overblow and Harrogate, North Yorkshire. (Harrogate, North Yorkshire)
Mrs Josephine Ann Weir. Chair, Covent Garden Community Association. For services to the community in London. (London, WC2H)
Jefferson Welsby. Physical Education Senior Officer, HM Prison Kennet, Ministry of Justice. (Warrington, Cheshire)
Thomas Joseph Welsh. For services to the Sport of Athletics in Northern Ireland. (Hillsborough, Down)
Mrs Eileen Patricia Wheatley. Formerly Senior Social Worker, Cambridgeshire County Council. For services to Children and Young People. (Cambridgeshire)
Kevin James Whelan. Messenger, HM Treasury. (London, SM5)
Michael David Whine. For services to Community Cohesion. (London, N20)
Mrs Edwina Mary White. For services to Counselling in South East Wales. (Porthcawl, Bridgend)
Keith Anthony White. For services to Sport. (Plymouth, Devon)
Mrs Pamela Josephine Whitehead. For services to Avon and Somerset Constabulary. (Burnham on Sea, Somerset)
Alexander Whitfield. Counsellor, Third Sector Solutions. For services to Jobseekers in Bristol. (Bristol)
Ms Elizabeth William. Formerly director, IT Wales, Swansea University. For services to Women in Science, Engineering and Technology. (Swansea)
John Williams. For services to the community in Foulden, Berwickshire. (Foulden, Berwickshire)
Martyn Elwyn Williams. For services to Rugby. (Llantrisant, Mid Glamorgan)
Thomas Michael Williams. Formerly Chair Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. For services to Healthcare in Wales. (Wrexham)
Ms Yvette Williams. Equality and Diversity Policy Adviser, Crown Prosecution Service. (London, W10)
John Victor Williamson. Owner, Valley Hotel Fivemiletown. For services to Tourism in Northern Ireland. (Fivemiletown, Tyrone)
John Russell Charles Wills. Assistant director, MRC National Institute for Medical Research. For services to Science. (Hertfordshire)
Alderman Kevin John Wilson. Member, Milton Keynes Council. For services to Local Government. (Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire)
Mrs Margaret Ellen Winser. Chair of Board of Governors, Truro and Penwith College. For services to Further and Higher Education. (Cornwall)
Mrs Eileen Jayne-Wood. Fundraiser, The Rowans Hospice and Founder and Group Travel Organiser, Portsdown Travel, Portsmouth. For charitable services. (Hampshire)
Ms Jess Wood. For services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender and Young People in Brighton and Hove. (Seaford, East Sussex)
Mrs Wendy Rosalind Wood. Policy Lead, Coastguard Rescue Service Project, Department for Transport. (Southampton, Hampshire)
Frederick Ralph Woodhams. Laboratory Technician, City of London School. For services to Young People. (Guildford, Surrey)
Mrs Katharine Woodhouse. For services to the community in Mortlake, London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames. (London, SW14)
Frederick Edward Wooding. For services to Athletics in the East of England. (Bedfordshire)
Alan Woodiwiss. Founder, Sutton High Football Club. For services to Amateur Football. (London, SM3)
Mrs Shirley Woodman. For services to the community in Yorkshire.
Mrs Lyndie Wright. Founder, Little Angel Theatre. For services to the Craft of Puppetry. (London, N1)
Paul Gerard Peter Yates. Formerly Examiner, Official Receiver, Insolvency Service Leeds, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. (Leeds, West Yorkshire)
Akram Zaman, JP. President, Protocol. For services to the community in Northamptonshire. (Northamptonshire)
Professor Brian Mellor Greenwood, CBE. Professor, Clinical Tropical Medicine, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. For services to malaria research in Africa.
The Honourable (Frederik) Gordon (Roy) Ward, OBE. Formerly chief Justice, Turks and Caicos Islands. For services to the judiciary in the Turks and Caicos Islands and the Commonwealth.
The Honourable Dominic Anthony Gerard Asquith, CMG. Formerly HM Ambassador, Egypt.
Dr Michael Leigh. Formerly director general, Enlargement, European Commission, Brussels. For services to the enlargement of the European Union.
David Alexander Warren, CMG. HM Ambassador, Japan.
Colin Robert Armstrong, OBE. Executive president, AGRIPAC and Honorary Consul, Guayaquil, Ecuador. For services to UK Business and the British community in Ecuador.
Graham John Lloyd Avery. Formerly director, European Commission, Brussels. For services to European affairs.
James Nicholas Geoffrey Bowden, OBE. Formerly HM Ambassador, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Robert John Dean. Director, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Timothy Mark Hitchens, LVO. Director, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Jan Marceli Kopernicki. Formerly president, British Chamber of Shipping. For services to the safety and security of the international shipping community.
Mrs Judith Anne MacGregor, LVO. HM Ambassador, Mexico.
Ms Shan Elizabeth Morgan. HM Ambassador, Argentina.
Dr Robert George Stevens. Director, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Dr Christian Philip Hollier Turner. Director, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Jonathan Paul Ive, CBE. Senior vice president, Industrial Design, Apple Inc., USA. For services to design and enterprise.
John Patrick Richardson. Art Historian and Author. For services to Art.
John Phillip Crawley. Formerly chairman, Charter for Business, Toronto, Canada. For services to The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
Dr Frances Diana Dow. Formerly Chair, Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission. For services to UK/USA relations and the Marshall Scholarships.
Laurence Stephen Geller. Chairman, UK Churchill Centre, Chicago. For services to the Churchill Centre and to charitable and humanitarian work internationally.
Marc Andrew Newson. Designer. For services to design in the UK and worldwide.
Mrs Isobel Frances Abulhoul. For services to Education and British Literature in the United Arab Emirates.
Paul Edward Adamson. Editor-in-chief and Publisher, E! Sharp, Brussels. For services to promoting the European Union.
Roger Freeland Biggs. Chief executive Officer, International Resources for the Improvement of Sight (IRIS). For services to Health in Asia.
Andrew Richard Dingley Brown. Executive vice president, Shell. For services to UK/Qatar business relations.
Brian Adam Hugh Callaghan. Chairman, Callaghan Group, Gibraltar. For services to Chess and Tourism in Gibraltar.
John Newling Cloake. First secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
John Richard Cockwell. Formerly Member, Legislative Assembly, Falkland Islands. For services to promoting the interests of the Falkland Islands.
Professor Julian Marc Cooper. Professor, Russian Economic Studies, University of Birmingham. For services to Soviet and Russian economic studies.
Robert John Dale. First secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Patrick James Davies. Head of Near East and North Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Dr David Ellis. Formerly First secretary, Tokyo, Japan.
Dr David Harry France. Founder, Everton Former Players' Foundation. For services to Football in the UK and Europe.
Mrs Sarita Violeta Francis. Deputy Governor, Montserrat.
Ms Fionna Mary Macgregor Gibb. Deputy head of Mission, Sana'a, Republic of Yemen.
Mrs Leigh Gibson. Director, British Council.
Andrew Richard Glass. Formerly director, British Council, Serbia and Montenegro.
Dr Eva Naomi Ailene Hodgson. Teacher. For services to community interests in Bermuda.
Dr Michael Thomas Jackson. Formerly International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines. For services to international food science.
Anthony Paul Kay. Consular Regional director for the Middle East, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Miss Elizabeth Jean Laughton. Second secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Matthew Lewis. First secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Graham Alexander Stuart McCulloch, MBE. Head, Teaching Operations, British Council.
Dr Andrew John Minchener. Consultant. For services to international science and clean energy collaboration with China.
Christopher Paul O'Connor. HM Ambassador, Tunis, Tunisia.
Professor Derek Clive Offord. Formerly Professor, Russian Studies, University of Bristol. For services to Russian studies in Language and Culture.
Jeremy Giovanni Sargent. Partner, JS Associates, Guangzhou, China. For services to UK business and legal services in China.
Michael Stuart Shearer. Deputy High commissioner, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Dr John Edward Sheehy. Formerly International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines. For services to agricultural research and development.
Ms Louise Jane Stanton. High commissioner, Malta.
Miss Emma Lesley Wade. Formerly head of Crisis Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Charles Moore Wilson. Trustee, Hertford British Hospital Corporation. For services to the British community in Paris.
Ms Lilian Hermione Youngs. Senior Adviser, Programmes, Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Afghanistan. For services to development in Afghanistan.
John Hamish Barclay. Second secretary, Kuwait.
Paul Baron. Charity Worker. For services to vulnerable children overseas.
James Christian Bend. Vice-Consul, Osaka, Japan.
Simon Harry Ryland Bewlay. Chairman, Board of Governors, British School of Manila. For services to education in The Philippines.
The Venerable Dale Arthur Bowers. Archdeacon of St. Helena. For services to the community in St. Helena.
Mrs Melanie Ruth Bradley. Chief executive, Afghan Appeal Fund. For services to charity in Afghanistan.
Alan Eugene Burland. Engenheiro. For services to the community in Bermuda.
Thomas Barbour Butterfield. Founder and director, Masterworks Museum. For services to the community in Bermuda.
Lawrence Sing Wah Chui. Consular Officer, Hong Kong, China.
Col Henry Ernest Vialou Clark. Charity chairman. For services to education in Kenya.
Miss Rebecca Claire Cousins. Formerly Second secretary, Tokyo, Japan.
Barry John Daniels. Driver, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Services.
Joseph James Day. President and chief executive, Market Entry Services, Seoul. For services to the British community and sport in the Republic of Korea.
Mrs Kathleen Frances Dufall. Vice-Consul, British Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand.
Stephen Keith Eatly. For services to international telecommunications.
Michael James Marcus Edwards. Pilot, British Airways. For services to UK/India relations and to the British aircraft industry.
Ms Katherine Joan Haber. Charity director and Co-Chair of the BAFTA Education and Outreach Committee, Los Angeles. For services to the community in Los Angeles, USA.
Mrs Isobel Marie Ellul-Hammond. Formerly Charity Worker. For services to the community in Gibraltar.
Edward Inglett. Formerly Third secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Simon Jonathan Jeffers. Second secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Mrs Oeslyn Elma Selina Jemmotte. Formerly director of Education. For services to education and to the community in Montserrat.
Ms Carole Ann Johnson, MVO. Deputy High commissioner, Valletta, Malta.
George Frederick Bruton Campbell-Johnston. Chairman, Zimbabwe Farmers Trust Fund. For services to farmers in Zimbabwe.
Rhys Emyr Jones. First secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Miss Alison Latham. Audit manager, Washington, USA.
Thomas Lord. Third secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Mrs Prudence Jennifer Lundie. Welfare Officer. For services to the British community in Cyprus.
Mrs Maria Christina Miyazaki. Vice-Consul, Tokyo, Japan.
Stephen James Palmer. Second secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Richard Nicholas Anthony Rose. Second secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Frazer Stuart Ross. Second secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. (London, SE13)
Richard Williams. Managing director, Poldark Mine. For services to UK/Mexico relations.
Dr Carl Roberts. For public service.
Winston Anthony Bailey. For services to Music.
Vaughan Walter. For services to Cultural Arts.
The Honourable Bernard Quentin Augustus Pitts. For his contribution to the Law and Public Service.
Ms Anne Rebecca Gillett-Elrington. For services to the Belizean Diaspora and Medicine.
Mrs Louise Bridget Lewis. For services to Education and to Community Development.
Ludwig Lightburn. For services to Sports and to the community.
His Worship Simeon Lopez, JP. For his contribution to Education and Public Service.
Mrs Enelda Rosado. For services to Education and to Community Development.
Ms Pauline Margaret Rakera George Karika (Mrs Ernest John Taripo), MBE. For services to the public and to the community.
Tevai Vaka Matapo. For public service and services to the community.
Mrs Josephine Lockington. For services to the public and to the community.
Raymond Noel. For public service.
Lennon Mapson. For services to Agribusiness.
Llewellyn George Smith. For services to broadcasting.
Bertrand John. For services to Agriculture.
Kenneth Henry Tough. For services as Her Majesty's Greffier in Guernsey.
Mrs Alison Jayne Merrien. For services to the sport of Bowls.
Mrs Catherine Frances Christian. For services to Youth in the Isle of Man.
Mrs Elaine Nancy Christian, JP. For services to the community in the field of Criminal Justice.
Terence Augustine Le Sueur. For political service to the Island of Jersey.
Mrs Anna Maria Langley. For services to Family Nursing and Home Care, and to the Nursing Profession.
Mrs Morlene Eselin Whittaker. For Public Service.
Mrs Henrietta Dorothea Hector. For Public Service.
Mrs Theresa Richardson. For services to Education and Public Service.
Mrs The Honourable Judith Stephanie Jones-Morgan. For services to the administration of Justice and the development of Law.
Mrs Nicole Jacintha Bonadie-Baker. For services to education and the community.
Godfred Timothy Pompey. For his contribution to National Security and Public Service.
Herman Louis Belmar. For services to education and the environment.
Murray Seyon Hadaway. For service to business and the community.
Dwight Derrick Lewis. For services to the development of the Cadet Force and Disaster Preparedness.
Mrs Edith Mary Koete. For services to the Health Service, the Church and the community.
Father Peter Noel Orudiana. For services to Education, Media, the Church and the community.
Mrs Annie Marciala Saenemua. For public service, and services to the Church and the community.
Edmund Sikua. For services to, and to the development of the Royal Solomon Islands Police.
Nathaniel Mosese. For services to the Royal Solomon Islands Police.
Ms Gwen Ratu. For services to the educational development of the Royal Solomon Islands Police.
John Magu Rove. For services to the Royal Solomon Islands Police.
John Walenenea. For services to the Royal Solomon Islands Police.
Chris Laekalia. For services to the Royal Solomon Islands Police.
Vice Admiral Paul Lambert, CB.
Vice Admiral Philip Andrew Jones.
Maj Gen Jeremy Hywel Thomas, DSO. Royal Marines.
Capt Paul Abraham. Royal Navy.
Capt Steven Dainton. Royal Navy.
Surgeon Rear Admiral Lionel John Jarvis, QHS.
Commodore Robert Joseph Thompson. Royal Navy.
Capt Robert Stuart Alexander. Royal Navy.
Cdr Simon Phillip Asquith. Royal Navy.
Cdr Michael Robert James Maltby. Royal Navy.
Capt Dean George Molyneaux. Royal Navy.
Commodore John Keith Moores. Royal Navy.
Cdr Peter Nicholas Olive. Royal Navy.
Capt Jonathan Patrick Pentreath. Royal Navy.
WO Class 1 Warfare Specialist (Abovewater Warfare Tactical) Gerard Maurice Burns.
CPO Coxswain (Submarines) Martin Farr.
Lt Cdr Lee Hazard. Royal Navy.
Lt Cdr Andrew Michael Leaver. Royal Navy.
Lt Cdr Mandy Sheila McBain. Royal Navy.
Lt Cdr Stuart Charles William Millen. Royal Navy.
WO Class 1 Warfare Specialist (Abovewater Warfare Tactical) Nicholas John Cecil Payne.
Maj (Acting Lt Col) Richard Joseph Rearden. Royal Marines.
Maj Derek Bryan Stafford. Royal Marines.
WO Class 2 Robert Toomey. Royal Marines.
Cdr Noel John Wheatley. Royal Naval Reserve (Sea Cadet Corps).
Colour Sgt Matthew John Wilkinson. Royal Marines.
Maj Dean Ashley Williams. Royal Marines.
Lt Cdr Richard Hugh Witte. Royal Navy.
CPO David Henry Gibson. Royal Naval Reserve.
Lt Gen Mark Francis Noel Mans, CBE. Late Corps of Royal Engineers.
Maj Gen Nicholas John Caplin. Late Army Air Corps.
Maj Gen Clive Chapman. Late The Parachute Regiment.
Maj Gen Patrick Claude Marriott, CBE. Late The Queen's Royal Lancers.
Col Andrew Dutton Mason, OBE. Late The Parachute Regiment.
Brig Nicola Patricia Moffat. Late Adjutant General's Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch).
Brig Richard Edward Nugee, MBE. Late Royal Regiment of Artillery.
Brig Thomas Norman O'Brien, TD, ADC, DL. Late The Royal Logistic Corps, Territorial Army.
Col David Charles Richmond. Late The Royal Regiment of Scotland.
Maj Gen David Anthony Hirst Shaw. Late Royal Regiment of Artillery.
Lt Col Anthony Gareth Bex. The Royal Logistic Corps.
Lt Col Robaird James Boyd. The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment.
Lt Col Jonathan David Bryant. Army Air Corps.
Lt Col Mark Byers. Royal Army Medical Corps.
Col Jane Elizabeth Davis, QVRM, TD, DL. Late Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, Territorial Army.
Lt Col Adam Guy Dawson, MC. The Parachute Regiment.
Acting Col Anthony Ian Denison. Middlesex and North West London Section Army Cadet Force.
Lt Col Simon David Etherington. The Royal Anglian Regiment.
Col Hugo Murray Fletcher. Late The Parachute Regiment.
Lt Col Sebastian Giles Heath, MBE. Royal Regiment of Artillery.
Lt Col Andrew Grahame Maclean, MBE. Royal Regiment of Artillery.
Lt Col Russell Alexander Miller. Intelligence Corps.
Col Ian Edward Prosser. Late Adjutant General's Corps (Royal Military Police).
WO Class 2 Paul Richard Addenbrooke. Coldstream Guards.
Maj Richard Mark Coates. The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.
Capt John Barrie Elms. The Mercian Regiment.
Lt Col Andrew William Field. The Mercian Regiment.
WO Class 2 Antony Edward Gaul. Royal Army Physical Training Corps.
WO Class 2 Barry John Grass. Adjutant General's Corps (Royal Military Police).
Capt Victoria Anne Greer (Nee Currie). Intelligence Corps.
Capt David Brian Hall. The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment, Territorial Army.
Maj John Anthony Harker. The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment.
Capt Steven John Harris. The Rifles.
Maj Andrew Hawkins, QGM. The Royal Logistic Corps.
Maj Andrew Francis Reaveley James. Grenadier Guards.
Maj Marc Stephen Lawson. Adjutant General's Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch).
Acting Lt Col Russell Lee. Royal Regiment of Artillery.
Maj Mark Martin. Royal Regiment of Artillery.
Maj Clive Ronald Alfred Miles. The Royal Regiment of Scotland.
Cpl Lee Mullen. Corps of Royal Engineers.
Lt Col Richard John Sydney Reid, TD. Royal Army Medical Corps.
Maj Peter John Rowell. Corps of Royal Engineers.
Maj Thomas James Salberg. Corps of Royal Engineers.
Maj Fiona Jane Scotter. Corps of Royal Engineers.
Capt Makand Singh. The Royal Logistic Corps, Territorial Army.
Maj Toby Paul Barnes-Taylor. Grenadier Guards.
Lance Cpl Kevin Phillip Thompson. Corps of Royal Engineers.
Maj Edward James Trowbridge. Adjutant General's Corps (Educational and Training Services Branch).
WO Class 2 Neil Wilson Walton. The Royal Logistic Corps, Territorial Army.
Maj Steven Gilbert Wemyss. The Royal Regiment of Scotland.
Staff Sgt Matthew Whitfield. Royal Corps of Signals.
Lt Col Sheldon Wild, BEM. The King's Royal Hussars.
WO Class 2 Andrew Gordon Wooton. Corps of Royal Engineers.
Capt David Paul Bolland. General List, Territorial Army.
WO Class 2 John Edward Collins. Royal Corps of Signals, Territorial Army.
Brig Joseph Gerard D'Inverno, TD. Late The Royal Highland Fusiliers, Territorial Army.
Staff Sgt Richard John Holding. Adjutant General's Corps (Royal Military Police), Territorial Army.
Lt Col Iain David Levack, TD. Royal Army Medical Corps, Territorial Army.
Air Marshal Kevin James Leeson, CBE. Royal Air Force.
Air Vice-Marshal Michael John Harwood, CBE. Royal Air Force.
Air Vice-Marshal Christopher Brian Morris. Royal Air Force.
Air Commodore Richard John Atkinson. (, Royal Air Force.
Group Capt Nicholas Bray. Royal Air Force.
Group Capt John Gordon Gladston, MBE, DFC. Royal Air Force.
Wing Cdr Julian David Ball. Royal Air Force.
Wing Cdr Adrian Stewart Frost. Royal Air Force.
Wing Cdr Brian James. Royal Air Force.
Wing Cdr Iain Lunan. Royal Air Force.
Wing Cdr Patrick Keiran O'Donnell. Royal Air Force.
Wing Cdr Simon Andrew Paterson. Royal Air Force.
Wing Cdr Peter James Murray Squires. Royal Air Force.
Sqn Ldr Mark John Beardmore. Royal Air Force.
Sqn Ldr Mark Edward Biggadike. Royal Air Force.
WO Russell Jeremy Coppack. Royal Air Force.
Sqn Ldr Graem Michael Corfield. Royal Air Force.
Sqn Ldr Christopher John Ford. Royal Air Force.
Sqn Ldr Michael David Hale. Royal Air Force.
Sqn Ldr Neil Hope. Royal Air Force.
Sqn Ldr Terence Jeffrey Horsley. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (Training).
WO Nicola Vincenza Hutchinson. Royal Air Force.
WO Brent Thomas Inglis. Royal Air Force.
Sqn Ldr Joanne Louise Lincoln. Royal Air Force.
Flt Sgt Simon John Norris. Royal Air Force.
Sqn Ldr Michael George Oxford. Royal Air Force.
Master Aircrewman Dean William Edward Penlington. Royal Air Force.
Sqn Ldr Gerard Jeffery Sheppeck. Royal Air Force.
Sqn Ldr Paula Simone Willmot. Royal Air Force.
Flt Lt Stephen John Duddy. Royal Auxiliary Air Force.
Sgt Stephen Stewart. Royal Auxiliary Air Force.
Maj Helen Elizabeth Purvis. Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, Territorial Army.
Ms Wendy Benson. Formerly chief Superintendent, Ministry of Defence Police.
Andrew Brennan. Detective chief Superintendent, West Yorkshire Police.
Stephen Burns. Detective chief inspector, Metropolitan Police Service.
Mrs Jacqueline Cheer. Temporary chief Constable, Cleveland Constabulary.
Simon Chesterman. Assistant chief Constable, West Mercia Police.
Richard Philip deJordan Crompton. Chief Constable, Lincolnshire Police.
Nicholas James Gargan. Chief Constable, National Policing Improvement Agency.
Caroline Goode. Detective chief inspector, Metropolitan Police Service.
Alan Goodwin. Deputy chief Constable, Derbyshire Constabulary.
Francis Habgood. Deputy chief Constable, Thames Valley Police.
Simon Hughes. Formerly Detective Inspector, Metropolitan Police Service.
Anthony Jones. Detective Constable, Greater Mancester Police.
Adrian Leppard. Commissioner, City of London Police.
Mrs Geeta Rani Lota. Constable, West Yorkshire Police.
Mark Lindsey Mathias. Chief Superintendent, South Wales Police.
Mrs Deborah Jayne Platt. Detective Superintendent, Derbyshire Constabulary.
Alexander Ross Stewart Robertson. Chief Superintendent, chairman of British Transport Police Federation.
Mark Simmons. Deputy assistant commissioner, Metropolitan Police Service.
Hugh Duncan. Special Constable, Grampian Police.
Ruaraidh Nicolson. Chief Superintendent, Strathclyde Police.
David Reynolds. Police Constable, Tayside Police.
Ms Kim McCauley. Detective chief inspector, Police Service of Northern Ireland.
Alexander Penney. Acting Inspector, Police Service of Northern Ireland.
Russell Vogan. Sergeant, Police Service of Northern Ireland.
Christopher Gerrard Anderson. Deputy chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Peter Alec Crook. Group manager, Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Howard David Robinson. Director and assistant chief Fire Officer, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service.
Cameron Black. Temporary Group Commander, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue.
David Boyd. Watch Commander, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue.
Detective Inspector Adeniyi Collins Oremule. Royal Cayman Islands Police Service.
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New Year Honours list in full - All the people being rewarded for services to Britain in 2018.
Recipients include sports stars, celebs, and politicans, as well as hundreds of community champions recognised for the work they do in their local area.
12:59, 3 JAN 2018.
More than a thousand people have been recognised for their services to the UK in the Queen's New Year Honours list.
Recipients include sports stars, celebs, and politicans, as well as hundreds of community champions recognised for the work they do in their local area.
Bee Gee Barry Gibb was made a Sir, alongside Beatle Ringo Starr, while Strictly’s Darcey Bussell was made a Dame.
But the list was not without controversy, as Theresa May rewarded her political allies – with a Tory MP who holds power over her future winning a knighthood.
Here are some of the big names who'll be dressing up for a trip to see The Queen - plus a full list of all those getting a gong.
The honours in numbers.
In total, 1,123 people where given awards this year, with 318 getting a BEM, 452 an MBE, and 211 an OBE. The rest were given other awards, such as knighthoods or damehoods, or other honours.
Around 70% of the recipients were recognised for their work in their local community, in either a voluntary or paid capacity..
There were 551 women recognised, representing 49% of the total. Just over 9% of recipients were from a BAME background, and 5% consider themselves to have a disability.
Around 11% of the awards are for work in education, while health sector recipients make up 10% of all honours.
The list of sports stars - who make up 4% of gongs - is smaller than last year when the New Year Honours were dominated by heroes from the Rio Olympics.
Ringo Starr.
Former Beatle Ringo Starr is to be knighted, 52 years after receiving an MBE and 20 years after bandmate Paul McCartney became a Sir.
The 77-year-old drummer , who Sir Paul famously urged the Queen to honour, said it was a “pleasure” to be recognised for his music and charity work telling fans: “Peace and love.”
Darcey Bussell.
Strictly Come Dancing judge Darcey Bussell said she was “truly humbled” by her damehood, awarded for her services to dance.
She added: “Dance is such a beautiful art form, it is inspiring and provides joy, social cohesion and wellbeing.”
The 48-year-old, who was the youngest-ever principal at the Royal Ballet aged just 20, said she’d accept the gong on behalf of dance groups everywhere.
Barry Gibb.
Bee Gees star Barry Gibb was knighted for services to music and charity.
The “humbled and proud” star paid a touching tribute to his brothers and bandmates Maurice and Robin, who died in 2003 and 2012 - saying they deserved his knighthood.
The last surviving member of the band added: “I want to acknowledge how responsible my brothers are for this honour. It is as much theirs as it is mine.
“The magic, the glow, and the rush will last me the rest of my life.”
Eamonn Holmes.
This Morning host and ‘King of Breakfast TV’ Eamonn Holmes receivedan OBE for services to broadcasting.
The 58-year-old television stalwart and journalist from Belfast is known for hosting GMTV, This Morning and Sky News' Sunrise across his nearly four decades on the box.
He said: "It's like getting a gold star for your homework - 2018 will be my 38th year as a broadcaster and I can't think of a better way of marking that. It's a wonderful accolade."
He said his wife Ruth “was even more thrilled than I was” as he said: “I did it on my own merits and worked very hard.”
Heather Knight.
Heather Knight heads a string of England women’s cricketers winning gongs after their thrilling victory in this year’s World Cup.
The captain, who turned 27 this week, is made an OBE after her team beat India by just nine runs in a stunning fightback at Lords in July.
Women’s cricket director Clare Connor is made a CBE and head coach Mark Robinson an OBE while MBEs go to star players Tamsin Beaumont and Anya Shrubsole.
Grime star Wiley has said receiving an MBE in the New Years Honours is like "the school grade I wanted and didn't get" but added he is now "finally there".
The musician, whose real name is Richard Cowie, and who is often referred to as the godfather of grime, is being honoured for his services to music.
Sam Warburton.
Sam Warburton is rewarded for a rugby career spanning more than a decade.
The 29-year-old became the second man ever to captain the British and Irish Lions twice when he led their tour to New Zealand this year.
And he was credited as Wales’ youngest ever World Cup captain before he led the team to the semi-finals in 2011 and quarter-finals in 2015.
He picks up an OBE for services to rugby union, which was awarded under his full name, Sam Kennedy-Warburton.
Nick Clegg.
Former Liberal Democrat leader and ex-Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has been knighted for political and public service.
The move has angered UKIP supporters after their former leader Nigel Farage was snubbed again.
The Lib Dems’ new deputy leader Jo Swinson has been made a CBE.
The Prime Minister's pals.
Theresa May risks a damaging new cronyism row after the MP who holds her survival in his hands won a knighthood.
Graham Brady, chairman of the powerful 1922 Committee, will become Sir Graham in the New Year Honours just three months after throwing his weight behind the Prime Minister.
Knighthoods and damehoods also go to veteran Tory MPs Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, Cheryl Gillan and Christopher Chope – all three of whom have held top posts in the backbenchers’ pressure group.
The youngest on the list.
Organ donation campaigner Lucia Mee, 18, was the youngest person on the list this year.
Lucia, from Ballycastle, Co Antrim, was just eight when she suffered acute liver failure and was rushed to hospital for a transplant.
Since then she went under the knife twice more after the first organ was rejected and the second hit complications.
Yet she has founded the Live Loudly Donate Proudly campaign, competed at the British Transplant Games and returned to school.
Lucia said she was “really shocked” by her British Empire Medal and admitted: “I didn’t know what the award was to begin with. My dad had to explain it to me.”
The oldest on the list.
The oldest to receive honours are both 101 - Lt Col Mordaunt Cohen , whose MBE is for services to Second World War education, and Helen Jones who won a British Empire Medal for services to young people in Brecon.
New Year Honours 2018.
Members of the Order of the Companions of Honour.
Rare awards for people who have made an outstanding contribution over a long period of time.
Melvyn, Lord BRAGG OF WIGTON, FBA, FRS For services to Broadcasting and the Arts. Lady Antonia FRASER, DBE Author and Historian. For services to Literature.
Professor Timothy John BESLEY, CBE Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science. For services to Economics and Public Policy. (London) Graham Stuart BRADY, MP Member of Parliament for Altrincham and Sale West. For political and public service. (Altrincham, Greater Manchester) Christopher Robert CHOPE, OBE MP Member of Parliament for Christchurch. For political and public service. (Dorset) The Right Honourable Nicholas William Peter CLEGG For political and public service. (London) Geoffrey Robert CLIFTON-BROWN, MP Member of Parliament for The Cotswolds. For political and public service. (Cirencester, Gloucestershire) Professor John Kevin CURTICE, FBA FRSE Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde and Senior Research Fellow, NatCen Social Research. For services to the Social Sciences and Politics. (Glasgow) Barry Alan Crompton GIBB, CBE Singer, Songwriter and Record Producer. For services to Music and charity. (Buckinghamshire) Anthony HABGOOD Chairman, Court of the Bank of England. For services to UK Industry. (London) Mark HENDRICK, MP Member of Parliament for Preston. For parliamentary and political service. (Lancashire) The Right Honourable Lindsay Harvey HOYLE, MP Member of Parliament for Chorley. For parliamentary and political services. (Chorley, Lancashire) Richard Julian LONG, CBE Artist and Sculptor. For services to Art. (Bristol) Craig Thomas MACKEY, QPM Deputy Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to Policing (Devizes, Wiltshire) Timothy David MELVILLE-ROSS, CBE Chair, Higher Education Funding Council for England. For services to Higher Education. (London) Michael Andrew Bridge MORPURGO, OBE Author. For services to Literature and charity (Devon) Kenneth Aphunezi OLISA, OBE For services to Business and Philanthropy (London) Dr Andrew Charles PARMLEY Lately Lord Mayor of London. For services to Music, Education and Civic Engagement (London) Professor Bernard Walter SILVERMAN Lately Chief Scientific Adviser, Home Office. For public service and services to Science. (Oxfordshire) Professor Robert Stephen John SPARKS, CBE Lately Professorial Research Fellow, University of Bristol. For services to Volcanology and Geology.(Bristol) Richard STARKEY, MBE (Ringo Starr) Musician. For services to Music (Abroad) Professor Terence John STEPHENSON Chair, General Medical Council. For services to Healthcare and Children’s Health Services (London) The Very Reverend Professor Iain Richard TORRANCE, TD FRSE Pro-Chancellor, University of Aberdeen. For services to Higher Education and Theology. (Edinburgh) (John) Edward Astley TROUP Lately Executive Chair, HM Revenue and Customs. For public service to Taxpayers and the Tax System. (London) Alan John TUCKETT, OBE Professor of Education, University of Wolverhampton. For services to Education, Particularly Adult Learning(Leicestershire) Alan Thorpe Richard WOOD, CBE Lately Corporate Director, Children and Young People’s Services, London Borough of Hackney. For services to Children’s Social Care and Education. (London) Dr William Thompson WRIGHT, CBE Founder, Wrightbus Ltd. For services to the Economy and the Bus Industry. (Antrim)
Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath.
Christopher Edward Wollaston MacKenzie, Baron GEIDT, GCVO KCB OBE Lately Private Secretary to HM The Queen. For public service (London)
Knights Commander of the Order of the Bath.
Philip McDougall RUTNAM Permanent Secretary, Home Office. ForPublic Service. (Londres)
Companions of the Order of the Bath.
Raymond John LONG Lately Programme Director, Department for Work and Pensions Digital Group. For services to Government and the Public Sector. (Guildford, Surrey) Howard ORME Chief Financial and Operating Officer, Department for Education. For public services especially to Finance and Building Delivery Capability (Dorking, Surrey) Nicholas Proctor PERRY For services to the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland. (Down) Dr David PROUT Lately Director General, HS2. For services to Transport. (London) Timothy David ROSSINGTON Lately Finance Director, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. For public service. (Oxfordshire) Stephen John Charles SPEED Director, Civil Nuclear and Resilience, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. For services to the Oil and Gas Industry. (Surrey)
Companions of the Order of St Michael and St George.
Ms Helen Patricia SHARMAN, OBE For services to Science and Technology Educational Outreach. (Londres)
Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire.
Sir (David) Keith PETERS For services to the Advancement of Medical Science. (Cambridgeshire)
Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire.
Professor Janet Patricia BEER Vice-Chancellor, University of Liverpool. For services to Higher Education and Equality. (Liverpool, Merseyside) Ms Darcey Andrea BUSSELL, CBE For services to Dance. (London) Professor Hilary Anne CHAPMAN, CBE Chief Nurse, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Nursing. (Barnsley, South Yorkshire) Ms Jacqueline Lesley DANIEL Chief Executive, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Healthcare. (Ilkley, West Yorkshire) Professor Pratibha Laxman GAI Professor and Chair of ElectronMicroscopy, Mrs Gai-Boyes University of York. For services to Chemical Sciences and Technology. (York, North Yorkshire) The Right Honourable Cheryl Elise Kendall GILLAN, MP Member of Parliament for Chesham and Amersham. For political and public service. (Surrey) Ms Vivian Yvonne HUNT Managing Partner, UK and Ireland, McKinsey and Company. For services to the Economy and to Women in Business. (London) Miss Clare Lucy MARX, CBE Lately President, Royal College of Surgeons. For services to Surgery in the NHS. (Woodbridge, Suffolk) Angela Mary, Mrs PEDDER, OBE Lately Chief Executive, Devon Success Regime and Sustainability and Transformation Plan. For services to Healthcare. (Exeter, Devon) Susan Ilene, Lady RICE, CBE For services to Business, the Arts and charity in Scotland. (East Lothian) Ms Christine RYAN Lately Chief Inspector, Independent Schools Inspectorate. For services to Education. (West Sussex) Ms Rosemary Anne SQUIRE, OBE Co-founder, The Ambassador Theatre Group Ltd. For services to Theatre and to Philanthropy. (Surrey) Catherine Lilian, Mrs WARWICK, CBE Lately Chief Executive, Royal College of Midwives. For services to Midwifery. (Londres)
Commanders of the Order of the British Empire.
Professor Stuart Ryan BALL For services to Political History. (Norfolk) Paul David BAUMANN Chief Financial Officer, NHS England. For services to NHS Financial Management. (Surrey) Professor David Nevin Fraser BELL For services to Economics and Public Policy. (Perth and Kinross) Professor Norman David BLACK For services to Higher Education, Science and the Voluntary Sector. (Antrim) Ms Josephine Catherine BOADEN (MRS TOTTON) Chief Executive, Northern Housing Consortium. For services to Housing Providers in the North of England. (Gateshead, Tyne and Wear) Professor Timothy William Roy BRIGGS Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust. For services to the Surgical Profession. (Bedfordshire) Dale Graham BYWATER Executive Regional Managing Director for Midlands and East, NHS Improvement. For services to NHS Patients and Taxpayers. (Nottinghamshire) Professor Joy CARTER Vice-Chancellor, University of Winchester. For services to Higher Education. (Winchester, Hampshire) David Alan CLARKE Chief Executive, Assured Food Standards. For services to the British Food and Farming Industry.(London) Blondel Bernadette Rosceilia, Mrs CLUFF Member, Royal Mint Advisory Committee and Chief Executive, West India Committee. For services to Numismatic Design and the Caribbean community in the UK and Abroad. (London) Ms Clare Joanne CONNOR, OBE Director, Women’s Cricket, England andWales Cricket Board. For services to Cricket. (East Sussex) Joyce Evelyn, Mrs COOK, OBE For services to Sport and Accessibilty. (Abroad) Jilly, Mrs COOPER, OBE Author and Journalist. For services to Literature and charity. (Stroud, Gloucestershire) Professor Diane COYLE, OBE For services to Economics and the Public Understanding of Economics. (London) Patrick Lorne CRERAR For services to the Hospitality Industry in Scotland and to charity. (Stenton, East Lothian) Professor Martyn Christopher DAVIES Professor of Biomedical SurfaceChemistry, University of Nottingham. For services to Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. (Nottinghamshire) Ms Jacqueline DE ROJAS President, techUK. For services to International Trade in the Technology Industry. (Taplow, Buckinghamshire) Thomas Auguste Read DELAY Chief Executive, The Carbon Trust. For services to Sustainability in Business. (London) Sean Nicholas DENNEHEY Deputy Chief Executive, Intellectual Property Office. For services to Intellectual Property. (Monmouthshire) Professor Caroline DIVE Professor of Cancer Pharmacology and Deputy Director, Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute. For services to Cancer Research. (Hale, Greater Manchester) Professor Christl Ann DONNELLY, FRS Professor of Statistical Epidemiology, Imperial College London. For services to Epidemiology and the Control of Infectious Diseases. (Oxfordshire) Professor Michele Karen DOUGHERTY Professor of Space Physics, Imperial College London. For services to UK Physical Science Research. (London) Ms Judith DOYLE Principal and Chief Executive Officer, Gateshead College. For services to Education and Skills in the North East. (Gateshead, Tyne and Wear) Janette Anita, Mrs DURBIN Director, Civil Service Talent. For services to Diversity in the Senior Civil Service. (London) Ms Elizabeth Lucy DYMOND Director, The Charity for Civil Servants. For public service. (London) David Robert EARNSHAW Chair, Outwood Grange Academies Trust. For services to Education. (Leeds, West Yorkshire) Professor Richard Ludlow ENGLISH Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Politics, Queen's University Belfast. For services to the Understanding of Modern Day Terrorism and Political History. (Belfast) Dr Phillip Andrew EVANS Head, DFID Somalia, Department for International Development. For services to Humanitarian Relief. (Brighton, East Sussex) Peter Kenrick FLORENCE, MBE Co-founder and Director, Hay Festival. For services to Literature and charity. (Herefordshire) Professor Jonathan FREEMAN-ATTWOOD Principal, Royal Academy of Music. For services to Music. (Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire) Hilary Mary, Mrs GARRATT Director of Nursing, NHS England. For services to Nursing and the Safeguarding of Vulnerable People. (Worsley, Greater Manchester) Michael Anthony GIANNASI, QPM Chairman, Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust. For services to the NHS. (Cheshire) Professor Simon John GIBSON, OBE Chief Executive, Wesley Clover Corporation. For services to the Economy in Wales. (Monmouth, Gwent) Martin Keith GREEN Chief Executive and Director, Hull UK City of Culture 2017. For services to the Arts in Hull. (London, SE5) Professor Paul GREGG Professor of Economic and Social Policy, University of Bath. For services to Children and Social Mobility. (Bristol) Andrew Melvin HAMILTON For services to Government and to charitable fundraising. (Armagh) Ms Jane Sarah HAMLYN For services to Philanthropy and the Arts. (London) Susan HAMPSHIRE (LADY KULUKUNDIS), OBE Actress. For services to Drama and to charity. (London) Dr Demis HASSABIS Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, DeepMind. For services to Science and Technology. (London) Dave Christopher HILL Executive Director for Social Care and Education, Essex County Council. For services to Children’s Social Care. (London) Dawn Elysea, Mrs HILL Chairman, Black Cultural Archives. For services to Culture. (London, SW2) Lilian, Mrs HOCHHAUSER For services to the Arts and Cultural Relations. (London, NW3) Professor Karen Margaret HOLFORD Deputy Vice Chancellor, Cardiff University. For services to Engineering and the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering. (Cardiff) Denise, Mrs HORSFALL Work Services Director, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Welfare in Scotland. (South Lanarkshire) Stephen William HOWLETT, DL Group Chief Executive, Peabody. For services to Housing. (London, SE10) Professor Katherine Jane HUMPHRIES Professor of Economic History, Universityof Oxford. For services to Social Science and Economic History. (Oxfordshire) Raymond Joseph JAMES Lately President, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, London Borough of Enfield. For services to Adult Social Services. (London) Shaun KINGSBURY Chief Executive, Green Investment Bank. For services to the UK Green Economy. (Woking, Surrey) James Hugh Calum LAURIE, OBE Actor. For services to Drama. (London) Professor Richard James LILFORD Professor of Public Health, University of Warwick. For services to Health Research. (Birmingham, West Midlands) Dr Suzannah Claire LISHMAN Consultant Histopathologist, North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Pathology. (Burley, Rutland) Dr Robin Howard LOVELL-BADGE, FRS Senior Group Leader, Francis Crick Institute. For services to Genetics, Stem Cell Research and the Public Understanding of Science. (London) James Brown MARTIN Lately Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. For services to the Scottish Public Sector. (Glasgow) Professor Maureen Lesley MCARA Professor of Penology and Assistant Principal for Community Engagement, University of Edinburgh. For services to Criminology. (Edinburgh) Ms Anne MCGAUGHRIN Legal Director for Department for Education, Government Legal Department. For services to Law and Order in the Public Sector. (London) Ms Julia Kathleen Nancy MCKENZIE Actress, Singer and Director. For services to Drama. (Devon) David Robert Michael MELDING For political and public service. (South Glamorgan) David Robert MELLER Founder, Meller Educational Trust and Chair, National Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network. For services to Education. (London) Nigel John MILLS Co-founder and Chairman, The Lakes Distillery. For services to Entrepreneurship in the North East and Cumbria. (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear) Professor Andrew David MORRIS, FRSE Lately Chief Scientist (Health), Scottish Government and Vice-Principal (Data Science), University of Edinburgh. For services to Science in Scotland (Perth, Perth and Kinross) Dr Joseph John MORROW President, Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland. For public service to Mental Health. (Angus) John Frederick NELSON, DL Lately Chairman, Lloyd's of London. For services to the Global Promotion of British Business and to Diversity in the Workplace. (West Sussex) Professor Philip Arthur NELSON Chief Executive Officer, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and Chair, Research Councils UK. For services to UK Engineering and Science. (Romsey, Hampshire) Peter Richard NICHOLS Playwright. For services to Drama. (Oxfordshire) Dr Anne Louise RAINSBERRY Regional Director, London, NHS England. For services to the NHS. (London, TW11) Norma, Mrs REDFEARN For public and community service in Tyneside. (North Shields, Tyne and Wear) Hilary Marion Ruth, Mrs REYNOLDS Executive Director, Research Councils UK. For services to Policy and Research. (London) Howard Charles Fraser RIDDLE Lately Chief Magistrate for England and Wales. For services to the Administration of Justice. (Kent) Timothy John RIX Group Managing Director, J R Rix and Sons Ltd. For services to the Economy and Regeneration in the Humber Region. (Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire) Andrew Ogilvie ROBERTSON, OBE Chairman, LAR Housing Trust. For services to Veterans, Healthcare and Affordable Housing in Glasgow and the West of Scotland. (Stirling and Falkirk) Professor Philip Alexander ROUTLEDGE, OBE Consultant Physician, Llandough Hospital, Cardiff and Professor Emeritus of Clinical Pharmacology, Cardiff University. For services to Medicine. (Cardiff) Kevin Ian SADLER Director, Courts and Tribunals Development, HM Courts and Tribunals Service. For services to the Administration of Justice. (Hertfordshire) Ms Nuzhat SALEH Assistant Director, Directorate of Legal (Mrs Gould) Services, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to Policing. (Surrey) Alan SCOTT Deputy Director, North West Prisons. For services to HM Prison and Probation Service and to the community in the North West. (Lancashire) Dr Siu Hung Robin SHAM Global Long Span and Speciality Bridges Director, AECOM. For services to the Civil Engineering Profession. (London, SW20) Ms Alexandra SHULMAN, OBE Lately Editor, British Vogue. For services to Fashion Journalism. (London, NW6) Ms Amanda SKELTON Chief Executive, Redcar and Cleveland Council. For services to the Redcar and Tees Valley Economy. (North Yorkshire) Alison Helen, Mrs STANLEY For services to the Creation and Leadership of Civil Service Employee Policy, with a Particular Focus on Improving and Implementing Workforce Policies. (Lewes, East Sussex) Christopher Richard STEIN, OBE Chef and Restaurateur. For services to the Economy. (Cornwall) David James Edwin STEPHENS Director of Resources (Army), HM Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence. (Kent) Ms Andrea Mary SUTCLIFFE Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, Care Quality Commission. For services to Adult Social Care in England. (London) Robert William Ashburnham SWANNELL Non Executive Chairman, UK Government Investment. For services to the Public, Retail and Financial Sectors. (London, SW1P) Ms Joanne Kate (Jo) SWINSON, MP For political and public service. (Glasgow) Benjamin John Paget THOMSON, FRSE Lately Chairman, Board of Trustees, National Galleries of Scotland. For services to Arts and Culture in Scotland. (Edinburgh) Anthony Edward TIMPSON For public and parliamentary service. (Cheshire) Dana Rachel Pressman, Mrs TOBAK Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Hyperoptic. For services to the Digital Economy. (London, W12) Ms Veronica Judith Colleton WADLEY (MRS BOWER) Chair, Arts Council London. For services to the Arts. (London, NW3) Anthony James WALKER, DL Deputy Managing Director, Toyota Manufacturing (UK) Ltd. For services to the Motor Industry. (Ashbourne, Derbyshire) Ms Deborah Anne WALSH Deputy Head of Counter Terrorism, Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division, Crown Prosecution Service. For services to Law and Order. (London) Dr Lindsey Janet WHITEROD, OBE Chief Executive, South Tyneside College. For services to Education and the community in South Tyneside. (Tyne and Wear) Nick Gerard Peter WHITFIELD Chief Executive, Achieving for Children and Children’s Services and lately Commissioner, Sunderland and Reading. For services to Children. (East Sussex) Professor Ngaire Tui WOODS Dean, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University. For services to Higher Education and Public Policy. (Oxfordshire)
Officers of the Order of the British Empire.
Miss Christine ABBOTT Chief Executive Officer, The Education Alliance and Executive Principal, South Hunsley School and Sixth Form College, Melton. For services to Education. (Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire) Ms Irene ADAMS Adviser to the Chair, Green Investment Bank. For services to the UK Green Economy. (Edinburgh) Raja Mohammed ADIL Chairman, The Adil Group. For services to Business, Job Creation and charity. (London, NW6) Ms Sarah ALEXANDER Chief Executive and Artistic Director, National Youth Orchestra. For services to Music. (Tunbridge Wells, Kent) Peter Mark ALMOND Singer-Songwriter, Musician and Campaigner. Marc Almond For services to Arts and Culture. (London) Ms Sophie ANDREWS Chief Executive, Silver Line. For services to Older People. (London, RM14) Patricia Ann, Mrs ARMSTRONG Chief Executive Officer, Association of Chief Officers of Scottish Voluntary Organisations. For services to Voluntary Organisations. (Edinburgh) Dr William Stewart ARNOLD Principal Mechanical Specialist Inspector, Health and Safety Executive. For services to Industry Health and Safety. (Bridge of Allan, Stirling and Falkirk) Professor James ARTHUR Professor of Education and Civic Engagement, University of Birmingham. For services to Education. (Birmingham, West Midlands) Jarnail Singh ATHWAL Founder and Managing Director, Premier Decorations Ltd. For services to Business and charity. (Datchet, Berkshire) Professor Jeremy BAGG Head of Dental School, University of Glasgow. For services to Dental Education. (Glasgow) Dr Tina Lorraine BARSBY Chief Executive and Director, National Institute of Agricultural Botany. For services to UK Agricultural Science and Biotechnology. (Stretham, Cambridgeshire) Professor Clive BEHAGG Lately Vice-Chancellor, University of Chichester. For services to Higher Education and Economic Regeneration. (East Preston, West Sussex) Professor Derek BELL President, the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. For services to Unscheduled Care and Quality Improvement. (Edinburgh) Dr Jacqueline BENE Chief Executive, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Healthcare. (Tottington, Greater Manchester) Pamela, Mrs BIRCH Executive Principal, Hambleton Primary Academy and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Fylde Coast Academy Trust. For services to Education. (Lytham St Annes, Lancashire) Professor Charanjit BOUNTRA Professor of Translational Medicine, University of Oxford. For services to Translational Medical Research. (Oxfordshire) Dr Brian Robert BOWSHER Chief Executive, Science and Technology Facilities Council. For services to International and National Metrology. (Dorchester, Dorset) James Gerard BOYLE Head of Infrastructure Architecture, Telford, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to Taxpayers and Government Modernisation. (Telford, Shropshire) Matthew BOYLE President and Chief Executive, Sevcon. For services to Engineering and Skills. (Morpeth, Northumberland) Dr Fiona Janet BRADLEY Director, The Fruitmarket Gallery. For services to the Arts. (Edinburgh) Councillor Stephen BRADY Leader, Hull City Council. For services to Local Government. (Kingston upon Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire) Professor Karen BRYAN Lately Pro Vice-Chancellor, Regional Engagement and Dean, Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, Sheffield Hallam University. For services to Higher Education. (Shalford, Surrey) Thomas Lional Ashley BURGESS For services to charity, the RNLI and Business. (Pickering, North Yorkshire) David George Harmer BUTTERY Lately Deputy Director, High Speed Rail Legislation and Environment, Department for Transport. For services to Transport. (London) John Neil BUXTON General Manager, Association of Community Rail Partnerships. For services to Local and Rural Railways. (Whitby, North Yorkshire) David Alexander CANNING For services to Children, Young People and Education. (Strabane, Tyrone) Zoe Elizabeth, Mrs CARR Chief Executive Officer, WISE Academies Multi Academy Trust. For services to Education. (Sunderland, Tyne and Wear) Ms Katharine Elizabeth CARRUTHERS Director, UCL Institute of Education, Confucius Institute for Schools. For services to Education. (Histon, Cambridgeshire) Suranga CHANDRATILLAKE, FREng General Partner, Balderton Capital. For services to Engineering and Technology. (Cambridgeshire) Professor Antony CHAPMAN Lately Vice Chancellor, Cardiff Metropolitan University. For services to HigherEducation. (Cyncoed, Cardiff) Ms Sarah Joanne CHURCHMAN Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Employee Wellbeing, PricewaterhouseCoopers. For services to Women in Business. (London, BR3) Ms Jane CLAIRE Lately Executive Producer, English Touring Margaret Jane Buddle Theatre. For services to Drama. (London, E11) Ms Catherine Jane CLARKE Lately Headteacher, King's Oak Primary School, New Malden. For services to Education. (Weybridge, Surrey) Kevin Leslie CLIFFORD Lately Chief Nurse, NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group. For services to Nursing. (Sheffield, South Yorkshire) Lynn, Mrs CODLING Executive Headteacher, Portswood Primary and St Mary’s CE Primary School. For services to Education. (Gosport, Hampshire) Ms Joanna Clare COLEMAN Director of Strategy, Energy Technologies Institute. For services to the Energy Sector. (Loughborough, Leicestershire) Michael Hyde COLLON For parliamentary and public service. (Surrey) Professor Sally-Ann COOPER Professor of Learning Disabilities, University of Glasgow. For services to Science and Medicine. (Glasgow) Stephen Melville CRIDDLE Principal, South Devon College, Paignton. For services to Education. (Exeter, Devon) Professor Timothy John CROW Honorary Scientific Director, Prince of Wales International Centre for SANE Research. For services to Schizophrenia Research and Treatments. (London, HA3) David DEANE Headteacher, St Thomas of Canterbury Primary School, National Leader for Education and Ofsted Inspector. For services to Primary Education. (Chorlton, Greater Manchester) Anthony Peter DELAHUNTY Non-Executive Board Member, Marine Management Organisation. For services to the Fishing Industry. (Chichester, West Sussex) Ranjit Lal DHEER For services to Local Government and to charity. (London) Robert John DOBSON Group Executive Director, Dunbia (NI) Ltd and Consultant, Cranswick (Ballymena) Ltd. For services to Economic Development in Northern Ireland. (Tyrone) Ms Caroline DOCHERTY Deputy Keeper of the Signet. For services to the Legal Profession and The Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet. (Edinburgh) Dr David DOCHERTY Chief Executive, National Centre for Universities and Business. For services to Higher Education and Business. (Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire) Ms Geraldine Patricia DOHERTY For services to Public Safety and Social Care. (Edinburgh) Nicolas Byron DRINKAL Deputy Director, Border Force, Home Office. For services to Border Security in Calais and Dunkirk. (Dover, Kent) Dr Michael Anthony Patrick DURKIN Lately NHS National Director of Patient Safety. For services to Patient Safety. (Cheltenham, Gloucestershire) Ian Trevor EDWARDS Executive Vice President, Spectrum Geo. For services to the UK Oil and Gas Exploration Industry. (Kent) Robert Thomas EDWARDS Chairman, Scotframe Timber Engineering Ltd. For services to Business and charity in Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. (Inverurie, Aberdeenshire) Oliver James ENTWISTLE Lately Chair, Civil Service Rainbow Alliance. For services to Diversity and Inclusion in the Civil Service. (London, RM14) Raymond Marvin ENTWISTLE For voluntary and charitable services, particularly to the arts, in Scotland. (Lauder, Berwickshire) Professor Margaret Catherine FRAME Professor of Cancer Research and Science Director, Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre. For services to Cancer Research. (Wishaw, Lanarkshire) Ms Lynne Joanne FRANKS For services to Business, Fashion andWomen's Empowerment. (Wincanton, Somerset) Dr Janet FROST Chief Executive, Health Research Authority. For services Health and Social Care Research. (Maidenhead, Berkshire) Andrew John FRY Lately Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service. (East Hanney, Oxfordshire) Carol, Mrs GARRETT Team Leader for Ports and Borders, Trading Standards. For services to Business. (Woodbridge, Suffolk) Graham Henry Tarbet GARVIE Lately Convener, Scottish Borders Council. For services to Local Government and to the community in the Scottish Borders. (Peebles, Tweeddale) Alan James GILES Non-Executive Director, Competition and Markets Authority. For services to UK Business and the Economy. (Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire) John Harry GODBER Writer and Director. For services to the Arts. (Swanland, East Riding of Yorkshire) Jonathan Philip Pryce GOODWIN Entrepreneur and Co-founder, Lepe Partners and the Founders Forum. For services to the Economy. (London, W8) Professor Ian Michael GOODYER Professor of Child and AdolescentPsychiatry, University of Cambridge. For services to Psychiatry Research. (Oakington, Cambridgeshire) Ms Ellvena GRAHAM Chair, Northern Ireland Economic Advisory Group. For services to the Economy and the Advancement of Women in Business. (Down) Dr Giles Andrew GRAHAM Technical Sponsor, Atomic Weapons Establishment. For services to National Security and Counter Terrorism. (Berkshire) Professor Hilary Joyce GRAINGER Dean, Academic Development and Quality (Viner) Assurance, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London. For services to Higher Education. (Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands) David GREENSMITH Justices' Clerk, HM Courts and Tribunals Service. For services to the Administration of Justice and to the UK Scout Movement. (West Yorkshire) Professor Christopher Ernest Maitland GRIFFITHS Foundation Professor of Dermatology, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester. For services to Dermatology. (Bowdon, Greater Manchester) Revel Sarah, Mrs GUEST ALBERT Chair, Hay Festival. For services to Literature. (Whitney on Wye, Herefordshire) Philip HAMILTON Chief Executive Officer and Founding Trustee, Community Academies Trust. For services to Education. (Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire) Willimina Ann Beauchamp, Mrs HAMPSON Chief Planning Officer and Development Director, City of London Corporation. For services to Planning in London. (London, TW1) Dr Shabana Rounak HAQUE Head, Government Science and Engineering Profession Team, Government Office for Science. For services to Civil Service Science and the Engineering Profession. (London, SE10) Edward Mortimer HARLEY For services to Heritage. (Bucknell, Herefordshire) Dennis HARVEY Leader, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council. For political service in Warwickshire. (Nuneaton, Warwickshire) Frances Anne, Mrs HAWKES Headteacher, The Federation of St Elphege's and Regina Coeli Catholic Schools. For services to Education (London, SM6) Judith Ann, Mrs HAY Assistant Director for Children and Families, North Yorkshire County Council. For services to Child Protection in North Yorkshire. (Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear) Paul Leslie HAYDEN, QFSM Chair, Anglian Eastern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee. For services to Flood Risk Management and Disaster Response. (Hopton on Sea, Norfolk) Ms Francesca Elizabeth HEGYI Executive Director, Hull City of Culture 2017. For services to Culture in Hull. (London, SE1) Ms Jeannine HENDRICK Governor, HM Prison Exeter and Violence Reduction Project Manager. For services to Prison Safety and Governance. (Devon) Robert HERMAN-SMITH For services to the Global Aerospace Sector. (Stourbridge, West Midlands) Ms Jacqueline HEWITT-MAIN Chief Executive Officer, The Cascade Foundation. For services to Prisoners. (Doncaster, South Yorkshire) Dr Stanley Derek HIGGINS Lately Chief Executive, North East Process Industry Cluster. For services to the Chemical Process Industry. (Yarm, North Yorkshire) Dr Graham Russell HOARE Director, Global Product Verification, Ford Motor Company. For services to the Automotive Industry. (Buntingford, Hertfordshire) Barbara Jane, Mrs HOLM Principal, Westminster Adult Education Service and Founder, National Adult Community Learning Support and Development Network. For services to Adult Education. (Hatfield, Hertfordshire) Eamonn HOLMES For services to Broadcasting. (Surrey) Joseph HOLNESS, QPM Lately Inspector, Kent Police. For services to Policing and the National Police Memorial Day. (Folkstone, Kent) Ralph Christopher HOULT For services to the community in Ramsgate, Kent. (Ramsgate, Kent) Professor Margaret Ann HOUSE (MRS CALDERBANK) Vice-Chancellor, Leeds Trinity University. For services to Higher Education. (New Milton, Hampshire) Nora Helen, Mrs HOUSTON Senior Delivery Manager, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to Taxpayers. (Lanarkshire) John HUDSON For political and public service. (Oldham, Greater Manchester) Ms Joan INGRAM (MRS LOGAN) For voluntary service to Healthcare, particularly 32 Type-1 Diabetes Treatment. (Aberdeen) Rilesh Kumar JADEJA National Access to Work Delivery Manager, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to People with Disabilities. (London, HA2) Poppy, Mrs JAMAN Chief Executive, Mental Health First Aid England. For services to People with Mental Health Issues. (Lewes, East Sussex) Clare, Mrs JAMES Grade 6, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence. (London) Richard JAMES Tailor. For services to Men’s Fashion. (London, W1S) David JOHNSTON Chief Executive, Social Mobility Foundation. For services to Social Mobility and Education. (London, W4) Harry JOHNSTON For services to charity and the community in Manchester. (Clitheroe, Lancashire) Philip James Kevin JONES Defence Adviser to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence. For services to International Defence Relations. (Hampshire) Rohinton (Ron) Minoo KALIFA Vice Chairman, Worldpay. For services to the Financial Services and Technology. (London, SW7) Ms Stephanie Jane KARPETAS Founder and Director, Sustainability Connections CIC and Director, Orchard Community Energy. For services to the community in East Kent. 33 (Folkestone, Kent) Martin KELLY Head of Resources, Children and Young People’s Services, North Yorkshire County Council. For services to Children and Young People in North Yorkshire. (York, North Yorkshire) Sam KENNEDY-WARBURTON For services to Rugby Union. (Cardiff) Ms Aina KHAN For services to the Protection of Women and Children in Unregistered Marriages. (Cheshunt, Hertfordshire) Ms Rosamund Ann KIDMAN COX Wildlife Editor and Writer. For services to Wildlife Conservation. (Bristol) William Stanyer KILBY Deputy Head, Afghanistan, Department for Bill International Development For services to International Development. (London, BR2) Miss Heather Clare KNIGHT Captain, England Women's Cricket Team. For services to Cricket. (London) Ms Emma Shevvan KNIGHTS Chief Executive, National Governance Association. For services to Education. (Leamington Spa, Warwickshire) Ms Paromita KONAR-THAKKAR Deputy Director, Energy Economics and Analysis, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. For services to Energy Analysis. (London, NW8) Professor Elizabeth Alice KUIPERS Professor of Clinical Psychology, King’sCollege, London. For services to Clinical Research, Treatment and Support for People with Psychosis. (London) Ms Deborah LAMB Deputy Director, Historic England. For services to Heritage. (London, SW9) Stephen Alan LAMB Lately Director, Returns Preparation, Immigration Enforcement, Home Office. For services to Improving Immigration Systems. (Sheffield, South Yorkshire) Susan, Mrs LANCIONI Customer Insight and Analysis Lead, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to UK and Global Nuclear Security. (Essex) Bernard Derek LANE Grade 6, Tackling Crime Unit, Crime Policing and Fire Group, Home Office. For services to Community Safety and Reducing Crime. (Hertfordshire) Professor Hilary Margaret LAPPIN-SCOTT For services to Microbiology and the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering. (Swansea) Ms Donna LEONG Deputy Director, Consumer and Competition Policy, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. For services to Business. (London, SW19) Ms Sarah LEWIS Secretary General, International Ski Federation. For services to Sport. (Abroad) Professor Christopher Swee Chau LIU Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Sussex Eye Hospital. For services to Ophthalmology. (Hove, East Sussex) Alwen, Mrs LYONS Lately Company Secretary, Post Office Ltd. For services to the Post Office and to Equality and Diversity. (Worthing, West Sussex) Dr Rajan MADHOK Trustee, Darlinda's Charity for Renal Research. For services to Renal Research and Tackling Health Inequalities in Scotland. (Pollockshields, Glasgow) Dr Clifford John MANN President, Royal College of Emergency Medicine. For services to Emergency Medicine. (Taunton, Somerset) Ms Naomi MAREK Chief Executive, Sky Badger. For services to Special Educational Needs. (Potton, Bedfordshire) Miss Jane Marjorie MARRIOTT Cabinet Office. For services to Public Administration and Finance. (London) Wendy, Mrs MATTHEWS Director of Midwifery and Deputy Chief Nurse, Barking, Havering, and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust. For services to Midwifery. (Essex) Olive Mary, Mrs MAYBIN Lately Strategic Policy Adviser to Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service. For public service. (Antrim) Geraldine, Mrs MCANDREW Chief Executive, Buttle UK and Chair, Grant Management Panel, Consortium of Voluntary Adoption Agencies. For services to the Voluntary Sector. (London, SE27) Bernice Alda, Mrs MCCABE Headmistress, North London Collegiate School. For services to Education. (London, HA8) Dr Elizabeth Angela MCDONNELL Lately Head, Biomass Electricity Policy, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. For services to Bioenergy Policy. (Haslemere, Surrey) John MCGREGOR Founder, Contamac. For services to International Trade and Innovation in Polymer Technology. (Saffron Walden, Essex) John Ian MCLAUCHLAN For services to Rugby and charity. IAN (Edinburgh) Dr Clive Julian MEUX Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. For services to People with Mental Ill Health. (London, SE1) Ms Rosemary Harriet MILLARD Chair, Hull City of Culture 2017. For services to Culture in Hull. (London, N1) Richard MINTZ For services to Philanthropy. (London) Victoria Marion, Mrs MIRO Gallery Owner. For services to Art. (London, N1) Ms Deborah MOGGACH For services to Literature and Drama. (Powys) Dr Patricia Anne MOORE Regional Chairman, South West of England, Conservative Party. For voluntary political service. (Cornwall) Jonathan Howell MORGAN For services to Disability Sport in Wales. (Bishopston, Swansea) Colin MORRISON For charitable services to Vulnerable Young People. (London, SW20) Edward Francis MORRISON For services to Rugby Union. (Whitchurch, Bristol) Ms Elizabeth Margaret (Elma) MURRAY Chief Executive, North Ayrshire Council. For services to Local Government, Education and the Economy. (Glasgow) Ms Vinodka MURRIA For services to the UK Digital Economy and Advancing Women in the Software Sector. (Weybridge, Surrey) Robert Anthony NEIL Head, Project Race, Ministry of Justice. For services to Race Equality in the Workplace and the community. (London, HA1) Grace Foster, Mrs NESBITT Head, Pensions Division, Department of Finance, Northern Ireland Executive. For services to Government in Northern Ireland and for voluntary and charitable services. (Antrim) Dr Trevor Leo OGDEN For services to Occupational Hygiene and Workplace Air Quality. (Dereham, Norfolk) Anthony O'HEAR Professor of Philosophy and lately Head, Department of Education, University of Buckingham. For services to Education. (London, SW13) Gavin David Redvers OLDHAM For services to Children through the Share Foundation. (Tring, Hertfordshire) Ms Sarah Louise PARKINSON (LOU CORDWELL) Chief Executive Officer, Magnetic North. For services to the Creative and Digital Economy. (Sale, Greater Manchester) Kevin Allen Huw PARRY Chairman, Royal National Children's SpringBoard Foundation. For services to Vulnerable Children. (London, SW1V) Norman Nathaniel PASCAL Lately Chief Inspector Operations, Avon and Somerset Constabulary. For services to Diversity in the community in Avon and Somerset. (Gloucestershire) John Cook PATTULLO Lately Chair, NHS Blood and Transplant. For services to Healthcare. (Guildford, Surrey) Graham Richard PELLEW Lately Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Families for Children Adoption Agency. For services to Children. (Matlock, Derbyshire) Dr Lynsey PINFIELD Grade 6, British Defence Staff Washington. For services to International Defence Relations. (Hampshire) Nik POWELL Lately Director, National Film and Television School. For services to the Music, Film and Television Industries. (London, W9) William John PRIESTLEY For services to Criminal Justice. (Londonderry) Antony Alan PRITCHARD Deputy Command Secretary, Navy Command, Ministry of Defence. For services to the Royal Navy. (Portsmouth, Hampshire) Jonathan Peter PYWELL City Culture and Place Manager, Hull City Council. For services to Culture. (Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire) Rhona Mary, Mrs QUINN For services to the Construction Industry and the community in Northern Ireland. (Tyrone) Jaswant, Mrs RAMEWAL Grade 6, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence. (London) Ms Barbara Kathleen RAYMENT Director, Youth Access. For services to Children and Young People. (London, SM3) Dr Dorothy Glenda Cerys REES Fellow, Chemical and Biological Analysis, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. For services to Defence. (Salisbury, Wiltshire) Richard RHODES District Manager, Essex, Work Services Directorate, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Disadvantaged People in Essex. (Chelmsford, Essex) Gary RIDLEY Assistant Chief Officer, Durham Constabulary. For services to Policing. (Tyne and Wear) Mark ROBINSON Head Coach, England Women's Cricket Team. For services to Cricket. (Hove, East Sussex) Dr Megan Brooke ROGERS Reader in Risk and Terror, King's College London. For services to Academia and Government. (London) Ms Christian RUCKER, MBE Founder, The White Company. For services to Retail. (Buckinghamshire) Dr Lesley SAWERS Equality and Human Rights Commissioner for Scotland. For services to Business and Equality. (Glasgow) Ms Teresa Patricia SCOTT Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Kennedy Scott. For services to Entrepreneurship and Employability. (Buckinghamshire) Professor Judith Carmel SEBBA For services to Higher Education and to Disadvantaged Young People. (Oxford, Oxfordshire) Alison Norma, Mrs SELLAR Chief Executive, Activpayroll. For services to Business in Scotland and Abroad. (Cults, Aberdeenshire) Professor Richard SENNETT Chair, LSE Cities Programme. For services to Design. (London, WC2A) Ms Samenua SESHER Coach and Culture Management Consultant. For services to Art. (Folkestone, Kent) Naymitkumar SHAH Manager, International Liaison Officer, National Crime Agency. For services to Law Enforcement and Diversity. (Abroad) John Strother SHALLCROSS For voluntary services to Young People and Youth Clubs in the North East. (Morpeth, Northumberland) Pauline, Mrs SHAW Director of Care and Service Development, The Royal Star and Garter Homes. For services to Veterans. (Thames Ditton, Surrey) Professor Andrew Hoseason SHENNAN Consultant Obstetrician, St Thomas' Hospital London. For services to Maternity Care. (London, TW9) David John SIMM Acting Detective Inspector, Metropolitan Police Service. For services to National Security and Counter Terrorism. (Essex) Professor John Anthony SLOBODA, FBA Research Professor, Guildhall School of Music and Drama. For services to Psychology and Music. (London, N5) Ms Annika Elisabeth SMALL Social Entrepreneur and Co-founder, Centre for Acceleration of Social Technology. For services to Social Innovation and Digital Technology. (Oxfordshire) Bartholomew Evan Eric SMITH Founder, Amber Foundation. For services to Young People. (Maidenhead, Berkshire) Colin Stuart SQUIRE For services to the Horticultural Industry and to charity. (Laleham, Surrey) Professor Nicholas David STAFFORD Emeritus Professor of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University of Hull. For services to Medical Research and Healthcare. (Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire) Peter Graham STEBBINGS Lately Regional Chairman, East of England, Conservative Party. For voluntary political service in the East of England. (Norfolk) Professor Mary Josephine STOKES Professor of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Maria University of Southampton. For services to Physiotherapy Research. (Hayling Island, Hampshire) Lynne Marie, Mrs SWIFT Director of People and Organisational Development, Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service. (Windsor, Berkshire) Paul TAIANO Chair of Governors, Central School of Speech and Drama. For services to Drama Training and Horse Racing Welfare. (Hertfordshire) Timothy William Trelawny TATTON-BROWN For services to Heritage. 42 (Salisbury, Wiltshire) Dr Kim Bernadette TAYLOR Headteacher, Spring Common Academy. For services to Education. (Ely, Cambridgeshire) Ms Julia TEMPLEMAN Chief Executive Officer, Northampton Primary Julia Kedwards Academy Trust Partnership. For services to Education. (Harrold, Bedfordshire) Ms Teresa TENNANT Co-founder, Jupiter Ecology Fund. For services to Sustainable Investment. (Innerleithen, Tweeddale) Dr Angela Eleine THOMAS Consultant Paediatric Haematologist, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh. For services to the Regulation of Public Health. (Edinburgh) David Barrie THOMPSON Head, First World War and Ceremonials Team, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. For services to the First World War Centenary Commemorations. (London) Professor Richard Charles THOMPSON Professor of Marine Biology, University of Plymouth. For services to Marine Science. (Plymouth, Devon) John Richard TIFFANY Director. For services to Drama. (London, SE1) Dr Sally Clare UREN Chief Executive, Forum for the Future. For services to Sustainability Practice in Business. (London, SW12) Dr James Patrick VESTEY Lately Consultant Dermatologist and Head of Service, NHS Highland. For services to Dermatology. (Drumnadrochit, Inverness) Marc Ferdinand VLESSING Chief Executive Officer, Pocket Living. For services to Housing Delivery. (London, NW1) Nilufer, Mrs VON BISMARCK Head, Financial Institutions Group and Equity Capital Markets, Slaughter and May. For services to Financial Services. (London, W8) Dr Joanne WADE Chief Executive, Association for the Conservation of Energy. For services to Energy Efficiency. (London, SW19) Paul WALKER Grade 6, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. For services to Engineering, Bio-Containment and UK Animal, Plant and Food Science. (East Riding of Yorkshire) William WARD Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder, Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. For services to the Economy and the GREAT Campaign. (Horsham, West Sussex) David Arwyn WATKINS Managing Director, Cambrian Training Company. For services to Education and Training in Wales. (Welshpool, Powys) Professor Kathryn Anne WHALER Chair of Geophysics, University of Edinburgh. For services to Geophysics. (Edinburgh) Nicholas Charles Tyrwhitt WHEELER Founder and Managing Director, Charles Tyrwhitt Shirts. For services to Retail. (London, SE1) Joyce Helen, Mrs WHITE Chief Executive, West Dunbartonshire Council. For services to Local Government, Further Education and Girlguiding. (Saltcoats, Ayrshire and Arran) Miss Linda Teresa WILLSON Lately Head, Maritime Commerce and Infrastructure, Department for Transport. For services to Transport. (London, CR5) Richard WILSON Head, Office of the Chairman and Chief Executive, Maritime and Coastguard Agency. For services to Transport. (Southampton, Hampshire) Dr Richard Christopher WILSON Chief Executive Officer, Independent Game Developers Association. For services to the Video Game Industry. (Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire) Miss Diane WINDER Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, West Yorkshire Police. For services to Community Safety. (Leeds, West Yorkshire) Ms Elizabeth WOLVERSON Chief Executive, London Diocesan Board, Schools Academies Trust. For services to Education. (London, TW7) John Nicholas WOOLF Co-founder, Charities Leadership Programme. For services to the Charitable Sector in the UK and Abroad. (Esher, Surrey) Marion, Mrs WYNN For services to Girlguiding in the UK and Abroad. (Newport, Shropshire)
Members of the Order of the British Empire.
Jacqueline, Mrs ADAMS-BONITTO Head of Training Assurance, London Fire Jackie Brigade. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service and to Equality and Diversity. (London, CR7) Ms Joyce Ayodele ADELUWOYE-ADAMS Lately Head of Diversity, PACT. For services to Diversity in the Media. (London, N16) Ms Philipa Ann AILION Casting Director. For services to Theatre and Diversity in the Arts. (Pevensey Bay, East Sussex) Adetunji Adeboyejo AKINTOKUN Director, Cisco Systems and Co-Director, Your Future, Your Ambition. For services to Young People from Minority Ethnic Backgrounds in Science and Technology (London, N20) Dr Anwara ALI General Practitioner, The Spitalfields Practice, East London. For services to Community Healthcare. (London, E14) Daphne Claire, Mrs AMLÔT For voluntary service to the community in Wirral, Merseyside. (Wirral, Merseyside) Peter Robert ANDREW Deputy Chairman, House Builders Federation. For services to the Construction Industry. (Falmouth, Cornwall) Maria Emilia, Mrs ANGEL For services to the community inNormandy, Surrey. (Guildford, Surrey) Ms Susan Jane ANSTISS For services to Grassroots and Women's Sport. (Maidenhead, Berkshire) Afrasiab ANWAR For services to Community Cohesion in Burnley. (Burnley, Lancashire) Ethel, Mrs ARMSTRONG Chair, NHS Retirement Fellowship. For services to the NHS Workforce and Retired People. (Lanchester, Durham) Janet Mary, Mrs ARMSTRONG For services to the community in Oakworth, West Yorkshire. (Keighley, West Yorkshire) Ms Sally ARNISON Pharmacist and Director, Barnton Pharmacy and Travel Clinic. For services to Healthcare and the community in Edinburgh. (Edinburgh) Dr Elaine Louise ATKINS Programme Leader, Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine. For services to Physiotherapy. (London, IG8) Elizabeth Rachel, Mrs ATKINSON Cancer Specialist Nurse, Cancer Focus Northern Ireland. For services to Cancer Patients and their Families. (Belfast) Robert Henry BAGLEY For services to Disadvantaged Children and the community in Canterbury, Kent. (Canterbury, Kent) Lisa Anne, Mrs BALDOCK Administrative Officer, HR, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Peoplewith Disabilities in Public Service. (Portsmouth, Hampshire) Iain Godfrey BALL For services to Cathedral Choral Music and to Young People. (Wedmore, Somerset) Joan, Mrs BAMBER Governor, Dame Evelyn Fox and Newfield Schools. For services to Education. (Blackburn, Lancashire) Ms Comfort Louise Ama BANAHENE Head of Educational Engagement, University of Louise Leeds. For services to Higher Education. (Greater Manchester) Isabella Bell, Mrs BANKS Secretary, Lightburn Elderly Association Project. For services to Older People in South Lanarkshire. (Cambuslang, Lanarkshire) Norman Leslie BANNER For public and charitable services. (Lymm, Cheshire) Anne Ellen, Mrs BARR Founder, Annie Barr Associates. For services to Exports in Healthcare. (Prudhoe, Northumberland) Michael John BARRATT Director of Road Space Management, Surface Transport. For services to Transport. (London, IG8) Ms Deborah Karen BASS Director of Export and Trade Finance, Credit (Mrs Deborah Karen Lovett) Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank. For services to Exports. (Chelmsford, Essex) Claire Elizabeth, Mrs BATT Welfare Officer, Defence Police Federation. For services to the Ministry of Defence Police. (Essex) Philip Andrew BATT For services to Community Safety in Northern Ireland. (Down) Jean Barbara, Mrs BEAUCHAMP For services to Young People in Lockerley, Hampshire. (Nr Sailsbury, Wiltshire) Miss Tamsin Tilley BEAUMONT For services to Cricket. (Leicestershire) Sara Catherine, Mrs BEAUREGARD Co-founder, Youth Vision. For services to Special Needs Education in Edinburgh. (Midlothian) William Alexander BECKETT For services to the voluntary sector and to Sport. (Ballymoney, Antrim) Ms Cindy Bonita BECKFORD Principal Programme Controls Manager, Network Rail, Network Operations, High Speed Rail Phase One Team. For services to the Railway Industry. (Birmingham, West Midlands) Michael BELL For services to the Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra. (Roath, Cardiff) Paul Nicholas BERMAN Chair of Trustees, Wargrave House School. For services to Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. (Didsbury, Greater Manchester) Onkardeep Singh BHATIA For services to the community particularly Young People. (London, UB10) Timothy John BIRD Detective Constable, North Wales Police. For services to Policing and the community in North Wales. (Conwy) Robert George BLACK Northern Ireland District Chairman, Royal British Legion. For services to ex-Service Personnel and their Families. (Londonderry) Rosamund Anne, Mrs BLAIR County Vice-President, Girlguiding Dunbartonshire and Instructor, Riding for the Disabled. For services to Children and People with Disabilities (Milngavie, Dunbartonshire) Lorraine, Mrs BLISS For services to Disadvantaged Young People in Norfolk and Suffolk. (Dereham, Norfolk) Neil David BOHANNA Head of Operations, Royal Northern College of Music. For services to Higher Education. (Glusburn, North Yorkshire) Donovan BOLESSA Head of International Visits, Department for International Trade. For services to International Trade. (Grays, Essex) Leanne Jayne, Mrs BONNER-COOKE Managing Director, Evolve-IT Consulting Ltd. For services to Women in Business. (Loughborough, Leicestershire) Barbara, Mrs BOWER Foster Carer, West Sussex County Council. For services to Children and Families. (Crawley, West Sussex) Ms Christine Ann BOWER Athletes' Services Coordinator, British Olympic Association. For services to British Olympic Sport. (London, E17) John Edward BOWERS Chair of Governors, Dixons Kings Academy. For services to Education. (Calverton, Nottinghamshire) Patricia Edith, Mrs BOYD For services to Religious and Moral Education in Scotland. (Edinburgh) Douglas BRADBURY Master Farrier and Fellow, WorshipfulCompany of Farriers. For services to the Farrier Profession and the community in the East Midlands. (Derbyshire) Ms Jayne BRADY For services to Economic Development in Northern Ireland. (Belfast) Ian James BRAILEY, JP For services to the Magistracy and the community in Bristol. (Bedminster, Bristol) Lucille de Zalduondo, Mrs BRIANCE Founder, London Children’s Ballet. For services to Dance. (London, W8) Councillor Morris BRIGHT Leader, Hertsmere Borough Council. For services to Local Government. (Borehamwood, Hertfordshire) John Ross BRODIE Chief Executive, Scottish Midland Co-operative Society. For services to Business and the Voluntary Sector in Scotland. (South Queensferry, West Lothian) Joanna Caroline Jane, Mrs BROTHERSTONE Governor, Greenmead School, Wandsworth, London and Co-founder, Small Steps Charity. For services to Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. (London, SW15) Christopher Malcolm BROWN Governor, Sir Tom Finney Community High School, Preston. For services to Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. (Preston, Lancashire) James (Jim) BROWN Policy Officer, Secure Children's Homes, Department for Education. For services to Education. (London, E17) Miss Carol Leslie BROWNE Coordinator, 16 Air Assault Brigade, Ministry of Defence. For services to Army Personnel. (Essex) Deborah Louise, Mrs BROWNSON For services to Autism Awareness. (Barrow in Furness, Cumbria) Dr Jane BRUCE Lately Clinical Director, Out of Hours Service, NHS Tayside. For services to General Practice and Primary Care Services in Tayside. (Dundee) Colin George BRYANT For services to Young People. (London, SW16) Adrian James BULL Director of External Relations, National Nuclear Laboratory. For services to the Development of Public Understanding in Nuclear Research. (Greater Manchester) Michael BURGESS For services to Disadvantaged Young People in North Tyneside. (Witton Gilbert, Durham) David Richard Beveridge BURN For services to the Magistracy and the community in Hexham, Northumberland. (Hexham, Northumberland) Margaret Rose, Mrs BURN For services to the Salvation Army and Vulnerable People. (London, CR7) Kathleen Nancy, Mrs BURNS For services to Post 16 Education and Skills in Wales. (Abergavenny, Monmouthshire) Ms Jessica Rose BUTCHER Co-founder and Director, Blippar. For services (Mrs Simpson) to Digital Technology and Entrepreneurship. (Hertfordshire) Sarah, Mrs BUTCHER Director of Care, Priors Court School, Berkshire. For services to Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. (Thatcham, Berkshire) Charles Richard BUTLER Assistant Headteacher and Head of Performing Arts, Ulverston Victoria High School, Cumbria. For services to Music Education. (Ulverston, Cumbria) Darell George BUTTERY For services to Heritage in York. (York, North Yorkshire) Philip Peter BUXTON For services to Mountain Rescue and the community in Cumbria. (Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria) Rosemary Jayne, Mrs CADBURY For services to Philanthropy and the community in Bournville, West Midlands. (Worcestershire) Donald Edward Delachevois CAMPBELL Lately Chairman, East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. For services to Nature Conservation. (Cloyton, Devon) Hilary, Mrs CANTLE For services to the Older People and to charity in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire. (Dunstable, Bedfordshire) Ian David CARNELL For services to Young People in Solihull. (Solihull, West Midlands) Monica Catherine, Mrs CARROLL For services to the community in South Yorkshire. (Woodsetts, South Yorkshire) Craig CARSCADDEN For services to Athletes with Disabilities and to the Paralympics. (Frampton Cotterell, Bristol) David CARTER For services to the community in Teesside. (Yarm, North Yorkshire) Richard Alan CARTER Governor, West Suffolk College. For services to Education. (Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk) John Millar CASKIE For services to the community in Dumfries. (Locharbriggs, Dumfries) Councillor Balwant Singh CHADHA Lately Councillor, North Lanarkshire Council. For services to Local Government and Community Cohesion in the West of Scotland. (Cumbernauld, Lanarkshire) Professor David Hugh Gray CHEAPE For services to Scottish Cultural Education and Hugh Traditional Music. (Edinburgh, Edinburgh) Cynthia Louise Hart, Mrs CHERRY For services to the community and Charitable Fundraising in Northern Ireland. (Antrim) Claire Marie, Mrs CHIPPINGTON Deputy Director, Border Force, Home Office. For services to Border Security. (London) Elinor, Mrs CHOHAN Chair, North West Regional Board, Remembering Srebrenica. For services to Interfaith and Community Cohesion. (Altrincham, Greater Manchester) Nicola, Mrs CLARK Tax Professional Manager, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to Business and the community in the North East. (Tyne and Wear) Derek Kenneth CLARKE Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Coordinator, Broxbourne and Richard Hale Schools. For services to Young People in Hertfordshire. (Hertfordshire) Jane Helen, Mrs CLARKE Lately Chief Executive, Churches Housing Association, Dudley and District. For services to Vulnerable Women and Children. (Halesowen, West Midlands) Catherine Vivian Lindsay, Mrs CLAY For political and public service. (South Glamorgan) Jeffrey Alan COATES Social Worker and Member, Adoption Support Expert Advisory Group. For services to Children. (Cramlington, Northumberland) Susan Mary, Mrs COATES For services to Girlguiding. (Chippenham, Wiltshire) Paul Anthony COBBING Chief Executive Officer, National Flood Forum. For services to Flood Management Risk. (Birmingham, West Midlands) Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) Mordaunt COHEN, TD DL For services to Second World War Education. (London, HA8) Michael Francis COKER For services to the community in Warwickshire. (Kenilworth, Warwickshire) Linda, Mrs COLCLOUGH For services to Victims of Sexual Abuse in West Yorkshire. (Bradford, West Yorkshire) Mary Barbara, Mrs COLLEN Volunteer, Young Witness Service, NSPCC. For services to Children and Young People in Northern Ireland. (Armagh) George Edward COLLIGAN For services to the Museums Sector. (Belfast) Ms Christine Rosemary COLLINS Member, Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership. For services to People with Rare Diseases. (Newtownards, Down) Alec George COLLYER Chairman, Dartmoor Search and Rescue Group. For services to Search and Rescue in Dartmoor. (Teignmouth, Devon) Christopher CONSTANTINE Senior Executive Officer, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence. (London) Martin James Paul COOKE For services to the Arts and the community in Chester, Tattenhall and North Cornwall (Tattenhall, Cheshire) Wendy, Mrs COOMBEY Community Partnership and Funding Officer, Hereford Diocese. For services to Churches in Herefordshire. (Leominster, Herefordshire) Dr Tracey COOPER Head of Midwifery, Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For services to Midwifery. (Ashbourne, Derbyshire) James COPELAND Actor. For services to Drama. James Cosmo (London) Royston Vincent COURT For services to Inclusive Judo. (Penylan, Cardiff) Richard COWIE Musician. For services to Music. (London) Gail, Mrs CROUCHMAN Senior Officer, Border Force, Home Office. For services to Border Security and Prevention of Modern Slavery. (Essex) Brian Albert Leopold DAVIES Senior Executive Officer, Engineering Authority, Ministry of Defence. For servicesto Military Aviation. (Wiltshire) Dr Ian Morris DAVIES Programme Manager, Renewables and Energy, Marine Scotland Science. For services to Marine Science and voluntary service in the UK and Abroad. (Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire) Alan DAVIS Coach, Maindy Flyers, Cardiff and Newport. For services to Youth Cycling and Diversity Inclusion in South Wales. (Cardiff) Bobby Gurbhej Singh DEV For services to Young People in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. (Rotherham, South Yorkshire) Albert George DICKEN For charitable services. (Nr Whitby, North Yorkshire) Gillian, Mrs DILLON Senior Executive Officer, District Employer and Partnership Manager, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Employment and Skills in the Humber. (East Riding of Yorkshire) Ms Nora DILLON For services to Affordable Housing, Credit Management and the community in Rutherglen and Cambuslang, South Lanarkshire. (Rutherglen, Lanarkshire) Julie, Mrs DIXON For services to the community in Northumberland. (Prudhoe, Northumberland) Nicholas DOBRIK Volunteer, The Thalidomide Trust. For services to People affected by Thalidomide. (London, NW3) Michael John DOHERTY For services to Community Cohesion in Northern Ireland. (Londonderry) Grant Jonathan DOUGLAS Founder and Chief Executive Officer, S'up Products Limited. For services to People with Disabilities. (Edinburgh) Mary Louise, Mrs DRINKWATER For services to the community in Worcester. (Worcestershire) Ms Jill DUDLEY-TOOLE Chair, Frank Dudley Ltd. For services to Business and the community in Birmingham. (Birmingham, West Midlands) David DUKE Founder and Chief Executive, Street Soccer Scotland. For services to Football and Socially Disadvantaged People. (Edinburgh) Alexander DUNCAN Regional Commissioner, East Region, Scout Association. For services to the Scouting Movement and the Vine Trust. (Kincardine on Forth, Fife) Ms Karyn DUNNING Head of Detained Casework, Immigration Enforcement, Home Office. For services to Asylum and Humanitarian Operations. (Kent) Dr William Jake DUNNING Deputy Programme Director for High Jake Consequence Infectious Diseases, NHS England. For services to Clinical Research. (London, NW3) Richard Anthony EDWARDS For services to the community in Hastings. (Hastings, East Sussex) Derek Ernest ELTON For services to Scouting and the community in Stourbridge, West Midlands. (Stourbridge, West Midlands) John Alfred ELTRINGHAM Chairman of Trustees, South Shields Sea Cadets. For voluntary service to Young People. (South Shields, Tyne and Wear) Dr Alistair Mark EMSLIE-SMITH General Practitioner, Arthurstone Medical Centre, Dundee. For services to Healthcare, particularly Diabetes Treatment in Scotland. (Broughty Ferry, Dundee) Dr David Martyn EVANS Lately General Practitioner, Budleigh Salterton Health Centre. For services to the community in Budleigh Salterton, Devon. (Budleigh Salterton, Devon) Councillor Geoffrey Frank EVANS For services to Local Government and the community in Falmouth. (Falmouth, Cornwall) Maria, Mrs EVES Chair of Governors, Broughton Hall Catholic High School and Vice Chair, St Teresa of Lisieux Catholic Primary School. For services to Education. (Liverpool, Merseyside) Brian Timothy EXELL President, Seashell Trust and Chair of Governors, Ysgol y Deri, Penarth. For services to Special Needs Education in Wales and England. (Ogmore By Sea, Vale of Glamorgan) Miss Julia Emma FARMAN Head, European Intake Unit, UK Visas and Immigration, Home Office. For public service. (Bedfordshire) Ms Neelam FARZANA Co-founder and Managing Director, The Listening Service. For services to Mental Health in the Community. (London, HA2) Miss Susan Mary FAZACKERLEY For services to the community in Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire. (Lytham St Annes, Lancashire) James William FERGUSON For services to Mental Health Awareness in Devon. (Exeter, Devon) Paul Hugh Paterson FERGUSON For services to Carving, Gilding and Conservation. (Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire) Shimon FHIMA Programme Director, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to Taxpayers. (London, HA8) Norman FINLAY For services to UK Shipbuilding. (Southampton, Hampshire) Michael William FINNEY Director of Advice, Admissions and Marketing, South Cheshire College. For services to Education. (Middlewich, Cheshire) Louise, Mrs FITZROY-STONE Executive Director of Sport, Guildford High School. For services to Education. (Emsworth, Hampshire) Ms Sara Lee FITZSIMMONS Executive Charity Director, SiMBA. For services to Bereaved Families. (Dunbar, East Lothian) William David FLEETWOOD For services to the community in the North East Dave of England. (Sunderland, Tyne and Wear) Charlie FOGARTY For services to Young People in Solihull, West Midlands.(Solihull, West Midlands) Lawrence FORSHAW Life President, Governing Body, Alder Grange School, Rossendale, Lancashire. For services to Education. (Rossendale, Lancashire) Ms Rebecca Jane FOSTER Course Leader for Physical Education and Senior Lecturer in Adapted Physical Education, University of Worcester. For services to Inclusive Sport and Young People. (Worcestershire) Dr Rosemary FOX National Director for Screening Programmes, Public Health Wales. For services to Healthcare in Wales. (Whitchurch, Cardiff) Arthur FROST Foster Carer, East Cheshire Council. For services to Children and Families. (Alsager, Cheshire) Dorothy Ann, Mrs FROST Foster Carer, East Cheshire Council. For services to Children and Families. (Alsager, Cheshire) Ms Patricia Veronica FULLER For services to the community in Norwich. (Norwich, Norfolk) Dr Nicholas Pearson GAIR For services to ex-Service Personnel and Young People in London. (Somerset) Scott John GALLAGHER Sergeant, North Wales Police. For services to Policing and the National Police Air Service. (Flintshire) James David GALLIENNE Police Constable, Devon and Cornwall Police. For services to Policing and Search and Rescue. (Cornwall) Miss Angela GANNON Training Standards Verifier, London and South Region, St John Ambulance. For voluntary service to First Aid. (London, HA1) Deborah Sylvia, Mrs GARDINER Chief Executive Officer, Qube Learning. For services to Apprenticeships and charity. (Dunstable, Bedfordshire) Donovan John GARDNER For services to the community in Cornwall. (Camborne, Cornwall) Edward GATENBY Head of Residence and Services, HM Prison Durham. For services to HM Prison Service. (Chester-Le-Street, Durham) Miss Beverly GAYLE Higher Executive Officer, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Unemployed People. (London) Ms Jacqueline Alexandra GERRARD Chair of the Corporation, Stode's College, Egham. For services to Education. (Bagshot, Surrey) Ms Margaret Emily GIANOTTI Executive Officer, Work Service Directorate, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Employment in South London. (London, SW2) Dr Ben Michael GOLDACRE Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford. For services to Evidence in Policy. (Oxford, Oxfordshire) Antony GOODMAN Chief Executive Officer, Yumsh Snacks Ltd. For services to International Trade and UK Exports. (Altrincham, Greater Manchester) Tobiasz GORNIAK For services to Young People in Plymouth. (Plymouth, Devon) Craig Andrew GRAHAM Chairman, The Spartans Community Football Academy. For services to Football and the community in Edinburgh. (Edinburgh) Michael William GRAHAM Lately Constable, Police Service of Northern Ireland. For services to Policing and the community in Northern Ireland. (Belfast) Ms Ruth GRAHAM For services to Disabled and Bereaved Children in Northern Ireland. (Belfast) Evelyn Joan, Mrs GRIEVE Speaker, Children’s Hospice Association Scotland. For voluntary service in Perthshire. (Blairgowrie, Perth and Kinross) Malcolm GRINDROD For services to Mountain Rescue in Cumbria. (Coniston, Cumbria) Anita Rosina, Mrs GRODKIEWICZ Manager, the Rosmini Centre. For services to the community in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. (Outwell, Cambridgeshire) Howard GROVES Member, Senior Mathematical Challenge Problems Group and Member, UK Mathematics Trust Challenges Sub Trust. For services to Education. (Worcestershire) Catherine Diane, Mrs GULLEN For services to Children. (Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire) Rosemary, Mrs HADFIELD Member, The Clement Danes Trust Board and Associate Governor, Westfield Academy, Hertfordshire. For services to Education. (Chorleywood, Hertfordshire) Susan Morgan, Mrs HALLAM Managing Director, Hallam Internet Limited. For services to Entrepreneurship and Innovation. (Nottinghamshire) Sacha Ian HARBER-KELLY Case Controller, Serious Fraud Office. For services to Combatting Fraud, Bribery and Corruption. (London) David Lawrence HARCOURT For services to the community in Stourbridge, West Midlands. (Stourbridge, West Midlands) Jill, Mrs HARDY For voluntary service to the Arts in Dumfries and Galloway. (Irongray, Dumfries) Ms Jane HARLEY Team Leader, Teacher Strategy and Practice Unit, Department for Education. For services to Education and to the community in Sheffield. (Sheffield, South Yorkshire) Florence, Mrs HARPER For services to Cardiology in County Tyrone. (Omagh, Tyrone) Ian David HARRABIN For services to Heritage and Regeneration in Coventry. (London) Ian Michael HARRIS Chief Executive, Wine and Spirit Education Trust. For services to the Wine and Spirit Industry. (London, CR2) Ian Richard HARRIS Honorary Trustee, Citizens' Advice Bureau. For services to the Citizens' Advice Bureau in Newcastle upon Tyne. (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear) Eric George HARRISON Lately Youth Team Coach, Manchester United Football Club. For services to Football. (Halifax, West Yorkshire) Professor Matthew HARRISON Trustee, STEMNET. For services to Engineering and Education. (Ninfield, East Sussex) Margaret Ann, Mrs HARVEY Vice Chair, Camden Association of Foster Carers. For services to Children. (London, N19) Deborah Maria, Mrs HEALD Managing Director, Heald Ltd. For services to Exports and Promotion of STEM Careers for Women. (Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire) Peter John HEALD Director, Lunds of Otley. For services to Business and the community in West Yorkshire. (Leeds, West Yorkshire) Roderick John HEATHER For services to Flood Risk Management. (Chester, Cheshire) Christopher Charles HEBDEN Chair, Southend MENCAP. For services to People with Disabilities in Essex. (Essex) Dr Jonathan HEGGARTY Director of Curriculum, Belfast Metropolitan College. For services to Further Education in Northern Ireland. (Carrickfergus, Antrim) Margaret Dorothy, Mrs HELLER For services to the Magistracy and to Vulnerable Families in the communityin Southampton. (Southampton, Hampshire) Miss Jennifer HENDERSON For parliamentary and voluntary service. (London) Anne, Mrs HENDY Teacher, Hitchin Girls’ School. For services to Education. (Hitchin, Hertfordshire) Inez May, Mrs HENRIQUES For services to the West Midlands, Caribbean Parents and Friends Association. (Wolverhampton, West Midlands) Matt HENRY Actor and Singer. For services to Musical Theatre. (London) Maureen Constance, Mrs HERCULES Founder and Headteacher, Dallington School, London. For services to Education. (London, N1) Hedley George HERON For services to charity and the community in Northumberland. (Morpeth, Northumberland) Kenneth Malcolm HEWITT For services to Cross Community Relations in Londonderry. (Londonderry) Beverley Elizabeth, Mrs HICKEY Administrative Officer. For services to Defence. (Herefordshire) Patricia, Mrs HILEY For services to Adoption. (Grantham, Lincolnshire) Ms Rachael Maria HILL National Flood and Coastal Risk Manager, (Mrs Rachael Maria Thomas) Environment Agency. For services to Flood Risk Management and Flood Recovery. (Bristol) Councillor Michele HODGSON Lately Chair, County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Authority. For services to Fire and Rescue. (Stanley, Durham) Margaret Helen, Mrs HOLLINGSWORTH Lately Trustee, Inspiration Trust. For services Maggie to Education. (London, SE1) Susan Yvonne, Mrs HOLLISTER Headteacher, Cefn Hengoed Community School, Swansea. For services to Education in Swansea. (Neath, Neath Port Talbot) Carol, Mrs HOLT Flood Incident Manager, Environment Agency. For services to Flood Risk Management and the Environment. (Clitheroe, Lancashire) Colin Roy HOPKINS School Governor and Chair of Trustees, Church of England Central Education Trust. For services to Education. (Burton-on-Trent, Derbyshire) William Thomas HOPKINS For services to the community, particularly Children and Maritime Safety, in South Wales. (Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot) Pearline Evadney, Mrs HOWARD Foster Carer, Wandsworth Borough Council. For services to Children and Families. (London, SW16) Christopher Paul HUDSON Founder and Owner, Chimo Sheffield (Manufacturing) Ltd. For services to Exports and Investment in Sheffield. (Sheffield, South Yorkshire) Alan Thomas HUGHES Area Convener, Glasgow Children's Panel. For services to the Children's Hearings System in Scotland. (Glasgow) Glenys Irene, Mrs HUGHES For services to Music in Orkney and Charity in Malawi. (Kirkwall, Orkney) John Martin HUGHES Managing Director, Ryobi Aluminium Castings (UK). For services to Economic Development in Northern Ireland. (Belfast) Christopher Robin HYSON For services to the Magistracy and the community in Hampshire. (Portsmouth, Hampshire) Anthony John IMPEY Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Optimity. For services to Apprenticeships, Small Businesses and Broadband Connectivity (London, N1) Lindsey Ann, Mrs ISAACS Lately Head of Prevention, Dorset Fire and Rescue Service. For services to Fire Prevention and Community Safety in Dorset. (Dorchester, Dorset) Adrian Antony JACKSON Artistic Director and Chief Executive Officer, Cardboard Citizens. For services to the Arts. (London, SE14) Dr Sarah Caroline JARVIS General Practitioner, Shepherd's Bush, London. For services to General Practice and Public Understanding of Health. (London, W5) Mark Richard JEFFERSON Lately Higher Officer, National Deep Rummage Team Immingham, Border Force North Region, Home Office. For public service. (Lincolnshire) Ms Christine Ann JEFFERY Chair, Skills Group UK Ltd. For services to Skills Training and charity. (Honiton, Devon) David Ellis JENKINS For services to Maritime Safety. (Aberystwyth, Ceredigion) Philippa Helen Dodds, Mrs JOHN For services to Young People and Culture in London. (London, N1) Ms Sian Bassett JOHN Lately Chief Security Strategist, Symantec Corporation. For services to Cyber Security. (London) Anthony Colin JOHNSON Chair of Governors, Oaklands Primary School, Yeovil, Somerset. For services to Education. (Yeovil, Somerset) Shahina Baloch, Mrs JOHNSON For services to the Arts and Creative Industries in Swindon and Wiltshire. (Devizes, Wiltshire) Elizabeth Anne, Mrs JOHNSTON For voluntary service to the community in Donaghadee, County Down. (Donaghadee, Down) Miss Carly Jayne JONES For services to People with Autism. Olley Edwards (Arborfield, Berkshire) Karen, Mrs JONES For services to Children with Life Limiting Illnesses in the North West and North Wales. (Neston, Cheshire) Peter JONES Lately National Account Manager, National Employer and Partnership Team, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Unemployed People.(Southport, Merseyside) Rowena Wendy, Mrs JONES Paediatric Oncology Outreach Specialist Nurse, Hywel Dda University Health Board. For services to Sick and Disabled Children and End of Life Care. (Aberaeron, Ceredigion) Trevor John JONES For services to the community in Stoke-onTrent, Staffordshire. (Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire) Mohammad Yaqub JOYA For services to the Army and the Muslim community in Northern Ireland. (Down) Shirley, Mrs KANKOWSKI Project Manager, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to State Pension Reform. (Ashington, Northumberland) Andrew Charles KAUFMAN For services to Holocaust Education. (London, NW3) Dorothy Harriet, Mrs KEANE Clinical Lead, E-Learning for Healthcare Image Interpretation Project, Society of Radiographers. For services to Radiography. (Sunderland, Tyne and Wear) Kathleen, Mrs KEILLOR Governor, Caroline Haslett Primary School. For services to Education. (Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire) Susan Stephen, Mrs KENNEDY Lately National Co-ordinator, General Practice Nursing in NHS Education Scotland. For services to General Practice Nurse Education. (Elie, Fife) Alexander KHAN Chief Executive Officer, Lifetime Training. For services to Apprenticeships. (Raglan, Monmouthshire) Ms Sadi KHAN (SAJDAH MEHMOOD) For services to Cultural and Religious Training and voluntary service to Vulnerable Women. (Long Eaton, Nottinghamshire) Ronald George KNIGHT Founder, Knight Farm Machinery Limited. For services to Agricultural Engineer Entrepreneurship and Charitable Fundraising. (Stamford, Lincolnshire) Geoffrey Arthur KNIGHTS For services to the community in High Kelling, Holt, Norfolk. (Holt, Norfolk) Bernd KOSCHLAND For services to Holocaust Education. (London, NW4) Dr Susan Elizabeth KRUSE For services to Community Archaeology in the Highlands of Scotland. (Strathpeffer, Ross and Cromarty) Ms Grace LADOJA For services to Music. (London) Gillian, Mrs LANE Lately Vice-Chair of Governors, Central College Nottingham and Governor, Acorn Primary Federation. For services to Education. (Burton Joyce, Nottinghamshire) Mark Ralph LANGSHAW Managing Director, Continental Teves Ltd. For services to the Economy and community in Blaenau Gwent. (Usk, Monmouthshire) Ganiyu LANIYAN Managing Director, Shian. For services to the community in London. (London, IG1) John LARKE, TD For services to Music in Cornwall. (Truro, Cornwall) Susan Florence Moyes, Mrs LAW Chair, Muirfield Riding Therapy. For services to Riding for the Disabled. (Gullane, East Lothian) Ms Rosemary LEACH Principal Lecturer, Sport Development, Sheffield Hallam University. For services to Education. (Bradwell, Derbyshire) Ms Ivy Agnes LEE For services to Girlguiding in Northern Ireland. (Belfast) Michele Ganley, Mrs LEE Chair, Dyspraxia Foundation Charity. For services to Improving the Diagnosis and Treatment of Children with Dyspraxia. (Denham, Buckinghamshire) Professor Michael LEVIN Professor, Paediatrics and International Child Health, Imperial College London and St Mary's Hospital. For services to Infectious Diseases, Critical Care and Research. (London, N2) Alison, Mrs LEWIS Site Lead, HM Revenue and Customs. For public service. (Colchester, Essex) Christopher David LEWIS Lifeguard, RNLI. For services to Maritime Safety. (Bournemouth, Dorset) Hannah, Mrs LEWIS For services to Holocaust Education. (London, NW8) Leonie Rachelle, Mrs LEWIS For services to the Jewish community in London. (London, HA5) Robert Joseph Stanley LONG For services to the community in Maldon, Essex. (Tiptree, Essex) Christopher Charles LOVEDAY For services to Children and People with Mental Health Issues and the community in Swindon. (Marlborough, Wiltshire) Elizabeth Ann, Mrs LOVESEY For services to Education and the community in Great Barford, Bedfordshire. (Great Barford, Bedfordshire) Timothy James LOVETT Lately Director of Public Affairs, British Beekeepers Association. For services to the Beekeeping Industry. (Esher, Surrey) Carol LUKINS For services to HM Coastguard and the Prison Service. (Ipswich, Suffolk) Ms Margaret Ann LYNCH For political service. (London) Ms Inez Therese Philomena Alice LYNN For services to Literature and Libraries in London. (London, SW17) James Jamieson LYON Forest Management Director, Forestry Commission. For services to Forestry and to Conservation in the North East. (Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk) Katherine Mary, Mrs MACKAY Chair, Isle of Lewis Local Committee, Cancer Research UK. For services to Charitable Fundraising. (Isle of Lewis, Western Isles) Miss Sine Cameron MACVICAR Lately Headteacher, Dunbeg Primary School. For services to Education and the community in Dunbeg, Argyll. (Argyll and Bute) Ms Roisin MAGUIRE Lately Principal, St Joseph's College, Stoke-onTrent. For services to Education. (Crewe, Cheshire)
Sajda, Mrs MAJEED For services to the community in Burnley. (Burnley, Lancashire)
Suzanne Marie, Mrs MARKLEW Senior Executive Officer. Foreign Liaison Staff Army, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence Engagement. (Hampshire) Ian George MARKS For services to the community in Warrington, Cheshire. (Warrington, Cheshire)
Ms Lucy MARKS Chief Executive Officer and Clinical Psychologist, Compass Wellbeing. For services to Children's Mental Health and Primary Care. (Londres)
Margaret Patricia, Mrs MARTIN For voluntary service to Road Safety in Northern Ireland. (Newtownabby, Antrim) Anthony MARWOOD Violinist. For services to Classical Music. (East Sussex)
Ms Margaret MATHER Founder, Dundee Junior Showtime Youth Theatre. For services to the Arts and community in Dundee. (Dundee)
John Bernard Roger MATTHEWS Trustee, Heart Your Smile. For services to Dentistry. (Isle of Wight)
Ms Linda Jane MCAULEY Presenter, BBC Radio Ulster. For services to Consumers in Northern Ireland. (Bangor, Down)
Thomas Adrian MCAULEY For services to First Aid and Healthcare in Northern Ireland. (Londonderry)
Thomas Celestine MCBRIDE Head, Department for Business Services, South West College. For services to Further Education in Northern Ireland. (Plumbridge, Tyrone)
Margaret Lynne, Mrs MCCABE Head, Welsh Tribunals Unit. For services to Administrative Justice in Wales. (South Glamorgan)
Daniel MCCALLUM Co-Founder and Managing Director, Awel Aman Tawe. For services to Community Energy in Wales. (Ammanford, Carmarthenshire)
Hazel Roberta, Mrs MCCREADY For services to Disabled ex-Police Officers in Northern Ireland. (Armagh)
Angus James MCINTOSH Managing Director, Lecht Ski Centre. For services to Skiing and Tourism in North East Scotland. (Strathdon, Aberdeenshire)
John Stuart MCLESTER For services to Education and the community in Monmouth. (Coleford, Gloucestershire)
Stefa Janita, Mrs MCMANNERS For services to the community in County Durham. (Bishop Auckland, Durham)
Robert Duncan MCPHAIL For services to the community in Tarbert, Argyll. (Tarbert, Argyll and Bute)
Donald Wallace MCPHIE National Trustee and Regional Representative, West Midlands, SSAFA. For voluntary service to ex-Service Personnel. (Solihull, West Midlands)
Carolyn Anne, Mrs MCVITTIE Managing Director, Stepahead. For services to Children and Families. (Ashford, Kent)
Bazil Leonard Duncan MEADE Founder, London Community Gospel Choir. For services to Music especially the Development of British Gospel Music (London, E17)
Jennifer, Mrs MEAKIN For services to Children with Disabilities, particularly through Sport. (Betchton, Cheshire)
Thomas Frederic METCALFE For services to Bell Ringing in Cumbria. (Kirby-In-Furness, Cumbria)
Garry MILLAR Detective Constable, Police Service of Northern Ireland. For services to Policing and the community in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
Professor Mark Andrew MIODOWNIK Professor of Materials Science, University College London. For services to Science, Engineering and Broadcasting. (London, SE1)
Ms Christine Valerie MITCHELL Account Manager, Department for International Trade. For services to International Trade. (London, E7)
Ms Gillian MOGLIONE For services to the community in Liverpool. (Liverpool, Merseyside)
Moira Anne, Mrs MONAGHAN Lately Head Teacher, Bushes Primary School, Paisley. For services to Education in Renfrewshire. (Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire)
Margaret Gilmour Wilson, Mrs MOODIE Lately Volunteer, St Columba's. For services to People with Life Limiting Illnesses and to Deaf People in Scotland. (Edinburgh)
Henry Joseph MOORE, TD For services in support of the Northern Ireland peace process. (Down)
Ms Sandra MOORE Chief Executive Officer, Welcome Organisation. For services to Tackling Homelessness. (Antrim)
Rachel Duncan, Mrs MORGAN For services to UK Antarctic Heritage and Conservation. (Monmouthshire)
Richard Hugh MORGAN Police Constable, South Wales Police. For charitable services to Armed Forces Veterans. (Carmarthenshire)
Elizabeth Julie, Mrs MORRIS Headteacher, Severn Primary School, Cardiff. For services to Education. (Highlight Park, South Glamorgan)
Margaret Anne, Mrs MORRIS For services to Health and Wellbeing in Salford. (Eccles, Greater Manchester)
Richard MORRIS Lately Senior Head of Service, Children and Family Courts Advisory and Support Service. For services to Children in England. (Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire)
Karen Vivienne, Mrs MORRISON For services to the Children's Hearings System in Scotland and the community in North Lanarkshire. (Cumbernauld, Lanarkshire)
Michael Cecil MOSS For services to Golf, Tourism and charity in Northern Ireland. (Londonderry)
Ms Alison MOTH For services to Education in Northern Ireland. (Belfast)
Sylvia Doreen, Mrs MOYS Member, Court of Common Council. For services to the City of London Corporation and Education in Croydon. (London, CR2)
Ms Ann Stewart MUIR Volunteer, Macmillan Cancer Voice. For services to People Affected by Cancer in Scotland. (Blackwood, Lanarkshire)
Eric Eugene MURANGWA For services to Raising Awareness of the Rwandan Genocide. (London, SW4)
Kenneth John NELSON Chief Executive Officer, LEDCOM. For services to Economic Development and the Voluntary Sector. (Ballyclare, Antrim)
Edward Augustus NESTOR For services to Radio and to charity. (London, E11)
Moira, Mrs NEWTON For services to the Jewish community in North London. (London, EN5)
Peter John Wellesley NOBLE For services to Photography and to charity. (Poundbury, Dorset)
Alison Elizabeth, Mrs NORTH Teacher and Choir Leader, Lindley Junior School, Huddersfield. For services to Education. (Huddersfield, West Yorkshire)
Josephine Maria, Mrs O'FARRELL For services to the community in Crowthorne and Bridport, Dorset. (Bridport, Dorset)
David George OPENSHAW For services to Music in Northern Ireland. (Bangor, Down)
Professor Gerard Patrick PARR For services to Developing Telecoms Infrastructure in Northern Ireland. (Norwich, Norfolk)
Miss Janet Elizabeth PARROTT For voluntary political service. (Newton Abbot, Devon)
Dr Bernard Neil PARSONS Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Becrypt. For services to Digital Technology. (Londres)
Atulkumar Bhogilal PATEL For services to Heritage and the community in the East Midlands. (Leicestershire)
Mubeen Yunus PATEL Administrative Officer, Personal Tax Operations, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to Public Sector Digital Transformation Programme. (Leicestershire)
Robert Ian PATERSON For services to Paralympic Sport. (London, NW3)
Desmond George Arthur PAYNE Master Distiller, Beefeater London Dry Gin. For services to the British Gin Industry. (London, SW18)
Ms Bernadette PEERS Compliance Manager, Strategic Shipping Ltd. For services to Export Control. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Major Donald PEPLOE Staff Officer, Army Equipment Support, Ministry of Defence. For services to Military Capability. (Wiltshire)
Clifford Edward PERRY Business Coordinator, Railway Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers. For services to Railways. (Wokingham, Berkshire)
Janice, Mrs PETTIT For services to Youth Work and the community in the London Borough of Waltham Forest. (London, E4)
Ms Marcella Eileen PHELAN For services to Young People in Ealing, London. (London, TW8)
Ms Helen Margaret PHILLIPS For services to Welsh Gymnastics and the Commonwealth Games Council for Wales. (Ducklington, Oxfordshire)
Captain Martin Graham Highmore PHIPPS Harbour Master. For services to UK Exports. (Swanmore, Hampshire)
David PICKERING Education Administrator and Teacher, The Royal Ballet. For services to the Arts and Education. (London, SE14)
Michael John PIPES Lately School Governor, Hampshire. For services to Education. (Emsworth, Hampshire)
Susan, Mrs PLATTEN Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Business and Partnership Manager, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Young People. (Letchworth, Hertfordshire)
Timothy Michael Staden POCOCK For services to Education and charity. (Ripon, North Yorkshire)
Kathryn, Mrs PODMORE Lately Principal, Birkenhead Sixth Form College. For services to Education. (Staffordshire)
Diana Lois, Mrs PORTER Founder, Fresh Start - New Beginnings. For services to Sexually Abused Children, Young People and their Families (Suffolk)
Stephen Philip PRENTER For services to Arts, Business and Education. (Belfast)
Michael Julian PRIOR Commercial Officer, Military Flying Training System Programme, Ministry of Defence. For services to Military Training Provision. (Gloucestershire)
Adrian John PRIOR-SANKEY For services to the community in Taunton, Somerset. (Taunton, Somerset)
Captain (Rtd) Santa PUN Staff Officer, Army Division, Defence Academy. For services to Defence. (Wiltshire)
Naeem Rabbani QURESHI For services to the community in Sparkbrook, Birmingham. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
Dr Robert RAMDHANIE For services to Dance. (West Midlands)
Dr Michael John RANCE For services to the community in Macclesfield, Cheshire. (Macclesfield, Cheshire)
Dorothy Anne, Mrs RAND For services to Local Government and the community in Durham. (Chester-le-Street, Durham)
Gurmit Singh RANDHAWA For services to Community Cohesion in the Vale of Glamorgan. (Barry, Vale of Glamorgan)
Linda Mary, Mrs RANSOM For services to the community in East London and Essex. (Writtle, Essex)
Andrew Rowland READY Senior Surgeon, Renal Transplant Programmes, University Hospital Birmingham. For services to Renal Transplantation. (Solihull, West Midlands)
Alan REGIN For services to Campanology and its Heritage. (London, E13)
Allan Martin Russell REID For services to the community in Winchester, Hampshire. (Winchester, Hampshire)
Councillor Ann Lorraine REID Councillor, City of York Council. For services to Local Government. (York, North Yorkshire)
Patricia Ann, Mrs REID Secretary, Dunfermline Tennis Club. For services to Tennis and Lacrosse in Scotland. (Dunfermline, Fife)
Stefanie McLeod, Mrs REID For services to Paralympic Sport. (Leicestershire)
Janet Elizabeth, Mrs RICHES For political and public service. (Anstruther, Fife)
Christine Elizabeth, Mrs ROBSON Watch Manager, County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service. For services to the Fire and Rescue Service and the community in County Durham. (Stanley, Durham)
Dr James Peter ROBSON Doctor, Scotland National Rugby Team and Head of Medical Services, Scottish Rugby Union. For services to Rugby. (Fowlis, Dundee)
Louise Mary, Mrs ROONEY Senior Nurse, Head of Prison Healthcare, HM Prison Usk. For services to Nursing and Prison Healthcare in Monmouthshire. (Chepstow, Monmouthshire)
Paula, Mrs ROOTS Group Manager, Early Years and Early PAULA HUDDART Intervention, West Lothian Council. For services to the community in West Lothian. (Blackness, West Lothian)
Carolyn Ann, Mrs ROSEBERRY-SPARKES Deputy Director, Border Force, Home Office. For services to Border Security. (Surrey)
Dr Nicholas Andrew Nesbitt ROWE Director of Converge, York St John University. For services to People with Mental Ill Health in Yorkshire and the North East. (York, North Yorkshire)
Linda Ruth, Mrs ROWLES Personal Assistant to Directors for Higher Education Reform, Department for Education. For services to Education and to the community in Bromley. (London, BR5)
Professor Helen Elizabeth ROY Group Leader, Population Ecology, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. For services to Biodiversity Research, Science Communication and Citizen Science. (Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire)
Miss Leslie Ann ROY For services to Athletics in Scotland. (Bearsden, Dunbartonshire)
Sean Edward RYAN Volunteer, St Monica's Flixton Parish, Manchester. For services to Refugee Resettlement. (Flixton, Greater Manchester)
Simon Charles RYDER Watch Manager, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service. For voluntary service to the Manchester Children's Burns Camp and Northern Burns Care Network. (Radcliffe, Greater Manchester)
Ms Joan SALTER For services to Holocaust Education. (London, N10)
Joan Mary, Mrs SANGER For services to charity and the community in Beckingham, South Yorkshire. (Doncaster, South Yorkshire)
Dr Mehool Harshadray SANGHRAJKA For services to the Jain Faith and Education. (London, HA7)
Jeffrey SCORAH Senior Executive Officer, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence. (Londres)
Neil Duncan SCOTT Project Support Officer, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. For public service. (London, NW7)
Dr Martin Pengton SEAH Emeritus Senior Fellow in Surface and Nanoanalysis, National Physical Laboratory. For services to Measurement Science. (London, TW11)
Keith Dennis SEARS Lately Inspector, Sports Ground Safety Authority. For services to Sport. (Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire)
Diana Joyce, Mrs SEENEY For services to the Girls' Brigade. (Kingswinford, West Midlands)
Shyamal Kanti SENGUPTA For services to Interfaith Relations in Renfrewshire. (Giffnock, Renfrewshire)
William Robert SERGEANT, QPM County Vice-Chairman, Merseyside and West Lancashire, Royal British Legion. For voluntary service to ex-Service Personnel and to First World War Remembrance. (Liverpool, Merseyside)
Vikas Sagar SHAH Member, Industrial Development Advisory Board and Chief Executive Officer, Swiscot Group. For services to Business and the Economy. (Greater Manchester)
Ms Summera Naheed SHAHEEN Owner, The Diamond Studio. For services to Business and the community in Glasgow. (Newton Mearns, Renfrewshire)
Dr Rohit SHANKAR Consultant in Adult Developmental Psychiatry, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. For services to People with Learning Disabilities in Cornwall. (Truro, Cornwall)
Ms Anne Florence May SHAW Foster Carer, Sheffield City Council. For services to Children and Families. (Sheffield, South Yorkshire)
Margaret Ann, Mrs SHIELDS Administrative Assistant, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence. (Down)
Patricia Anne, Mrs SHORE For services to the community in Harrogate. (Harrogate, North Yorkshire)
Dr Sanjiv Kumar SHRIDHAR General Practitioner, Nantwich, Cheshire. For services to Primary Care. (Nantwich, Cheshire) Miss Anya SHRUBSOLE For services to Cricket. (Bath, Somerset)
Hazel Marie, Mrs SIMMONS For services to Local Government in Luton. (Luton, Bedfordshire)
Colin Ian Angus SKEATH Lately Neighbourhood Inspector, West Yorkshire Police. For services to Policing and the community in Halifax. (Argyll and Bute)
Frances Jane, Mrs SLOAN Chair, Aldouran Wetland Garden. For voluntary service in Leswalt, Wigtownshire. (Stranraer, Wigtown)
Emma Louise, Mrs SMITH Head of Operations, National Crime Agency. For services to Tackling Economic Crime. (Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire)
Jeffrey Douglas Reginald SMITH Founder, Ards Peninsula First Responders Group. For services to Health in Northern Ireland. (Newtownards, Down)
Raymond John SMITH Ceremonial Technical Officer, House of Commons. For services to Parliament. (Brentwood, Essex)
Susan, Mrs SMITH Joint Chief Executive, South Northamptonshire and Cherwell District Councils. For services to Local Government. (Rugby, Warwickshire)
Ms Wendy Jane SMITH Community Engagement Strategic Lead, Peninsula School of Dentistry. For servicesto Oral Healthcare and Dental Education in the South West. (Gunnislake, Cornwall)
Jonathan William SPENCER Head of Planning and Environment, Forest Enterprise England. For services to Woodlands, Nature Conservation and the Environment. (Winchester, Hampshire)
Peter Stewart SPENCER Adviser, Environment Agency. For services to Flood Hydrology and the Economy. (Cheadle Hulme, Greater Manchester)
Dr Andrew SPIERS Director of Science and Technology, Ardingly College. For services to Education. (Hartfield, East Sussex)
Michael George SQUIRE Foster Carer, Wiltshire Council. For services to Children and Families. (Salisbury, Wiltshire)
Rachel Denise, Mrs SQUIRE Foster Carer, Wiltshire Council. For services to Children and Families. (Salisbury, Wiltshire)
Dr Seema SRIVASTAVA Safety Programme and Falls Lead, North Bristol NHS Trust. For services to Improving Quality and Patient Safety. (Henleaze, Bristol)
David Leonardus STEENVOORDEN Superintendent Coxswain, Humber Lifeboat Station, RNLI. For services to Maritime Safety. (Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire)
Professor William STEPHENS University Secretary and Head, Executive Office, Cranfield University. For services to Higher Education. (Steppingley, Bedfordshire)
Dr Martin Adam STERN For services to Holocaust Education. (Oadby, Leicestershire)
Alison Rosemary, Mrs STEWART For services to Libraries in Suffolk. Alison Wheeler (Ipswich, Suffolk)
David Arthur STONE For services to Young People and the community in Wolverton, Warwickshire. (Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire)
Freda, Mrs STREETER For services to Open Water Swimming. (Nutfield, Surrey)
Paul Antony STROTHERS Lately Chief Executive Officer, Zodiac Seats (UK) Ltd. For services to the Development of Aerospace Manufacturing in the UK. (Wolverhampton, West Midlands)
Ms Deborah Alison SUGG For political and public service. (London, SM1)
Madeleine SUMPTION Director, Migration Observatory, Universityof Oxford. For services to Social Science. (London, SE3)
Bryan James SUTHERLAND Engineer, Loganair. For services to the Orkney Air Service. (Kirkwall, Orkney)
Claudette Joyce, Mrs SUTTON Lately Chief Executive Officer, Minority Ethnic Talent Association. For services to Diversity in the Civil Service. (London, BR2)
Rosamund Anne, Mrs SWEET Police Community Support Officer, City of London Police. For services to Policing and the community in the City of London. (Londres)
Dr Melinda TAN Rector, University of Central Lancashire Cyprus Branch Campus. For services to British Higher Education Overseas and the Promotion of Bicommunal Relations in Cyprus. (Preston, Lancashire)
Ms Elizabeth TAPPENDEN Owner and Founder, In to Biz Ltd. For services to Small Business Start-ups and Women in Business in the Isle of Wight.(Cowes, Isle of Wight)
Angela TATE Probation Officer, HM Prison Isle of Wight. For Groves services to Probationers and voluntary work to the community in the Isle of Wight. (Newport, Isle of Wight)
Patrick Francis Benjamin TATHAM For services to the community in the Mole Ben Valley, Surrey. (Dorking, Surrey)
Suzanne Jane, Mrs TAYLOR For services to Education. (Hermitage, Berkshire)
David Anthony TEMPLE Musical Director, Crouch End Festival Chorus. For services to Music. (London, N10)
Gerald Robert TESSIER Review Manager, Boundary Commission for England, Cabinet Office. For services to Democracy. (Grays, Essex)
David THOMAS For services to Social Work Education and People with Disabilities. (Sandy, Bedfordshire)
Elizabeth Ann Patricia, Mrs THOMAS Group Leader, Bereavement Service, Gloucestershire. For services to Supporting People Bereaved by Suicide inGloucestershire. (Hucclecote, Gloucestershire)
Michael Everard THORNHILL For services to the community in Leominster, Herefordshire. (Leominster, Herefordshire)
Robert Telford TINLIN Lately Chief Executive, Southend on Sea Borough Council. For services to Local Government in Essex. (North Berwick, East Lothian)
Professor Michael John TIPTON Professor of Human and Applied Physiology, University of Portsmouth. For services to Physiological Research in Extreme Environments. (Gosport, Hampshire)
Stella Gladys, Mrs TOMKINSON For services to Foster Care in Warwickshire. (Nuneaton, Warwickshire)
Adrian TREHARNE Grade 7, Capabilities and Resources, Home Office. For services to People with Disabilities in the Public and Charitable Sectors. (Ulverston, Cumbria)
Kevin TRICKETT For services to the community in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. (Wakefield, West Yorkshire)
Ian Nigel TULLY For services to Music. Nigel (Markyate, Hertfordshire)
Professor Lynne Frances TURNER-STOKES Consultant, Rehabilitation Medicine, Northwick Park NHS Trust and Professor of Rehabilitation, University of London. For services to Rehabilitation Medicine (London, N6)
Professor Philippa Jane TYRRELL (MRS JONES) Professor and Consultant, Stroke Medicine, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and University of Manchester. For Services to Stroke Medicine and Care. (Wilmslow, Cheshire)
Frances Margaret, Mrs VEAL For services to the community in Bridgnorth, Shropshire. (Bridgnorth, Shropshire)
Dr Tracey VELL General Practitioner, Surrey Lodge Group Practice, Greater Manchester. For services to Primary Care. (Prestbury, Cheshire)
John Victor Frederick VOSS For services to Rugby. (Y Barri, South Glamorgan)
Dr Joanna Margaret WALKER Consultant Paediatrician, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust. For services to Children, Young People and Families in Hampshire and West Sussex. (Waterlooville, Hampshire)
Ms Anne Amelia Manson WALLACE Senior Personal Secretary, Department for Communities, Northern Ireland Executive. For services to the Northern Ireland Civil Service. (Newtownards, Down)
Miss Verena Lesley WALLACE Midwife. For services to Midwifery in Northern Ireland. (Belfast) David WALSH Executive Officer, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence. (Londres)
Dr Jennifer Mary WALSH Independent Research and Development Manager. For services to Transmissions Research and Development. (Marton, Warwickshire)
Ms Hayley WALTERS Welfare and Anaesthesia Veterinary Nurse, University of Edinburgh. For services to Veterinary Education and Animal Welfare. (Edinburgh)
Stephen James WALTHO Lately Mayor of Dudley. For services to Local Steve Government and the community in Dudley. (Kingswinford, West Midlands)
Cleveland Alexander WATKISS Jazz Vocalist, Actor and Composer. For services to Music. (Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire)
Alison Jayne, Mrs WATSON Chief Executive Officer, Class of Your Own. For services to Education. (Clitheroe, Lancashire)
Andrew Paul WATSON Leader, Geese Theatre Company. For services to the Arts in the Criminal Justice System. (Birmingham, West Midlands)
William John Allen WATSON For services to Cycling. (Bangor, Down)
William Duncan WATT Chairman, Wick Harbour Authority. Forservices to the community in Wick and Caithness. (Wick, Caithness)
Edward John WATTS For services to the Scouting Movement, Mission to Seafarers and Community Cohesion in South Wales. (Newport, Gwent)
Derek WEAVER Curator, Marine Engineering Museum, HMS Sultan. For voluntary service to Naval Heritage. (Fareham, Hampshire)
James Lewis WEST Lately Head, Product Assurance, AWE Aldermaston. For services to Nuclear Safety. (Hampshire)
Christopher John WHITESIDE For political and public service. (Whitehaven, Cumbria)
Derrick John WILLER Schools Liaison Officer, Institution of Engineering and Technology. For services to Education. (Warwickshire)
Cheryl Barbara, Mrs WILLIAMS Director, Yorkshire Wildlife Park and Chief Executive, Yorkshire Wildlife ParkFoundation. For services to Business and Conservation. (Hope Valley, Derbyshire)
James Hugh Alexander WILLIAMS For services to the Shrievalty and the community in Hertfordshire. (Much Hadham, Hertfordshire)
Mark WILLIAMS Manager, Investigations, Specialist Operations, National Crime Agency. For services to Law Enforcement. (Essex)
Martin WILLIAMS Foster Carer, Croydon Borough Council and Chair, Croydon Foster Carer Association. For services to Children and Families. (London, CR0)
Ms Jacqueline Frances WILLIAMSON Founder, Kinship Care Northern Ireland. For services to Carers and Children in Northern Ireland. (Waterside, Londonderry)
Robert Clive WILSON Director of Estates and Facilities, University of Bradford. For services to Higher Education and Sustainability. (Leamington Spa, Warwickshire)
Dr John Albert WOOD General Practitioner, St Elizabeth's Medical Centre. For services to General Practice in Leicester. (Leicestershire)
Janet Sarah, Mrs WOODROFFE For voluntary and charitable services in Wistanstow, South Shropshire. (Craven Arms, Shropshire)
Barbara Ann, Mrs WOODWARD-CARLTON Chair, University of Bradford Panel for Dementia Research. For services to Patient and Public Involvement in Furthering Dementia Research. (Northallerton, North Yorkshire)
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